1 LEGAL NOTICES • • g • * ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE Having qualified as Ad ministratrix of the estate of John Coolidge Cox, deceased, late of Cleveland County, North Carolina, this is to notify ail per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before Jaunary, 1981, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 1st day of July, 1980. Nellie Langston Cox, Ad ministratrix of the Estate of John Coolidge Cox. Harris, Bumgardner & Corry By: Qayward C. Corry, Jr. P.O. Box 92S, Kings Mountain, NC 28086 July 1,8, IS & 22 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Alice David Moore, deceased, late of Cleveland County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before January, 1981, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 1st day of July, 1980. Mary Ann Young, Executrix of the Estate of Alice Davis Moore. Harris, Bumgardner & Corry By: Clayward C. Corry, Jr. P.O. Box 925, Kings Mountain, NC 2806 July 1,8,15 & 22 PUBUC NOTICE The Zoning Board of Adjust ment for the City of Kings Mountain will meet on Wednes day July 2,1980 at 9 a.m. in the Council Room of the Govern mental Service Facility Building (new City Hall) to hear the following request: 1. Thelma Liles & Jeanette Patterson, request permission of the Adjustment Board to put a mobile home on the property located at the intersection of Bat- tlegroundOaston Street. Lot is shown on Kings Mountain Tax at the backside. Loi is shi>| Kings Mountain Tax number 5, area 8, lot 31. D.E. Tate, Chairman July I, 1980 In Th* Ganoral CoJ of lustlco Suporior Court Div Stato of North Corollnd Clovolond County ADMINISTRATRIX' NC Having qualified ministratrix of the esi Meredith Hill Biser of CIJ County, North Carolina! to notify all persons claims against the estate Meredith Hill Biser to I them to the undersigneq 6 months from date publication of this nq same will be pleaded iij their recovery. All per debted to said estate ple^ immediate payment. This the 27 day of Jui] Nell W. Biser 408 W. Gold St. Kings Mountain, N.C Ruth S. Dedmon Clerk of Court 74,8, 25 & 22 NOTICE TO OWNER OF PONY IN MY PASTURE. Please claim him and pay cost of this advertisement. Phone 7394870. 7:1, 3 LOST in Key Warehouse park ing lot. Small grey Terrier dog. Answers to the name of “Jezebell.” Children’s pet. Reward. 482-5547. 6:26; 7:1 FOR RENT mmmrnm HOUSE FOR RENT: 4 rooms, all electric, 3 miles west of Kings Mountain. Central heat and air. Perfect for couple with one child. S200/month. Call 739-7703 after 6 p.m. 7:1,3 WANTED GRAND OPENING - loom..6 Good Hair Styles for Men & Women located on El Bethel Road. Call 739-6361 or 739-3361. Specials on perms, haircuts and hair coloring. Also specializing in facials, facial make-up and manicures. By ap pointment only. Hours 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Sat. Also 3 booths for rent for licensed operators. Contact Joanne Suber. 6:24, 26; 7:1,3 For Wings Or Any TypI Anniversary (Busk or Personal) Try our specie momento of yoij We offer a c| various designs Ik matches which serve as a pcial day or year. ate line of book matches in (colors. Give us a call. Dovervinting Sales ^elby, N.C. 1482-3588 Palmer's Antiques < tion oi McCoy and I sale walnut and oak make a sound invest at a tair price. We « upholstery materiolj 4 1 |.nishing has jost purchased an old collec- kery ond collectors items. We have also lor |re and a lot ol bross and other antiques. To pet us repair and refinish your old lurniture I all kinds of upholster.ng wah 30% off all St Kings Mtn. on Hwy. 74 739^8390 Map numlMWiMU