Pog* 2-KIllGS MOUNTAIN HEHALD-TuMday. OclobM 21. 1980 PUBLISHED EACH TUESDAY AND THURSDAY GARLAND ATKINS GARY STEWART LIB STEWART Publisher Co-Editor Co-Editor MEMBER OF NORTH CAROUNA PRESS ASSOCIATION The Herald is published by Herald Publishing House. P.O. Box 752. Kings Moun tain. N.C. 28086. Business and editorial offices ore locoted ot Canterbury Road- East King Street. Phone 739-7496. Second class postage paid at Kings Mountain. N.C. Single copy 20 cents. Subscription rates: $12.48 yearly in-state. $6.24 six mon ths. $13.52 yearly out of state. $6.76 six months. Student rotes for nine months, $8.50. USPS 931-040. Tribute to the OMMen CDITORIf^LS&OPIhlOh9 Vote, or don H complain Two weeks from today - on November 4th -Americans from all walks of life will be able to have their say at the polls. This could be one of the most important elections in history for the American people as a whole. Those of us who have the privilege of voting next month would do well to study the candidates and issues before entering the voting booth. It would also be well to keep in mind that elections for Con gress, state, county, and local positions are probably just as significant as the Presidential race. Each of us has the obligation to become informed and to support the candidates who share our basic beliefs and vote accordingly. The real test, of course, comes in determining how each of those candidates stand on the issus of importance to you, your state and nation, and that you support those candidates who besit represent your views. It does no good to complain of the results of the general election if you stay away from the polls on Election Day. A record number of Cleveland Coun ty citizens are registered to vote on Nov. 4th at Cleveland County precincts. Kings Mountain citizens are encouraged to go to the polls in record numbers two weeks from today and vote their con victions. Voting is both a privilege and a respon sibility we should not take lightly.