Boolc til T ' M?e4 V J IP I Thursday 20^ VOLUME 93, NUMBER 71 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1980 KINGS MOUNTAIN, NORTH CAROLINA Senator Harris Leads Ticket Reagan Elected President, County Write-In Fails r I No. 4 Township voters, like their neighbors in Cleveland ICounty, went to the polls in Record numbers Tuesday, sup- rting most of the big winners, H^but unlike Cleveland County, ^ went for Ronald Wilson Reagan, ^ 69, who was a landslide winner ' ^in his race against incumbent •’I,Jimmy Carter to become the V,'40th president of the United y.; States. f The totals in the presidential <’■ race in No. 4 Township were 2,123 for Reagan and 2,107 for ’ Carter. In Oeveland County the ^ totals were 12^18 for Carter, ™ C#' 10,825 for Reagan, 178 for Anderson, 49 for Clark, one for Deberry and write-in for Ted Kennedy and Richard Nixon. Kings Mountain citizens also supported Governor Jim Hunt, bucking a nationwide Republican surge to become the first North Carolina governor since the Civil War to actively _ seek an a second term. Hunt, a V I V Democrat, swept past state Sen. I Beverly Lake of Raleigh, a i former conservative Democrat, I who turned Republican to run I against him. I Senator J. Ollie Harris of |. Kings Mountain led the 2Sth I District Senatorial ticket in which three incumbent Democrats were returned to the N.C. Senate. Harris received 18,226 votes while Helen Mar vin Rhyne received 16374 and Marshall Rauch received IS383. Their Republican oppo nent Elliott received 6,460. V - No. 4 TowfuMp voters went I with the winner in the close race ! between incumbent Senator Robert Morgan who was ousted by newcomer John East, Republican, as Republicans gained control of seats in the United States Senate for the first time in over a quarter of a cen tury. No. 4 Township voters heavi ly favored incumbent Jim Broyhill in his successful bid for a 10th term in the U.S. House of Representativess. Broyhill defeated Jim Icenhour by a 2-1 margin and Cleveland County citizens gave him a 2-1 margin victory over his opponent. Clevelanders, like Kings Mountain citizens, supported Lt. Governor Jimmy Green in his successful bid for re-election. Green received 12,489 votes, Coby received 9,182. Governor Hunt received 14,706 votes in Cleveland Coun- LINE UP TO VOTE — Kings Mountain oroo citisons fils post ths rsgistrar's tobls to pick up ballots to vots in Tussdoy's gsnsral slsction at ths Community Csntsr. KM yotsrs hslpsd ths na- Photo hy Gary Stswort tion sslsct Ronald Rsagon os ths nsw Prssidsnt. and slsctsd a Icags slats of notional, stats and county officials. Grover Okays Dog Ordinance Three incumbent county com missioners - Jack Palmer Jr., Col eman Goforth and Hugh Dover, won re-election Tuesday despite a concerted write-in effort by the Association of Cleveland Coun ty Taxpayers. Had the vote totals for the write-in candidates been heavier in Kings Mountain’s four voting precincts and it’s two biggest up town boxes, the race would have been closer and might have spell ed the difference. Voters in rural areas of the county turned out all day Tuesday in heavy numbers to write in the names of Duran Johnson, Bobby Crawford and John Caveny Jr. in a protest of higher taxes as result of county property evalua tions. No. 4 Township voters gave Hugh Dover 1337 votes. At West Kings Mountain precinct he received 691, at East KM 331, at Grover 182 and at Bethware 113. No. 4 Township voters gave Coleman Goforth 1338 votes. At West Kings Mountain he received 697, at East KM 334, at Grover 180 and at Bethware 127. No. 4 Township voters gave Jack Palmer Jr., chairman of the board, 1396, At West Kings Mountain he received 665, at Etist KM 321, at Grover 182 and at Bethware 128. No. 4 Township voters gave Duran Johnson 2,180 votes. At West Kings Mountain precinct he received 777, at East KM 539, at Grover 306 and at Bethware 558. No. 4 Township voters gave Bobby Crawford 2,189 votes. At West Kings Mountain precinct he received 782, at East KM 539, at Grover 309 and at Bethware 559. (Turn To Page 7-A| Beer, Wine Vote Fails m icm Turn To Page 2-A Tommy Campus Tommy Bridges, Jr., a 22-year-old resident of Kings Mountain, has returned home after completing training to join the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ International. Bridges was among 378 per sons to become staff members of the interdenominational Chris tian organization during its sum mer new-staff training held at the Colorado State University campus in Fort Collins, Colo. The organization currently has more than 12,700 regular and associate staff of many na tionalities working in 131 coun tries and protectorates around the world. Founded in 1951, Campus Crusade for Christ works with pastors and churches throughout the world and has various divi sions involved with Christian outreach to college and universi ty students, church laymen, families, executives, prisoners, the military and others. Through one branch, Chris tian professionals - physicians, nurses, teachers, agronomists and others - combine vocational and spiritual ministry in Third By GARY STEWART Co-Editor Grover Town Council Mon day night approved five new city ordinances, including a dog or dinance aimed at clearing up the problem of stray dogs running loose on the streets. The dog ordinance, approved after long discussion, will require the assistance of the Cleveland County Animal Shelter or result in the town hiring a part-time dog catcher. Roaming dogs have been a problem in the town for some time, and the council in ptast meetings has discussed taking ac tion short of a leash law. The new ordinance will re quire residents to keep their dogs under control, meaning that they will have to be attended by the owner if they’re not on the owner’s property. Council members noted that most of the dogs roaming the streets are strays. TheyVe been known to overturn garbage cans and some elderly persons and Bridges Joins Crusade Ministry TOMMY BRIDGES, JR. World nations. Bridges’ assignment with Campus Crusade will involve working with the Campus Ministry at the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis. Bridges, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tommy P. Bridges Sr. of Kings Mountain, attended Kings Mountain Senior High School, then earned a Bachelor of Science degree in textile manage ment at North Carolina State University this year. He is a member of the First Baptist Church. When asked about his deci sion to become a staff member. Bridges replied, “I saw an oppor tunity to be involved in helping to reach the world for Christ. The very essence of life is a per sonal relationship with Jesus and people everywhere need to know. “I’m excited about my assign ment and the opportunity to serve Cod through working with Campus Crusade for Christ,” he added, “because III be teaching and training college students and local church members how to help change our world by pro claiming the good news of Jesus Christ.” While in the Kings Mountain area. Bridges is available to speak with church and civic groups about his work with Campus Crusade for Christ. He can be reached at the home of his parents, P.O. Box 957, or by call ing (704) 482-2747. children have expressed fear of some of the larger dogs. The ordinance will require stray dogs to be picked up by an ofTicial and held for 48 hours. It also allows for any law officer to shoot or impound any dog runn ing loose. The town hopes an agreement with the County can be worked out so that the county dog wardens will patrol Grover on a regular basis. If not, Grover will attempt to hire a part-time dog catcher, hopefully one already employed by a neighboring town. The commissioners also discussed at length the new house trailer ordinance, which passed unanimously. New trailers must be placed at least 40 feet away from property lines and 40 feet away from any other buildings. The board stressed that the owner must specify whether the trailer will be used as a residence or storage building and a $20 permit fee will be re quired. Other ordinances passed in- cldued: •Abandoned property. It in cludes junked cars, discarded refrigerators or freezers, and any other items with airtight snap locks. •Weeds and Refuge. It per mits the city to require citizens to clean any property looked upon as a public nuisance, at the owner’s expense. In other action Monday, the board: •Discussed, but took no of ficial action, on two requests for water taps, one from Bob Ham- bright, owner of land in the Spr ing Acres Subdivision, and another from five residents on Highway 226 outside the city limits. Water Commissioner Ronald (^een said cast iron pipes for the proposed projects would cost $10.50 per foot. Running lines down 226 would cost $7,176 plus engineer fees and the Spring Acres project would cost almost $20,000, he said. Commissioners urged the out side city residents to consider having their property annexed into the city limits so the town could reap benefits of property taxes and the citizens could reap benefits of water, plus other city services. Queen told the board that Hambright guaranteed the city that he would build two homes and purchase 10 water taps at $250 per tap. Commissioners figured it would take the town about 20 years to break even on the two proposals unless the 226 proper ty was annexed and Hambright constructed more than two homes. (Turn To Page 2-A) In Grover Grover citizens voted against the sale of beer or unfortified wine for off-premise consump tion in Tuesday’s referendum in which 256 citizens went to the polls. Clyde Randle, registrar, said the vote totals were: for beer, 92, against beer, 159; for wine, 83. against wine, 157. The beer and wine referen dum wthe first held in the town’s history. A total of 93 citizens had petitioned the town board to call the special referendum on the question and 280 citizens were registered to vote. In recent weeks, several church congregations in Grover had opposed the sale of beer or wine in Grover. The Grover Citizens Committee for Legal Control had spearheaded the movement. United Fund Hits $28,000 Kings Mountain United Way contributions totaled $28310.86 Wednesday, over half its goal of $53300 for 1981. “We expect to top our goal,” said Mark Wilson, campaign chairman, who invites volunteers to complete their solicitations as soon as possible and report them at a final report luncheon Monday at noon at Cattletown Steak House. Kings Mountain Hospital, with a goal of $ 1300, went over the top this week, with dona tions and pledges totaling $1,650. In other areas of the drive, Wilson reported that the Ad vance Gifts and Correspondence Division reported cash on hand and pledges of $ 1,033. Against a goal of $2,500, the Commercial Division had raised $1300 with a goal of $6,500; the Industrial Division had attained over half its goal, reporting $23356.86 of a goal of $34300; the Ministerial Association had reported $782 with a goal of $900 and the Schools Division had repiorted $289 with a goal of $3,000. “We are encouraging divi sional chairmen and volunteers to complete their drive efforts this week so that we can receive a good report at Monday’s meeting,” said Wilson. Chairman Wilson expressed appreciation to Kings Mountain citizens for their generous response to the appeal for funds for numerous community causes.