0 City Cleared Audit Repeats ; As Top Story Compiled By Lib Stewort For the second year in a row the audit by the Department of Housing and Urban Develop ment of the city’s community block grant program was again the top newsmaker. The year 1980, however, pro ved to be good news for the city as HUD cleared all 14 findings in the audit conducted two years ago which questioned spending of $ 1 million in federal funds. Other top news stories of 1980 made news all over the nation when violence erupted at Chesterfield Courts, a low rent housing complex on Margrace Road, culminating a July 4th weekend of bickering and squab bling among white kids arid black kids and continued by the adults. Life is getting back to normal now at the 50 unit apart ment complex where Beverly Ernestine Mauney, 22, was kill ed, and four other people, in cluding KM PD Sgt. Johnny Belk, were injured. Henry Ervin Boone, of Forest City, a friend of the Mauney family, was charged with second degree murder and Miss Mauney’s father, Ernest Mauney, was charged with assaulting the police officer. Belk is back at work. Another major news event in Kings Mountain was the 200th anniversary celebration of the Revolutionary War Battle of Kings Mountain. The Oct. 7th birthday was preceded by weeks of preparation by a large Celebration Committee spann ing five states and drew many visitors to Kings Mountain dur ing the five day event culminating on Oct. 7 with a day long round of festivities. Nationally, the Republican Party’s sweep of the elections, which put Ronald Reagan in the White House and gave the GOP control of the Senate for the first time in almost three decades, was named the top story of 1980 by member editors and broad casters of the Associated Press. • The election’StorynaiTowly edg ed the Iran hostage crisis, which finished first in the 1979 poll. The troubled economy was third. The Soviet intervention of Afghanistan was fourth, the volcanic eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington state was fifth, the events in Poland was sixth, the murder of former Beatle John Lennon in New York was seventh, the earth quake in southern Italy, which killed thousands, was eighth, the war between Iran and Iraq was ninth and the boatlifi from Cuba and the influx of thousands of Cubans and Haitian refugees and the fire that killed 84 people in the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas tied for 10th in the poll. As the strains of “Auld Lang Syne”, traditional harbinger of a brand new year, are played Wednesday night. Kings Moun tain citizens can look back on 1980 as a year in which they . generally had their share of hap piness, fun, prosperity and sadness. The community lost to death many well known citizens in cluding Sam R. Suber, veteran retired superintendent of Moun tain Rest Cemetery; Former Fire Chief Floyd Thornburg, Edward A. Smith, May Plonk, Donald Blanton, Margaret Cornwell, John W. Gladden, Joe N. Mc Clure, Billy Putnam, Grover Mayor C.F. Harry, Jr., Buford DeFore, J.C. Clary, L.V. Gaff ney, Dewey Falls, Grady Mc Carter, Frank Cox, Helen Logan, J.W. Gill and Willis Bagwell. Rachel Blanton Ledford was killed in an automobile accident as the family returned from celebrating a wedding anniver sary in Shelby and Danny Earl Spearman, 24, drowned in a quarry on Henry’s Knob. The youth was standing on a 75 foot cliff when he lost his footing and fell into the water below. Jerold Burris, 36, was struck and killed by a hit and run driver as he was walking to a service station to get gasoline. Randy Gene Sanders, 18, drowned in a private pond in Gaston County. Horace Lemmons, 47, formerly of Kings Mountain, was one of the 32 victims of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge collapse in St. Petersburg, Fla. Charles Mack Biddix, 18-year-old deaf youth, was killed when he was struck by a train. He didn’t hear the north bound train approaching as he walked the tracks near Margrace crossing. Herald House Gift Shop CLOSED THURSDAY Half-Price Sale Continues Fri. & Sat. America has had troublesome times before in its dealing with other countries but none has seemed so fraught with potential danger as that now with Iran where American hostages spent their second Christmas. Another major news event which effects all Americans and where KM citizens have felt the pinch of the economy is in the rising costs of gasoline and fuel oil. Predictions of higher rates cast another bad omen for us in New Year 1981. Month by month, the com pilation from headlines of the Kings Mountain Herald, show some of the major news events of 1980. JANUARY Shortly after the arrival of New Year 1980 the City of Kings Mountain presented a 400 page report to the Department of Housing and Urban Develop ment of the use of almost $1 million in federal funds. HUD listed 14 findings in an audit of HUD-funded programs con ducted last summer and released ,in the Fall. HUD is not question ing the use of money but the eligibility of the funded pro grams. Don Graham, chief of the Bethlehem Volunteer Fire Department, received the “Fireman of the Year” award from last year’s winner, Harold Dean Farris, at the Department’s annual Christmas party. Eight days after the new year the city took steps to renovate the old City Hall into a modem law enforcement center and municipal office building. The ci ty has already submitted applica tion for a LEA A Grant to cover the project but Mayor John Moss says that even if the grant doesn’t come through that renovations will be made on a phase-basis as money becomes available. Now that it’s over, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Leonard can look back on their wedding day and get a big laugh. The couple had to be married twice after Rev. Jerry Smith, pastor of the Church of God, discovered they had ob tained their marriage license in another county. And to top it all off, they got lost on their honey moon trip. KM District Schools and the other 143 school units in North Carolina are seeking a state school bond referendum to help ease the growing problem of in adequate facilities. Bethware Principal Ronald Nanney was named Principal of the Year in the KM School District. Kings Mountain businessman Tommy P. Bridges filed for a seat on the Cleveland County Board of Commissioners. Grover Town Clerk Gloria Horton was dismissed by the five member town board who blam ed their action on Mayor Bill McCarter and later reinstated her. Sbt Kings Mountain students, Janet Childers, Jeffrey Glenn Lineberger, Ruth Ann Ollis, Joseph Leigh Smith, Michael Dean Spears and Mirion Dante White, will participate in the an nual Presidential Classroom pro gram Feb. 23-Mar. 1 in Washington, D.C. FEBRUARY Champion Contracting Com pany of Kings Mountain was awarded the contract for section three construction of the U.S. 74 byp^ totaling $15,572,77.00 Lib Stewart, Herald staffer, took second prize in the N.C. Press Associaton semi-weekly division of the 1979 contests, her second feature writing award in eight months. Senators J. Ollie Harris, Mar shall Rauch and Helen Rhyne Marvin filed for re-election. Kings Mountain citizens are conducting a drive for $6,000 to send the KMHS Band to Disney World, Fla. A Friday explosion leveled a portion of Anvil Knitwear. Ronald Hawkins and Dwight Tessenerr were named co managers of Harris Funeral Home by J. Ollie Harris, president-treasurer. John Brown of Bessemer City became the first KM area patient to benefit from the newly install ed Pacemaker service at KM Hospital when he received a per manent pacemaker to stimulate his heart beat. Kings Mountain and the area was well blessed with snow and (Turn To Pago 3-A) VOL. 93, NO. 84 TUBS., DEC. 30, 1980 KINGS MOUNTAIN, N.C. For Rehab Project KM Applies For Grant The city board of commis sioners Monday at noon authorized Mayor John Henry Moss to execute and submit a pre-application for a Small Cities Grant aimed at rehabilitating Cranford, Third, Fourth, Ellison, Phillips and Fairview Streets in the Anvil Knit area. David Holmes, planner with Anderson, Benton and Holmes of Winston-Salem, said that the List Taxes In January Tax listing gets underway Fri day in the lobby of the Govern ment Facilities Building, the new City Hall, and business is ex pected to be brisk. Mrs. Betty Ballard, Mrs. Joann Hauser, Mrs. Marion Carpenter and Mrs. Gerry Werner will serve as tax listers and will be on duty daily, Mon day through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. through Fri., Jan. 30th. The listers will be in Grover on Sat., Jan. 10th and Sat., Jan. 24th, from 8:30 until 1 p.m. at Grover Rescue Squad Building. No Saturday hours will be offered in Kings Mountain. Mrs. Ballard pointed out that taxpayers will be penalized if they fail t« list during the listing period and encouraged listers fb list early and avoid the last- minute rush. No. 4 Township taxpayers who were listed for taxes last year (1980) may request forms for the purpose of listing by mail if they desire. Listing by mail is optional and is provided as a convenient method of listing. However, any person who does not list by mail may appear in person and list in person, as in previous years, she said. All new listers are required to list in person at the regualr listing places. A request for listing by mail should be made to PO Box 1210, Shelby, N.C. 28150. Tax returns can not be mailed to you on request after Jan. 15th. Mrs. Ballard reminded that all real estate and personal property owners are required to list taxes. All changes in real estate, such as new c mstruction or other im provements must be rertorted to your list taker. All buildings under construction which have not been completed as of Jan. 1, 1981 should be listed and will be charged in accordance with the percentage of completion. Dogs must be listed. Kelli Harry Still In Coma The condition of nine-year-old Kelli Harry was unchanged Tuesday. Mrs. BA. Harry, grand mother of the child, said the youngster remains critically ill in the Intensive Care Unit of Charlotte Memorial Hospital. She has not regained con sciousness, Mrs. Harry said. The Grover school fourth grader was injured Dec. 18th when she was struck by a pickup truck in front of Grover School. Watch Night Service Set Second Baptist Church will hold a Watch Night service New Year’s Eve beginning at 7 p.m. and continuing until midnight. The Adult Choir will open the service with a musical program to be followed by a worship ser vice at 8:30, refreshments and fellowship at 9:30, showing of a musical film, “His Land,” pro duced by Billy Graham at 10:30 and remarks by Pastor Gene Land and prayer at midnight to greet the new year. project, if approved for funding by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, will rehabilitate 55 homes, eliminate five to eight dilapidated struc tures, and involve 165 persons. The city is requesting a grant of $716,570.00 and has stipulated in the request that the city will use surplus funds of $211,000 from other Urban Renewal Programs in the total project expense of $927,570.00. Mayor John Henry Moss said the project is the second in a target or Neighborhood Strategy Area with a total budget of near ly $1 million. Street, sewer and electrical improvements are in cluded with rehabilitation of homes to be made through grants or loans. Families in the five to eight structures to be ac quired and demolished will be of fered re-location assistance in the program which is also designed to remove slum blighted condi tions. “Kings Mountain shows a good chance of being funded for a Small Cities grant,” said Holmes who noted that only 36 of 136 communities are funded. “Kings Mountain’s performance in the Community Development Block Grant Program is outstan ding,” said Holmes, who said that he expects an answer from the agency by April 1. If HUD approves, the construction would start about Oct. 1. Holmes said it is the city’s in tent to submit a Small Cities ap plication for a comprehensive one year grant and, if successful, resubmit next year for three year funding in the Community Block Grant Program. The target area is located three blocks from the Old Phenix Mill where 75 percent of residents are in the low to moderate income level and where housing deficiencies exist. “Kings Mountain is very for tunate that it does not have large slum areas. You’ve taken care of much of the rehabilitation area in the Cansler Street project,” said Holmes. “That’s an asset which in the future might mean that you won’t have many chances for block grant funding.” “The Community Block Grant Program is in fine shape and 1 think the city has demonstrated our capabilities in continuing the upgrading of housing and other improvements clearly visible to citizens,” said the Mayor. ' I-v' MAN OF THE YEAR — Kings Mountain Rescuor Chorlos Martin, centor. is prosontod the KM Rescue Squad's Man of the Year Award from Captain lohnny Hutchins, right. Photo by Gary Stewart and Gene Champion, left, during the squad's annual Christmas dinner lost Monday at Cat- tletown Steak House. Martin Man Of The Year By GARY STEWART Co-Editor Charles Martin was named Kings Mountain Rescue Squad “Man of the Year” at the squad’s annual Christmas banquet last Monday night at Cattletown U.S.A. Martin was voted the honor by his fellow rescuemen and was presented the award by outgoing captain, Johnny Hutchins, and assistant captain Gene Cham pion. Rescuers and their wives, members of the board of direc tors, and other special guests, at tended the fete. Guest speakers were Charles Speed, former commander of the North Carolina Highway Patrol and now Executive Director of the North Carolina Life Saving Program, and Wilbert Forbes, Vice President of Southern Railway, who talked to the group and showed a film of deaths that occur when motor vehicles and trains collide. The State of North Carolina, in cooperation with a number of railroad companies, began a pro gram in 1979 called “Operation Lifesaver," which attempts to educate the public on the need to use caution and common sense at railroad crossings. Colonel Speed, an Emergency Medical Technician trainer for North Carolina, pointed out that most accidents at railroad cross ings occur because drivers of motor vehicles “have their minds on something else” when ap proaching the tracks. Seventy-five percent of all railroad crossing accidents in volve drivers who live less than 25 miles from the crossing and have “crossed the track hun dreds of times before,” he said. Forty percent of the accidents occur at signalized crossings, he added, and in 31 percent of the cases, the vehicle runs into the side of the train. Nineteen persons in North Carolina were killed in railroad crossing accidents and another 189 were injured in 1979, Speed said. Over 1,000 persons each year are killed at crossing ac cidents in the United States. Speed’s duty as Executive Director of the Life Saving Pro gram is to tour the state and speak to such groups as volunteer rescue squads and at tempt to educate the public through those organizations. One group, he said, that his organization will put special em phasis on in the f^uture is school bus drivers. Speed said 45 per cent of all bus drivers in North Carolina have already been ex posed to the program and he has written every superintendent in the state about it. However, Speed said, school officials in Kings Mountain and Cleveland County have not yet exposed the program to their drivers. “The potential danger of a school bus-train accident is great,” said Speed. “We have 13,500 school buses in North Carolina and they stop 20,000 times a day at railroad crossings. Our children and grandchildren are riding these buses.” Speed said it would take an average freight train traveling 50 miles per hour a mile and onc- half to stop after the engineer sees a vehicle on the tracks. By that time, it’s too late. Speed praised the Kings Mountain Rescue Squad for its record of service to the com munity, and the EMT program for saving numerous lives each year. “I don’t know of anyone doing more for their community than volunteer rescue squads,” he said. “There’s not another organization in the country that is performing a better service. “As for the EMT program, we met opposition when it was first introduced to the Legislature,” he said. “But you can have the finest hospitals, with the best doctors and equipment, but unless the patient arrives alive, it means nothing.” Speed and Forbes, the latter a former State Senator, were in troduced by Senator J. Ollie Har ris.

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