a 25 VOLUME 95. NUMBER 18 THURSDAY, MAY 6. 1982 KINGS MOUNTAIN. NORTH CAROLINA The American Dream! Citizens Appeal To Government To Allow Everyone To Own A Home The American Dream-everyone’s hope of own ing a new home-is dying. At least, that’s the thought of many in the savings and loan, housing and real estate business, and peo ple in North Carolina are taking steps to do something about it. For the next six weeks, the North Carolina Sav ings and Loan League is sponsoring an advertising campaign in every newspaper, radio and television station in the state, and on billboards, urging citizens to write their elected officials and urge them to make housing their top priority. An advertisement in tody’s Herald, sponsored locally First Federal Savings and Loan and Home Federal Savings and Loan, is in the form of a letter to Congressmen. Readers are asked to sign the letter and mail it to one of their elected represen tatives, James Broyhill, Jesse Helms or John East. In two weeks, another letter will appear to be ad dressed to Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill, or the Pro Tern of the Senate, Howard Baker. Two weeks after that, a letter will appear to be sent to President Ronald Reagan. The idea of the campaign originated in the office of the N.C. Savings and Loan League, and has now spread into realtors, home builders and others in the housing industry. Becky Bradshaw of the League office said the main goal of the campaign is to “get the attention of our leaders, and then, for them to make this a priori ty and really work to do something.” Of course, the obvious goal is to lower the in terest rate so more people can afford to own their own home. Interest rates have become so high, ac cording to savings and loan officials, most people cannot afford to buy a home. The letter in the advertisement, which is signed by local citizens, states: “Dr. Mr. Congressman: The American Dream is dying! I can’t afford to buy a home. Even worse, if something isn’t done, my children will never own a home. Something must be dne. “Mr. Congressman, affordable home ownership has been one of the great distinguishing triumphs of our nation. I don’t know when the dream got put aside, but I don’t want it to die. “Y ou have the ability to assure the perpetuation of the opportunity for home ownership. “Please Mr. Congressman, save the American Dream.” Ms. Bradshaw says the Savings and Loan League hopes to “get as many citizens as possible to respond by clipping and mailing the letter, hoping to get the attention of our congressional leaders and have housing become a top priority with them. We hope to have so many letters going to Washington that they’ll see that the citizens are so concerned that it will become the number one priority.” The League also hopes to see the campaign spread nationwide. “We have indications that it has the potential to do so,” Ms. Bradshaw said. “We have had many calls of interest from other states." Home Federal Savings and Loan in Kings Moun tain has purchased 300 envelopes and stamps, which will be available for area citizens to use. Tom Tate, President, said copies of the letters will be available and all citizens will have to do is sign them and put them into the envelopes. “If we don’t do something, our children will never be able to own anything,” Tate said. “We’re hoping Congress will take another look at housing.” Gary Whitaker of First Federal Savings and Loan of Kings Mountain said his employees have been talking to and calling customers to ask for their support “and so far the people are supporting the campaign 100 percent. “I’ve been concerned about this for a long time,” he said. “My kids may never own a home if something isn’t done. It’s something to think about.” Whitaker said his firm also hopes to have tear- sheets of the advertisement available for citizens to sign. GLUE HARRIS They’re Off And Running , With the deadline Friday for filing for the June 29 primary, most races for area county and state seats are taking ^ape. Senators OUie Harris, Helen Rhyne Marvin and Marshall Rauch filed this week for re- election and they’D have at least one competitor, newcomer Bruce Seism of Kings Mountain. Incumbents John J. Hunt and Edith Ledford Lutz have also fil ed for the North Carolina House of Representatives. Senator Harris has served in the North Carolina Senate for five terms. He is Chairman of the Senate Human Resources Committee, Co-Chairman of the North Carolina Transportation Study Committee, a member of the Mental Health Study Com mission, and Vice Chairman of Senior Citizen Committee. He is a member of the Appropriation, Banking, Ways and Means, Rules and Judiciary I Commit tees of the Senate. Turn To Pago 6-A Rauch Vs. Electric Rates Get Ready For Fight Utility companies of North Carolina may be in for a battle during the next term of the General Assembly. Senator Marshall Rauch of Gastonia said today that he is studying the ever-increasing costs of utilities in the state and hopes to be ready to do something about them when the General Assembly goes back in to session next January. Rauch’s study is geared at public realtions-type advertising campaigns of utility companies- and if they are necessary-and guaranteed dividends for their stockholders. “I’m studying the increa.sing costs of utilities, including the necessity of increased dividends for utilities companies stockholders and the increasing cost of utilities’ companies adver- tising and public relations budgets and how it effects utility rates,” Rauch said. Rauch hinted that he would begin his study at a recent meeting in Cleveland County. Kings Mountain Mayor John Henry Moss picked up on the idea and last week the City Board of Commissioners passed a resolution asking Duke Power, its electricity supplier, to con- ‘constraints” on such as PR advertising and sider things guaranteed dividends, and urg ing the State Utilities Commis sion to refuse unwarranted price increase requests by Duke. According to Moss, Duke spent $1.4 million in advertising last year and guarantees its stockholders a 17 percent divi dend. MARSHJUX RAUCH 1 Photo by Gary Stowort TOP 10 SENIORS - Tbo KMHS aonlora pic- Honry Clark, Aaron Dixon and Pomola Hatch, turod oboTO woro honorod Tuoadoy night at Back row, Laura Homdon. Robin Moatora, tbo annuol Top Ton Banquot ot tho high lamoa Rlkard ond Scott Shaw. achooL Front row, loft to right Janot Blair, KM Students Get $1,850 For Cancer By GARY STEWART Editor When Kings Mountain High students Janet Blair and Danna Seism agreed to co