Pag* SB-KING8 MOONTAIM HERALD-Thunday, May 13- 1M3 nO^KlN ft \r fm-\ Photoa by Gory Stowort PTO PROGRAM - Plctur*d obov* or* 102 B«thwar* School atudonts prMonting a ^o- gram on North Carolina during Monday night's ilnal PTO mooting oi tho yoor. Tho pro gram wos undor tho dlroction oi Mrs. Shlrloy Austin, olomontary schools music toochor. VIRGINIA REEL • Bothworo School fourth grodors Stocoy Ponnlngton. April Clifton, Trod lohnson, Allison Porlso, Loo McDonloL Donnto Dixon. Kooln DoUingor and ScoH Loyton do tho Vlrglnlo Rool during Monday's PTO moottng in tho school oudltorlum. Students Give Program , f One hundred and two fourth graders presented a musical pro gram on North Carolina at the final meeting of the Bethware School PTO Monday night in the school auditorium. Shirley Austin, elementary music teacher for the Kings Mountain District Schools, directed the program. Accom panist was Doris Driskill, student music teacher. Fourth grade teachers include Mrs. Jan Dedmon, Mrs. Susan White, and Danny McDowell. The students, sometimes ac companied by the audience, sang songs about North Carolina food, products and industries. Becky Bridges, Julie McRae, Ashli Champion, Carla Ramsey and Amy Turner danced an original Bethware dance to “Carolina in the Morning” and Appreciation Day Is Held APPRECIATION DAY • Som* of tho omployooo of Bothworo School (loft lino) oro picturod horo bolng aonrod somo goodlos dur ing Stuff Approciation Day ot tho ichool Fri day. Mombors of tho PTO woro In chargo of tho foto. PTO mombora aorvlng rofroahmonta includo, loft to right Pot lackaon. Linda Woro, lothy Cowon and Nancy Hoylo. The Bethware School PTO honored the 60 staff members of the school with a Staff Apprecia tion Day Friday morning in the school cafeteria. Members of the PTO baked homemade cakes, pies and sausage balls and served those items, along with coffee and soft drinks, while other members of the PTO manned the classrooms. The cafeteria was decorated with green ferns, purple rhondendrens, and white ac cessories. Giant red apples signi fying Staff Appreciation Day were pinned on the staff members. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hoyle, presidents of the PTO, and Jean Yarl»ro, chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, were in charge of the event. Other parents participating included Pat Jackson, Jean Moore, Gail Cheshire, Kathy Cowan, Brenda Caldwell, Elaine Patterson, Sheila Bunch and Carolyn Led ford. Stacy Pennington, April Clifton, Traci Johnson, Allison Parizo, Lee McDaniel, Donnie Dixon, Kevin Dellinger and Scott Layton danced the Virginia Reel. After the musical program, the school held its annual awards presentations for parents who volunteered their time and talents to PTO activities during the year, and installed officers for 1982-83. The annual President’s Plaque was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hoyle, the outgoing presidents. Officers for next year include Mr. and Mrs. Mike Jimson, president; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hicks, vice president; Helen Thombs, secretary; Danny Den ton, treasurer; Pat Jackson, assis tant treasurer; Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Caldwell, chairmen of the Ways and Means Commit tee; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Crotts, Volunteer Coordinators; and Mr. and Mrs. Scott Falls, Membership Coordinators. 50tK uAwnnie/tga/ty '0r(ie tliougltt^Cnesg gou'i/e a{watjs s(iow«, cTIte Coi/c youVc gwen, too, ‘zfhe (tappy times ou/i ^mlCy’s fcnown ‘because o^ botli of, you — (jAfC tliesc aite peit^ct /teasons ‘^oit /temcwibe/ting you this way QA/ith a wo/tCd 0^ Cot/ing wishes ©n you/t Qofiefen cARniiie/isofty '^ay JAay 18. 1932 - JAay 18. 1982 Hm and appiieeiation ^/tom you/t Q/tandcfilM/ien and Qtimt-QhandMdmn. 8 {Mils, ^aut Q. ^/i. 8 Ramify ^(o. oWa. 8 lMis. S£oui8 0*. ^uMis 8 0ami{y - (Ademnd/iia, ^a. Ml. 8 uU/i8. L^icliae{ uA. ^eco/i$^esseme/t City. oM.C. Ml. 8 Mis. ^T/ianfc 0fayes 8' 0ami{y - 0{lngs Min., t^.C. Mil. 8 Mills. OdiAiaiid £. ^uwtis 8 0awify - cAfeviancl/iia. ^a. stil kn( on ml wl