cn'^.s 01*13 / V' ■ I \ i i\ i: ^sr*.'vv- •■^ t| opjl i I*; L\ > r ' i / U'^'’ ■ L'ecan^'ber -3JL. I35S~>-», Ca.:^ . ilor-li ■'■^uroi^^a ,, Vol, o * ^ ,. > , A-« C^~- • • • ' ** ■ - «• - ■ ‘" .iCxpzc 1-Vp'2" ^V-- .P'9'' ' " "'” • -tTircA' .-1:’ on ^1 L^t.-.v ■I’,*y’ Ca;'i-isl'i B'asinsss ilanasar Gllclcy r.uat,in ‘ TiJSPOraSRS L-a:.7Tic41e bpancar* (1?) David Ealiaia (7) ■dari’’/ binipoon (3.2) Bstsy 00.2*01 Styron (5) 1 Jobn ivey ./oils (3) :r'EGd:iBBR 1 i''jL''Obo.’o?.y r-.osb iriponto’at to ocbool YoivaastGra Is DecoiEbo.i* 3.8t’ai> v;hon wa got a'.vo.y boAiF'Tcx* "Tv^ vreoks CUK SCHOOL CHnISri.lAS PROGP.kjI S.lntts V79 do not iiavo a pioiio in oar Hecroatlon Hall, Mr- Fiondthale-J* played e,... ....... v»v. w.wc... pis aut.o»hexp wuna wo oang some of Schoo?w cloaaa on Friday with a schoolItiio fan'.iliar ohrlstmaa songe* Mias Christnina progrom,.all gr-ados repra*--^ pora*3 pupils wera fii'st cn .hG progre. sent0d.> Children have been pr act icing Wadford, Parry, Pa7e,Gonnia Sua, Jerry songs and recitations ever sinoe the Roginald all spoke pieces togothor. Thanksgiving Rocesso ' On Thursday ^acn Join * erternoon^each x'oom is having a Xmas J .'oy rocited - — -*.>*• paz*ty aro\md itc CVir.istiaas Tree. ffodnenday night, Decoinber 252*0.gthore v/fXrn5a ”a'‘Cli^“3tmas progi'am’at the A3S0inb].y of G-od Church, T.huroday night, December 24th, there will* fee a 'Ch^'stnas Program at the Ocracoko Ifcthodiat Church. Also on the Sunday ni^t before Christmas, special mu'ilc at the night Service, ; i?5;h 4 j iiai'garet,Linda, June Yvette,and iLorra.ina spoke recitations ncined H'7'‘YdliS LLWAY3 DO,which moant that our "-.ot, ' a lelp us a lot with Christmas plans, Vioiroy I’ecitation HAPPY ic o. Martha’s CHI^iaTMAS C/iMLLdS were ne.vt, and then Mable and Betty Helen reclc6>. . '* % % ""■I' Of % -/i) Jlxriy,Ignatious, Douglas, Kermlt, La\irle,Joe and Richard Charloa said soma very good r ec it at 1 ons ant it .1 od ,« REAL HBIiPER, H ISN'T A'HAT YOU Giii', GilRlSTMAS JOYS, A Ei\?.D JOB i. A NAUGHTY BOY, A SECRET ,Al^'D OOQL' kl.^LT, iThoro were four recitations froti Miss Hodges* pupils, by Mich&ol,Do:_''-'tay Louise,Lewis,and Jo Ben, .and tho girls IHenriotta, jftnn, Stella, Juanlta-Oe'^y jCarol, and Mary gave a play, .....iest on the program was the pos'i .jcr BEFORE CHRISTMAS (that o?A i . ■ >ne by Bugona PTleld)which begins ^Father calJ.s me yVilliam, s-'.3t.3x- c . ...j . me iVill, Mother calls me '.Yillic ' vc the fellers call me 3iS (continued on page 2) s'xg^..Kf. .>IcU