^ ' ' 5»»rar- i*^**-- , . ■ ..^ '/ii/ / \r’ •«.“. L.',i ■ Si A ti,. j V \ ' leJ-f,) i H \ . I I y.^:> iQ ,., I I'f . Subscription Price: On Island Off Island 50)2!^ Vol„5jNoa8 April 2g, 1954 -d.1. tor-in'-Chief; Danny Garrisli Business Mgr; Clicky AustDi REPORTERS Gaynella Sponcer (IS) Larry simp son (12} Murrg-y Fulchsr (9) David Esheni (7) Betsy Carol Styron (5) John Ivey '.Veils (3) SENIOR BAK^UEI a H/iPPY OCCASION Pretty new dresses for the girls, hew suits for the boys, attractive table decorations and favors, and Most of all delicious food served by attentive and admiring mothers, Made this year’s Eenior Glass Ban quet one long to be remomberedc April 16th 'Was the date; 8 p«mo the time; Ocracoke School library the place - and the girl? or rather the girls? '.Veil, there was Gaynelle In a lovely coral colored gown, Susan in pretty white, Patsy In lovely purple, and Lorena in shining silver I'he tables ’.•vero decorated in Class Colors ~ Green and '.Vhlte »• with a center florEil piece of V/hite Carna tions, the Class Flov/ar, and each young lady v/oro a lovely V/hlte Carna tlon corsage. Candles gave a subdued light* And the foodI It was out of this world I - roast turkey and all the fixin’s, fz’uit cocktail, and last but not Ica-jt pumpkin pie com pletely covered an inch deep with whipped craaml - happily served by mothers Lucile Garrlsh, Flora Spencer Virginia Au-jtlri, and Sybil Simpson* Gvestz Iri addition to those mentionec were Mr, and Mra.i.ondthaler, Mr*and Ml’S.Spenuer, Miss ^arie Hodges, Miss Hora Edmonhon^and Kenneth i'illett. (continued on page 2) Annual Meeting OCRACOKE ElfiCTRIC i.IE.IBi’J SHIP COiiPo May 3,7 pom«,at ths .;aiiab Theater, IMPORTANT DATES MondayP rx. 11 26 - FaT.,Ao aK!eting,3 poOi.. i/lTe have Invited County Agents EcL« Topping end Mrs,Carrie Joyner to meet with us* V/ith them will b© T*To Hatton, Miss Pauline EoGordon, and Miss Emily liickonson of the Extension Division In Agriculture and Homo Economics, State College Raleigho Mro Topping and Mr.,Hatton will talk about Citrus Fruit,Gardena,Pine Seedlings^ atCo,as applicable to growing on Ocracoke, J.'IrsoJoyner,Miss Dickenson and Hiss Gordon v/lll discuss their pians for Tuesday end 'V/ednosday,whon they will give deiaonatratl tais in refinisii^-g furniture,etOo{There vdll be morning classes for upper grade students; afternoon end evening hours for adultSo ) All members of the P*ToAo come out to the Monday night meeting. Those %io are bringing fumitura to reflniah can bring it to the Recreation Hall anytime Monday or early Tuesdayo Mr,cropping end Mto Hatton will make 3O1110 daytime calls and give sausx any desired informatioii on gardening,etCo Gi^T YOUR PICTURE TAKEN ON jfednesdayr~^rn"'2§th Come to School on ’.Vednesday of next week looking your best. You’ll have a chance to have your picture takeno Mr«Holyfleld of '.Vinston-Salem,who does sctiool photogi’aphy there,will bakt-vpictura hare. Prices are reasonable; proofs ^ are furnished to choose froaio Wednesday — April 28th at the School