/ /I. f]''^ J j'. iV»"\ V ^ li i i) C$7^.‘5 ’.. y ij \ I iJJ} tr Subsoriptlon i'rlost; On Xalaa^. 55^'g 0^^f°°Xslaad 50gf Vdio d., Ho oi^ »ijo?sabep 50 ^ 1954 " O'oi^aook«j, '*" EditiCjr«'j£5>43h^.«#i 3 Murray Fulojbeifi' Business Jianagerg Harold Waiiab Reporter-1 Slierry O'^Seau*. BKC^JgEEK D/CTSS y^-QP-tlon*, T>g.Q0 17 t« Jt5.o.s3 CgrOBER C.OTIVAL A BIG SUCCESS Botii. socially for fcfce ooaool Caristaias prcg-i’acj ajii seat fehinffe for ito Etjli also for til® programs et tke Churciiaabsiisja reported a aSs^orofi-e 0*?“ ^litogg Mvs.Rutoy G^risfo ie he.lp2.Qg ^^ith thalt^feis ^haFwas aIr^^ad? L. th& ^ CnriofesiBa ueroX sinj-^iBg at the makes our h&Ianos at tMs ^ ^ i*l5a# over |3{>0»00o Tburso i)ec»2b « darlat-maa Program at t.he Aasemb.ly of God Church |^,di 50U aaks^'^t in the i?orld will rchey use aJ.l that for9** Well leav^w PrldaypDeo* 24 « Chrlsticas Progrim?. atilt to Theodora Rondth^er^Drlnoioai th« Methodist Church feo think up good way* to sp«ad PTA * jsaonayS Friday ul^tg, D®«o 10 ^ 7 a 30 poino, a. Bingo Party at the School Library^, aponaoi’ttd by the P« Tc Ao (1) Arovid® waTia acd a&fe heating for th© £ahool recreatioa hallo (FTA voted to iavesfcigat® eost of do:lag t-hls and consider it a ma;jor projaot CiAXVA VWA19«J..I.A?7.k' iu n. lafi Monday^ Ooracok© Civics Club fuads are s^V6JLlabl«o aTX. A*t. .SI. *4. . . -fiS- ^ Friday If Deo *17 - Willing Workers''* S.S Class Mooti-og and Party ^ •5* •}! # ’S’ Thor© will b«> no hsoember PcT.A«met‘' Ingo iSext F.T,,Ao meeting will b« Men- dcy^.January 17tho Hostesses will b© Slisabeth Qo Howard# Eliuabeth 0*K 1(2) Paint or put asbestos shingles on the outside of the recreation hallo (One or the other has to be donee) |3) Buy ■b©lt'~typo swings for tlw ®le2SMin= t iry and prlK«.ry grada* (PoTo Ac voted GO do thiso Howard# .Ijovella Hcwai’dp Bsssi* H^iwardlH) Faint ths> libraryo (PoToAo voted Kroo Bertha. C^Heal^and Edns^ 0‘'Hoal>o. to buy the paint now^ and hope for » « ■» « jvolunt&ry labor somotiaj® after Christ- ftHotloe our »«w and better headingf Suggestion was that the ladle* We had Song sines worn out our old |^wia gat up a good s^per for th« ti'aoing oopjo Claud© To Springl© of did the work,.} Hew Bern aan^A us a now one. Tii&nk ycuj with about 0.00 in left-over binff© very much MrcSp.rinsi®«* I prises^ P.T, Ao voted to soensor a ^ » # * « «■*’?» i bingo party#Deo.. lOtho ©*■{«• *e*«. ««« «« MCC 'KcU