i Sirfcacrlptlati Price?! On IpI vad or*-laiaad 50^ iiontJXi^.V C\ . S=, x7* Vfcl., t' JJo. f> V \ e*r*-. Bditor‘-ln-n{5v,_^,^;*. j;u3'*^ay p’xiobor Busiacsse Manageri Hai'old Wabab Hopo^^ars SsiOir’;- '.T^Jeel aOVBn;OF. HOItGES VISITS OORACOKIS A£5Uf£§ ^SOOrMii ROm ^vr: of •Rai«»'l^*ayidi Paal liaasellji, I IP Co?:raet)jr’dent o" imd. i Bovra Us dbnei'^es* {&, I k.t.uttr.er* res?dent h©~'o,wi\' wlehos b* I oould he hare all. yuar round o) Ocratiokara hai'o at iioiac ara airead7,'' fully r.wara oi* the -good nova, ax.d probably man/ Ocraooker# avay frcat j To join ths group bora had com© on bo.T!e hav*- rea5 tbo good nova Id | Friday aTtornoon.dowc the ■t'oofn Jo tiiolr local papers® There was j .'jjjnmefct VYinalow^hlvlelo^ ^3 Highvay ing febstract about the announooment j Ccinmissloner, fio K«^pr«?ili ,Dlrl8ioii to tea Ccrecoko Con?&unity m«ot« liighvaj Engineer, Allyn f\ Honko, ing on March 5th. by AoHoGrahaiDjChaiZ'-^ Supto arti^onikl Seashor© Eark, and men of the h.C, state highway Com- I Ben Dixon iiliHell, free lance writer mission; it abated concretely that land friend to all,of f^uxton. an linderataiiding Corernor" he?? j Travelling in j«3ps cloen the "insId®" allocated ^200,000 of the Highway \ 2;-oad,these representatives of th® Surplus Fund,and your Dlvldinn Coa-^ i Hlgovay Departiaenb had a tough time ailssloner has addiud •ipXOO^OOO, ‘flaking | nsakLog it and ’jrere about ready to say a total, of f-^OCgOtX) avallabi© for | th'it Oorocoko naoded a road, when the road a ; they arrived-. Governor d.ec’.geft and hie paity of ^ State Offlolala and cthex's arrived by helloooptor from Ciiorr:? ^olnt at about eleven a«m« Mother L’ciur® had .Th'5 All-Seahhore Highway Association r’as I'oprnRentad by our own RoS.Wahab, JDistrict Vi«©-Pr6aldent,and by Joe IDuiJ'ois of Sec i»evel^ Snoretai’^ provldad the rarest of ^June'^ daya—" i i'-at.ional, Pa.rk hanger,HaKcsi tionnj aky, gentle breesec, blue ^ honor guest® —sad no rroafiuitoea. Ocraooko iHussell. Swixidoli, Hyde County Repre- •iltizana gathered at the H,3.Coast I tentative, made the trip over in Guard Station to grset the Goven'hcro jthe**good eld-fesMoned tyay““jp hy Capt-Marvir Howard and hla Mounted -boat, from our County geat at Sven Bey Scout Troop w«i*e rls^t there to t Quarter, bringing several other Hyd3 form a body g iard and to lead the ’County officials to enjoy the day herft» visitors on theit trip through the i . Vlllacoo /A3.SO down irom the North were R®Mf, T n s . . u Saitndore of Elizabeth City, Harry to Um Oo7OT.or'a^pair.t,_*er« A.a. of Boxton, Doth of tUe DlvJ.alon aronM,GliEliDan,o.at9 ^.goyoy . Ei^oway orgaalSBtlon. miasloa; ^7. Jo Hcgers,‘^r*,,f(tat-o Higo- ’ way Englnaori Ca^l Ooaroh, Coj^icenta -1 (oonb.tnusd on peg® 2) tor,of i^LLeigh (aii adopted Ocraookeri through Lia mtniy vlslte to the ' j^sjland , i>o«X ^ar..';oy, Corres; on- i . .^fcc KcU