0\^o Editor-in-Chlef; Murray Fulcher Business Managers? Carolyn Garrish ^ Ray Waller Fulcher Sta^x Reporters; Edward Garls&n O'Neal First P»ToAoMeetIn^ Murray Spencer presided over the first P.T.A. nieetingjheld Sept. 17. Vice-president this year is Elmo Fulcher; treasurer, Eph Eshamj secretary, Geraldine Tolson, (It looks^like the MSN are in the majority when it comes to offioeis which means there will probably be lots of Pot-Luck Suopers this yearl) Retiring troasuror,Bertha O’Neal, reported balcUico on hand end of May |jl35,89. Income during the suminor $415,47 (this included duos $36,25, door rocoipts two dances $71,86, sale of souvonir Ocracoko pamphlet |171,47), and expenditures of $156,79 (this in cluded purhhaso of pamphlets $133. 30, and supplios |lI.19,and #22«30 ropair.-movio pictufo projoctor), lOQving a balance to start our 19S6-57 year of $248.68, P.T,A,^votod to pay part of tho typov/rltor repair bill,and to buy a Venetian blind for the priznary room. Also voted to sponsor tho annual Carnival in late October, Hostesses served cold drinks and cookies; hostesses wore Marion Austin, uicio Wells, Doris Ballanoo Louiedollo Williams, Gladys vVilliams and Wilma Williams, ^ ‘it •iSr ^ •Ji' NCC ‘KcU C OMING EVENT S-Oct ob e r Sat, Oct o6 - Tho Willing ’Workers. Class of the Methodist S.S,' .'■•'■viS will sponsor a Cake & Pie Sale at the Church Recreation Hall, Coffee and sandwiches for sale also. Come out for a social hour and oat your money away. Monday ni.oiit, Oct »8 - Civic Club Monday night,Oct,15 - P.T,A, Hostesses are Kathleen Bragg,Mrs, Hazon Brooks, Doris Garrisb.:,Iva Garrish, Virginia Ssham,and Lillian Fulcher, Tues, Oct, 16 - 'Willing Workers Friday night,October 26-GARNIVAL Wed.-Thurs, Oct,50-51; North Carolina Extension Service,Ral eigh, will conduct a Woiishop in Upholstering Furniture, -Jr -J4- -K- >5v‘' This first issue of the School Paper is sent to all subscribers on last^year’s list,whether they have paid up or not. If you are one of thoso who li.asn*t sent in your subscription for 195S-57and wish to got the paper, please send tho money in progiptly to bho of tho Business Managers,Ocracoke School,