1 Li'Ci'^VC/ Subscription Prices On Island 35?^, Off Island ^00 Published monthly during the School Year Vol, 8j NOo 3j Dec. 12, 195^ Ocracoke,NC Editor-In-Chief: Murray Fulcher Staff Reporters: Ray To Waller Edward C, O'Neal Busine s s Manag er s s Carolyn Garrlsh Ellen Marie Fulcher DECEPIEER DATaES Monday. December 17^— P.T.A. 7:30 p.m., School Library Christmas meeting — a little business and a lot of fun. Hostesses: Mary Eliz. Gaskins, Hulda Gaskins, Marie Hodges, Eliz. G, Howard, Mrs, Bessie Howard, & Mrs. YI, R, Hale, December 19 to Jan 2 — Christmas Holidays There will be Christmas Programs at both of the island Churches, but dates for these have not yet been announced. School Christmas Program The time of the school Christmas Program will be announced later through the children, 7th & 8th Grade pupils will present two Christmas plays. The 7th Grade will present: "Squire Hawley's Christmas", Norman Styron as old Squire Hawley >JCC 'Kcrj grumbles, but gets converted in the end. His family, his hired man, and the visiting preacher are represented by Juanita Womac, Floyd Styron, Dorothy Mutro, Jackje Wilson, and Lewis Tolleson, Mrs, Bass and her family are played by Louise Tolleson, Mary Spencer, Stan Gaskins, and George O'Neal. The 6th Grade will present "The Christmas Cookies", and you v;lll wonder, same as Mrs, Jones, where all the cookies went. But all's well that ends well, and Kay, Ann, Rita, Stella, Ronnie Van, James Barrie, Billy, and Rudy, get everything explained. Besides Readings by Branda, Betty Helen, and Louise, Miss Rawley's room v/ill present the play "Why Santa Changed His Mind." It wouldn't be fair to tell you who Jimmy Jackson and Joyce West are: but it's all right to explain that the "Visitors From Ocracoke" will be Perry, Louise, Sue, June Yvette, Linda, Lorraine, Ii/Iargaret, Faye, Ignatious, Douglas, Vickie, Charles, and Mable. Pupils of the Primary Room will add their recitations and songs to fill the occasion with Christmas spirit.