i cr- 1 V/... r// Ri J/r Ifi!? ■ Subscription Price:On island 35pROxr-l3land $0^ Published Monthl/ir during the gchoo Year, This is Yol.3, IIo,8,riay • > o7 Sdltor-in-Chier:IIurray Fulcher Bus.Haiiasera: Carolyn Garrisli Staff Beportera: Ray T.l/allor Edward C, 0’Neal Ellon Marie Fulcher Il/iPPY SUIBF.R HOLIDAY COIPEMCEIIEMT PROGRAII Th_s Is the last issue of this OCRACOKS SCHOOL ITEV/S for the schoo], year 1956-57. M© hope you have enjoyed reading the paper, in fact we hope you enjoy it enough to be ready for a price raise next Sept. It’s just got to come, in order to make ends meet] For 9 years we hai’'o managed to charge only 2$^ (plus postage) for the 8 issues, vjhich,if youare good at mental arithmetic, you will note is only about 3^ par Issue] So be 3av5.ng your money during the summer months to meet a rise in prices! Hovj much is it worth to you? Sun.Juno 2nd - 8 p.m, Organ Prelude - Hrs,Ruby Garrish Call to Worship Choir ‘Load on,0 King Eternal" - Processional Prayer Ellen Marie Fulcher Choir Selection: "Follov; the Gleam" Scripture Carolyn Garrish Offertory Commencement Sermon-Rev.W.R.Hale Hymn: "Blest be the Tie" importaie: bates Thursday,10;30 a.m. The Civic Class of Ocracoke School will hold a' Memorial Service at the British Graveyard, The-public i's.Invited. Transfer of Class Flower & Colors Murray Fulcher,Class of »57 Ami Esham, Class of »6l Class Farewell Friday,May 31st ~ Summer Vacation begins. Sunday. June 2nd, 8 p.m. Graduation and' ^acGalauroato Service, Ocracoke Methodist Church, Murray Fulcher Presentation ofDiplomas by Supt. Tommie Gaylord Hymn: "God of o-ur Fathers" Rev,Hale Benediction Thursday,July Ij-th, 1.0;30 di.m. Flag Raising Service at the Schoolhouse| July-Fourth Parade is also "in the air",though whether it will be on Thursday or Friday or Saturday is not yet decided; Methodist Society for Christian Service plans to serve a plate dinner immediately after the Flag Raising coromonios. Some talk of repeating the WfJmanlocs Wedding that weekend, MCC VcTJ Marshalls: Ellen Mario Fulcher, Carolyn Jane Garrish, Edward C.OilIeal, Ray T, Waller Ushers; David Esham, Carlton B, 0»Heal Dr.Pearson,State Dentist,will be here for a i-;eek or ten days.Those wishing appointment3,come to the achoolhouse on Monday morning, Juno 3vd, at 9 a.m.