Subscription Price: On Island 50^, Off-Isl-nd .$1 (this includes the postage) Published nonthly during the School Year, This is Vol.9. No.4 Januarry^ 15.1958 Editor'"ii>-Chierj Carclyn Garrish B usiness Managers: Aldn Vann O'Neal Art Editor? ELlen Lferie Fulcher David Esham Fishing 8t. Hunting: Lindsey B, Howard Scouting: Lewis ToUeson COMING EVMTS IN JANUARY P« T, A, Monday night,Jan,20th -Business meeting,after which we will shew two short films which we secured from the Fish and V/ildlife Service, One is en titled SHRIMP PLEASE,and the other is entitled SHREiP TIPS FROU NEST OPJLSAI^S (which doesn't mean tips on how to catch 'em, but how to prepare them for eatingl) Hostesses are: Elizabeth G.Howard, Elizabeth O'N.Hov/ard, Mrs.Bessie Howard, Bertha O'Neal, Edna O'Neal, and Geneva O'Neal* Thursday. January 30th; MARCH OF DTT.™ The annual campaign of the School CHR'^STMAS AT OCRilCOFE Our school program vjas particularly good this year. We enjoyed the songs and recitations by the chil dren in I-Iiso Kodges* room. The play ‘'Santa Claus and Mother Goose" nas particularly good, with all the children in Miss Rawley's room taking part, i/e want to thank Mrs, dilma i/ill lams and Mrs, Virginia Mshaiiifor coming out on a moment's notice to cut out co3tume3--oar0l capes and caps, clown suits,and various costumes for the Mother Goose children,and wo vjoro glad to iind out that the high school girls Childfen will be made that afternoon, really learned to sew and to so everyone have your "dimes" ready when the knocks come at your doorj STORM PROTECTION SURVEY FOR 0CRi\C0KE Newspapers report that the St^te of North Carolina last week put up $10,500 to match $30,500 in Federal use the sewing machine in that one week's course which Miss Woodley had given to them. They did a grand job on making the costumes. The ' Christmas in Other Lands",with the flags of other countries, by the 7th,8th,and 9th graders vjas well dono and showed lots pf momoriza- . ..XX..-. X ^^bd the comedy, HoJSaturnalia" money for a joint study to find ways to which the juniors and-seniors did protect Ocracoke Isl and _ from the ravages in Latin (with their teacher tr^ans- of storm tides and hurricanes. The Mating into English for us).was study is intended also to bo of value good and funny, in the m-'’inten"’nco of the Ocr'icoke high—* way,which is endangered by storms, and .everyone v;ont home happy on Doc,20, in devising means of protecting the ^ - - northern and southern portions of the •.'unta Claus shovjed up twice, first highway, Lunday School rehoar- - — — sals at uhe Methodist Church,and Fh:'iday,P0b,l4th - Special Dance -again on Christmas Eve at the closo for VALENTINE'S DAY, to be spon- of the program there. Both times sored by the Junior Class to Mo had a cold and his voice was sort rfise money for their Junior- of choked up| some people said'ho Capt .Marvin Howard Senior Dinner and Party, Every one,old and ji'oung, plan to come, but the first graders said it sure Mcc It going to be lots of fun, ‘KcIJ was Santa Claus,_ (oontinued further on)