0\^o Subscription Price: On Island^.50^; off-Island $1=00 (includ^.g the postage) Published monthly during the ^-chool .Ygaiv,—Thxs_J_sM / % 95_i Editor-in-Chief: Carclyn Garrish Art Editor: Ellen Marie Fulcner Business Managers; Alda Vann O’Neal and David Esham Ccimcencemenf.Sunday, June 1,19^3 H -p.M-i-. Methodist Church w Plarke mstor, will oraach the Baccalaureate Sermon^ Members of the the p.^gpa... GaPoly^ Jane Message of the Class of 1953; Hay feller will tt'-Sh.S; he Loher wai read the Scripture; and fdward Carlson 3-!.oal *f.P=g5^“oi 4■r^ +v.a Tnrorr'nfr ninth srade, represoiioud oy Louise ioixesor Rev, W, Senior Class Farewell Marie Fulcher will reaa nne ;:-cr.-iJuui=;, cur.voc ‘ ^ w Tnin=:P Tolleson Blass Flower and Colors to the incoming ninth grade, represonoud oy Louise iolle o . Class Colors: Green and VJhite Class Flower; Carnation Class Mottoi "lour Fortune lies uiider your Hat" Marshalls" Alda Vann OUIeal and David pham Ushers: Joe Ben Gr.rrish and Rudy . L, Austin _ , supt. To»ie Gaylogd ;lll,Pr9f5t J.e, Dtplo^-s^to «*ers the^ ra^ua ^ g ^ ^ . ^ ■it ■Vr ■H' ^ ^ -it ‘it ■it-it'H- Junior-Senior Banquet The juniors gave the seniors a good tine Friday night, April 2nd, when they entertained them at dinnero Tables were set in the school library, which ms decorated in Green and vJhite, =jenit^ Class Colors, a large centerpiece floral decorations and corsages woin by tne girls featured the Class Flower, the Cai'- nation. Dinner was served by the mothers of the juniors and seniors. After dinner the seniors presented their pr-opliecy and wai. Ray WaUer -was the fe'Jt^ster, Elien Marie read the history, Carolyn Jano the prophecy,and Edward Carlson the will. Guests v/ere Mr .-and lirs. Theodore Rond- thaler# Mr.and Mrs-.Benjamin E^Spencor, Mur-ray Fulcher, Eddie O’Neal, Stella Spencer., David and Ann Esham, P=ay Waller and Dorothy M-ibro, Carolyn Jane Garrish and Joe Ben Garrish,ELl9n Marie Fulcher, **•«•*■»** Annual ATiimni Mssting and Banquet Albert Styron,president,expressed a wel come to everyone. The chicken dimer was delicious. The library was beautifully decorated with class colors and spring flowersc About 70 graduates were present* At the business session Mrs.Wanda Simpson Robinson was elected president fo: 1959; Calvin O’Neal, vice-president; Mli/Elizabeth G.Howard,secretary; and Mrs.liaud Ellen Garrish Ballance,treasurer. Banquet committee: Danny Garrish, Sherry O’Neal, Virginia Howard,Gaynelle Spencer* Most of those present ended the evening at the regular Saturday night square danc Out-of-town graduates home for the occasion were Patsy and Larry Simpson, Sophia Guthrie Austin,IIarry, lanice, and Troy Wil-liams, Melba Vif. Johnson, Enoch Gaskillp and Jame9 Garrish, ^^^nbers of the school committee. Rev.and Mrs* W, W, Clarke, Rov* Howe,and the school faculty wora guaats.^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ NCC NclT