f cyi^. 0 -o\ % A- y,{\\ i G/.jia;ktn /> . y / • 1/ SubscripuD.on Price: On island 50f; off-Island .’JilpOO (these prices include postage) _Fuolished Month,ly during the School Yearo This is Vol„ 10, No,, 5o Nov^ . 1958 Editor—in—Chief: Lindsey Howard BuSoMgrsj Ellen Marie Fulcher Alda Vann O'Neal Reporters: Wanvick V„Boos (ll) Joe Ben Garrish (11) AdvJJgr; David Eshani Ann Eshani (10), Stan Gaskins (9), Mable Mutro (7—S)p Lorraine Howard (4—5~6) David Ballance (1-2-3) COLDIJG EVENTS Thanksgiving Holidays 0 Novc27,28 to Dec,! Dec* Po T* Ae Tuesday, Dec* I5j7s30 p.m* Christmas Holidays, Deco 19 to Jan, 5,1959 -/c -x- Teacher,Mario Hodges,claims she didn't know one fish from another when she came to Ocracoke to teach, but she tied for first place v;ith Dicie V/ellSo Wanda Robin son won out on the food aphorism contest. The group voted to have 8 hostesses for * -Jf ^5- ^ „ c=- - November P.T.A, meeting was held last week’’^^® December meeting * , . something Tuesday (nov.17), with President Selma Christmasi Theyare Elizabeth Spencer presiding, Mrs Dicie Wells read Howard, Elizabeth O'N.Howard, Marie the Scripture; Mrs* Clarke lead in prayer* O'Neal, - Irene C'Neal,Naomi Groun wacj O'Neal, Bertha O'Neal, and Edna O'Neal, Group singing was enjoyed Mrs* Theodore Rondthaler gave a brief MrsnSpencer has appointed for the enter- review of David Stick^s new book 'To-tv otttttr coiiiuittee Dicie Vfells, Wanda BAITKS OF NORTH CAROLINA, complaining SI- R^'^-'^son, Wilma Wi].li.^s,and Mildred O'Neal, ever that she had found it hard +0 -hho *•«•■«•*** book since David EshamiSeniorJ and Lindsey OOR^COKS — HATTER/^ .Hg^Y B.HowardCji^i^r) had monopolized the two Leaves Ocracoke dailv at 7:30 a*ra. arrives ppri!! developed in the Hatteras about 11 a,m, , , review that Eph Eshan had Leaves Hatteras daily at 12:30 pom.arrives also done a good deal more reading in the Ocr-=coke about 4 Ocm. book than MrsoRondthaler, so he helped out x ^ vd.th the review* State Highway Commission has supplied For the first time in eleven years, NO money v/as appropriated, in spite of the fact that the treasury contains about* $750* Why? The Principal had sprained CaptoFrazier Poele and CeptoMonroe Stowe and their crews trailer accomodations for their overnight at Ocracoke* The trailer is located on Park land over near the h±3 back and was absent’from''ti;r;;;;eUna' *“3° a™ It should be noted,howeve?rthat SSmA toeekfasa. Each crew serves items ordered have not yet been paid for: ^ three-four da.y per week basis, the movie screen, the ma,ps,and the pic— How long this arrangement will'have to be tures for the elementary room* in effect is unknown at this time. Nothing Mrs. Spencer delighted the group with two repair the matting contests, one calling for completion of at the northern end of the Island, famous FOOD aphorisms, like for the Engineer Spruill and others have roose is fore*.,*: ^’hprrnl been here several times to inspect the con- ' dition of the old roadbed,hoping each time that Old Mother Nature v;lll have done some philos ophy; etc,,etc. and another con test on one^s knowledge of kinds of fish. NCC ' hlcJT ^ more filling in where vrashouts occurred.