ROYS VjORK on FMCLNG /dTO CLEAN UP While the girls are out of classes for sewing instruction, the boys are getting' in some Vocational Work (and a chance to get out of . academic work I) by going up tlie Island and working on the pony fencing project. Post by post (there are 2,200 in all); the boys are now working dovm along the Sound side. Part of the area vdll be out in the Sound, the ponies can get away from gnats and mosquitoes v;hen there are such. Other boys have worked on a roadside cleanr-iip in the Village, vdth Ward and Ed and the State Highmy truck, and Principal Rondthaler as superintendent of the "road gang," Needless to say the lake side.and the road sides look much better; they were really a mews after Hurricane Helene, whichvpis scattered over the road and thru the woods by Hurricane Helene, Meanwhile Charlie Ahraan has begun work on the dump, using our reconditioned cater pillar bull dozer, which was reconditioned through the generosity of A, S, Wikstrom, who paid'’t,he.'he.d5^; bill lor new-parts, NElf/ 0FFICEfe':Q(M(^O'bifIg'CLUB * 59-60 Jack V/illis was elect^d pre&ideht'of the. Civic Club;,Eph Esham,yice-p,rdipidentj Calvin O’Neal,Jr,,socretary,and Albert Styron, treasurer,. . Monford Garrish continues as chairman of the Club’s road committee; Benjamin E, Spencer,as chairman of the mosquito con trol committee. Civic Club hosts to Visitors April 30,1959 SmiMER 1959 MOSQUITO CONTROL Next week Thursday Ocracoke vdll have forty or more important visitors, many of whom are coming here for the first time. The Carolina Motor Club and the State Advertising Bureau is sponsoring a tour of To ascertain what our county could do to help us financially with'mosquito con trol this spring and summery Eph Esham, President of the Civic Club, Benjamxn E. North Carolina, including the Outer ^ It is a land -soa tour. This R.S.Wahab,and Theodore Rondthulor went to distinguished editors,photograph- Swan Quarter about two weok§^o confer with our County Commissioners, To finish out the "mosquito year" to July 1, v^ich is the date when new money ers,and executives of AAA’s will come here via the State Boat "Hatteras",arriving at about 10 a,m. The Club is arranging to have cars meet then and take them for a is available from the State to match county tour of the Village and up the Island funds,the Commissioners provided #150 at once to be followed by #150 "when that gives out",to be matched by the State if possible. Since then our Representative, Hon. Dick O’Neal, has telephoned that the Road, At noon, they will be entertained at a luncheon in the school library. Tenth . grade girls will help with serving lunch. At 1 o’clock the group will leave for Atlantic by boat and from there by bus to State is more than vdlling to do its part, B eaufort and Morehead City, Operations have already begun this year by pumping oil onto the ditches and marshes. APRIL P. T. A. K/fIUr,TTNC to destroy the wigglera before they hatch, Mrs,Dieie Wells was elected president of David Esham and Rudy Austin have been work- P.T.A. for the school year 1959-60; ing at this so far, Mrs,Naomi O’Neal,vice-president; Eph . T oaifoH tVifl Pommlasioners ®®^^j‘*^’'®asurer; and Mrs,Amber Ballance, The Committee also asked the Co^ssioners ^aiy. Treasurer Esham reported to put dovm Ocracoke for &500 to be mtohed J259.46 in the treasury. Next big ox- by the State when they »eir appli- p^naiture will be on repLctag the sink ^tlon for mosquito xf^^lves in the kitchenette. The old cover- Co^ssioners promised to take this requestj^ng,which was a donation,had worn out. It voted to use best material, on this. P.T.A, paid for extra bulbs for the movie projector; many were burned out because of high voltage,which has now been reme died, Hostesses for May are Mrs,Wilma into consideration. Filially, the Committee requested and may receive some money from Civil Defense Funds avail,able for restoring damage done by Hurricane Helene, If any such funds become available, they will be designated Mrs.Mildred 0'Neal,Mrs,Peggy for fixing up the Village trash dump, 0^e^,Mrs.Leevella Howard,Mrs,Lola Will-