3KYf . mm id In the name of our God we will' set up our banners."--Psa 2o- Voi . IV. I No. 15. ASHEVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1891. SI. 50 Per Annum. fc ."J ML I J 111 , 111 I t 1 5. The Church Walking World. With the The church and the world walked far apart On the changing shore of time; The world was singing a giddy song, And the church a hymn sublime. "Come, give me your hand," said the merry world, "And then walk wilh me this way," But the good church hid her snowy hand, And solemnly answered "Nay. "I will not give thee my hand at all, And I will not walk with you ; Your way is the way of eternal death, And your words are all untrue." "Xay, walk, with me a little space, Said the World with a kindly air, "The road I. walk is a pleasant road, " And the sun shines always there; Your way is narrow and thorny and rough, While mine is flowery and smooth ; Your lot is sad with reproach and toil, But in rounds of joy I move. My way, you can see, is a broad, fair one, And my gate is high and wide; There is room enough for you and me, And we'll travel side by side." Half shyly the Church approached the World, And gave him her hand of snow; And the false World grasped it, and .walked along, And whispered in accents low, Hast fall'Mi from zeal and grace;- So now, alas! I must cast thee out, " And blol thy name frm its place." Selected. Communications. Dr. Converse Replies. Extract from "The Bible and Land," pp. 201-202: The night of revolution is guided by the true doctrine Rom. io:r: "ine powers that be are ordained of God." See Exodus 3:1b. Compare I Samuel 10:1, with I Samuel 11:15. Compare I Samuel 16:13. wilh II Samuel 2:4. For rulers are only God's ministers-as they are appointeoffcy Him through the consent of the people. If the people have not or do not consent to the reign of any emperor, king or governor, he is not God's minister, but is an impostor and has no right what ever to the power he profanely claims. Dethroning the tyrant is obedience to heaven. As the amount of consent or approval needed to legitimate government cannot be studied .accurately, so it is impossible to say how much discontent will justify rebellion. This is a better foundation for the ;ht of revolution than tnat of fered by the theory of the social Your dress is too simple lo please my compact, which bases it on the cfc - sire to promote the public welfan . Rebellion is right, according to the common theory, when the evils of resistance are less than theeviis of obedience. As war is a neces sary incident to reoeuiou, it is right-to kill to promote the public- welfare, to do evil that good loay result a Jesuitical doctrine. Ac- to Paul's doctrine that taste; I have gold and pearls to wear ; Kieh velvets and silks for your grace ful form, And diamonds to deck your hair." The Church looked down at her plain white robes, And then at the dazzling world, And blushed as she saw his handsome lip, er, there is no hope of getting rid of the whiskey curse, for boMi the old leading parties are controlled by the whiskey men, and then there are so many men that let political prejudice nave the upper most peat in their minds, that al though they say they are for pro hibition, yet when it comes to voting, they will go and vote for these old parties, that they know are going to continue the whiskey curse on us; and how any man claiming to be a Christian can go and pray for the downfall of this great , evil, and then go right to the polls and vote for a party that he j lack of both. That there is a great lack of spirituality in the church to day there can be no iue inaurer to tne oresidiner I state organs, and haa nnw honnnm hsnvn a v srimnr hoaw elder and let him select the next the organ of the assembly. pj ace or meeting. Ihe reason of Another notable nersnn was Mrs For Ausrust i. 181, doubt, Now whether this stale of all this was that every body forgot Webb, of Savannah who, with things has been caused by the evangelists remains to be shown. It does seem to me that there was a great deal of deadness in the church generally before we had any of these evangelists in the field; and many things were tol erated, and not only so, but winked at by the ministers in many eec tions. lo illustrate I know of instances wnere stewards acting in the Methodist Church were guilty of dealing in intoxicants, knows is going to continue it, is a not only this, but illicit dealing, mystery that.! .ca.n'i.,sulv : &ndinf aiioV thelifinMers did" know of an -KDout the next session and her husband, a worthy minister went to conterence unprepared to of the Baptist Church, honored extend an invitation because they the assembly last year, as well as uau not oeen autnonzed to do so. this with her presence, anu made W e have hospitable people all many friends in Asheville, 1 1 I'fJ V f 1 IO lllnj .1 .. I. r . W T T-. ouu " iuc pilfer lurs. iviary u. nay, or our own lime Bro. Scroggs, in whose hands town must not be omitted in this the matter has been placed, will mention, as she is now National hav no trouble in finding a com- Superintendent of W. C. T. U mumty that will be glad to enter- sionary work for the Negro race, tain tne next district conference, and has already laid foundations Bro. Scroggs , is a very pleasant fr having these people prepared spTe8',!jjng oiheer. .. . He is much tor the task for which, it would BY REV. J. C. ROWE. With a smile contemntiious nrled "I will change my dress for a costlier cording one," only exibting governments gov- Said the Church with a smile of grace, ernments that have the consent of men i.er pure wnne garments amteu thc people are ordained of God, i .i ai- n u i the revolutionists dethroning And the orld cave in their Dlace I 6 . . tyrant are as much the ministers ueaiHituI satins, and fashionable silks, . , ., ,. .,. , . . , j i of God as the police officers wh And roses and gems and pearls ; I . 1 And nvor hr fo.hd h hr.crht hir arrest a burglar. . The tyrant is a ... - I ! - - tell Waving in a thousand curls. "Your house is too plain," said the proud old World, "Let us build you one like mine, With kitchen for feasting and parlor for play, And furniture never ito fine." sacriligious pretender. The swurd, the power to kill, :s given by Go i. ii l l v f . i ro me reoeis. . ui ours- mere i.- danger ot error nere, lh r-. is in all moral questions. Onlv a very order to try to quicken the con science of this class of voters want to quote a few paragraphs that I see in a temperance paper for some of them are so prejudiced against prohibition that they will not read them. Why, sir, even in our Annual and district confer ences, when the temperance re ports are read, if there is anything in them that don't agree with their political notions, they are ready to jump up and oppose them and make bitter speeches, that saloon men and dram drinkers will cheer tnem for! Nearly one hundred thousand every year in America are going to a drunkard's grave, and if I vote for the old whiskey parties, I am helping to send them there! When religion strikes a Mian's ballot, he will strike a b e-line out of a whiskev partv. Hitch a preacher in the harness of a whiskey party and the devil will bank his all on that team. Away with the religion that makes a man politically loyal to the saloon. But, Mr. Editor, I think the signs are jthat the cause of prohi bition is growing all the time, and that it is coming faster than Abo litionism came. There are now six prohibition States, and if the old parties are broken up, it will come fa-ter yet. I am glad to learn that prohibition is growing so fast in North Carolina, that they already have it in four or five counties, and that the Supreme court judges have decided that the county com- these things but failed to bring them before the church, and I am sorry to say that the church lacks a great deal of being yet clear of these terrible calamities. There have been failures on the part of both parties, and signal failures on the part . f the lay members, a lack of discipline on the one hand, a failure on the other to comply. So the kettle should not call the pot black, but "come let us reason together. and find where the disease is seated, and then apply the remedy. I would not say one hard thing against preacher or people ; but I will say that the church is very sick and needs purging and cleansing, and every help that is available should be utilized. Now let there be a little more caution about leaving gaps open tor as sure as we do, some one will step in and find pasture. More anon. Randleman, N. C. Subject Christ's Authority. :17-:i0. . John ' m n ii uoL'iEN lE.xT -Ail power is given unto Me in heaven and inearth." Matt. 28:18. Time Some time after the incident for the most part fleeing to Shang hai. All our missionaries from Such'ow are now in Shanghai, and all the others have been advised o come in. An attack on our property at Suchow was repulsed by the soldiers sent to guard the place. A Wesleyan missionary, and an American employed in the custom house have been killed. The foreign ministers at Peking of the last lesson, probably early in the nave ntined the authorities that unless the government takes im mediate steps for the protection year 31, A. D. Place Jeursalem. . The golden text does not mean that the Father had divested Him- tt?4v Fvte. KEr om all -over t Be.ia , God is. Hi proWdence sent 1 Bel of &n'1 g1 veP H to! kind words them to America; viz, the evan gelizing of the dark continent, Mrs. A. E. Pease. hear the district we spoken of him Every member of the conference was pleased with Lenoir, and her hospitable people. Lenoir po sesses as much culture and as high a grade of Christian charac ter in her citizenship, as any town in North Carolina. We all were charmed with the place, and shall remember most spent there. W. L. Sherrill, Morganton, July 27, 1891. of the foreigners, the governments they represent will step in and do' it. In the meantime the area of alarm and disaffection is spread- iug." Southern Advocate. Miscellaneous. Can Women Reep a Secret? Meetinj of the W C. T. U The Womans Christian Temper ance Union has lust closed a ten days session in Asheville. who has attended mauy Every woman is not trusty any kindly the days more than is every man; but quite as many women as men are so. In truth it may be doubted if there are not more trusty woman men mere are men. ecrets are seldom imparted to persons who do not inspire confidence; they whu tell what they call secrets to dozens of persons, without know- A lady iQg much about the persons, with- at the out torming any positive opinion j Christ, but that the Son was equal in power to the Father, and that the directing of all mediatorial work was committed to the Son. "My Father worketh hitherto and I work," nieans that the Father in sustaining and blessing the world never suspended His work for the SflhVintVl Aatr onA fk n f TTrt i 1 1 J j ' 1 uwui- I r ii .. ' ii we mnsr near tinrt'a noma n.n ing the impotent man was using e , , V ---.ru- fT;a nn,n. u. - uieu,we mucn preier to near it w w - --. uuf uawu j 1T1 HA tilU I Jl i . Current Opinion. Pulpit Profanity. We do not approve of profanity, either in or out of the pulpit. But tather. His hearers understood him to assume equality With God, and therefore they considered Him a blasphemer and worthy ot death The lesson teaches that Christ is the Son of God, and as such is equal to the Father. The Father withholds from the lips of the low and vicious. God save us from profanity in tlie pulpit, and. from the lips of a preacher. We would no more allow a child of ours to listen to a preacher who denounces people from the pulpit, as "infernal liars" than we would 1 L. Cl. 1 xovea tne oon, ana WltnnoidS no ailow him fo Rffln(1 nri lVffQ,i secrets from Him, but acquaints listener to the profanity of the v i Li an ins wuxkb. ine has m- of their discrimination or retic ence, are not ant to have anv secrets from the entire circle of their acquaintance. Thev are mere babblers, gossms. tattlers -J A Still not at- So he built her a costly and beautiful rouse rklonrfid it was t( HAhrtlrl Her sons and her daughters met fre- thoroughly considered tli. science quently there, . Shining in purple and gold. general disapproval of t ho rulers mie8ioners have it in their power to refuse to grant license to an"- one to sell liquor, and to refuse it can justify rebellion. Dear Doctor Pi.kk thinking that you l ii.- And fair and festival frolics untold, Were held in the place of prayer ; And maidens bewitching as Syrens of old With world-winning graces rare. Bedecked with fair jewels and hair all curl.-kl Untrammeled by Gospel or Laws, To beguile and am use and win from the r World, Some help for the righteous cause. The angel of mercy rebuked the Church, And whispered, "I know thy sin ;" Then the Church looked sad, and anx iously longed To gather the children in. of government as your great abili ties will enable vou to do, mav 1 without even giving a reason for refusing. Now, let all the good people go to work, preachers and laymen. Let the good women also Lenoir District Conference. The Sta'esville district confer ence met i'iioir, on Thursday. Tu!y loth, at ;) o'clock in the morning. Kev. J. K. Scroggs, the presiding elder of the district opened the session with devo tional exercises. Rdv. W. L. Sherrill of Morgan-, ton was made secretary. AH the preachers were present, and the fullest lay delegation we have North says none of them terested her like this one. The leader, Miss Mary Allen West, is the national superintend' ent of the department of Assert' biiesaud Training schools, and to wnotry to bestow some importance her appearance and ability, the ou their communications by de success of the meeting, was in a cIaring them to be secrets. Such great measure due. Miss West communications are usually com- was 25 years a teacher, and then monpiace, or ot so little conse- became countv superintendent of quence as to make no distinct im- public school returning from that Passion on the mind; needing to office to take active work in the e laoenea private, Jest tne be national AV. C. T. U. She is at thought to belong to the public. son is invested with the power of the government in both of God's realms, that is, heaven and earth. In the exercise of this power He wrought His miracles, raised the dead and will raise all at the last day and also judge the world. The Son also has power to give eternal life to all who receive His word. He exercises all His power in per feet harmony with the Father. lowest dens of iniquity. No man ought to be allowed a place in the Church, much less the Gospel min istry, who would dare to use such terms as the above from the pulpit, and while preaching the Gospel of Christ. Southern Christian Advocate. ask you to publish th extract exert themselves, and let petitions above, which will be new and in- he circulated and signed, asking teresting to most .of your readers, the commissioners not to grant and comment upon it? license lo any one to sell liquor May I also ask you to explain In those counties and States where . . ........ . .. .1 1- IT 1 the fact, that although the Ivnch- no liquor is sola, tne prison. are ing in Bristol was done in Broad day, with no effort at concealment, no witnesses will appear against the lynchers, no grand, jury will indict them, no prosecutor will prosecute them and no jury will ever convict themr xou and 1 nearly empty; and rh, what a re duction of taxes! Let mass-meet ings be held in every county and neighborhood! If any one thinks that a city or town will be injured if liquor is not sold, let them look at Harriman, the new prohibition are acquainted with the people of I town in Tennessee, where no liquor But some ere away at the midnight I Bristol, and we know that they are is sold, and see how rapidly it has ac law-abiding, as humane, as grown four or five thousand in- brave, as anv community in the habitants in one year! What - i . . . - land. whi6key town can beat that? And I do not approve of lynch-law, look at Atlanta, Ga.; during the anymore than I approve of jevo- two years oi prohibition there, lution or rebellion. Every rebel-1 they never had more prosperity, ball, And others busy at the play ; And some were drinking in gay saloons, And the Angel went away. And then said the World in soothing tones1 lour mucn loveu ones mean no harm Merely indulging in innocent sports," So she leaned still on his proffered arm And they of the Church, and they of the World,- Journeyed closely, hand and heart, And none but the Master, whoknoweth all, Could discern the two apart. Then the Church sat down at her ease and said, "I'm rich and in goods increased ; I have need of nothing, and naught to do, But to laugh and dance and feast. The sly World heard her and laughed within, And mockingly said aside "The Church has fallen the beautiful Church Her shame is her boast and pride. Thus her witnessing power, alas, was lost, And the perilous times came in ; The times of the end, so often foretold, Of form and pleasure and sin. Then the Angel drew near the mercy- Beat, And whispered in sighs her name, lion or revolution must be judged by itself, on its own merits, and so must every temporary and local rebellion or revolution which we call mob-law or mob violence. In regard to the lynching in Bristol I have expressed no opinion, as 1 am not sumcientiy acquainted with the facts; but knowing the people of Bristol as I do, I am in clined to think they are doing right. Yours for public righteousness, James B. Converse. peace and happiness than thpy had then, and about two thousand souls were converted to God. They are going to vote on it there again, and let every Christian pray ear nestly for the success of prohibi tion there, and everywhere el.s1, for day is beginning to break. Morristown, Tenu., July 21. Uvaiigelistic Work. Siirn.s of the Times. BY REV. H. P. WAfOH. Mr. Editor: When we look- around and see the confusion of the country, many are ready to cry out, ' atchmnn, tell us of the night." It looks to this scribe BY REV. A. L. MENDEXHAU,. There seems to be a disposition among some ot our brethren to make an indiscriminate attack upon all evangdistic work and upon all who have worked in this field, which I think very unkind aud savors somewhat of the old Adam, and may, possibly, be some what mixed with Jealousy; but be seen for ypars. Of course the schools were represented and I am glad they were. Dr. Dixon of Greensboro, Rev. J. D. Arnold of Asheville, and Prof. J. D. Minick of Davenport Female College were all there and presented the claims of all these worthy institutions. President Crowell was expected and we were disappointed at not seeing him then-. Circumstances were such however as to prevent his at lending and he notified Rev. S. B. Turrentino of Morganton, to represent the interest of Trinity college. Rev. T. H. Law of the Bible society was present and laid be fore the conference much valuable information pertaining to the work of this great institution. Our church papers seem to I have al most forgotten us though. Bro, Willson ran in one afternoon and spent awhile and then off he put for King's Mountain to attend the Shelby district conference. Bro, Reid of the Raleigh Advocate, and Bro. Austin of the Asheville Meth- oni'T both had homes provided A. present editor of the Union Signal, organ ot tnat organization, and t i i i oeiow iew papers in tne union in the extent of its circulation. The presence of Mrs. Lathrap of Michigan added greatly to the interest of the assembly for the first three days. Those who have heard her public lectures will know how well prepared she is to speak on every phase of the tem perance work. Persons who have heard manyplatfom cturers both men and women think that they have never heard a lecture super ior to that of Mrs. Lathrap in the old opera hall on Tuesday night Mrs. Lathrap is called, on account of her logical method, force and eloquence, the Daniel Webster of the W.' C. T. U. Four other na tional organizers and lecturers were present. Mrs. Chapin of Charleston, who is well known in this community, by former splendid services. Mrs. Wells, the president of the Assembly whose ease and grace in presiding at public meetings is thoroughly appreciated by the ladies, as well as her excellent lecturing ability. Mrs. Griffin, of Alabama, the hu morist of the assembly, who bids fair, with more experience, having been but eighteen months a plat- Power Behind the Pulpit. There is no more important of ficer in the church than the stew- The Son, being equal to the Fn- ard, and the board of stewards of ther, is entitled to equal honor j each pastorate are charged with a with the Father. Those who pro-1 most responsible duty. To have a Beside, the communicators are tess to honor the Father, and (yet successful ministry we must re- prone to the habit of repeating do not equally honor the Son, neve them from all financial em- their stories to every one they can make a mistake. Their honor is barassments and worldly entangle- persuade to listen to them, and made dishonor because .they do meats, that they may give them-. not subscribe to what the Father selves wholly up to the ministry has done in exalting the Son to I of the Word. In the order of God's equality with Himself. The lesson teaches from verse 24 to 30 that Christ is made the then pronouncing them confiden tial. To many to whom they are thus disclosed, the stories are already familiar, and politeness alone prevents the recipient from immediately saying as much, sourse of eternal life to all who Candor and delicacy compel these, receive it. This life is received when informed of their cofidential through Christ by hearing and character, to acknowledge that believing His words. He reveals they are by no means new. But I the Father to all who believe His house, and the wise and economic arrangements of the Methodist Chizrch, men are set apart for the one purpose ot relieving the preachers from this responsibility, by arranging for and securing an ample Bupport for them. But if these men fail to do their duty. the babblers men for the most words part take no notice of this. They life. A stone cannot give life be go their babbling round, and when cause it does not possess it. But they hear the current tale, they as the Father has life in Himself like to assume an injured air and to He has given the Son to have life assert that some confounded wo- in Himself. Therefore the Son is men never can keep a secret. That able to make the dead live. He woman should owe, in any meas- has power to quicken the dead ure their false reputation to such soul. And also by the power of Life can come only from the preachers are embarrassed, the sutlers, and the Church is a dunce, is the best evidence of its falsity. Junius Henri Browne, Ladies' Home Journal. in The Man The Printer Loves. There is a man the printer loves, and he is wonderous wis', when'er he write the printer man he dot teth all his i's. And when he's dotted all of them with careful ness and ease, be punctuates each r i i ... ii j- i . t - I J ior uit-m om tuey lauea to appear form Speaker to rival Bill Nye and ai jiu. His voice all the dead bodies shall live. "All that are in the graves shall hear His voice and come forth." The resurrection will not be ef fect ed by any process of nature. but by the direct power of Christ. Christ has all power to give and sustain life. He is able to give liberty to the captive soul. The whole life work of Jesus was wonderful. His words were wonderful. "He spake ap never very much like we are on the eva too much territory, and gives room of a revolution for the political for the other side to show up in And the saints their anthems of rap- parties are in such' a state of up- consistency among the regularly heaval that a great split is likely appointed ministers of the Meth iu .aw iiaw, uu n may uo mai ouist unurcn. i nere are some the- Hand of Providence is in it, methods used by some of the and the good Lord is going to evangelists I don't think is (he bring about a great change thai best way, and some -tvling them ture hushed, nd covered their heads in shame. A voice came down from the hush of heaven, From Him that sat on the throne; "I know thy works and what thou hast 1 he claims of our church peri- odk-nlsvere not forgotten, how ever, as agf nts were deputized and people given. Ih opportunity to pay u or subscribe. Then good Bro. Gattis, our conference book agent v. us well represented by his son aim a hue collection ot relig ious liier..ture from his store. 1 he conference sessions were very pieu.-anl, and the general m-k-it si manifested was encourasre- ng. The preachers and delegates reported generally that the great work was moving steadily forward in all lines. The spiritual condi tion of the people is on the up grade. The missionary spirit of the people is improving and all the indications are favorable for a this as it may, this sweep covers j year of great religious progress on the district. M. V. Sherrill, W. M. Robbinf, G. . r lowers and J. A. Lackey, : 1 1 i r if' i i . i .1 . . . . said, W1" 00 iur aia Kory ana tne good selves evangelists have made ship- But alas ! thou hast not known of-flouls. How sad to think of the wreck of their work. So have a That thou art poor and naked and blind, havoc the liquor curse is making, number of our station and circuit and before any change will take preachers done the same thing, place, the old parties will have to Some may have shown zeal with be broken up, for the old preju- knowledge. Some of the other dice ia so strong that as long as class may have shown knowledge these old parties continue in pow- without zeal, and sometimes a With pride and ruin enthralled; The expectant bride of a heavenly Groom Is the harlot of the World! Thou hast ceased to watch for that blessed hope; were elected delegas to the An nual conference with Rev. W. L. C. Killian, J. T. Long, M. W. While and J. R. Wilson, alter nates. When the question of deciding where lo hold the next session was reached, the conference was in a dilemna. We didn't know what to do. Everything was ex ceedingly quiet. Not a soul moved or spoke. When at last amotion was made and passed to Bill Arp in their peculiar spheres. In her lecture of Friday night were many telling truths behind a guise ot mirtn and drollery which k'-pt her audience convul sed with laughter. The modest, quiet, woman, who on bunday atternoon surprised her audience with her words of wisdom, and through acquaintance with the Sabbath question, is Mrs Bateham, national W. C. T. IT superintendent of Sabbath observ- enee, ana a resident ot Asneville, having come here in (he fall after the Atlanta convention. Though known to few outside W. C. T. U circles here, she is well known in other parts of the country by her efficient unpaid labors in be half of the preservation of the American Sabbath, and Asheville ladies will do honor to themselves by making her acquaintance. Injustice would be done to the personelle of the convention did we omit to mention the presence of Mrs. Kells, editor of the Miss issippi White Ribbon. A teacher of high intellectual qualifications. She gave up her profession to aid in the effort to rid her country of the curse of the liquor traffic, and few women are more capable of dealing telling blows to this en emy of humanity and God. Her paper is among the best of the paragraph, and crosses all his t's. Upon, one side alone he writes, man spake." His knowledge was and never roll bis leaves; and wonderful. He manifested an from the man of ink a smile and impressive familiarity with the mark 'inserfreceives. And when deepest mysteries. His works a question he doth ask taught were wonderful and showed a power wisely ne natn been ne doth the superior to all the powers of evil goodly penny stamp, tor postage He never failed in any work. But back, put in. He gives the place wonderful as were His mightiest from which he writes his address works He will yet accomplish the printer needs and plainly one most wonderful of all, in the writes his honored name, so he resurrection of all the dead. The that runneth reads. He writes rr- earth and the sea shall give up all vises, reads, corrects, and rewrites the dead that are -'n them at the all again, and keeps one copy safe, sound of His voice. The millions and sends one to the printer man. Gf graves unknown to men will cause damaged. Will not every steward give diligence to this work, and never cease until the paetor is paid to the last farthing? Central Methodist. And thus by taking little pains, at trilling care and 'jost, assure him self his manuscript will , not be burned or lost. And so he speaks through all the land, and thous ands hear his word, and in the open and their forth and live. Monroe, N. C. dead will come Our readers have already learned from telegrams in the secular coming day shall know how much presg Gf the troubles in China, and he served the Lord. Qf the attacks that have been made So let all those who long to upon foreign missions, Protestant write take pattern by this man, and Catholic. The ulterior design with jet black ink and paper white, of this movement seems to bo to do just the best they can; and overthrow the existing government then the printer man shall know, by bringing about difficulties with and bless them as his friends, all foreign powers. Hence these at through life's journey as they go, until the journey ends. Exchange. tacks by the rebels on foreign mission stations. At the same time there is more or less opposi tion to foreigners throughout the nnnnf nr ' T O r if -1ortoa " antra The work of the stone founda- ,r J' ... ' . . Dr. l . J. Allen in the Nashville tion of the addition to Sullins Advoeate have been threatened, college, Bristol, Tenn., is going and some of them actually attacked on. land destroyed, tno missionaries Coming' to Time. Commend us to the man who keeps his appointments. The man who is always on time is to be honored. David, moved by the wisdom of Omniscience, com mends the man who sweareth to his own hurt and change th not. Methodism would not have been what it is to-day if her preachers had not been so faithful along this line. What contract, or promise, or duty, can be more sacred than an engagement to preach the Gos pel at a given time? The man who gives his note of promise to pay at a given time is due tne payee the amount promised when the note falls due, but" the man who makes an appointment to preach is due the people a message from the Lord, and is due the Lord also the discharge of a solemn duty. Texas Advocate. Multiplied Ducats Brinjf IJiiin. We are unwilling to believe the charges which are so freely made in the secular newspapers to the effect that the methods of the modern evangelists are saturated with the commercial spirit. But we warn the brethren who are en gaged exclusively in revival work that they can ill afford to do any thing that will give the least support to those allegations from without. No preacher is en titled to get $40,000 a year for his services, and no preacner can get it for a great length of time without ruining nis reputation and de stroying his power. Xashville Ad vocate. A company has been organized with a capital of $100,000 to oper ate a farm in Florida of 112,000 acres. Now is the time to subscribe for the Methodist. New contrib utors to its columns are constantly widening its intersts and influence.

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