L 0 . , ' v Beading Room' W ku: rrXii"H . A" - 7aJip& wlilit ; II- I:- i f ! - ' v t . - 1 ! . i ifl ' i;:7 ;.:...:.'. A ! . . ":: fct.:P. tBRJa'CIKr.-.'-. if' .....PUBLISHED I N j TH E I NTEREST' "6 ip. iM ET7H bD I Sl lN IESTEN ' 6lTjH 6 AROLI N A. ' r'.i ASHEVIL.LE, N. Gi, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1893. ; : . . Jhti5e?tBPn Carolina Adyocate . -TrtnsfSbserlpt!on - rof one Tt-ar f? : fof Ir xrxoth" t! Tor Ttbneaootli 60 ceut. To ir&cbcrs . and wyiOf . Our Agents , . r alltfAvelinr nl loot! preacher. In rood aixllns nrei,tocUu A Commission J !Mr cent, on nrw ahrriber"n4 t2S P -c-nt. om tcialf ! allowed f'n'. No comiuitKa dJowe of ten on virtue hrr rt. : . tv T , Pstac'e It Tvpnid J ; ' ' i ; bytkpaMIher;for 11 stiWrlptloa fbtCnlt lb rvtl L nloa cW 6i c?nt for to4e. fw -Subscriptions tmi -comtnenc i nixae dnrlnj the r- : , Chuff or Address. " ' WtwaiVcbaoK baidrs ( ordireJ. botk tbe "new afl ibeold 4dre ta be irtveo. nd ocfcioe ent tae ck llor iheciwuwie UdedreU. ; : ,...., ' ; j M DlseontTnttanes-f. ' t ' . tri-e,i t th rxNmtion of tht ir iUcrJptIoD. uhowlrt cflfrti to lb at 0ctt otherwise we bH conmider ttxy wlh to h re It continued. Irregularities Injhe MaJH. If you do not retire yonr prr regularly, -notify u at oarre, f ITinj nam ana auurrK. To Corraspondents- ne .abbrevUtiona. , Write iropor nam with rile rttb fclaca Ink, ana not an in a.pevcu. nlj- on one aJda oi tna papvr. Raeatnts. i Wc'do not aend reoelpu for eubrrIiIo.nnle8a the ri- tfaet U arcompaated by a atamp. i ne iaie ou your if i-j will Indicate wtChln two weeks tbatsbe remlttaate waa-recelved. - How to Remit. Remittance ahoaM be aent by CbecL, lira ft. Expre Otter, rt oace aaeney oraer, payante ao oracr oi KJEV. P. U -GBOOME Asheville, X. C f ( ! ?e, gi If Do not i f f t Waiteoc THE UN ELL OF TIME, - 1. Ele&rd tcu thai knell ? It was rthe knell oI time! , Amd is time dead? I thought ttime never j died, . .rl . ' ' -" I tner him ldtis true, and fuU bf rears, 'And bald except -in front; l)Ut be was strong Uerculea: I saw him xrasp the oak, Itiell; the tjwecit crumbled; and the stone 7 Tle -sculptured monument, that marked tb ' " icrave : 01 fallen Kreatses, ceased it pompous tra!n, "' . ' - ' ' ' " I ; As Time came by. Tea, time was very strong, 10. And I had tbouglrt, too strong for Dsath'to grapple with. . . . , 7 , : Bat I remember now, his step was light; And though he mord at rapid rateand trod rk' Ma tra.d Wn r'' Hmrdt ' vju , 15. That in the silence ! ihe midnight tour, When All was hushed as death, aad not a sound . Crept 4-er "my window sill, or woke The cho Numbering there ; in such an hour lie trod my chamber and I heard him not; 20. And I hae held my breath and listened close, To 'cateh one ifoot-fall a he glided by; But not a slumbering sound awoke, or gigiied, And the thought struck me then, that -one, whose step7 ; . Was so much like a spirit tread, whose acts 25. Were all so Xjbiseless, lik-e the world unseen Would soon be HI for other worlds than thi; Fit for high conrerse with immortal mind, Unfettered by the. flesh, unchained to earth. 'Time's movements! oh how ileet! and yet how still! " ' :0. A(ill. as the morning sunleam, as it kissed TkAblushing flowr, but shook not e'en the - 7 Vara Of aipt, the lingering dew-drops, from its ieav, . i XbrwokVthe wild bee slumbering in iu faklsA . A vox. CENTERS OF LIFE. -Great centers oMife are cnterK of at. traction f torn ' which VprofitabTe Ipsebns may bo learned ty him who kuowB to tTnnAtrfttft ihir 'occult arcana. Is it a vaat pfairie. over whoso bosom cince roll- orl tb rpfltlpfl pa. where h' atoihbB of helplefis living fornis perished in remote unboftvals of trie seaft Iverv bottom and remained to tfustaiu a rich herbage when the prolific' rays 'of eoletitial sudp, through many ageR phould lend a fostpr ing hand ? f so, thither evil I flock to feed vast herds of bison and wild horses, which-iu turn - become, au -attfactiou to beasts of, prey in the mouutainp a'nd for ests and'fcaTcelv less savage man from barbarian or civilized homes. Is it a great river, or eouud. or sea teeming witih. myriad life , never resting from its search for nourishment, sought after in turn by more aggressive and pow erful enemies, and these, again by men, for in' them is promiselof continuity of being ? . t 7 ; " j 'V : ' ;" , Is it the oity where areoentered all the 1 radii of life"' vast wheel? 1 - Here are -stored resources for all the needs of man. The finest Droducts of the soil are -here. The agriculturist and horticuliurrst, the shepherd and herds man, cull from all they have the best, what is richest in ! life values, skilled eyes reject vh t holds no marrow, and it drife away .while ready- discernment grafts the good. If Borne Te sJow to know these Ihfngs the j consequences are they are left tc operate; at more unfortu nate distances ; The life is- dear to its possessor, au'dSjl life isas&ertive in pro portion tj the intensity and sum of. it. Hence the cityflife is cumulative, and itfiL- assertive8 and umulativeness render it iQem ;emagneucii w eurcuarg ed of its own yiraliry-. and it dischargeiB to. be charged Again. "It is to be contem plated by mea )f small life foroo as.the HovB do the menagerie at a sate distance hunger-bitten and cold, they are warmed and fed.' It-becomes afmaffnet and cen- ter of attraction,' -'A man. iometimea ; is tich a center of life. 71 Be he ..teacher physician or pastor, other needy lives are completed by his. i The rotigh ashlar, fakes-dnthd beanty-'his L skill dcrees-- Perhaps a man welf rounded, 7 richly euy dowed by"nature, cultured aud filled wjth the Holy Spirit is the jrichest,. of all the earthly centers of life, j Such an onq Js magnetic in a high degree, and is the 1 character spoken of by , Isaiah, chapter 32:2: "And a man'shall be as an ing place from the windand a c from tne tempest ( life's toes ; ; as rivers of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land.". To tho afil icted. bereaved, impoverish ed in his Hock such a power is the true pastor. To the ignorant he is a light and knowledge. He 'interprets hidden providences and sheds sunshine wherever he goes. - Happy people with such a pas tor. 7 Happy church arid happy ' pastor who know the Great Center of all life; who often go to Him who is the giver of all life and bejng,"who has the Spirit without measure, in whom dwells all full ness, and who led captivity captive to give rich gifts to men. All other centers of life and power are but feeble: types oi Him who is all in all. Theirs is al? 1 de rived, but in Him is life. HAPPY YULE-TIDE. -'Ar The Christmas about this city has been spent in a manner, so far as we can es timate, to honor Him whose advent, to in mental acumen, cultivate those facul ties on which life isjto ! rely. Hero law yers confront each ! other armed with blades of scintillating wit, invectivo, sar casm and logic to "demonstrate who has title to the first place. Here physicians bring the endowments' of nature ac quirements, of industryand experience of the clinic to give life for life. Here the W 1 i Ko man islt to be a preacher mat is - not also a pastu-. Though he have the learning of Meiaichthou and the elo- ' quence of Jerem; Taylor, he cannot properly minister hpiritual wants of a flock with whic he dos not come into direct personal ntacfVi, It isjfalse anol foolish to say: -Vat ;rs make ser mons and visits at theU t , The fact is that out of visits . por, the penitent, the prisoner, theJfie dy ing, all the best sermons arV,orn. Aere knowledge speedily; becomes ayiendS dry as a last year's bird's nestVnltesV be kept vital by human associates. Af ter a morning spent in the study,e Ton- M?nnfll thing is an afternoon Vet, in the homes of the people. A mincer of Jesus Christ has no business, to b a A sound scholar is a man 10 19 bookworm mens men of the quill receive the copious streams of sentiment andjthought flow ing from all- the litfrarj world, and through the filter ofudgdent must cre ate and supply the demaa( s of the times, sustaining a healthy mora and intellect ual growth, or pandering o the deprav ed taste of-those who hav received the sentence of death in theiiselves. Here facilities for life's. subterAnce have been perfected; waterr caloric rapid transit, instantaneous well ; nign spontaneous light andvery convenience whch ex- !erie.P;ed architects can devise Avait on lif? The pioue and spark rushing at rapid rate hive transformed the world into a whisptriug gallery, The manifold lines over tte . ppdestrian's neaa jik chords cf the olian jharp respond - in melancholy. or' cbeerful notes to tho mes caA that shall tWe like steer ti. uL , 1 oritb ihft word or, uiu auAioij " r well." Therefore the eve earth is celebrated at this season.TNear- lv or nnitA alt. trie churches bad some 'J -'. 7 -i - I kind of public demonstratiorf, chiefly Christinas trees as is . tne. wot of the whole country. The pastors preached sermons appropriate- tc the. . aason. ; At Central the 7 Epworth - Leagui i held -7a watch-htght service and 7 w&i; regrets provemeut. iur xovo . , . . .f : ; V 7 I 7 : New Year's Day came on Sunday and was a field-day tor midwinfer At the Central the Communio was administer ed, after a very appropriate and seasona ble eertnon by the .pastor. . Th? congre gation at night was very. large 1 lso. .It is enoueh to sav that Dr. Weaver conducted service at North Asleville, it being the first Quarteely Meeefag occa sion for that charge.. Rev. J. C. Troy and F. Taylorfmade ex cellent talk to.the Y. M.C. A.:jh the af ternoon and four voung men arose for prayer and promised amendment for the coming year. ; r Two services were held each' it River side and Bethel. At the forrier place five nersons arose for praer amhe even ing service. '. . WHITHERWARD reference to How wise people are .with this life and its interests 1 ; No enterprise or business which' has - been carried on for twelve months would bo1 considered to, be on a safe basis without a" casting hup -of .the debits and credits land an' in ventory made of stock ou hand. Busi ness methods require this. iBut in the other and more importanfbusiness, even the very first that should claim atten tion, howjmany years, have passed and no special consideration has been given to the status of affairs,, the tion of interests in the other There are mpltitudes who real con di- world. could very intelligently give an answer to any question concerning their temporal. in- terests. and prospects, out wno, 11 cioseiy questioned, could riot give any definite information about their spiritual affairs. They know very well wherej they will live for 1893, if the year should be theirs, what business they will ' follow, what special plans are before them,' and their resources' to meet emergencies. Mark you, all this applies to the ? present life. As to the more important life, the life that is to be forever with the Lord, or to be icast away from his presence forever, there are no determinate plans nor ex- pectetions. Is this wise? i 7 Where are you friend? In what di rection is the prow of your little boat on life's sea pointing? Direction is a very important matter in all forward move ments. Destination; is governed by di rection. You will not then be surprised to land at the port tofafd which you are going, will you; ? : . ! -A ; ' v7 ( TakfcV.arel the landing place mav be reached betore you now it. The cap- tain of a ship at sea, in your condition, with reckonings lost, sky overcast, stormi? impending, and lio other sail "ih sigh ty ToL 1, Ko. 8. Price. J2 1 Yr. grift of Shought. THE CURSE QF PARTISANSHIP. IZionV Herald, Metbbdlst. "Nine out of ten moral and religious persons, who are not connected, wit h the church in any , oflits branches,when aseif why thiey have nev- J er4 associated themselves with the organ ized body of Christ's followers, will reply that they have been repelled by the self-seeking, unchristian spirit manifested by somany pro-' fessjng Christian j It is the curse of partisan ship clinging, to the body of Christ's followers, ever since the Bid day' when' the A ponies: wrangled over the question who should b greatest in the new kingdom. This greed for preference spreads from individuals to party. and froxp party to church, and from church tu sect. It is the most unlovelv thini? in the hi I tory of the Chrisl ian organization, and alas t -& prevails to-day almost if not iiuite, as much a it,ever didis The church .militant is like a hol- low square of infantry with bayonets turned inward instead of outward. The strifes which- agitata the church to-day are nearly all with- n its own ranks. Religious partisans are so- blinded by their own hand-to-hand conflicts. that there is little; time or strength left for the ' wide battlefield of the worjd. Would that the church might, at some time in its history! pre sent a wholly united and unbroken front to the hosts of sin and worldliness; But that time will never come until the partisan in religion drops his' pitiful pewter blade of contentious nessi and, grasping the bright sword of faith and consecrated zeal' tnrns to fight the legionsv of Satan which swarm on every hand." CREEDS. The Presbyterian., "There isjust now a great outcry against creeds; -There may be some reason for it, as when they divide a- small community! into a number of weak struggling, 'dying churches when one evangelical church might do far greater service for Christ and. souls. Creeds may bemade, with some, a substitute for pie ty. Oftentimes they are as dead a tho pillar pt-8siu.ir.':BntrMitnlIprinciple9 ordinarily determine conduct. Practice is built on doc- t is 7 ;ei Wasting fctcei of . - . . " ' ',.1 li 4 tirl Pd to Wo -ro individual lite drive - 1 a- . Btrxfeele close as be at 1 gates , , j 'u;i, Va tributes that t?USci nenmu wuu 1 j deposited i ,r For long and weary leagues frf-rUe-tic seclusion, wherife's eman? PASSING ANOTHER MILES' ONE. j Like. other brethren of the itineracy it was o" tttb to have to nve after Conference this year. - OnlW for; one short year did we ferve the (lelightfuli station of Waynesville not a large, but very important appointment Hie mem bership numbers-nearly. two hundred and i composed of as true and loyil a band as can fe fouad in the Confer mce. We' should have been delighted to 1 erve them maiiy years had not a wider irid more important field been opened before us by the hand of Providence. We shall number among the : dearest frienohip ol Christmas with trine. ; An unprincipled man is one who has no- having drifted for months, 7 knbws not j cred. The teachings of the pulpit and relig- when the cry will be raised, "land ahead!'' ious literature must be scriptural, or they will m, i 1. , , i. ; drag down whom they should . lift up. .If we? There is no harbor, no flights along the - r 'A . t i. -. . . j; r -. t Lr.aiJ vMju,i ma cuaraci.gr ana re- rAA - ' ,tlj ' ' H Jl" "Va lh'J latiosiB to 0a3el va i ::wroulr -'r!Uf r rttrl - roar of the sea, as it-, thunders, n7 the authority of God's Word, the necessity for ho- rock-bound coast, foretell wreck arid ruin, h'ness, the nearness of judgment and the per- 7 Where are you reader? You do not manence of the decisions of the last day, then know! Then is it not high time tSbat you church will be composed of nominal christ- should know? The publican in the idm- SrSfr'" j ' , ,. , , , . , - , minimum. We need to give more honor to pie knew where he was as he cried, "God the Word ofGodjto believe it with the whole' be merciful to me a sinner He had heart, to accept its principles a the guide of discovered his spiritual latitude and longitude. He realized his .danger and cried to the right and only source fqr help, and he received his new chart and- compass, lie went down to nis nome justified. He reached port safely. f Paul, the aged, knew where he was as his years were rapidly passing-phe sends the Gospel, offered, arid life and to yield the entire being to its control. Then there will be found a speedy solution of questions which now perplex the churcli ; then the strong will minister to the "weak; Iho kingdom of Christ will march grandly on. and. consistent christian living will , draw irnultii tudes to the foot of the cross." i V 1 this message t'o his son in "For I am now readv to be. i"I believe that IMMIGRATION, 1 1 President FJiot. 7 ' ! ' I every; honest- and healthy r 1 the time of my departure is Hi hand, j I man woman and child brought into thq coun- have fought a good fight, I have finished tr' ,s a ain to it- Our population is on the, my course, I have kept the faith: hence- T Vl rTXT r!on8 80th J 1 i-. - ' . of the Ohm and wpsf r.f thu Arie.onr; e;it forth there is laid up for me a crown of undeveWed for the lacVo'" human labor, and righteousness, which the Lord the right- not a single one bf thevqld States has anything eous judge, 6hall. give me at that day : like the number iof inhabitants it incapable o' and njt to me only, butjuntd pll themal- supporting. Fields, forest, luarries, mines,. The years roaus' iraae8? mins ana lactones all need more V I laborers. Jind Will tiPPfi mrr -on1 nxnra fnw beginning .were A';nAll . - . i -; 1 j ' y if- I J-fcAAJr' gcuci iu wiiitr. I 1 nom tnat tne sixty-nve millions of immi grants and descendants of immigrants who nowoceUpy sparsely this cbntinental territory woumsuoiv LiieujseivtB unffetierous anu un so that love his appearing." of his life ending indeed happy, j Keader, may in is year 1893, be, in this respect, a yearr n . o 4- our kola,, happy new BEAUTIFUL LIVES. recluse. admired, but a mere and receives only general contempt. Ore oTi thing needs to be said: many If , the preer8 yvho imagine themselvls too busy wiu-Mir books o do the worji that they have soibly pledged them selves to do on theoutsiwre not gtu. Qntfl at all an- any euecuv b t simply loungers in' libraries. Advocate. been very limitede m'an of sife 4 oasly remembered plMu-parts Wil'oome ,..o or - ji a 1 riM in 11 iu 1 w m ta. w i - DlVlVf - WW WAV JT , j A- 1 tnem and were gener in holiday presents. hiU There is a harm about pastpial respon - sibility that more ; than compensates for &owevt ; n he possesses t'o refonjlancy, by rHfi i1 i - l.-k i- 1 -I . - Ticii?holy put,uit, nnds tne gaB closed to a he fear of . short ;cminer. aiil he who x-has giAn his developit yesB to that needed at (he. center nd. ftbfiVrP5itcitv satiates xuo T 7,. BUk,Ti. -ugivguuu 7" - a ' f. for self-defenfe. in xne cteer 4 avhis faithful serva dreim from pacity ahV unfits for Wbich the woods and Mdi,''' with reeret that it htf vanished It tan ext ,move' cdhten,lated by soijexsecr:men-tWshe Ie twaW.-1 AeJ18us outdd There is a great deal in this little Dis r,dit is wonderful with what fa cility we sometimes forget its contents. Bishop Duncan at uoiasuuru. soon.' ' ' j . . . -nntor nf Utterdfinnr;r The nolmal church bucu . d terr "?nal aracte U8j&;-her gates are op- -vx ,pple flreefc Grac? niSWl,jluDgry and thirsty nfV"'" 'aatei-is the- Everyman feels instinctively that all he beautiful sentimeats in the 'world weigh less than a single lovely action; susceptibility of generous emotionsare T-r.. piiurtutjui gooaness is grateful if they now chsed it to other ipmi grants wh6 wish to seet here for themselves: and their children a b tter future than the-' Oid World offers them J 7 J 1 'I deny that such pojticalad social evils as we suffer from'are toie,(ustly attributed to reeeat immigrants. In's-the experienced vo ters, and not the j ineerienced, who are re sponsible for weak or ad legislation and ad ministration It is nft new immigrants who, ;yotes,or who pasJthe tariff acts which in-' an achievement and a onantJn, 7,f. 4 y7; . :orwno VHtbe HfA ..'Fin A ' tv '", . yariaDiyi breed votebuyers. Our notorious;! 'v? n.met and politiil machinists have beerii proverb, butter no parsnips ; and if the some time in this ccntry." 7 ' question be' how toj render these vegeta- ' - 7 .j--.- Edwird Atkinson. j ; . ' j7 - ' bles palatable, an ounce of btittei- 'would WCL:--. ill .,, - , ; .1 . De worm more than ail the oratinnn nf f,- t i HUw iTka iJa i-i ' w .ut '.T Ul iwincieu imraigraiion. uniit we nave Xri 'T00 nf rePealed existing laws by which immigratio 35-8e1 is y greatly Wprornoted to the inW &1o m; ' i - -r .- -T . wui.Lrjr. a am , incnneu 10 mn I13AC1. irrW ?a8X to give when we cease to obstruct fmi OWiltT nnr wnon o mom . , I Z!' a 1 ri j ".aU uia a gnc ot mote immigration by these " .r r'fcfw 4 J piaini tnere will! .! a .w mav- finrl. .Rh.i iv.; roui. y v nUal LUC1 . i t-i I . caa I ill L I 111 m need ot,and where revive . " J t &n pV"- VhiJ. because the church is olcee to her . Lord. wtiir, . Py for Tolnti U fli. ; i .. .. a":: becati-V'. 1 . .- axier. K 'rf v. humaniV some shall n a6d ren- ro- thods with the? VNi't rbo 4f I11161 win be no occas on theater extent. eerily hisrds m;: tmenoy of deeds, and his ' mdnev is , i., 5 i& wit K .. f n longer the palerndge 'twixti. man-iS Sta S " an man but, by a beautiful maeife: wlmtW f.JJfJSM. This ?! in vice ail bf Caesar eems now to bear ihe image ome in the na?niVould in aWrl Bnoorscrintion nf nA i-r i .iiPodwe mnV fni .ural course of and superscription of God. J. RU8s T '-77 7 i - we may still exteni a OI,events, . . cxteni a warm wpWma - - -1 . .- V 1 1, : 1 ri V V Is' f .7 'it I! t iJ ! , . w