- r ' - r r t $ ' j '. T ' :. v ? a ""N. . -.-.V.--.-, ..."' ' Beading Koom": aw v ' PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF THE WESTERN. NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. Est. P.. L GrcJZ!; iit:r. . ASHEVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1S93. VcL 1, '). 13. Price, $2 i Yeir. . : w j y "r - . . : .-.:!:. ' Ths Vgjisfn- dardlina AdVocnte school in tbef world, the great Oxford know of no place better to study human j And with all, the comforting words ihat University Your eon, perhaps 'yourself nature than a sea-voyage. You 'havel could be said he has beets quite blue. It newtpaper, laed weekly at AtheTiiie, are named alter John Wesley; HeiJ, ne ninerent cnaraciers ne lore you a ay alter was suggested to mm mat wfien. a mau was a Greek. Latin, and Hebrew echolar: day, and thev are verv apt to snow what is st-a-eick hn loses sight of air the rest his education to-day would cost thous-1 they are in the course "of ' ten days, for OKI 01 A Trillion Terms of Subscription ar a follow ; For one ymr 1 for x mcntb$l thre month ftO cnu. ' To preacher and wld prcberihitlf price. . Our Agents axe all trTc!Inir and local preachers. In rool taadinj: of the Metl.txtist Episcopal Charch. focth. A Commission - t of V per cnt. on new ulttcrlbers'aud 12 jer cent, on renewal I allowed agent. No commission i allowed oa preachers rate. , Postaffe Is Prepaid ,! D7 the pnhlJher for all abcrlitloui wln the Cnited State , Ciinda and Mexico. Kor all other conntrie In the lotal L'nlon add to cents for postage. ; New Subscriptions taay commence at any time daring the year. Change of Address. the old addre matt be jrlren. and notice sent one til. as a church, it is left. behind. . v w . w fl .. . I IT Discontinuances. f . . ftnbacrlber w Uhlnjt the Witter 5 Cabolixa Advocate atoptel at the expiration of their utcriptlon, should ' notlljn to that effect: otherwise we shall consider thej wUh to hare It cou tinned. , - Irregularities In the Malls. . If you lo not receive yoar paper regnlarlj, notlfj ns at once, giving name and addreaa. To Correspondents. ? , Do not nte abbreviations. Write proper names with care. Write with black ink, and not with a pencil. Write only on one side of the paper. Receipts. We do not tend receipts for subscriptions unless the re qnest Is accompanied by a stamp. The date on your la bel wUl Indicate wlthini two weeks that the remittance was received. How to Remit. t i . , t Remittances shonld be sent by Check, Draft, Express Order, Post office mouey order, payable tp order of and ands of dollar ih North Carolina. Men especially if you hare the privilege W cannot handle great living issues in a meetiDg them two or three times a day sensiblojlsafe and conservative manner at the table. We have one old fellow to the good of all concerned without aboard that we' will call Mr. Tell All pr good education : !and if one's own denom- want of abetter Dame. He went over some inatioii cannot supply it, he may expect timejago from England to America to to see the best class of young men going make his fortune in a few months!. . He elsewhere to obtain what their own settled in the orange groves of Florida; church refuses to give, and the weaken- He made a failure: He is now return ing process thus begun will continue un- ing to England eeemfng to be disgusted with the United States and everything in Any Methodist ought to blush to con- them. He tries to monopolize ithe time fess that he would prefer an uneducated and attention of all in hearing ! of his Bui ho on man for his pastor to one well educated, boisteroue talk. And ther j ar&x somel of his sorrows and troubles ly smiles occasionally. iDuriug a long voyfge of thjs kind the passengers amu89 themselves in various wavs the best they can. They pass off We the time with music, games, ilic. Sunday have had two concerts. ( On morning, Jan. ;U2nd, while we were at breakfast, it was announced that land w-asin sight, and sure enough there, was the green hills of the Emerald Isle to our left! The picture was 'beyond descrip tion after being tossed upon the billows of Old Ocean and looking at the change less Sea for about 8 ays. And many who were weakened by sea-sickness gath ered new life. Their eyes sparkled with pleasure and their pallid cheeks were flushed again. The sight of land not i scenery, j but ' made t KCV. P. Lu GltOOME, or that his church has no college suited others from different countries in Europe to give her sons the highest educational who have gotten all that they have from advantages, and that to secure them, the United StatesJ who join in with Mr- those preparing for the ministry have 1o Tell All in abusing America. A gentle- go elsewhere to qualify themselves for man from Philadelphia said he felt like only presented, new the work . j J fightiig. Well, we canT endure to hear gome of us think of tlie mother-land tht Now who is to equip colleges? Who is our native land abused while at home we had left. ; '-.r-.V.'-;-.! : to endow them? . Some say the rich; yet easier than we can when several thous- 'From what I could see of Ireland from the rich can find colleges" already thor- and miles away. Then we have a spec- our ship it was very much broker!. Some oughly equipped for their children, and tacle man aboard,-; that is ;a man that of these hills were high and reeky, while Aslievillc, N. C. besides they can furnish their children wears gold-vimedl spectacles. . fbfi if other parts were in a high state of culti- Wlin OOOK8, magazines ana ail Kinas oiiyou wouia name mui uccuruiug lygxie vanou. very niwo iuicbi muu uuum ue TRI NITY COLLEGE. perioidcals, so that if the preacher and way he feels, you would call him Mir. seen. We passed some old towers that are Never in the history of Methodism in neighborhood pedagogue bo too ignorant Know All. -That is the impression that said to have been built by the Traders of North Carolina haa the Church had such to instruct them they have other oppor- he has made upon j some of us. But then Phoenicia and Carthage more than 2,000 . f ducational advantages as atl presents tunities for education. But the, poor, we have a great many very clever people. yjearB ago, as they established trading The gift of an elegant and ample tract what opportunity is left them if the Aud so far ab I have noticed they have posts here among the natives. j of eround by Col. J. S. Carr, and the preacher and teacher be unlearnedr the shown their gcqd sense by not waiting 'ice man was put on at iueenstown till more munificent Washington Duke. E friends of higher education in our church Collega should because of this have a other just like they had been acquainted have seen more of this beautiful Island, lb Bt?e light. i . measured support irom every one wnetn- tor years. ; - r not only to have looked upon its green At our recent Conferences; Mr. B. N. er he have a son to educate in it or not- Well, this is the sixth day out from rolling hills and to have enjoyed its Duke offered other, large j bequests on , The college is to -the church like the NewYork, and the further I go on th is pleasant climate, but to see its people most reasonable terms, so that co-opera- court tp the county, like, the Governor to broad expanse of water the more wonder- and see whether Ireland is down-trodden tion and enthusiasm on the part of our the people. He seryes'every one, yet in ful I think the Ocean is. I shall not undre- andjopprassed as has been frequently ini- -peonle rhould place us easily ahead of such a way that no one man can realize take to describe iLTdtt had just as well pressed upon us. I wao toldlby a gentle-? anything we have known hitherto, and the specinc service renaeroa at any given 1 try. to , : aeccripQiaiiijy.. ... ai -za osea m cbpard, fiQpg$p uctqoJLha. DCuiia no dumi uuiiuuiiuaLiuu in uur m vujvwiw w "r" i liuiw iu America, luat uuc uuuiu. j uc gift of ?$S5,000 by College is. thus indirectly of greater serv- for any formal introduction. Ladies and and our ship .noved cn across the .Irish Esq., enabled the ict to the poor than to the jich. The gentlemen, and in fact-all talk to each' Channel to Liverpool. I would like to grift of ZThought. f IT HAKES A DIFFERENCE. - t : v " f ' ;. ...... . . A ' i i 4 - ' - . (. N. A, Ileview.! - v - - . In (reat Itritafn -he masses of vofeni to be manipulated are i small; very few exceed twelve thousand voters, and many are!, below eight thousand, numbers manageable by ex temporized committee. In Great Britain the people are more "settled, and gfouped and or ganized by a variety of ocial, religious, and economic bonds, which admit of Voters being moved in many other ways than by purely po litical machinery ; and the parties find ready made to their hands a variety of influences of ten more effective than the' regular party a- sociationa. j Moreover, the issues on which Parliamentary contests have been fought have been sharper and . clearer issues than hkv been raised between the two great American parties since 1868. and; have hr many csjmV . turned upon the extension of the politic ! privileges of the masses. In such casci the. stimulus of party methods is not necessary to -' range the people in line. But the most important distinction is that in Great Britain few persons have any direct personal interest affecting their pockets or status; involvedin the victory or defeat of r ir- ty. 'Hence! work for the party is disIntcrestcJ and very few people devote much time to it. How different in the United states, where the completeness and effectiveness of the party- machine is largely due to the fact that it com mands the services of so great .a number of men who have a direct money interest in the success of their party. tn and the whole country. State. t We have an able and learned corps of chief magistrate. Nor, teachtre, nejr . and elegantl build healthy location and every regTsonabl ;ility for giving our youth firfit-cl legiate training. ( f The two North Carolina- (Conferences own an equal interest in thejyollege, and from 120,000 cnurch memberh could eas- ily eend from 300 to 500 boy I to College. Some think a multiplication f' Colleges would be a benefit, but it is a; great mis take. With a.11 the opportunities offer ed at our Methodist College there are less than 200 in attendance. We do not control capital and student enough for one. There are youth enough and mopey, enough for several, but both areoufofour reach. Our preachers, do not - all work as they should for Trinity College. : We never j. GLADSTONE ON THE NILE. f Blackwood.' His'accessioa to office," instead of beinft the signal for throwing over ourEgyptlau obliga tions, has been promptly follovrcdby unex pected effort to secure an infincnco.in far more remote African regions ; and, however hort or long-lived his administration may 1, we Lave good hopes that ftvill be able to c!r.h:i a share with its predecessors In the glory cf nv;c;iera ting Egypt: r ' - ; - And that is a glorious vrork which v. e are do ing in Egypt, no one ho Iznew the country in older, days atid can contrast its pres ent v. o'-L-ings tfcwarjd civilization and ?properily, caa ' enterf ain the slightest doubt. However mix- e support of the court or of his 'State's age of so many impressive thoughts, you more about the oppression of the Irish ed may be! the motives entering into our mis- m a a T . 1 - t 1 I a "1 1 - . 1 -a... t : 1a. . ? it- 1 I J - ! ' - 1 ; ' " . ! ..; -' I . . . . . ... . . snoum any one can sit aay aiter aay ana: siuay it wiin- m America than anvwhere else, j JLhe I skn into isgypt, whatever political Interest we ings, refuse a small pittance yearly to keep up lout tiring. And yet it carries a Fadness newspapers exaggerate some things and I may have at the same time to. take into ac- e fa- a good College in his Church, remember-1 with it to my mind. So many have gone maybe the question: between England wwiuw"" ,.mr eruon8 q ypi nl. ine alwavs its manvwavs of servine him out from different Ports: noon these U. TlflnH i kn nf t hpm - wKIIa T vln ol":u . r , . J' -v . MW W 1 J 10 t0 A I UU V. A. A. V . W . Wfc. V mi . w . " RtrftflBMrftfl. welI-covrripn. una nrpfmArnni waters, followed by the prayers of loved not believe there is much political op- state. Had we not even the remotest shade ones left behind, who watched the news- pressiou, vet there is no doubt but what of selMnterest in the security of the country, tbA RnntWn nnrt nf Trttlnnrl at lpnst is were we without those stakes: in the well-be- : THE VOYAGE ACROSS THE SEA. . papers and mails for their landing and "Away I away we steer, ; Upon the ocean's breast, . And dim the distant heights appear Lite clouds along the west ; While our ship lonely as a bird, WJiose home is on the wing." j -,'.( '.- ' - WTe expected to have sailed by North German Lloyd Line j through Straits of , Gibraltar to Genoa, but the steamer that was to have gone on Jan. 14th from some cause could jnot go until Jan. 28th. , So we procured passage on the Servia. of the I Cunard Line. This no one has ever returned! to tell of the greatly opprvsed by Romaniimt and distress and suffering that they endured Rum. The 'Northern part is the the our exer have been fffnrt nnrl oeiore going aown to oieacn upon me Protestant and; is prospering, wnile the we cannot think that any civilized Go v m J m a mrrmt m - t j .- i a m : coral beds tar .beneath us. mese saa Southern part has everv natural thoughts will come into the mind oc- tage that the North hue, batVoiving to casionally, and especially at night time, the elements above ! merit ibued, it is far when you hear the wind wailing through behind Protestant Ireland. ' and over the upper decks and the waves ; In the early morning of Jan, 23rd, the moaning around the hull of your ship as throbbing of our engine stopped, and if trying to engulf her. But in the midet 1 when we went on deck we were of the gale and the calm I have felt se- harbor of , Liverpool. This r . ' j tions In behalf of Egypt could not aSp ,3' I exercised iwith more disinterested 1 fioeorn. n.(yan- I meint finding itself committed to such a work would encounter the ignominy; of putting it aside, except under the weightiest of all possi ble pressures the absolute impossibility of carrying it on. f ( 18 in the a great served hut one pastoral charge .; without Lfaw has a remarkable hietorv. It eendingone or more boys to lnnity Col lege, in one case not having a single Methodist in our church of suitable age and attainments, we sent a Baptist who has gone mit into the world a scholar and a credit to his alma mater. The people should be stirred on the subject. Hundreds of boys - could Je quickened into a desire for higher culture I is said that for fifty years it has not lost a steamer or a passenger. I If that is true, it is a fine record. ' The Servia is a mag nificent ship, about 530 feet long, having about 320 officers and servants. The i t captain read the services of I the English church very impressively on morn cure. ; "Secure I rest upon the) wave, j For Thou, O Lord, hast power to save,' 1 ' ' i Then it makes no difference how calm it is. the Ocean is never at rest. It is always rolling. Though it washes the shores of every continent, it is not sat isfied. It is still restless. How much shipping point; having twenty miles 'of docks. We will spend a few days among the English and pass on. I ! V , i v W. L. Grissom. Jan. 23, 1893. THE JEWS IN RUSSIA. Journal of Economy. The exact truth about the Jews in Russia, however, stands thus. Brought up from infan cy in their schools of superstition and fanati cism, strangers to the people .about them and the language of. the people, with whom the Jews have nothing in common, they live quite apart, strongly united with those of their own faith! by ties of race, of religion, and a spirit of common defeufeei Encountering at every by a few words from the preacher, both from the pulpit and pastoral work. .The .t... t. it & i : j.l" e J cuurcu nuicn not ouiy jiruviufs iur. neat iti g her children but which fees to that her children reap the benefit of heri toils will be dominant in the future. We should how thre things to parents whoj hav prcmif ing fom. singing was good, and we enjoyed sing ing especially theliymn commencing:' "Eternal Father, strong to save. Whose arm htth bound the restless wave. Who bid'st the mighty Ocean deep Its own appointed limits keep." The first night out from New York General Booth, of the Salvation Army, 18 now bent OP L3 happiest of all j solu- Lten innumerable obstacles in the way of earn gnnd I like; that of the spirit of man ! ! Always tions of "darkest 'citypblemsj. their wretdhed con- . t - 'I - ... I unrl nf Knirur oMo fr rrat d i fill Vi afptlA , hnn. (ALlVAj AaW M A U a caAW W V a a J uaxavwwaw - - w estlv, they often cheat and defraud. Their t 1 j , j 1- ti, i reaching out for something that is just iuization of these rning. How solemn; and delightful , , , ; . e. . 1UUJ11UU UA iuea u 1 a rnt ahead. Again, its vastness is inconceiv- confined" wretches to 8 service was out here far at sea. The & , , A luu"UBU wretouee, tu able. Now we have been traveling : several days, making nearly 400 miles a day,1 and we have seen no land yet. i r " 1 j i On every side the expanse of sky, On every side the watery plain." j ! I .1 : And yet we are making the shortest way across, a little over miles. If I should close three thousand this letter with- toll there was quite a number of) young men Wt nird to fill Trinitv Colleco with drinking and had rousic aud dancing. out saying something about paying trib- tiy; wi lifvd to pay the educational as-1 They were really boisterausi The. next ute to Neptune those who are accustom- retm nt in ordr to 1 abl ,to pay men night was stormy and the eea was rolling ed to read letters of travel would think troduced ta U icU vur txyf. Wrv true all our hish. Our ship was like a fisherman's it strange. Well, the t oys Miir.ot go, I nt wo t!ir rt fvrv educate ;w rap the yt :i 1 mut a a, . . m a . I . - 1 . ..k, 1 im Aim it 3cur aim f fit in th work ilU for ui by Tli man who f rracr" to Sa? 1 atb had the liit fit of ', if 1. did li !, he would t! t if 1, hai hail. You g f ( covtt ui you cork, tofsed to and fro. wero unea.y. These ame r.i.;:ir h 1 r j f rt, a:i 1 1 t. i 'i ar ' : : t. tl.is VOU WOUii I - a? ai.'l r rv" 1 great many I has been written, is that young men hair strike at me yet. And from afpembled at the same place where they my eyes have seen on this voyage had danced the night before and eangl have to write from experience Jesus, lo-er of my soul," jVThere is a I shall never have the pleasure of writing fountain filled with blood," and other on this subject. Mr. Ayers says write it bytnrjt of this chaacterj And they pang up.andmake.it as bad as I can, and likf th-y meant every word! of it. You then fay, "the half has never been told." Will find very little infidelity faceiug im- lie has made several remarks j about it iimnht danger. of a .-calkd farms. And will 1IUL KVKniI (I IV 1HIII1 n. CHI III 11 f IMMf 1 1 1 I I . . ' . . i . J . . . ' . !. - ' m 7 T . r . - llilthy nauits, the inseparaoie companion 01 maKing it more ieapi Die r j ne pnuoso- misery, also make them repulsive. When any phy of the money getter.has relieji on in- of them become rich, they be r in mind their tension; and what is now proposed is to struggles, their mortification, the injustice of p the stress on extension. Broad fields which the? ve been the victims, and they L , ii ; - 1 'i f revenge themselves, becoming arrogant and and waving forests await to oestow a hap- . .1 u u, i Dy ine i the fortune, to which alone they owe what con sideration they may enjoy. As to their sons, brought up in opulence and luxury.1 thejr be come, for the most part, worthless idlers, spendthrifts, gamblers, like all those brought up in like fashion. The same causes produce always the' same effects. : What I , have just said, Shy lock said three centuries ago, and as- what LnnMr tn ho Winro roasnnQrilo f linn ihu suredly it does not lie in our mouth' to re- 9 T W V V W ' JA Am- J AA A W ' AA A9 AM , AAV I I roacn cne Jews wiin ineir ueiects ana wrong- py life where lessi laud-lord. . n I is t levied Mr. Cumming8,!of New York, a bill into,' the Lower "r ' i- . 1 j has ih-House reason nothing of Congress looking to the annexation of it has not got a Canada to the United States. It would yage, if I proposition to take under, our wing the , I hope I Hawaii islanders, though American mis- christianized and doing. It would be astonishing, if they were sionaries theee Sandwichersi and civilized , i - America first different In New recognized their independence. The Panama rom what they are. Canal Scandal, like La- !or::t have j aipml away and all danger! that come into the Port York the so-called "Anti-Pinker ton Bill" was finally passed. . This measure is sim ilar to those brought forward during the past two years; in other States, and simply forbids the employment of peace-officers who are not same lawxwas passed r. But there is too much thawould be amusing to those on land. Grippe and other infections of European j citizeng Essentially the religion that only toes as He f aid he was afraid that he would origin, has leaped across the Atlantic and I fn Massachusetts. . ' : far nt dan-- r may be een, aud when the nwr be able to look ati the schooners I liehtedunon those most exposed to the I Ohio limits the number i f! ir r schooners I lighted upon those most exposed to the I Ohio limits the number of inmates of prisons, at Washington I contagion while it passed through. In-1 reformatories and workhouses who may be cm- Xhov have no further ue for again without the men eight making vestigations fhall be made, as jin the PiOT,ed ini the manufacture of any tma of m i a a w r-v s. v w rnn v r. v n ivi w-k a w aT r va. him ,ick. ; He ha. gotten all the good Star Koute affa r, ome fay with closed, TJTLr' T.!' a uni'iu tray, 1 1 i.? has not Len able to retain anything, j whose hands shall show signs of leprosy. I not more than fifty free laborers. 'll.-KHl. ;uito a cusiNt 1 v v.

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