1; s- 5 ilK SALEMJOBSVRYER: f r Ufft 2&H Ot- "ClvalrjB.Ba tfco , Oaa tf tfca ar4 f&irhalia atfaa of Ue IT-iea m the meeting roeeatly held la CU ..Tv . '." C-T I . " - It Stat tar Uvo a rar,2Vtreefae to tke pee; le ef that ariUicritie city af tke paott aristocratic Stat OTtha SoaU to aaa aaea fsngom T f cWitdiy ii Wbb IIabptoji akartng a piaiJetmaiU colored rpeaker Bad 4draaamg BtBldaadWa, Yet tkie waa 4mm by him, aa4 bywtaera f Soatk Carolina arfertoaaeW -Waal it all Meaat U Tefft ta WM ILOifrTaB,ad Uae.ke reere- oeata, acre vidwtiy boaaf toavtiMxd, ax hutv titat tka CaTiraaaaataf the Ualtod Btatee Ib w awata)uf that UWr. hope f keepls tk wlatid feapbj aa ft eWi tfoarirtBal atdwer eaUiroly. fr (He. They aaa tkat Lo Mm la to enjoy tho political lights of a aaaa and, a they I lN)wrtM to prevent jflua, Ueir next I beet UWH ttt Vaitf WfrfciafaMtt lad .Maaaiprtttf pojytBjaaeeay . "'. ). OHKW.i, Root? W T . Whfla Ua aetaskaea af Ua motive ofTpllicaa party ia tke Booth ia daily gala the a . tYpateai, jQU 'ap tkiai a a paw at&l riedSeatioa of tke. wisdom of Ue aWat baUal rpeaty thf frieada o qt)l righta ta Ctaayaai Jt aWi tkat the aaaaWifaf af Um iWM ob tfca iftwtnwiii aot 4 aaera eaapty fena, bat a vaat praeti- aal kamalt tkat v?3 la ftltlf: tWaW ajaja. tt fraaafuwaa, aa by' Ua taack U a aiaeklaa, Ua wkoat aottay-'afUeax-riava-iMJaiax ofirareay.c XWylaaira loaaela am aaawCt, aa4 aia a4 thay kalaa ai- ato UaftTaj.Ucaapnak1J ojjaa ait laOatUt, ia) aoatie Staiaa vaa ftr UdUkf . Qlira4 laaa ta awa" reJ, catale ar 4aatr Jeaa ba4. Thair aajBH ia aa8y aa aaliA aa,- bat taer are coan faQaal aa aa it ay lnt aaaima; far laymBata, not aajy foa- Ueir pulltkal aap art wt for heir awricea aa laborer and tMrceo4 wQl aa aWhkon; ami to sob- pata wiUay euinw C aaceaaa they Mast ot a aekiad ia jat togisUtion or in hs aaaaia aa4 IaW WoBal trimtneBt TW aacitt h, haaonforth, k poven , Ha aaa jeaiaad aia ngMi aawr aa4 m aeeiH M Nagw atn4 ia Ua x4uimv attiypa U ' M Jiaawa yatituaer. Tm waaxlariny Jaataotaacoal ualiga wkka Uia altered rclatiou aaa wrought hr ttjnli aaom poaartat a .as inceatLve t coo traatatani fivahr aanse!ofW iatiriat Uaa aaaa JiV vaatc4 aiagaauiia- llf 'TalM aioaalt' 8oi!i Wa hopa Ua KortWr Pemocrata, the hiemia ami adatirwra nf Uaae men, who War eaaataady ; toaiata Uat . Ua baat ftiMida of Ua fraadraaa are tfiWr former aataraa4 tbai ta kUar only faqanwd to la tot riataMt Ito jidt,Ueir,, woll WtBf,oy tfwaaaafcaaMawaaadaaiicat laalatiaav witt tafco apodal net of Ua fltovaOaetoof Ua nffiUry Wn fa in OMoaaagtbo amiability of theaa' gentlemen tovari Ua daaa ia qaeation-' . '. , . ' 9m aacMaa of Sooth CaraUn cad of orory oiW AwUcra 8tat ar My oaiatad viUUaMfVmd'' ckaraotar ofBooUws "otivaJry. I Ua.tongnaga of Wnrbau PaiUJra, "that's wbat'a tba ivattarr . . Tka faoiUary' i& aa finafify loot In tW liagMatara Oor Coarta are no kin o psnoitUd to whip or crop for crime ; aad mew, arlUaat FaoitaBtiary or Work haaaa hoar UtQ oftaden. b jmnfched? Too aaiy maUod toft hi toimpriaoa. f iU hat pay ? Will Ua Coaaty priaona c ainawniatrf ftio laiga.1ioalr of liiaii1ii tluaariaVaanit aa todfera to thoaa ittat tatioaat WBI aot oriata ha at a pMrnian whoa thoaa who break Ua lawa will be fed aad lodged at tb xpcBe of the potjKcT l aaaaaa to aa Uf workiag on Ua pobflc road will aatthar pay aorradHee tbeaoaii. : ty opaaaa,.aa gnarda wooid havo to ba : MBVlorad to prrraat tka escape of the ' artooaara. ' Porhapo Oonaral Smkub caa do aaaaaUiog fbr aa. Va taka tka likarty at attkittg abort ottraot ftoel a lattof ' wo raaeivad yeater torday' '' 1 : . ,r ' Soma Jblk think that editors don't fcaife awvotkaai'tar hat if tkla qaotatioa doeaa't road $o tka drat paragraph of a "lore tottor" wall bo dar Wall, jast read faf". -s f -t-i.,-. -JKSnrhtc wtth her craarr maadowa and aaft afeki(ftain&n hrnddimg Moaha.aad poapiM?ioMta,jMFdMaaof lawn aoOOcr 7 ' ' aterat artai, aat aapaajiingoawa aaa iny , J tol-ia a-ith at a4acaiB.V Tka ndbramt 4 , aaaka tka fcolijr aa la mtT f Jf " - tka aavMi tha rad bird Baaati . WaUaJu WntluiHwkbte4Uiicrt( . Ua awaking bird gUdee with aaatoa ainf ta kik.iuiU aai at thm tkaraifM nar- aawa, ifrpm bnMbim to- tka aw!4 s nfWt taynbte grttt, welooiaa wtta . 'oOrfiaat tlaapaiaUojooajiafatil . - : . rawajth Coaialy. iTua kaioUaJk?Jty irTW&f eradkatad at atfyj Coaaty aa rapidly ia Jorrrfi,' v avld aoak hava na ae of a IWfrVt aoaiaiMrr 1 1 if-i TM aaioaMarorkeada) Pth aat, ef .raiaatatUe tfudoyaJ may hajfnowa b iava traa fcomptrtity 'aaowol aador. TktT'"'"' aad oaraaaraad oartof Ua last aantucr aad fall, aad ap to tha time of tka paaaage of tka Bo-oaatractioa Military bill t ahry an aawnliaglumailail toukaki aaoaeh aad oVmortmaaU Buaaa of Ueat wtxdd oroa hoao-akrawd ao ta aaddealy dWara fyaakiaaata fcudaeaa fttr tka Ua toa ; ha wo! Uakalata ia Uia part of tbe eoaatry omt ta dittiagvina hypucriu Aom hoacot awa. - Oafy a fw daya ago w aaord a Btibol aayiii a Yery eXuhing mumaty "Why tk Dowoaraiic jmrty ia gainiag ground T Ha to tgaeraah, totally. igarant of. the politic al aoaditiow of kte oaattty nriirkLonk If Ueaa pot-rafiabt, kaowftotktag, do-ootb-ing, ao4eadd aad white-livered Rebels aboat tow a, wko prufcu to hate a Rfab lieaa moro Uaa kali orUa devil, would te tke film tM restored from twfbr tbeir eyea tkay would om that tketr Lojwn of reearraetiua burnt met an early and u witkoring blight. . Wo ar Joyful Over tke (act that the lie ing strtHgtb, olid by 0t mi-ans regret that the Democratic party rapidly being aabmergad by tba bold jiervee of loyalty. We are glad to aee tbe UuiouuitB of thi State accept tba patent name of IIcpibli CAK8. When we suggested tbat clitingA in tbo title of our party we hardly thought it woald ba ao BManimouaiy adopted. We aro mat agreeably disappointed. Tboae who are not too aeMtdi and Wtter ia aoatuaaat to road tka paper of both idea, wdl aaa that Ue SepabUcan party ia beooaiing iauneaaely atroag. Every day adda n amber tn tbe great band of patri ot who gaard the temple of liberty. Union, 3Coetinga are being held in&lmoRt every part ef iko State, and large crowds ar alwayO'tovataaadanec. Let aa go Ota with the good work. Let as not rest until we Lave effectually ban ished Treason from the borders of our country. Lot aa perovere until we Us e planted the banner of freedom on every spot from aLore to sborc. ' aar A Union tferting w'til be held at Bethanfn oh tbe I3th Instant, and one at Kerucrsvilte on the 2Dtk , Moaa aanterfeU. New Counterfeit $5 note of the Peojric'a Nnlfuirnl Sana uT Jacttson. MichlllTl, hfltO been discovered. Tbe engraving Is very rough, tb paper of poor quality, and tbe general appearance of tbe note is ancb a to load to the dfecovery of its wortbleaenM by persons nccusiouu'd to handling mo- ' A. new t2wouterfiiKoa tha FourU Na tion Bank of Philadelphia has been recent ly put in circulation. yti also caution oar people against a counterfeit! S60 greenback, which is the moat dangeroaa . yet put i cireulation. The engraving ia ao nicely execatod aa to challenge detection, ve by an expert The principle feature by which It may be detected h) Uo imperfect manner iu which Ua bottona oa tha coat of tha vignette hare been executed. On tbe genuine bill they are distinct, while on the counterfeit they can scarcely be seen. There is also a difference ia the filagree work inside thu cypher' of tke figure M; while on tbe back of the the bill may bo seen a material difference iu'th circles enclosing the small OgoreakO. Alt FmVi Oar. beeThickTlT ttUd T f have derated to innocent decei.tions aadrM,"nS tbo 1t'btll,,n. "J "'v jeats-Mnaking, aa they call it, "April fuols" Of lamr mtignuunt aiiu tasmpaniwDa, Whence it had its origin it in difficult to oay with certainty. Why a'oertaio day -was eoneecrated to this apeeie of amuse--atant mast be answered by tba antiquari-anjp-we ennnot tell- Wa only know tha the custom ia very ancient) that it pre vailed aa far back as the days of flie Kings of Israel, who were themselves in the hab it of indulging- in it with their Quoeoa, Ministers o? ftiate, and other member of their households, tin a partftnlar day cor responding to the 1st day of Apvtl in our calendar. Those who are curkma to know the manner in' whiek thie sport was indul ged ia and conducted by those ancient dig nitaries tbe mirth whiek it ereatod, and Ua tttONserioMsConaeqaenaaawhkk some times resulted from H, may be enlightened by reading the XX Chapter of tbe 1st book of Chronicles from the 9th to tbe 21st rer aes-facl astro. Ta Vforda ftor the Uoair. ' Lit oca laws aii TsstiTrTioM spxak mot op wait! MS, not or ast sits, not or BLACK ME., HOT Of WS Ot AIT COXTIBX- KH : BUT UKB TM UWI OT GOD, THKIIX raATxa, COMMANDMMTa AB . TBB LOKV'a Ltt tm speak or PEOPLE. f , HORACE MAY?JABI. i . fit TOV AWit Ilia HIOBOTOTHta 8TBV0- (qlb res Any rvkPosB, n bas a bioht to BTAT Ilf POR AJLI ANP' WMBN THB PIOHT I PVtE TBI UAKB tHAT 'MOP Till MCbBIT pAIOt 0!II'O.TIiBALOT.' " RUKIOIAN'S ATLANTA LET- AJttLY itoritD tbe rukc !" mnoii, umTFiiro romtrnr." Tbt KrpabQraii r&ii) Strtugtbens! Great IvnthuHibwm ! Union Meetings, Speeches, &c. e aorta af tbo fterretarlra. Ofttoa otiag at St Veraoa, la Da ridaoa Ooaaty, frlday, Haick 29th, 1CI7. In retqmhsc to previous notice, a lrtrgr oombor ot c-ltlth trollectcil at 31 1. or nou, in lavidsou County, on Friday, Maix;Ii 8fHh, for the pnrpose of holding a llepub lican Union Meeting. Jon-hh MiRcr, Esq., WftS railed to the Chair. i. akd-V. .hoadtl mh. .a-tw. iLiW-H T ' "44Mlr- fHHAer Huvdoxi, That we think irwieerreturj. I honor is duu to Messrs. Wiloa and TiKe, poia On motion, a oommittee consisting of Dr. J. L. Johnson-, John II. Boner, John Wright, F. S. Xading, Jacob Wier, aucl Jos. Motsinger, Enqs., was appointed tn draft solutions fur tke meeting. When the committed retired, tbe Chair man rose and addressetPtf meeting. The following resolution were rejofted and uaauimoasly adoptod ; WaamKAa, W have assembtcd on Uii .oceaaioa fbr the purpose of nonling a Kuj pnbueaa vmon Jtevung, anu to uuue in oxprosMTDg KejiuUlicaa sentiments: Br Jletolved, That in our iiii(Mi the civil government of thin State is illegal, and that we hope to see the civil offices A tke Htate vacated aa soon as pussiiilc, so that none but strictly htyid men may par ticilMitemtbe great work of reconstruction. R- it further Jletolved, That we cheerful ly a-cjt tlie action of.tho hiw-iuUiug po-er of the nation, to wit: the Congrws of the United States, as embodied i" the rO-eonstrnction art recently pnssctl. ami that we will' most cordially unite with the lojul masses hi taking steps to give full effect to such act. ' he it further Ri'tuJrnl. That the utmost caie should be taken to base onr ac tions, on the solid work of ininiiHtiikuble. loyalty ; nnd that when n Const it ut ion tor North Carolina is framed it should be so in accordance with the requirements of Congress a to sofuro our re-admissHJii to the Union. Be it further Rrntdved, Tlint those who involved the people in war, and crsistcil in rcbelliou to the, end, thereby, entailing such calamitous consequences on thecouii- try, mnst no f learn the lesson of silence aud submission, n they will uo longer be permitted to" effect the country by prevent ing tbe restoration of harmony to its vari ous parts. He it further Hesnlreti, That we desire to see all unrepentant Kcbcls deprived of the tights of citisenship. Iclieving that if they are permitted to exercise the same privile ges awl immunities of loyal men the3" will prove harmful to the good of our beloved country. Be H futihrr JtemtveJ, That wo wish to see the frecdmen fully protected in their privilege to rote. Be it further Retotved, That these pro ceedings be published in the Salem Ohterr er one of .the most fearless stnd staunch Republican Krs in the State nd that all other loyal papers are requested to copy thn ssinc On motion of Dr. Johnson, the following Resolution was added to the foregoiu;. Jte it further Betolved, That weadojit for U. ..f ..A 1 . .1. - I . ...... i lie muuo in nttr iraiuii-r ttir ui u i. uiuil, Liberty and Equality." Tbo Resolutions were read by John II. "Boner, Esq., who subsequently addressed the meeting in a forcible and impressive raauncr. l)r. J. L. Johnson then spoke, lie gave bis life cd the applause of the crowd at frequent intervals. Sheriff Mathius Mastcn then took the stand. Ho discarded everything connect ed With tbopast, and spok of the duties! of the people for the present and the fitt' tare. The Sheriff was followed by the Secre tary. The Chairmen tien addressed the as semblage agaj fi when, on motion, tlie meeting adjouaitud. The spirit of Unionism was harmonious ly manifested by the lnf .number of citi Cena present; and Uta'vhola afluir was eminontly productive- ood iS the coun- JOSKPIPllLLETt, '. F. BrcrraDiTK, Sec'y. UnioB Bee ting tt Ohalk Laval, tm For ayU fJouty, 8atirdy, Barek 30th, fttt According to previous notice", a large crowd of patriots assembled at Clmlk Lev el, in Forsyth County, at tiooiKga the 30th nit., for the purpose of holding a Republi can Union Mooting. Anderson Nicholson, Esq., was chosen President, and M. A. Morris, Esq., Soete- tT:; ' ' ' . ' . The following nnmod geutleuien wera appotutad by the Chair to draft rcsolutiona for the meeting : ' hum, tvbn ii U-Arvl, JM : J M tfornrfaod Jo-C .tt.Ta4q, in; brfsf y, wbf tbe Coiai Zpr J L JoLneuU JxU U, &Ak, Joint laitu io loiumaig repon. w-dm was reaaifbe maaf reluarktMa kOica aver y 11. fua rr, aol uilauittajua ted J -. , lri a w I ocoaaKM Tor Ute purpose of txpruvung oar uiUUmunU regarding the condiliuo ot th ooautry, etc-., J.Mcjt iaViW, Tbat taarwkaoWB aa thu ltvpublican party of the V nited State ofAmertcat" " - JU 4 ptrtker iteatWMd.'Tbat Ua motto of oar Aag aua party a " Union, Liberty and Kqnality." Mt rfartW Hrtolred, Tkat wa bsartUy endorse tha ptouvwdiugii aud plat lorn ot tke loyal CooveiibuM r-veatly a Id in tktt city ot Italcigk. Jte it furthtr krmtlvrd, That w fully en do rx-. and ant anxious to aid in eulorcutg. the actions and laws of the Thirty -Ninth Congress, and that we believe representa tion nliould be buMtl sulely as one ground of loyalty. Hr it further A-jiWiW,' That we are sore ly displeasetl wttb the ation ot the Chiuf isi.tnit North Carolina, .tiovertior Worth, knowing that he has departed from bis pledges to the loyal people and kairgiv tu Hid to thtt cnfiura ot tbo L'liiou. lie it further Hemttmi, That we desir to 4.' all Uutloyai men hastily remweil from ejvil offices, and wish to ses none but Ko- ptiMM-nn loynnsis partK-ipate m lite work f re-conatruvtu. dur representatives in the last Ueueral Assembly, tor tliu ptttriotie coarse they pursued whilst c ngard iu legislating with Uuit IhxJv. I Be it frtei me full nrotc er HetolveJ, Tbat we desire to protection extended to the freed- njon iu the exercise of the privilege re ecntly granted tbcBL by Congress. '. Be' tt further Hesufvett, Tbat these pro ceedings be published in the Salem Ottirrc one of the best loyal papers in the country, and that ad other loyal papers bo (Requested to copy the sent. ANWiKSOX NICUOIiHON, ' " " tStoirmtin. II. A. Moanis, .Siv-'y. After reading the rt'solutions, Mr. Boner addressed the meeting. His speech abound ed with ptii-tineat remarks ami carried conviction to tlte iniuds of ha hearers. " He was followed by Messrs. Johnson, mtlirbuck, rheeler and Mastcn of Forsyth, Lwbo dealt In-avy blows to Rebels, and ut tered, throughout, the most putiiotic ycu tiiiicnts. ' On motion of K B. Teagne, Ksq., the meeting adjourned. WHO ARK DISFRANCHISED? John M. Waskoni, of Texas, addressed the following letter to Senator Wilson : 'W'asui.nuton, March 21, 18b"7. 'Sir: On my return home to Texas ma ny questions will be asked as to the extent of the disfranchisement set forth in the UltoaonstrtHtiot Vw'r passed March 2, and -1 ..SJA Jtl I-.I 1... .L.. tS I !...! tiiiv-i .una uimmiiu o iiiu tnniiieiiieniai Act. Docs the law, as it now reads, dis franchise the rank and file of soldiers und citizens of the Southern States who had never taken an oath to support the Con stitution of the United States, or is it only applicable to that class of persons who had previously taken the oath and afterward engaged in the reliellioii ? "Your interpretations of the raw, as un derstood here1, will do much in quieting Kjiecttlutions on tlie subject, and give many the opportunity of acting by suffrage to quiet the country. "I have the honor to lie, Sir, veryyo's P 'Ctfully, your obedient servant, ' JNO. M. WASKOM, of Texas." To which Senator Wilsou replied as fol lows: 'J. M. Waskow, Esq: 'My Dear Sir: In reply to your ques tion, '-Does the law, as it now exists, dis franchise the rank and file of the. soldiers win) had never taken au oath to snpjiort the Constitution of the United States?" I have .to say that it does not disfranchise thelu. "The Constitutional Amendment disqua- ifics'l'rom holding ollice certain person who have token an oath to snpjMirt tbe United Statu aud then engaged in the rebellion or uvo aid and comfort to it. This class of persons are disfranchised, and nil other ncrsons are entitlea to vote Thcse H-rsous are mentioned in theLConia uji and plant j-onrselvr beneath the C'oiistitutionul Amendmeiit, so that all tier- sons will know who are disqualified aud disfranchised. Yours truly, ' HENRY WILSON," Tiik Law in Rki.ation to Cioar Boxes. As ninny ot our "business men and others are daily subjecting themselves to a heavy penalty by their ignorant violation ot the 32d section of the revenue law passed at the close of the Tbirty-nintn Congress, we stato, for the information of all concerned, that the section in question enacts, "That any person who shall sell, gjve away, or otherwise dispose of any empty cigar box or boxes which have been stamped, with out first defacing or destroying such stamps, or slmll rotjlljaiiy cigar box without first dnP.ioiiir anviK uia m i alt ATI mrt amhiIiu, vd UViUVIi'g araavaa OMtMii numi, vn vviti ivituu either offence, bo liable to a penalty of 1 100, or to imprisonment not exocecing sixty days, or both, in the discretion of the court, with the costs of the trial; tt ahall be law ful for any cigar inspector or re venae officer to-destroy any emntyxdgar box up on which a cigar stamp shall be found-." ' Tbo Protfttu, publishes, a letter from its former editor, J. L Pennington, fct which the writer counsels a speedy compliance with tbe raquiremonta.ot Ue Sherman bill, on the saaso grqunda that be favored tjUo Howard amendment that it ia Ue best tha 8onU will go. Tha jP)-?re remark on tho letter, "like many other ,Bepubicana, he Appreciate the importaaco of following tke nna of eondwet ao lonjiand eaaaiateaU ly preaaed on tha attautioaof Ua peopla oy me rroyrrss, . ' thUM LW EHilgl utUtaia. 1 '.' ite,&Siw ,rjadjoarn4oi Thaiafiist. waa one of aUop-gfiea aaua litis cojtnt- tt was a woa- -iab) ia m HOiJti aaat ht anaii ikuaaiia ti and will fmu-..M -yvvawivi, am wu, kuut ur graiim iuth n tuo aihmivmi Revolution against British tyranny, begun ia thf prpvpioe of North Caroiiua, May, n70,"iit aM Tsn are created free and eqaaland '-that just vernnieaU denve their power Troui Ue eonsearoTTsrtov-1 trued foond their irst, traeat and noblest a . . i . x . . . . : . i i.i . I axe sapKftcat ion upua the ame aodsutd to id ' th phtudit of the worthy deaoeadaata of' th same rm mortal patriot. Tkeehildroit of tha men who mid the oorner-stone of the temple of" American liberty have tha completed the work of thair aneortors Who shall say that the great spirit of the past did -not commune with the luring. Are their hearts with a noble courago, and overshadow them with the protection of their wings? Wo hare said that this was remarka ble asscinlHnre. It eamo from the ar people of the State, the patriot of the Mountains, the hilt country and the sea shore. Filled w(th a love tor "Union, Lib erty, Bqnalttr," every sentiment enuncia ted thrilled the heart with prolbund emo tions. Never have we teen sacb harmony ami enthusiasm before manifested upou anv pnbllc occasion. There is no necessity fbr exaggeration. We state facts, and deny succossful eontra dirtion. ' From the first to the last hour of its ses sion, the greatest order prevailed in tbo Hall amid deb-gates aud beholders, with one exception among the latter- almost too slight tor notice. And especially dW tbo col ored people of our city exhibit intense m terct in and appreciation of all Its proceed ing. New to them as these thing were, no undue manifestations of "joy were al lowed to mar tbe duooruui of tbe butlr, while upon proper Occasions they append ed with unmistakable satisfaction the pa triotic utteranoes of the different gentle men who addressnd the Convention, In "the words of Mr. Harris, wo warn nil dem agogues not' to mn the ignorant ticket upon the faith of the colored m tin's cre dulity, unless they desire to go doWu before them inglorioasly. It is now a fact, evi dent to the whole world, that their iutcHi genee far exceeds the circumstance of thetr Ibnncr condition, and as a component art f the loyal jKtode of North tVfolina, we cheerfully confide the prosperity ami gtorv ofo rr State to their keeping. Tlie Conventiou was all able body. Itt oflherV wore loyal men who'biul come out of .he fuitince of rebellion w hlilio smelUd' treason upon their'irurnient. Its speakers jt lioth races grapple! wrth the live qncrt tions of the hour. There was no evasion or 8ubterfuge: all their language was plain aud unmistakable. There wi-re few young men present the ninjoritr bein; middle aged, or arrived at that time of life when irray hair ure crowns of honor to lives well-spent. It was a body, takinc it nil in ull, wherein the utterances of second-sober thought were more imprcssiyx and more respected than more sentiments of prciyu diea or passion,.howovcr popular or time honored. We were specially impressed with the bearing and address of Messrs. Harris; Hood, Brodie', Leary, Miller and others Among tbe colored delegates both in com mittee aud open Convention ; and of Messrs. Thomas, Ileaton, Sloan, Carter Settle, Dockery, Dick, Goodloe, Colciuan, Powell, lieach, Grissom, Logan, Enapp, Watts, ana others, among the Whites' but we wake no distinctions, where all acquitted them selves so well. It was determined by the Convention to unfurl the banner of the Republican party. Let every true Union man, without regard to rac or color, rally to its defence. Let as go into the work of reconstruction, de termined to oveix-ome all obstacles, toper severe until Union, Liberty, Equality shall become household words upon the lips and in the hoarts of our people. ' Only by d heriug to these great principles can we re build the shattered columns of Constitu tional government, or reach tbe promised land of peace and pro8jerity. The power of tbe nation upjiouls una defends us. Wo have the sympatlues of all true Men .North, and all lovers if Liberty throughout tbe j world. It is a new era'. Ilaviiiif wftrtdcr-l ed in darkness, and in Strang imths, now that we have regained the old road, lead-' uig to the homo of otjrTauler tjy tno roto- mac, let us rejoice while we labor, and la bor while wo rejoice." Republicans of North-Carolina, we summon you to duty. banner of our party upon, the evormsttag principles of Union, Liberty, Equality4. :', , : Destitution in Swth Cabouma. We ffiid the paragraph oelow tffbneiorioh f z cbangos: Mr. J. K. Knox, a citizen of Sunipter District, South Carolina, employed a trust worthy neighbor to make personal exam ination of tho destitute iu his vkaikity, and he reported aa follows; " I have not been over fire miles from boute, and have aeen and board direct from J 3oh persons. Tho most of them ore now without bread, and are actually subsisting on corn husks, and. wbatejor. tjiey can got to preserve life atVonr, wh8 there aro oth ers who have one and two baabels of corn yet, bat Arltkoat hByjmojptatglBfe ifje. Some have a horse or two, and are trying to raise a little, brop, bat hare little op noth ing to lira upon." Mr. Knox rouchea for ibo troth of thia atateBiflttt,, :.lU; Il-H.lll ' fFmni tha nfuutMnn CnuriAr 1 GUN. SICKLES' ADDRESS TO X1DS An imnymae concourse of colored people J aeaembioa ta trout ot Major. Ueueral IK i. SiokkV quarter, cm iTuesday nigbjt, to offer hha tha eplimet pft exeimdo. . Afior tka .band had performed aavora). avtt, ia response to tho loud and repeated calls of tka assemblago, (ioiifiraiSkjklof prvwftted biiBclf4nJlw:;aApmriBroe.jwapi Uaaumal, for tka aieateMkBaiaitjQudeaw '- - r" !' ! v..Sl4-J!U n .'V'dw'M alaad iaaana thafr reoeftsAy .rfO" Aiiwogu ax;w)u 4e aqn.tue Hgfit-J ifyt, laT ia Ua poiitical ao- icSuita rotok hi juddaaent dtato. Tkt ahiJ jaideari to rluna. The Soltrad -mosjia Uia fcoantrypsar gamed just, praise jtja-1 Udrjaf utirati f uuatt owr- ingae war, ami pMing utnwai agiut Uort of thotoivil aiX ptditicaf anfranihise ment. In1hy deparfmeat t can Truly bear testimony tu your patient fbrbeaauttv When sorely provoked to retaliate by craei acta of vioWuoe and hamUiatioo Jyouh oorue vo metre witb aatalteruiB eoB UaUP". 1 Ul tUf Of I UOJ1 MlBI uaaca ..... .i i i. . l . . . . ui uiawiu- lUW-m j plan vjyvt far t on you' all in this homr rfyoaraaeeesafper' vere ui wll doing. Io ar aew ottiaeaa of the ntbrir. kVemban rtka.iUa tiviigTh' etlh' bafidhllei to tsa Mrtfle Udustrv, loyalty, aaO oaat aiU alt)' aen. Yoa must try aad vindirat Ua hoHj ttf i our-fajocU aad, rppai U 4otm;r. . bodmgs oV the wepllt-il Drprytyr,0l elves worthy of the privileges to whiek yon have been admitted. Appiaaao.1 t Whenever any large -additnm- ka Va) ' made to the voter of State thoaaaaa ap prcbensioas have bevn aapreaaod Uatara now heard with nttvnwce to yoaroiroa-r , . Those already eulraovhiinal ar enaily. alarmed ut any considerable change ia Uo eslablUhed order of things. So far, in this country, experience ha shown tliat union-, liberty and jtowur aro safe iu the hand of those who caca Uehr . bm-ad by the sweat of -their brow. :. Ap pluuse j Acme- eve the laud of their birth morjjJLauUv : uuuc will, ddeud. it with more constancy aud valor than those who-w whose labor make np the aam of a hation'a wealth. ApphuibttJ JSO htnga the des tinies of thisewfutry'Bto to thehU of those whose homes are made sacred by justice; whose liberties depend' 'on the courage witii which they are maintained- the old flag niay defy afl eiiemica,'Si Bvthcr' ft-om without or within. Great applause. J ' It would be diWctilt;inderthonrotlaror able oircuinfttauces, for any race of men' to'" engage, as you have now to do. in.tbe most iiiteresjing political events, wnbouV being! deeply moved by their importance' 'indj ' novelty. Iet me advise, ydn a a frichd, ' and as one not without expericncy'hi'fcuT-:' ' lie affairs to pn-scrte' at'W'timw'lhHirt-' -most liiixleratH)!! of lana'aftrJ, teaiher and conduct: Avoid everything like' xntflcace,. impiitieucc, or indieomm.' lki not gfro even your adversaries just occftssIoB fo compluiu of the least ' disrespect showA to them in vouf liscussi()iis;-privtite orpob lie. A ft J beware of those who would en deavor to excite animosities belwreii Ike white and bbu-k races. " ' , ' '' . The prosperity ' of tho, South" and 'tntr ' welfare of tlio tsniutry are Intfniatcly as sociated with tho harmony and good Tect hig' which should exist between the jitfoplo of both races and tlie South. ' AVhateVer" seriously impair tbe interests of one 'race', must result seriously to the other. Iulellt-f;eiK-e, culture; capital, laud, are not less : essential than labor, and yet witlnitit llibor ' these can have no solid and enduring f'oufi datiou. You have already shown your aji approciation of these advantages' by tho ' eagerness with which A'tm bftvo employed part aa a parti a k fall aaa fair er drtdidtv m.t eoaeiAuM Btar at. P the opportunities lately given volt to edu cate yourselves It 'will bot bO long bcflire tho white racebjfiilta South will see how deeply they are interested hi the education, industry, tpritt and progress of their color ed populatipb. In this mutual dependence lies the purity of at). Abqndant time and fqijortunity Will bo afforded, and ample notico wjtl be givtn of all tho successive sfcjis (o bo taken In the orgaiiizaUon . of the , State fjoverrnicnts within iny .conimaud. It rflU nbtbOiJcces sary, nor can tt be otherwise, thatt iiijur ons to yourscfyes for;you to" ii'cgiet your.' cmployiHeuf and associatdns tq ntVcnu4 to'1 ' ioUtk affairs. J promise.yod thl with out any such aaon.ffco dn'yVfir. rtct'er;' " man in thouroliuus entitled jto a'voVe in' " tho decision of .'J great ' qluifstton''tlci'bo, passed under my suiiervision, shall hive a fair chance to act his part , without :'.hl!'br"' hindrance from anv one. M v ' 'fVJendk." T 'J . wish you aD good niirht. ijHhusijuitic . 'r- . lit ' i- r cheers. arte'f:;!"-i On the g8th of March; in Waughtowh, jr,. BlUer Wm. turner. JUr. frP-iv trcaaa an Mbmssa Maaim, all of. this , o, . ., I1 mi 1 it mi .,nm!-immir-Tw til !! Haalt ',,in lulu ! At,' hV 'home In this oattaljoW' daV;SB jSt, Sir Fwar, wilbe'Vtrtli jrear'otls iie! Tb ot rUire of Mr-, Fljop darToro ( than a passing notice. JJriag, lie .wm anivr- ally esteeaind, ead-fce i$ snoarand baU: ; Affable and kind to all, in social rehUicaW- b ' was ever governed by a wit aae 'ocfo Advanced iri'jfeaVS, and hoalM -eWfeohMd,' " death w long expected' and cohaH metj wlth, 1 Wa The largo ooncoure Of1 peVlb6 'ffltfpai burial prate how genewljjr he ri, esteemedL' , Tarrfclo'aithtf Blood and ttnan-i. der fi ; Snwshad aoso and) hlaok rel - O,. whotf will. toma, of; th wifJkad! wonai As mornmg ladv immediatelriunder 'W ria4ok.wW heard a mighrr pobe wbea t tke Baaia thaa are ceadiafe from tbatrtwitiJ)e4uAio,tkef door just kvtimo. to watla nd,of AfAgHv, had Bona nerenco of omnion hive brokeh'whea,ete.Vete repUrn MM of them-breks their own watdawtiaiaiag akei" I kcAifSe, and the but w law of theaa they a l aterina! HaXaT'i Jeauatarai MotoaJHy gMigtt)nnbUd .mad TJtewt'U to.aakaamoaaBa - :; t iu d bu,-!!; 'l nA I U. ialltrfi,l udi "IWMtOll Uatlftafco.ndj ' B- teaatttorifeaa A Balan.trW Ai kyB aoaiomdoaH prnmded.eb aid EMoto, that I have fh ookad ,fBf atraB.ffip, aad,mill WigMtoralhem, mA,"dulr tu&wavWted, wit am WnlaYtneda bv tow lor that pwrpowi, etuerwwe mb awaw. we, lay on our sotV quietly reading wf, paper, we Were euooenty startled or a ejtelatemdnni i frort kri CM tnhldVh.'!