THURSDAY, DECEMBER Cherry-Powers Nuptials Thursday Afternoon Miss Cleta Powers and Mr. Faul Cherry were quietly married last Thursday afternoon at five o'clock at the Methodist Parso nage with Rev. W. A. Kale offici ating. The bride wore a costume of aquamarine blue with black ac cessories. Har flowers were a shoulder corsage of talisman ro- ses and valley lilies The ceremony was witnessed by Miss Pearl Lipe and Mr. Do nald Harris, friends of the youris couple. Mrs. Cherry is the daughter tered together. The bride wore of Mr. J. E. Powers and the late a three-piece wool suit of Du- Mrs. Powers, and holds a posi- bonnet, with a collar of Canadian tion with Mooresville Telephone !ynx- Her off-the-face hat with Company. short veil was slate blue as Mr. Cherry is the son of Mrs. were her other accessories. A Grace Cherry and the late Mr. shoulder corsage of Narca or- Adrian Cherry. He is owner and chlds comPleted the costume, manager of the Cherry Dry Clea- After the cernony Mrs. Har ning Company. ri11 entertained the out-of-town LShn, ,Wddin,g tnp Florida Mr. and Mrs. Cherry will be at home to their friends in the John Hudson house, on East er Heights, recently purchased by Mr. Cherry. Thompsons Entertain Ace of Clubs Mr. and Mrs. Loy Thompson Mr. Lyon was a graduate from entertained the Aces of Clubs ' Battleground Academy in Fran last Friday night at dinner and klin Tenn- and from Davidson bridge at their home on South College He was a member of . i . . . , , , , Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity B cad Street The table was la d and 0f the Scabbard and Blade, with a handsome Italian cut- mllitary honoray fraternity. He work banquet cloth, a centerpiece ls now connected with the Can of blue and silver and blue light- non Mills at Kannapolis. ed tapers in crystal candle hold-' 0 ers. Holly and poinsettas were p, . . p , use effectively throughout the ""Simas 1 any home. Following a three-course an" Recital dinner the guests enjoyed sev-! eral progressions of bridge with Mrs- EuSene Johnston present Mrs. Neel Stewart winning high ed ner Plano class in a Christmas srore prize for ladies, and Mr. W. C. Johnston Jr. high score pride for men. Mr. Carroll Beatty won bingo prize. Those playing were: Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Kennette, Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Sloan, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Johnston Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Neel Stewart, the hest host ess And may we have your patronage and good will dur ing 1938 THE SODA SHOP w. ii. Jones, Manager IS 131 N. Main St. Phone 133 Mooresville, N. C. 23, 1937 Lyon-Harrill Vows i Are Solemnized The wedding of Miss Sara Eli zabeth Harrill, daughter of Mrs. James A. Harrill and the late James A. Harrill, and Mr. William Adair Lyon, son of Dr. and Mrs. Scott Cary Lyon, of Davidson, ing at eleven 0'clock at the home of the bride's mother with Rev. C. H. Myers, pastor of the First Baptist churchj officiating. Prior to the ceremony Mrs. Eugene Johnston played and Mrs. R. Dewey Farrell, of Greensboro, sang. The bride and bridegroom en- milies at a buffet luncheon. After a short wedding trip Mr. anl Mrs. Lyon will make their home in Concord. Mrs. Lyon attended Meredith College and Greensboro College at Greensboro, where she was graduated, She was vice president of the students association, se cretary of her class and chief marshall. See Us For Nuts Fruits, Candies, Etc. IDEAL CASH GROCERY JDYOUS HOLIDAY Sloop Furniture Co. I 1 Eugene CREDIT THE ROUNDER Saturday Night in Japan , ify i.V . vx J(. "iOME on in, the water's fine." Battling in Japan is on a different plane from ours as these two Ameri can gentlemen can tell you. Tubs are perpendicular there, instead of hori zontal, and you stand in the water up to your neck. Eut we shouldn't laugh at this somewhat primitive scene, ac cording to Consumers Information which points out that only a hundred years ago, there were only 1,500 bath- tubs in the United States, all of them in Philadelphia, where they had a city water system and taxed each tub $3.00. President Fillmore installed recital and party last Friday evening at her home on South Academy Street. Th? liYing room j and music room were attractively arranged with evergreens, ivy and poinsettas. Following the recital the" class sang Christmas Carols and each pupil was presented with a small picture of Mozart by Mrs. John ston. The hostess served Christ mas cakes, candy and hot Choco late to the members of the class and guests. I Twentieth Century Club Meets j Mrs. C. A. Mayhew was hostess , to the Twentieth Century Club last Thursday afternoon. Christ mas decorations made an effec tive setting for bridge tables. High score prize was won by Mrs. W. C. Johnston Jr. The hostess served a salad course, hot rolls and coffee to the following club members: Mrs. C. C. Johnston, Mrs. C. L. Furr, Mrs. L. B. Mills, Mrs. John Rankin, Mrs. W. C. Johnston Jr., and Mrs. Vernon Voils. Guests of the club were: Mrs. V. P. Johnston, and Mrs. A. B. Sloan. For a place that has been va cated by Chinese defenders, looks like the Japs are lacking some thing if they can't step right i: and take Nanking. SKINNY GIRLS! Can often gain flattering pounds and Dew vitality by adding Yeast Vitamins and Iron (as contained in Vinol) to their diet Start taking Vlnol today and Dotiee how skinny limbs and flat chest start to fill out. how ugly angles disappear. No matter what you liava tried or how skinny you are, (et Vinql. J. A. White & Co. xu uui iiitiuj menus and patrons, we wish the best of the Holiday Season D. Fink JEWELER & NEWS LEADER, Mooresville, N. C. . x the first tub in thi White House in 1850. Advertising of the advantages of convenient and sanitary bathing started 31 yeais later, has continued increasingly ever since, and has made the United States the cleanest nation on earth. Even the most ad vanced European nations are far be hind us in this; respect, and the pos session of a bathtub in most countries is a sign not only of opulence but os tentation. The United States is amon? the few countries generally educated to the knowledge that health and cleanliness go together. MILLER Drug Co PHONE 9 C. T. Humphrey Jeweler To citizens and friends of Iredell County, we Invite you to come to Statesville while here don't for get to come to the BEST CAFE in town. We will assure you of a food dinner. CLIP THIS AD FOR A FREE CUP OF COFFEE HEFNER'S C A F E (Near the Square) STATESVILLE, N. C. 1 p 311S5 10 90IL 1, ii' R A 71 I'; Museum Given All Records Of Earhart Flight ew Yorik, Dec. 18. A new 1 .nd of museum the world cen ter fov women's archives was forma'!:-' presented with its fir..t exhibit iait night, the record:;, charts and used by Amelia Earhart on her last flight. Dr. Edward C. Elliot, president oi Purdue university, presented the documents, sent to America at various stages of Miss Ear hart's flight, to a dinner assem blage of women prominent in many fields of endeavor and friends of the raisi ng aviatrix. Manuscripts of her writings re cently published in book form under the title 'Last Flight" were part of the collection. The occasion marked the open ing of the headquarters of the world Center, where historical data and exhibits in connection with women's contributions to culture and history will be pre served. Mrs. Mary Ritter Beard, foun er of the center and wife of Charles A. Beard, historian, said "if such provision had been made in ancient Greece the entire complexion of writing history would have been changed." Six Iredell Students On the Honor Roll At Appalachian There are six students from Iredell county on the Fall term honor roll of the Appalachian State Teachers College, Boone, as follows: Mary Bost, Cool Springs; Ruth Erwin, Scotts; Louise Holland. Union Grove; Jennie Martin, Central; Mrs. Edna Fox Brown, Statesville; Virginia Smith and I. L. Wagner, Troutmail. RUBBER STAMPS Made on short notice, Notary Seals. The LEGAL NOTICES MORTGAGEE'S SALE By virtue of authority contain ed in a mortgage deed dated March 15, 1927 executed by John A. Lipe to W. W. Rankin Com pany, which mortgage deed was duly registered in Mortgage Deed Book 65, page 562 in the ornc. of the Register of Deeds of Ire dell County, North Carolina, the undersigned will, on Monday, Ja nuary 24, 1938, at 12:00 Noon, sell the lands hereinafter des cribed at public auction to the highest bidder for cash. Default having been made in the pay ment of the note secured thereof. The entire one third undivided interest of John A. Lipe in and to that tract of land in Barringers Township. Iredell County, N. C. containing Eighty Acres more or less and being that identical tract of land which was inherited by Mrs. Easter Lipe, mother of John A. Lipe from her father, Jacob Ritchie, and being the land which is now occupied by James J. Lipe, father of John A. Lipe as tenant by the courtesy and bounded by the lands of T. P. Parker, D. A. Perry and others. Reference is hereby made to the records of Iredell County, N. C. for a full description of the said lands. This the 20th day of December, 1937. W. W. Rankin Company, Mortgagee. 12-231-13 NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF REALTY Default having been made in adjoining the lands of Jno. C. Plyler estate et al, and bounded ai follows, viz: Beginning at an a.she at the ford of the creek. Jno. C. Plyler corner, and running thence 8.32 chains to the spring: thence N. 40 E. 57.14 chains to a stake, corner in the Mary M. Barrir.gor old line; thence West with said line 65 chains to a stone, Hugh Plyler 's corner; thence SjuiIi 20 poles to a scyca more corner; thence west 10 poles to a stone corner; thence S. 3. W. 130 poles to a pine, A. Barringer's coiner; thence S. 15 E. 21 poles to a white oak on the bank of the creek; thence in a northea sterly direction, down and with the beginning, containing 85 acres, more or less. Excepting from the above tract a tract containing l-li acres heretofore sold to Hugh Plyler. This December 13, 1937. C. II. Brown, Mortgagee by: J. L. McLain, Administrator, c. t. a., d. b. n. of the Estate of H A. Smith, Assignee. Grant k Grant and Eaymer ft Raymer, Attys. 12-M-23 PRISONERS INCREASE F.aleigh There were 9,317 in mates of North Carolina prisons December 1, as compared with 3.213 November 1, the penal divi sion reported Monday. A total of 10 027 prisoners were handled last month, of whom 4,396 were white, 6,531 negroes and 203 women. ? - - r. whitley-W Complete Home Furnishers MOORESVILLE, N. C. is? 2: stsm, ?Mtd (iu.; WfW 193 7 Safety Chevrolet Co. MOORESVILLE, X. C. i . '"It -'rl 1937 Li'l 1938 J. F. McGraw, Grocer THESE IS A YOUK LAOY IN MILES WHOSe FCB IS ALL COVEHCD WITH SMILES. ANQ HURRIED AND FLURRIED, When you're nervoui they tell you to relax. Easy advicw to give, but mighty hard to folUw. You will find it much easier to relax 4 over come Sleeplessness, Nervoui Irritability. Rest lessness, Nervous Ueadarhe alter N DR. MILES' ERVDN Tffi VTT P! MVPVTVTT ! . ....II l sedaUve. AJUiough the foi-mula from which it was made has been in use for nearly 60 years, no better medicine for a tense, over-wrought -' ........ ... . . WTC. KCU vii Halloo nutvuMb la ss up - to as wu mornings paper. At all drug stores. Larg bottle or package MJt. Small bottle or package 2S cents. PAGE THREE i One Washington observer makes the astounding statement that "economic stability is regar ! ded as a certain cure for Uucle Sam's ills." Funny nobody thought of that before. ; jl LAND POSTERS For sale at the Commercial Press. Our po sters are printed on good Card i Board and will stand the rough I weather. .1 s.-.f r v ymm ? A Again we deem it a pleasure to bring greetings of the season to our many friends and patrons, and to thank them for their pat ronage during the year. ilkinson Co, "VtXjSfov,-- 'Till she took sooo nervine made by miles. you taki 1 Kl . LJAA. - date I she always I I WAS WORRIED, I f i r-i y'M rr iwi

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