THURSDAY. DECEMBER 23, 1937 THE ROUNDER & NEWS LEADER, Mooresville, N. C. PAGE FIVE Society Bride and Groom Elect Honored Mrs. W. P. Johnston won high score prize and a lovely guest prize was presented to Mrs. Wil son. The hostess served a salad course, sweets and coffee. Those playing were Mrs. A. B. Sloan ..txKiMt.x.rr.K?. Church Announcements NEW YEARS RESOLUTION ; make. If we make and keep that ! Resolution, we will most likely keep all the others we make. Never before has therer been a ! St. By Ruby Brown, East Monbo The world is a Theater. The years are Stages. The people are greater need for better servants a::strrj::ffl!;n!s::irnnsi:as:r.i!:sB:3 Players. What part have you for God and our Country as Mark's Lutheran Christ- played? Some players have been there are now. Let's all make a mi Virginia Edmiston enter Mrs- C. C. Johnston, Mrs. Aubrey mas will be celebrated at all ser- good; some bad. Which class have Resolution that "my life is going tnlnPd last Saturday nieht ho KinS. Mrs. W. C. Johnston Jr., vices. Christmas sermon and mu- you played in? Which have I? to be better," and let's keep it. rmr na Mi wallie walls and Mr Mrs. Leroy Kennette, Mrs. Jack sic at the eleven o'clock service. Have we put our very best in Let's see if our world won't Vance MIConnell whOSP weddinu J-vus. t. is. viaveii, r-o- . o - - -- rjv-". w, - " Vance iviiouncii, wiiuac wcuuiui, ,., mill K ronWorl g rnvon n'flnck nf p nnp nf .it k,. i Hvp c into cio nf 1010 will take place Friday of this lvlr5- s w. r. week. The home was attractively, Johnston, Mrs. Franklin Grady deorated with holly, evergreens j and Mrs- c- L- Furr- and poinsettas. Four tables were ' 0 arranged for rook with Mrs. Shaw-Kistler Nuptials Young White winning high score prize for ladies and Mr. Bob Miss Lelia Kistler and Mr. Fields high score prize for men. Lane C. Shaw were quietly mar- Following the game the guests ried Wednesday morning at 12 will be rendered at seven o'clock single one of us has. live, see if the stage of 1933 won't by members from all departments j Wouldn't it look "silly" to buy be stronger and the players be of the Sunday School. The of- a five-dollar garment and then happier. fering at this service will go to let our dog and cat lay on it? Merry Christmas and a Happy the Orphsns' Home at Salem, Well, it looks just about as "silly" New Year! i : ip3 tmai niFPfi n were invited into the dininp room where a huge white cake, bearing a minature bride and yroom, formed the centerpiece. After the cake cutting the hostess ser ved a delicious fruit course. Mrs. Frank Wilson Honored Mrs. Ernest Bohannon enter tained at a lovely bridge party last Friday afternoon at her home on West Center Avenue, honoring Mrs. Frank Wilson, bride of last month. Christmas decorations were o'clock, at the Associate Reform Presbyterian Manse with Dr. I. N. Kennedy officiating. Only the members of the immediate fami lies were present. The bride wore a costume of mahogany colored crepe with black accessories and a coat of Persian Lamb. Her flowers were a shoulder corsage of roses and valley lilies. Mrs. Shaw is a daughter of Mrs Va. The public is invited. j for us to make a New Years I Resolution and then break it. Broad Street Methodist Church Doesn't it. It does to me. I am The Broad Street Methodist sure, after you think about it, Church will present a pageant you will agree with me. Sunday night at 7 o'clock. "No j It really is fun to gather our Room in the Inn." Everyone is friends around our parlor fire Invited to attend. A cast of thir- and tell them of the things we ty-flve characters will present the 1 intend to do next year. It is play, which Is directed by Mrs. 'just as funny to listen to them J. P. Hornbuckle. used throughout the home with!South Carolina Rockwell Baptist Church A play will be presented Friday night at 7: 30 o'clock, "The Truth About Christmas," by the T. W. Kistler, of this city, and is ?ople the fhurch' s They will also have a Christinas' tree, Santa Qlaus and a treat for everyone. Everyone is cordially Invitee, a teacher in the Park View School here. Mr. Shaw is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Shaw, of Camden. three tables arranged for bridge. JUYOUS CHRISTMAS GOODMAN'S The Rexall Store Opposite Depot Mooresville, N. C. Phone 1 After a wedding trip to Florida, they will make their home in Cheraw, South Carolina, where Mr. Shaw is In business. o YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION The good fellowship Young Pe ople's Union of the Methodist churches, held their December meeting at Broad Street church, Tuesday night. The meeting was called to order by J. W. Robin son, after which the scripture and prayer were by Rev. J. P. Hornbuckle. The Young People of Broad Street put on an 1m pressive pageant on "Youth." The count was taken and there 179 present. Presiding Elder Hoyle made a talk to the Y. P. U. The Christmas projects were outlined and accepted bv the Union, after which Santa Claus arrived wishing each a Merry Christmas and directed the Y. P. I to where they would find refresh Iment. j The January meeting will be neid at Central honoring "Par 'ent Night." SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wade Rimmer, Pastor Sunday School at 10:00 A. M. Morning Service at 11:15 A. M Evening Service at 7:00 P. M. B. P. U. at 6:U0 P. M. BROAD STREET METHODIST Sunday School at 9:45 A. M. Morning Service at 11 A. M. Evening Service at 7 P. M. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN Rev. I. N. Kennedy, Paste Sabbath School at 10:00 A. Preaching Servicl 11:00 A. Y. P. C. U. 6:15 P. M". Evening Service 7:00 P. Al THE CHURCH OF GOD Rev. R. E. Lovelle, Pastor Turner Hardware Co. HI Ill ' ! jssap ittttnttiratiflffl I Deck tKe UtU tiitli bohs of ho o is me season to bejoiuj .. Scercy's Gash Grocery I Sunday School 9:45 A. M I Morning Service 11:00 A. M. I Junior Y. P. E. 6:00 P.M. Evening Service 7:00 P.M. Prayer Service, Wed. 7:00 P.M. Young Peoples Endeavor Saturday 7:00 P.M. Everyone Is cordially invited to attend these services. MOORESVILLE TAKES TWIN BILL FROM CHINA GROVE tell of their plans. How much thought do we give to our New Years Resolutions? Not as much as we should. I don't. Do you? When we make our Resolutions, do we ask God to help us carry them out? Or do we just make them and keep them of our own accord? If we don't ask God to help us, we should. We should let Him enter in all our affairs. God is always near and ready t help us if He sees fit. Let us, one and all, before the curtain is pulled across the stage of 1937. look back and see if we can find our last oppor tunities. I am sure we can. I see my big one right now. At the beginning of 1937 I said I was going to Sunday School every Sunday. I told my friends I was sure going to do that one thing. Some one asked me to go to spenu the weekend with them, so away I went. I missed the first Sunday if the year. How many of us have thought of what it means to break our Resolutions? We can also look back and see where we made our mistake in making our Resolution to save our money. We told our friends we were going to save just one .little dollar a week for Christmas. We've never been able to buy all we want to, but, this Christmas" we will be, because we are gofng to save. We save till we see some thing we want, then we spend our savings. Christmas comes, we are broke. So is our Resolu tion. If we had determined toi keep our money for nothing but Christmas and kept it we would have had plenty for our plans. We didn't then, as we do now, see the importance of keeping our Resolutions. We should have put a lot of thought to our Re solutions as we made them. We should be serious about our Resolutions as well p,s funny. Let the breaking of our Resolutions be a lesson to us. We have looked over the stags of 1937 and found some of the Resolutions we broke. We've seen things we did that we shouldn't. the thing we didn't that we should. We've seen fine oppor tunities that we let go by on the account of our own perosanl care lessness. Some of It was merely ctii;isfnijlli937 jIHIIIPIIbI BEST WISHES FOR A! HAPPY NEW YEAR 13 J. A. White & Co. Phone 124 We Deliver In what proved to be the most exciting game of the season the local Blue Beauties nosed out the China Grove Cagers 31-26 last Friday night on the local court. The blue Beauties with a determination to wipe out the defeat that they suffered down at China Grove went in to play some of the smoothest ball that they have demonstrated this year Both teams fought through-'..laziness... Me we . to ' nilt. iho crams rVtno rim.r. . . 6"'B w V'ty 6 .v. .w.c yui,on the Staee nf 1MR malMno- up a good defense with some samp mi,tak. fn. short but fast guards. During' 0r 9rp M XZT"'' L the ast few minutes of the game new leaf? Let's, by the help of excitement ran high with China 'God, overcome the Mistakes w ?m niy EW PlntS behlnd,have made. Let's keep our ears the Blue Beauties. . nnft pvpa . -j.. Howard led the scoring for ! we may see our oDDortunities Kn Mnnrpcvlllo nritV. on nninto nnA I v. . ... ... I ..,. w wii,o. uiw iijui vvc may near or tne world s shaw did the scoring honors for needs. China Grove with 11 points toj If some one would ask you her credit. 'what New Years Rpsninttnn vn,. Lineup was: Helms (2), Ho-. were going to make, you would ward (20), Lowrance (9), Sher- no doubt say as I did, "I am rill, Barger, Thompson. 1 going to live a better life in every The local Blue Devils rang up way than 1 have before." Do another victorv last Fridav nicrht we wani 10 llve better lives? and HAPPY NEW YEAR BAXTER and Howard Barber Shop here when they defeated the China Grove lads 29-20. The score stayed close all during the Do we want to be better men and women, husbands and wives, fa thers and mothers, and above all, game and kept the spectators ' better servants for our Lord and 71 V,L'L1 HAPPY NEW YEAR HELY'S SERVICE STATION on their feet with each goal. With Captain Phil Poole leading the scoring with 13 points and Walters and McLaughlin were fouled out In the fourth quarter. Both teams exhibited speed and stamina. Owens was high scorer for China Grove with 7 points. Lineup was: Poston (7), Poole (13), Walters (5), Benfield (4). Imperial Life Insurance Company F. M. ADAMS Agent ALL KINDS OF LIFE INSURANCE BOX 185 Mooresville, N. C. saviour jesus Christ? Sure we do. We all want to live better. Don't we? Let us, on New Years morning. Jan. 1, 1938, get down on our knees and ask God from the bot tom of our hearts to help us to play a part on the stage of 1938 that will be worth while, a part that will guide our friends. If we will let Him, He will help us if He sees fit. Let us, one and all, think hard on this Resolution. "I am going to try to live a better and clean er life for God." That is the most important Resolution we can yiEHHY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR OVERCASH'S Electric Shoe Shop SKINNY GIRLS! ..vti?'" lln "a,tr,n pound! and fh-i. At . H nl"" n Vlnol) la Ih?.. 2.1- J10" k,nnv 'nbi nd flat thut Mart to fill out. how nglv ni;lrt dluinpFar. No matter what you bv tried or bow skinny you r, in VinuU J. A. White & Co. taMDQO Cd lis tnnci; vaun BRTTERV ftonf. 581333355 W. H. Jones, Manager 131 N. Main St. Phone 13. Mooresville, N. C. here ABE some Charming FOR WOMEN: BOXED STATIONERY 48c to 97c BRIDGE SETS 97c to $1.94 LAMPS 97c to $2.95 BED SPREADS 97c to $2.95 HANDKERCHIEFS 5c to 48c FULL FASHIONED HOSE 48c to 97c PURSES 48c to $2.95 KID GLOVES $1.45 to $1.94 PANTIES AND STEPINS 25c to 68c SATIN SLL'S 97c to $1.94 SWEATERS 97c to $2.95 FOR MEN: SHIRTS, PLAIN AND FANCY PATTERNS 97c to $1.94 HAND MADE TIES 48c to 97c SOX, PLAIN AND FANCY 10c to 48c BELTS AND BUCKLES 48c to 97c PAJAMAS 97c to $1.94 WOODBURY SETS 48c to 97c TIE AND HANDKERCHIEF SETS 48c to 68c BATH ROBES $1.95 to $5.95 BED ROOM SHOES 97c to $1.94 FOR THE CHILDREN: DOLLS 25c to $5.95 SKATES 97c to $1.94 TOY GUNS 19cto4Sc GAMES 48c to 97c MECHANICAL TRAIN'S 97c ELECTRIC TRAINS $1.85 II L If 5 S epartiiient iStore P I