THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1937 THE ROUNDER & NEWS LEADER, Mooresville, N. C. PAGE SEVEN World's Busiest Street? 1 l 1 ,4 J I JUST LOGIC r.t that traffic rearing f J. by! Yes, sir, that'-, New York's fa tmous Fifth Avoruc inn'.iinr; toward f 42ad Street. And the !rty a ths styl Jish wl.i'.j si.l-tv. ,v,t a-,; :(? -n-e'-y Utlla straw cUimmer had belter be careful whoa the jjsts to the corner, f btcause you ho Ujojo hor;e J$s cari-insta i; Ivors swing around Sfte tum. Villi t'e.e national automo I Jjile show ajp:-a3vh!r?, Consumers In I formation, diss cut this picture, taken I hi 1907, to show v.'.iat a difference 30 Jtears fan make. Ths picture below f i'.ows 1 urn Avmw as it is todav. Ad- Verusms, vhicn cren id reearc.i, v.v..; 1 t i d, . :! t product, are credited with changing th" picture frotn that ( 1907, when only a few tho i.' cars wore on the countrj's read.-!, to 'h;.t c. today, with almost S0,003.0"0. The levy sniat! man ufacturers of 20 yv.iii a:-;'o achrertitcd to sell their primitive cars, which co..t around $3,003 for a "mcdiu-n-priecd" model. They created a bisscr demand than they could till, and so bigger factories, increased employment, and constantly better automobiles re sulted. And today we can buy an in finitely superior car for at out one fii'ih of the price, while half a million men are cmxetlv emnloved in the in dustry, corncared to a iev thousand at tho time th.s picture was taken. Si.: r Down. ! The Road By CHARLES M. UPHA5I Enginter-Director American Road Builders' Assi Washington, D. G the tinsel the Christmas scaU, the wreaths and the other tttra muigs which give your homo a festive air. , Roads form the lir. botwecr. tne producers or au o'isp?ncafclc Christina a:id your home. Thes , j jur leved ones ba:k tr.nt parls to make T r.r- i .'-7T ; e:tt--; GOOD ROADS BRING CHRISTMAS CHEER A Christmas tree laden with tinsel, colored balls and bright; lights. Gift packages wrapped in red and green tissue paper and ribbon. Scent of roast turkey and plum pudding emantl:n2 from the kitchen. A yule log crackling and glowing in the fireplace with family and fri.-nd; rnthorpd round it. Thosn nre St. v.'.rther you rre I the signs that Christmas has come avain, brintii'i with it: least for the eye, in varied it good cheer and good will to men. Did you ever stop to consider the vitally important part the road plays in your Christmas festivities? In a forest, possibly hundreds of miles from your home, a woodman chopped an evergreen tree, which now forms the center of your celebration Christmas truly me In other woods stood the trees ; It is my sincere h from wnich ycur yule log, your roads in your coxy holly and your mistletoe were eual to the season s canard ; fr- taken. In the country a farmer that neither farmer no;- wood raised the turkey, the cranberries , man nor manufacturer fails, be and the other good things with- cause of impassable read out which no Christmas dinner bring his product within youritv would be complete. In various reach, and that no accident on by: factories were produced the toys : the highways mars the happiness str; and other gifts scattered beneath iof this yuletide. I wish you all a your Christmas tree. In other ' very merry Christmas and a workshops were manufactured happy New Year. Wayside Pickings (Continued from page Twoi In their mad rsh to do great things to make the world over according to their own ideas as to the "eternal fit tress" of things, for eeneiations the crippled, the blind, the deaf and dumb mem bers oi human S'-ci'-ty v-re sad ly land shamefully r.tulcctcd. by the so-callc.i re: tutors or humeri s-;C"iy , ru! c:t iiiatiou. I: seems to haye tomuined for jur frit-na and brac.V.ctir, O't' to stir rv.c'ac .5 con to a j't alifation of a ormortuuiiy for human a&ystae science great service and arc:, e the peeple to a sense of a lc-y r.eulectccl duty. And no man has ever res pore'ed to service more nob'y. more unseliishly r-hr.n Ola Way- $20 Counterfeit Bills Found In Salisbury Salisbury, Dec. 15. Counter feit bills in the denomination o; 520 doliars have been in circula tion in Salisbury, two of such puriotu pieces of currency hav ur: been taken in en d -p -tr cj ihe local V.'achevia L. am". Tnu-x eo.noanv i.: receut davr;. I After their discovery, the bills i were sent to the secret service division of the United States government at Washington and ' G-rnen are now working on the jca. e in the hope of locating their lurtrln and probably ferreting out ire. :. cf noted ccuntercrs. Call: So. whether vou firvard with most et '; r tt feast for the eye, in the and muiu-colored C,- n a feast for the stc:r..;c"i, toblc groaning with stiv and, or a feast for the in the joy cf giving and in? and of having tht love about you, you mus that good roads are if importance in ei ir ity vi-1 i' e a r t i receiv-1 se ycti " ma jo voir c;t;nsj Waysti. "1 only ne and are v many j; d:lTre-K - v, l always an ir'.r; hitman naf":'c, s e v.'ayside worit a hobby, with no s; ance other tltati t gives a lor.ely old Ing to do. The e cm bo ari that ti come: th'l' fact that, n some- i oteces of cuiii-itey r.t ..ion here and in th net ktietvn, a"t tr;-: .aid by bank cHlcl:. of the best and er seen here. It is not knewn wi put the two bi'ls in tV ia bank and proba veill be known. In face or parties depositing not know it, becat;.-.' i-ave tiwcn piaceci two ditlerent pet "ttet" the distot e. . e c :m' orb-it : c.rt 0 Ih .ed to v, - v. that breiiien. i j our groe.'!' is ir i depositor iu,l'uu evt And come at tr; i ' fr -Ct CJ" .J' 11 .at the :y are ill 5 Chat'Ktto. i'.-", ..... v ...... it H 1 I i i- t: l federal ban- at f-.? A XA mm a s it m ...omones ot t: s described in cur 1 ttd Paul'ne Tee-is i ? latest s treon deem It .-"-.:.; that cr.ic. whtcn i o- th- i issi emus with a it she is an '".it movie fan! The lump t kept v'"ing in our throat. we listen-"', to !-.! and her blind b!t'!rs :"'VT'ng. Th nns whi-h tl'y f :.' came tight from their r -arts. The "Cl 4- x ' ft f r ' 'y Hardware Statesville Sporting Goods PAINT Wall Paper Company Glass STATESVILLE, N C. w LM mm E & Jfis STATESVILLE, N. C. WELL-DRESSED FOLKS There is only one way that is the Right way to consistent smartness, and that is with the wearing of properly Dry Cleaned Clothes. Let the NATIONAL do your Cleaning and you are as sured of Quality Work. NATIONAL CLEANERS & DYERS PHONE 17 Whats' What About Social Security As anothtl service te lt read ers the Mooresville Rounder each week will give authoritative an swers to questions on the Social Security law. By special arrange ment with Mr. XV. C. Spruill, Ma- nagcr or tne social fjccuruy blessing at dinner, which was not uttered until after the gu?sts had begun to rat, owing to the haste of the guests to start stv.T'r.tT CT si ill fppl hnrllv r.hnnt been approved by the Social it" ,t",vp, th miP linn" vhnm Security Board as meeting the,thp dm f , h d been piacea.) But enough for today. We have public assistance law which hasj requirements of the Social Se- rurity Act except Virginia, which! j..v j. , (122) V.'iil the Social Security , and its work because we believe Board make lump-sum payments w it is a reat work and shcu,d to anybody who doesn't file a coramand a far B,.eater measure , , of public support and annrecia- ANSWER: No. While the tu, , ,, 'i.A e cf the ted by th 'iette. Th' cf a lar.'e c eney forwarcie : to tf Chariot ie batik.' e the eoveriiroT.t through ret.sttry department and the T service dlvi-rvi lea, cverv acii.ty for closely itispecthtg and ct v;th.le;ng. by microscopic test a r.d otherwise every piece of rurrency received and it was r.hen the two bills in c.ursile:i v,er? caiefully examined that they were found to be spurious. The two bills deposited here and found to be counterfeit and .if an unusually fine piece of imi tation work, in desian. mint cotoding and in every way. were of the Federal Reserve Rnnlr n- New York issue, and classed by N. Main St. Phone 133 bank officials as "a good job.'" ! I.lcoresville, N. C. i-f f,:iii'i;SiJii i-.-. .-,-' ; k;.ti1 I W. H. Jones, Manager lnmn-siim rt'ivmpnk t.hp Rnninl . . Board office at 302 Post Office Sec-rlty u makin no Sff 1 IlT, Building, Salisbury, N. C, the So cial Security Board has consent ed to pass on the accuracy cf of answers ta questions on Social Security, which may be asked by employers, employees, and others, '.'rough the Mooresville Rounder. Address inquires to the Editor, lie Mooresville Rounder, Moores vi'V", N. C. Answers will be given here in the order in which ques IIiiik a rp rpreivpd. This is an in- r..v,,.njirtr,l cattriiA anil ic lint ' - .. ujinai.i'iii dadcUcd in legal advice or service. In ,;e,P-1 0jt there ,ng with Social Security Board policy names will not be publish ed. Editor. under tne old-age msuranca sy stem nrovided bv the Social Sa- curitv Act are made as a matter ! Well. Muss, old boy, if that's of right, regardless of the need the wa5T Jr feel about it, it's of the individual, no lump-sum b' us- You haven't even pavmcnts can be made if a for- bl'pn an honorary member of rnal claim is not filed with the the League lately nohaw. And Board. Every assistance will be besides, didn't we walk out on em, even tnougn not so gran diosely as you? given a claimant by his Socr Security Board Field Office. Could it be ed farm bill-sons? tit at the Crn,i'vi ' West and str ; :ainst the p ' .-" ' -for dairying r a - X WHAT HAPPENS TO YOUR CLOTHES When They Leave Your Home? Are they washed under the most sanitary condi tions, through processes which insure sterile cleanliness, and the protection of fabrics? Or do they go into a questionable home, where they are either washed in an unclean kitchen, or a back yard where there's as much garbage as there is fresh air? Then you are endangering your fami ly? Why take chances? Why risk precious lives? You're not economizing that's the worst form of extravagance! Ee wise ... be thrifty ... let us do your laundry regularly, every week and return it X to you absolutely immaculate and free from any S. conceivable impurity . . sterilized . . . cleaner . . . wimer. CORNELIUS LAUNDRY X Phone Davidson: 1116-W Plant: Cornelius, N. C. (117) QUESTION: How many workers are covered by the un employment compensation laws in the District of Columbia, Maryland, North Carolina, Virgi nia and West Virginia? ANSWER : It is estimated there are 130,700 in the District of Co lumba; 295.400 in Maryland; 370, 100 in North Carolina; 315,500 in Virginia, and 315,700 in West Vir ginia. (113) QUESTION: How much does the Social Security Board contribute for an individual un der the old-age assistance law? ANSWER: Public assistance is a State-Federal program, admi nistered by the State, in accor dance with the State law, and the amount given an individual is determined by the State. The Federal Government will match, dollar for dollar, the amount 1 granted an individual by the j State up to a maximum Federal contribution of S15 a month, to a needy aged person. (119) QUESTION: How much does the Social Security Board ; .charge for filling a claim? j j ANSWER: The Board makes, no charge for receiving a claim nor for assisting a claimant. j (120) QUESTION: Should a! married woman get a new social security account number after she is married? j j ANSWER: No. Simply write to I 'your Social Security Field Offi'ce, enclosing your account number, ; your maiden name as il ls on your account card, your ac count number, and say you have been married and your name now b Mrs. Edna Jones, or whatever your married name Is. Proper chances will be made in the Eoard records and a m w card will be sent to you with your married name and the same number. (121) QUESTION: Does every State have a public assistance law ANSWER: Every State has a It will be lor Pop to explain: Those Reds, camped at the North Pole, have converted Santa Clau , ,Trv "Rul -My-Ti.,m" into a communist. 1 Best Linament Liquid, Tab'et i Salve, Nose Drops checks COLDS and 1 it, i,K first day Headache, 30 minutes. World's SySVk1 ttj: :ZSt'Jr:K yh k'-v"4' M ps me xj P"iS 3kS p'isfX3 UE JD tip u 1 Theatre Ticket If Your Name Is Found In The Mooresville Business Director . rilRSONS WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN THIS J DIRECTORY WILL CALL AT THE ROUNDER OITICE I OR FREE TICKETS 1 AUTO SUPPLIES ACCESSORIES OF ALL KINDS Save Over o0rf By Ihivhij Your Tires Relreaded MOORESVILLE AUTO SUPPLY CO. i INSURANCE We Will Gladly Help You Solve Your Insurance Problems E. C. I1EATTY .MRS. El'CEXE D. LINK JEWELRY KELLY BROS, THE MAN'S STORE MOORESVILLE, N. C. V.'atclifs, Diamonds, Rings Wedding Gifts EUGENE I). FINK, Jeweler A Little Down And A Little Each Week MRS. A. XV. TLLSS MACHINE SHOP Cast Iron, Brass and Aluminum Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding MOORESVILLE IRON WORKS PRINTING No Job Too Large Or Too Small Get Our Prices First THE COMMERCIAL PRESS Phone 191 RADIOS CD K t A . fit' fee j 'fv.- ;.r -.e.jee-a i ' f.-'e 1 7.7 ' t. fi ii Call I'?. When You Have Trouble Wc Repair .VII Makes MORROWS RADIO SHOP, rilONE 221 riillf O R.'.riOS & EYl.RYREADY BATTERIES 1 93 7 BEST IKS SERVICE STATION At The Sign Of ESSO 1 5 KENNERLY C.SH GROCERY J A this Tires Standard Gasoline and Motor Oils McNEELY'S SERVICE STATION RANSFER Local and Long Distance Hauling ALL GOODS ARE FILLY INSURED Special Price and Experience on Concrete Work V. L. DAMS, Phone 13