Tmmm Sl %if ## TEJIBC H IT obc Jr» BMP 1 w fcffli i I 1 w mrm §1 H II 1» Tar Heel Prodigy Guest Os Ghana *s Ist Prim e Minister WASHINGTON (ACT)—George i Maaoc Miller, child pr-odlgy of Mooresviße. H. C.. left Tuesday for Accra. Gtaar.a, where he will attend the second anniversary of the ceimtry’s independence. Yeung Miller, accompanied by; his mother, Mrs. Geneva Miller, wilt Sts guests of Prune Minister Kwame Nteram&h- The 14-yeor-eM junior high j school student is atn authority on ; the United Nations mr»d Interna-! fciom.i affairs. Hit ambition is to! become a diplomat to Ghana orj lire United Kingdom. On his visit to Washington Sficnaaah met the youthful genius, and after s ??• minute visit was so impressed that he offered him an 2 Counties Bicker Over Feeding 14 Hungry Mouths Dunn Kids Subject Os Arpments DUNN - fourteen hungry mouth* «*n run up a sizeable food bdl, about $839 per month if you put s roof over them,. Officials of Harnett and Lee Counties are in somewhat of a squabble over who should pick up the tab. The 14 children Were left homeless recently when their pa rente, Jtusseß and Irene Allen, were sent to prison on neglect and cruelty charges. The children were taken under the wing, of the County State News —Us-re • Brief -p- ■ i SJKKABY’S BOOK ftSVTOy CLUB RALEIGH The Bcok fteview Club .of the .Richard B, Harrison! Public UJbrwy will bold its | monthly meeting at the Library j Sunday. March 15, at 4 p. m. Rev j John W. Fleming, Director of j fcmtttmm m s*&s*: *$ CAROLINIAN —— ADVERTISERS EUY Fmm mm - PACK * r. Joseph Wipers tsurtoes i Casa Store PAMS * tffonr*, S«»eee-Oiima Shoe Stoi, SpMdy-fta'tfe, lac T<» sSerx»l» Sex fetacnHa S>«aj fcy»«y PAC* A ««Jnsrt-»e3Js «:*rapsay N. C, SS«ta*S til* Sjsisareeec £». «r. #®*ua W, WtetoW! *fc* Stand Cnmm» vatfiteg c». PAGE « Car»»i*Mi IMrar & £A?*s ©*. SZasft & *jrw« Cs. UauteMi's tVs»s?«r Se. Wise Swaw, See. SS&fSI 5£5?" 3r HtaMg* iMalea Souse, ia* ©cm Wstefe f&sp GEORGE M. MILLER SIGNS OF SPRING Lovely Miss Hazel Sanders, a sophomore toisfeess major at Saint Augustine’s College, Raleigh, Is shown among the early spring plants on the Episcopalian campus. Miss Sanders halls from SmHMicld. FACES ATTEMPTED RAPECOUNT"*"" WHITEVILLE Willie G. Yates, 38, of Fair Bluff, a eomntefflc- Hon worker, was feeia In ilea of SI,OBO born* Friday an a charge of j smelting a white woman with Intent to commit rape- Officers said that Miss Evelyn Bullard, 22, of Fair Bluff, had identified Yates as the man who gained admittance to her home on the pretext of looking for her father and then attempted 4® at l*drew. She said he fled when she wrestled free and kicked him. Urban League’s Granger Cited By Mayor Wagner NEW YORK— Lester E. Granger, for almost twenty years executive j director at the National Urban j League, was honored by Mayer Robert F. Wanner at a luncheon or: Thuraday, March sth, at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. Richard. €. Patterson, -Jr., eransaiar-iemer of &&S* Sajpsr Xurk*'-* , Sawpic She* Stars ■ Am baa*? m March 9. Th® inrita&on was received by Master Miller or. February IS. George is presently in She 11th grade at Unity High School in Statesville, N, C.. but had the privilege of attending summer i school al Columbia University! i during his first year* of high j school. ; By special arrangement he stu | died In the summer sessions of the ■ New School for Social Research i and undergraduate College of Co | lumbia University In New York in lftS? and 1358 respectively. He is.the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mason C. Miller, both North Caro lina school teachers. , the city’s department of commerce j and public events presided at the I luncheon, at which some 300 guests were present The seeawioß vw She m tee cf Mr. CJranger frswj a tfem-sunjife tew ®f feSs., Af rica, fbe N®bt East sad Ea n*S*c fa Infs a* vim preshtost sf the Isstematteasl OmfRWN cf Scdai WcA. Ke & the oaly Asssrfesa to have held this p&s&ios. Mayor Wsgner to Mr. arenger the city’s Scroll for Dis tinguished arid Exceptional Ser vice, efttng his wrt in the fields of social work, race relations and teter-pwple undersfc&ndiiag e round the werid. page a IMCP Prexy Mi fefrili Frsii Istiig OSURLATjrri -- ItorOi VmoVim, m&C® head KeSy mmssetec at t&asflj Ua# t«|s®d efs Rsgrem rels'sln vstmg f«sr aaaa ters of Shift ilownty SiSjodi SNggß&sth of an &Bspd sssafcpe M Wsw chfi- ve^it. h«« a MT the ttertfc SSffiSttAsS l,r to yyf^-^iv^ <^i'^gg^^^»***^v^^^St^gßKyygjWftH^./ *?>2?s‘.-g-vg?*rryj^-^ggsw-T3^r»giy*%stfi»>-a-g?aif» | !M»» WARREN BODY BALKS Civic Union Appeals For Integration WA It RENTON Attorney James R. Walker, executive direc tor of the Progressive Civic Union committee, has railed on the War ren County Board of Education to “remove ail racial restrictions - ' for admission to the Haliws Indian School in that County and to de velop “a polio" and program” to desegregate ad schools of the county. Use sjsecial com mittee coaaposed of eight Wsr- CCONTSSTUS® OW 8»AG« 25 Interracial Theft Ring “Cracked” Omsm&SORO Two Iredell Cwmiy men w“ja bosaid over to OwOforrl Superior Court Monday on charge* growing exit of the ersdring of » large-*?fck automo tctMeirisw*® or pag* z> FASHION SHOW S£Tm $ SS mmm of RllHi lllAfif Wwmww nnn jWiWHHL Wwiil FOOD SHOW MiMi mm >n*f MM m £§ OW PAG K 3> OR *> North Carolina’s Leading Weekly SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1959 FOSMEm CHASST WUML/Utt WOHVCr Former weStwweigfct; c&uejdtw Jofoasy tartes, t&tk is watched by Psteefcaan ’®sgem Petemhi shortly after bis arrest in New York City Match 4. Pollee nM Tttnaki ÜbS Saxton me be was main; away fnsns the awerae of & burglary. The 2®-raar-«M fighter, •mit# earned man lh»r SBSB,9SO during his earner, was arrested for frontons assault and |*os eesstoas of a weapon. PaUee s*id he admitted tw© other burglaries, (fJPf PHOTO). Boy, 3, Drowns In Puddle Os Water; Two Men Missing After Heavy Rain YMCA’* 13th Meet Set Dr. 1. Jones Speaker The Thirteenth Annual Meeting el the Street YMCA will be held Tuesday, March J.7, at S:®B pus. B?. Budolph Jonas, pres- Meet et Fwefctevffle State Teach ers College, will speak. He will he tateo-duced fey Dr. J. A, Boyer, 3»rea sident, St. Augitstaiae’s College, C. A. Haywood, cMiman, YMCA Basrd of Mansgeimnt, will pre side. Activities of the past, fear tdß he swssmiulaed by 8. h biaiford, YMCA gerarai secretary Sendee swayde will toe presented by Br. R. BL "Hsavie, atutinaon of tfe® mem bership committee. C, Jf. Coble,, chairman of the norataattom | easawdtioe. will give the report s£J t«?®?ms?tf3» m* pass 8* I early on March 5. In the foreground are a few of the boys who es caped, The cans* of was said to be defective wiring in the unoccupied caretaker’s room. Wrigbtsvllle is about 12 miles south of Little Reek. (UPI TELEPHOTO). RALEIGH, N. C. wl , sm£M&& ■mnm PRICE lie DV K-C4 EtSEWHER® 15e | CHARLESTON. «, f;. _ Heavy | ram* In tfa® Charleston area | Thursday are blamed in the death dormitory of the Ark ansas Negro Boy* Industrial School twelve miles from here and twen ty-one boys Tost ihnr lives to * fire of undetermined origin last Thursday morning. Pii! St niching, sn Arkansas fire marshall lieutenant, reparted thai fire broke out. m a dormitory where @3 boys were locked fn. and there was no • faculty head resi dent in charge Governor Orval Faubus, who visited the scene, war visibly shaken and pledged e com plete investigation. He wa« report edly "near tears." Roused out of their sleep, many of the boys fled to safety by kick ing out the glass window's and screens which were designed to prevent their escape. But 25 in mates who were not able to escape. ! and their charred txxtses were (CONTORTED ON PASS Tt Bonus Money Store Owner Not Fooled By Swindlers REIDSVILLE - Two Greensboro men were held here Wednesday on r charge of slim-slamming a coun ty store operator. The two were identified as Wil liam Jordan. 34, and Robert Lee Hernes, Sr., 24 Both were arrested in Greensboro Tuesday after offi cer? traced them by mes?rrs of a license plats. Reldsville police said the men would enter s store, ask for change for a S2O bill and then after the proprteler handed ovr the change they would ask for some small Stem WWSe the proprietor turned away to get the merchandise, the 38»« weald slip sl® of tee change out of S»k hand, biding 4 n:o*mHtnso o», pars n Alexander {May FUe For Council CHARLOTTE A North Caro lina Negro leader may run for ele ction to the Charlotte City Coun cil this year. Kelly Alexander of Char lotte, president of ibi state brsnpfe of the NAACP. tsh! a* unidentified grasp of white and Negro cHiy.cns has been "eninwrittg to interest rae Is ranalns for city council st gatn.” Alexander said fee had apt de - cided whether be would mate tit* race. But he added "I &a think t«W;. Chwlaite has grown te the vtitnk where Negre- repratenlasaves slwuld be in government,” Alexander, hm beesi a twsee-un aueceasfiti candidate for city ootrn ctl. Newspaper Week! I : Ttee