?me eatoßumam week ensrbw. svtmiiMrv, tnum ii i?:s 6 Open To Negroes: CAREER OPPORTUNITIES m STMT wum'R ME IS ro« ( tAlfs.s 1 » %* KETtJr Tic college or ucs.v -,- r :s the tro-rt i- ;port«S social fffc.ru in moAvm « vil:.»tiun It she moot tor which cantfWf : • * lal-’y .■>* all levels of education, for t. ;t s'- pßtuwV'd the prep • at’on of our t«irti6f& Tr>c t i-cK+t ha«.deterrr»- ioed t"' " ‘.’r? '> of o■ ’ r' ‘ :t . a?>d the Svt.ool. which i* the vtsicl in which 01.o 1 . • i ’tone is carer--d from one 2c t ■ th nev. T :e>-m --fr;es the character arid jr scilectual content of CH.tr civjfi.zatHFi There H a temptoitoc to «r!f eveyr roSteje mh and dry cbtfees wlk# th€ mother's sDagN etadbtf Jifowbb for o intsy itomeiwakaf. But »©t wfcen sfs« safe#** tfea ell-okcfris? Hom« stafi4s?4 t® help vhhk away this problem: if trouhk «h« «t< jnv wn’s list *s removing old nallfHper, ft's easier.* to ffn if ■van rent a raster steamer, bat lacking this, the first step is to sponge down the wall with water, ktoce the sponge teas* be really saturated, be sure to protect the floor where yoaVe working with plenty «f old newspaper. Give the wat<*r time to soak in thoroughly and then scrape thf naoer the wall with a broad scraper or spatula - working irotn the "top. dowriwards. The next step, and a very im portant one if you want vour new paper to go up smoothly and stick securely, is to wash down the wall with a strong solution of sal soda concentrated -about a cup of the sal per bucket of hot vator This gets rid of remaining paste and March 13 - 14: High School Dramatists To Shaw I). The North Carolina High School Drama Association will bold ite an nual state wide frsfiral at Shaw University., Friday and Saturday, March 13. 14, in Greenleaf Audi tcrticn, The critic judge for ti'.is festival w ill be Miss Mary Bohan nap, director. Department of Dra ma, North Carolina College at Dur ham, Tb.e state festival will present the ♦ oc-ranking plays from gji the re gion? of the state organization 'These region? will be represented- Tfc* Northeastern Region, the East ern Regum and the Western Re gion The Shaw Player?, under the •ii rectios of Guilber*. A. Daley rxe cotive secretary of the N.C.H.S.D.- A, will play host to the visiting high schools The festival will have approximately fifteen to twenty plays Mattiwilda Cheered At Town Hail ffISW YORK fANFi— Versatile and talented Miss Mattiwilda Dobbs tbsarciighjy earned the plaudits es audience sad critics alike when afcp sang aelertioes from George Praderfek; Handel and Johans Se bastian Bach ta a recital which fill ed Town Hall Miss Donbr. es&sly won. the crit ics’ ncvlaym with her fine rendition of 'Badu arte*. ‘'-Sheep May Safely Graze” and “Oh. Hark Usrfo the Ftate'a Soft Voice." Her stegtw* es Bark 8 # M W*4- m&n Csateia,” wae straecil. ’irroto eriite Miles Kaaieisdiesrk. wffib She keynsto of besub.- vs>ib*. etnaraeteirTKrtl tor whole maandngP Kastondieck also commented that Miss Dobbs possessed a "sim plicity snd dignity of manner” which sistrhed her "remarkable jKirtty of tone and vocal fcxibOSty." Hy* Another critic. Henry Beckett, also praised the young singer's per- s crmo2.ce. Beckett said. “Mi** Dobbs was tke a human flute, toe dominant instrument to the ensemble, but her paaisages wer? m intricate and different that the full beauty r/? her soles could not be dis played “She was csKgaiattts, tonally, ar- Sastleaßy, rtngissg toe Barh arfe3C." > In toe a»d»«ce at. the ccnccrt was Dr. Ralph 3. Bundle, Cff tender secretary for pdSkt! rtfaiir. tmm Bsr mm& *T Hwr jwwf've bet» Bodying fee tswifhs hsw 4« tocyfcßse yuuv sal my Horw’ did it tors *«!*" * j wmsomsK mm i| JOIN THE CROWD —*:—of—~~ HOUSEWIVES WHO WILL ATTEND THE 1959 CAROLINIAN HOME & FOOD SHOW MARCH 26-27 RALEIGH MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM Be Social Enjm lodav > Inn . . 1 } i 1 I 1 (^vetresli i 1111 i, Pepsl-Cola Bottling Co. Os Raleigh :ms KIUSBORO STREET. RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA TELE. TE iMll Go To The Church Os Your Choice •«?, \ COMfUETC us*. or CgS® HAIR PRODUCTION p\jW ‘"-IPS" OR. Csrlwr and flavin* Wa*. t-anotin 4pY-k; v*ip ■/#&.. Hair Str?l*hli»eT sod Dnm. *4 'S trcpta and LTsrKrr* Raleigh Commission House, Inc, 134 E HARGETT ST Yfimpte 2-7741 RALEIGH, N. C I ri’xnp $5009 to 500°° I j Kopltcation Accepted * """" If You Want Money Fast, See Us! | CONSOLIDATED CREDIT COUP. II i '/j K Martin St- \ r A 8-5741