! CAROLINIAN ——— -mrimriniiiiniM—pi | h i mniwj CLUBBERS’ CORNER Clubber* 1 Corner mail if. in creasing each week This week we hive five letters which are pub lished below. Also published are the names of the club members in Tarboro. Be sure to follow instructions in the Clubbers’ Corner of previous weeks concerning requirements for membership in the Clubbers’ Club end the tickets for the ad mission of clubbers to the Negro American League games. CLUBBERS’ MAILBOX WENDELL TOOTHACHE $ I! you e*nY e«t to td« In* jtli* eillttf aont-st, tH* best thmg fi© JETS » for you Is ORA JEL Pun ■“Tr seconds. RALEIGH SEAFOOD Fresh Seafood Daily 450 E. DAVIE ST. DIAL TE 2-7748 I For a king-size thirst... enjoy coke in big KING SIZE? WHY SITTW for uss than world-famous Coca-Cols’ Coca-Cola: so good in taste .. . in cueb good taste! Now the* Coke comes in big King Size, it’s easier than ever to ha 1 , delicious Coca-Cola on hand . . . always: Bigger value, to* Feel thirsty right now? Open a frosty King-size bottle ol Coke! Slew or GOOD TASTE THE CAPITAL COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO., Inc. eepyr's"t 1958 The Coca-Cola C-npai* "Coke" fc a r*9isto~! trademark Bottled under authority of The Coca-Cola Company by f MADAM FARREL | ... THL LAT)Y YOlr HEAR OVER THE RADIO 1 Palmist and Psychic Medium tells you any and everything you wish to know without ask- K me any questions, gives you names of enemies, and friends I ° n ’ es wue and never failing advice on all affairs of life If wor necL troubled, or in doubt, consult this psychic reader at once. Mariam Farrel will help you. on business, love, marriage, wills, deeds, mortgages, last ana stolen articles, and speculations of all kinds. Your Lucky Days & Your Lucky Numbers Don't be discouraged if others have failed to help you. Madam Furrel docs what others claim to do. One visit will convince you this Medium and Divine healer is superior to any reader vou have consulted. Private and Confidential Readings Dailv and Sunday for White and Colored. Hours 9:00 AM—9:OO r.M. You must be satisfied or no charge. Closed all day Wednesday. Madam Farre! in located one mile North of Goldsboro on the Wilson Highway, just one block from Hobbs Stockyard Golds boro, N. C. Look for the Brick Home and the Neon Sign with the name “Madam Farrel.” And you can be sure you are at the right place. WELCOME ELKS For 48 year we have served Wake and surrounding counties. We are proud to have had this opportunity. AT LIGHTNER’S YOU ARE ASSURED OF . . . SERVICE and SATISFACTION When the time arises call us for courteous efficient service and be assured of satisfaction. 24-HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE LIGHTNER'S FUNERAL HOME CLARENCE E. LIGHTNER, Mgr. 312 Srnithfield St. TE 3-1676 RALEIGH. N. C. Dear Clubbers: l I am a member of the 'Eagle j Rock Baseball Team. I would like i very much to sell some papers ! for you. I am in the fourth grade and l arc six <6> years of age. If you want to know more about me, you may write to my home room teacher, Mrs. C. D. Cobb Carver School, Wendell, N. C. Very truly yours, ERSKIN BULLOCK Dear Clubbers: I am a member of the Wendell Baseball Team. I would like very much to sell some papers for you. I go to Carver School. I am in the fourth grade. My teacher's name is Mrs. C, D. Cobb. I am ten yeans old. My position in playing baseball is shortstop. Yours trulv, CARY PERRY Dear Clubbers: I am a member of the Wendell Baseball Team I would like very much to sell some papers for you. / go to Carver School and I am in the fourth grade. I am nine <8) years old. | If you want to know more about, me. you may write to mv teacher, Mrs. C. D. Cobb. Very truly yours. EARL STREET P. G. Box 434. Wendell, N. C. Dear Clubbers: I am a member of the Eagle Rock Baseball Tsaro, I would like very much to be a member of your club. I am in the fourth grade and I am eleven (11) years old. I go to Carver School. If you want to know more about me, you may write to my teacher, Mrs. C. D Cobb. Yours truly, DWIGHT MITCHELL, Route 1. Wendell, N. C. KNIGHTDALE Dear Clubbers: I am a member of the Wendell Baseball Team, I would like to join your baseball club. I am ten GO I years old. I go to Carver School. I am in the fourth grade. My teacher s name is Mrs. C. D. Cobb. My position on the baseball team Ls rightfield. Yours truly. PHILLIP COBB PRELUDE TO SUMMER Misses Margaret Reed, rising junior, of Starr, S. €., and Lillie Perkins, rising senior, of Cheraw. S. C„ are radiant with smiles as they “look southward’’ from their perch atop the Bennett College wall to the route that they will soon be tak ing for their summer vacation. Mrs. Amelia Tucker Attends Zion Meet LOUISVILLE. Ky.—Mrs. Amelia Tucker, wife of Bishop C. Eu banks Tucker, recently returned from the meeting of the Council of Church Women, which was held in the Marrott Hotel, Indianapolis, Tnd., where she represented the A.M.E. Zion Church. She reported that the women in attendance discussed every phase of church life, along national and international lines The employ ment of women received much at tention and if, was decided that it was not only.unfair to discrimin ate against women in employment, but un-Christian The Council expressed grave concern over the Berlin crisis and other treats to the peace of the world. It vowed to work toward putting an end to war and to fight •■'ornmunism wherever it raised its head. The plight of migratory N. Y.’s St. Aug. Alumni Club Will Host The State’s Models NEW YORK The St. Augus tine'* College Alumni Club of New York will play host to Mannequin's Limited, a group Os New York Models, during their May 23rd regular club meeting which will be staged in the Red Shield Club fSalvation Army) on 124th Street between 7th and Bth Avenues, at 8 p m. Glamorous Mrs. Lilllian Finev, president of the Mannequins will outline the fine points of a SIOO.OO scholarship donation to be present ed to the N. Y. St. Augustine’s Club, which in turn will give same to St. Augustine's College toward a scholarship fund for some deserving youngster. The New York Saints will also discus* in detail their proposed Boat R.-de schedules for a moon light sail up the Hudson River on Friday, July 10th. The Alumni Group voted unani mously to send the Alma Mater $75.00 as payment toward their National Alumni Dues. Aside from entertaining the Mannequins at the club’s meeting, the entertainment committee is planning a social function after Mrs. Finney’s address, and the UNCF Committee of St, Augus tine's will report on progress to ward the club's goal of SSOO 00. The committee for the United Negro College Fund is hesded by Mrs. Lula Powell, Mrs. Victor Hal! and Mr. WilHarn K Bell. Mr. W K. Bell, author, has ; established s Latham-Lynch Scho- ! Isrship Fuad of $500.00 for St, ' Routs 1. Knightdale, N. C. CLUB MEMBERS AND THEIR LOCATIONS TARBORO Fred Wood, president, Glenrus Hart, secretary; Stanford Stock er, vice president; Kermit Harris, Kenneth McLaurin, Eddie Pitt man, Charles Strouds, Wilbur rtot‘4 $ Thigpen, David : Cherry, Eugene Harrison, Milton f|jp | , Bridgers. Willie Boyant, Tyrone Harper, Leonard, > Jayo, Felton w 5 Betcher, Earnest t %»•*- Pittman, Percy V , Battle. Willie Pettaway, Henry THIGPEN Williams, Confer Lee Carver, Sartes Barnes, John Bryant. Willie Porter, Lonnie Wiggins, Joseph Parker, John Thomas Jones, William Arnold. Thodvin Worsley, Eddie Knight i Durwood Dunn, Erwin Bvodiey, l Cicero Whitfield, Harvey Savage, Bradford Hopkins, Leonard Dr an- * ghn, Russell Dancy, Stanford Knight, Jimmie Tucker, WILBUR THIGPEN is an outfielder or, the baseball tear* In Tarboro. He is in the Eighth grade and his teacher is Mrs. S. B. Garrett. Wilbur is IS years of age workers was discussed freely and it was agreed that the church should and must take the lead in planning a more wholesome life for those unfortunate persons who find it necessary to travel from one place to another, in order to make a living The most scathing attack, ac cording to Mrs. Tucker, was on those persons wna would censure the discussion of matters and prob lems unpopular to certain areas The Council went on record as being diametrically opposed to any person, or organization that would hamper free speech, free assembl age and free worship. It felt that there was no matter effecting our country that should not be discussed in all ramifica tions. whether it be desegregation, intermarriage or church member ship. - Augustine'? College, honoring two ’ of St. Augustine's faculty members ■ of many years. Mrs Bel! is the ; author of "15 Million Negroes and 1 Ift Billion Dollars", also "A Busi i ness Primicr for Negroes” which i Mr. Bell report* the U. S Dept of Commerce used for 5 years. Leadership i Blamed In Little Rock LITTLE ROCK, Ark —The blame for Little Rock’s school integration crisis was traced last week to a lack of positive leadership at the I state and Federal levels and to an organised opposition from outside the city. Putting the finger on them %vas Virgil T. Blossom, whose position as school superintendent, in the Ar kansas capital made him “the man in the middle' 1 of that situa tion. However, it wasn’t to work out that way and Blossom points out that the Department of Justice failed to indict or prosecute a sin gle individual involved in the mob action that ensued, although more than fifty were arrested by losal j police 1 rjmt&mm ®m adveettseei ON TOP COMMITTEE—Miss Laura 'Frankie) Sawyer, a rising senior sociology major, of Salta- • bury, who was recently elected as student representative to the central administrative commit tee at Bennett College. Judge Hastie To Ceremonies At NO College DURHAM Federal Judge \v liam H Hastie of the U. S. Court of Appeals, Third Circuit, Phila delphia, Pa. will deliver Nmth Carolina College's finals address to the graduating classes at n a m Tuesday, June 2 in the Men's Gymnasium. Since leaving a law professor ship at Howard University in 1933, Judge Hastie has served as assi tant. solicitor, U. S. Department of Interior (1933- (937*; Judge of the District Court of the Virgin Islands (1937-1939»; Dean of the Howard University Law School (1939-1946); Civilian Aide io the Secretary of War < 1940-1942', Member of Caribbean Commission (1947-1950); and Governor of the Viigin Islands <1946-1940). NCC’s finals speaker is % native of Knoxville, Term. Ke graduated from Dunbar High School in Washington. P. C. Afterwards, he received the A. R degree at Amherst, and the 1,1.. R and SI P. from Har vard University. He began his professional career as teacher at Bordentown Manual Training School. Bordentown, N J His law practice started in 1931 when he was admitted to the bar of the District of Columbia from DRAB... to DAZZLING! jJT j Would you trade an hoar for hr sr ill t»f*V ! like this professional model's.’ .. -’S -o' (r-/ * Godefrov’s Larieuse H.ifr '" .or -l oLL —‘ rc bring hack yo <tK to .y, dull /W ffait..'tHau t or faded hair! J. Mu caosut* cc»- Everything vou need is <n the lerti a>id linin'). famous ted box. Get Codefroy s n"'"i.rv * »W rW " h long-lasting Laneusc n- L~T S 8. L*t develop . 4» then shampoo* GODEFROY MFC. CO • 3MC Olive St. • St Lewis, Wo* TOP QUALITY KRAFT RECAPPING SAVE 50% On New Tire Cost P 9 \ *|f l mmiii© j V. 4 ** i»Wff Terms To Suit You! S 4 and 35 INCH TOES RE-CAPPED HUNT GENERAL TIRE CO. T m 8w JMcjpOWELL ST. , • PHONE TE 2-0571 Natural Prejudices Born Os Environment, Says Schwartz ST. LOUIS (AND Natural prejudices can be attributed to en- 1 vironment; when an individual is | judged on his own character and j abilities “rather than the color of his skin.” racial antagonisms tend to disappear, Adolph Schwarts, chairman, St. Louis Council on | Human Relations, said last week ! Schwartz was the moderator of i a panel session which examined j "The Corrosive Effects of Preju- i dice on the Moral, Social. Religi our Society." The discussion was held at Homan Community center under the sponsorship of the adult department of the YMCA and B'nai Brith. Desegregation is working in schools and larger theaters in St. Louis and in other areas where individuals face the problem calmly, Schwartz said, He addl’d that Negroes make up .30 percent of the population of the city of Kt Louis, but they are restricted drastically in their efforts to advance their economic status and to No Nagging Backache Means a Good Night's Sleep Naggrins* backache, faradache. o,r acbrs' and pain? may come cm with over-exc’*tu>D, piiiiv mai ur ms or day to day stress and fclram. And 'oiks who e»i and drink uatv.VU sonv s<ifle>r mild bladder Irritation ... with that. less, uncomfortable feeling-. If you are miserable *rd tr*>m out fao rftttei* of these discomforts. Doan's Fills of ten help by their Pain relieviD.;- action by their soothipK effect to ruse bladder im* feoion, and by their mild diuretk action through the kidneys—indmsj to merer.-e the output of the 1a miles of kidney tubes. So if nafreing' backache, makes you fee? drageted-out. miserable, with restless, sleepless nights. don’* wait, try Doan's Fills, ffet the same happv relief millions have enjoyed for ove- ears. Ask for new. larjre, economy su° and save money, Get Doan's Pills today l REiEiBER • For Quickest Service • For Cleanest Wash • For Quickest Drying* ® For Off Street Parking: SPEEDY -WASH 319 N. Tarhoro (Former Site of Ha.l!’s Grill) THE CJUtOLMIAN WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, MAT 23, 1959 obtain better housing. He added that in many instances 1 qualified Negroes are denied mem- ; bership in labor unions; are pre- Tormenting Rectal Itch Stopped In Minutes Science Finds New Healing Substance That Promptly Stops Itching and Pain of Piles Kc» York, N. Y. (Special) One of the most common afflic tions is a condition known as “itching piles’'. It is most embarrassing for the victim during the oay and especially aggravating at night. No matter what you’ve used without results here’s good rows. For the first time, so enee has found a new healing sub stance with the astonishing ability to promptly stop the burning itch and pain. It actu ally shrinks hemorrhoids without surgery. Medical sci ence has proved this substance produces a remarkably effec tive rate of healing. Its germ killing properties also help pre vent. infection. In one hemorrhoid case after another “very striking improve- Watch The Progress of the Construction OF Winters Office Building 507 E. Martin St. BY JOHN W. WINTERS Complete Drafting of Plans—Supervision, of Construction ASSISTANCE IN FINANCING ‘For Hornes That Are Different Let Me Build For You" TE 8-5251 1309 E. HARGETT Other Homes Under Construction Mr. and Mrs, B. I, Kearney 1414 \ Edenton .-Si, Mr. and Mrs. Aulice Evans 1109 E. Martin St. Rev. and Mrs. Paul H. Johnson 1537 Battery Drive Mr. and Mrs. Robert l pperman 1805 S. East St. Winters Office Bldg 507 E, Marlin St. Other Completed Homes Mr. and Mrs. Powell Peebles 60S Laita Kt. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Graves ...... Garner N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Crutchfield ~..*. 623 Quarry Street Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Williams 1307 S. Blood worth St, Mr. and 5Hs. John Earnest Jones . 903 Bragg St. Mrs. Massalena Williams 105 Star St airs. Marv Jones 2212 Bedford Avenue Mr. and Mrs. John B. Blount "06 Tower St. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Jones 301 Sunithfield St. Mr. and Mrs. James Green, Jr , 20 Hill St Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Montague 1300 E. Edenton St. Mr. and Mrs. Winsnr Jones 917 S. State St. Mr. and Mrs. Lenn Herndon 1.376 S. Blood worth- St. Mrs. Lara Thomas 1320 S, Bloodworth St. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mint* .315 E. Hoke St. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vandergriff ...1106 S Coleman St. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Brown 833 S. State St. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Washington 705 E. Edenton 3t. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Clemons 1412 E. Lane Sfifeet Mr. and Mrs. Charles La Sister ... 1620 Battery Drive Luggage Sale! Train Case 21” Weekend -- 26” Pullman 29” Pullman * Compare with luggage selling for up to 21.98 then , take your choice . . . only 9*BB each . We’ve checked every quality feature, construction, covers of touglU vinyl, luxurious lining, fool-proof locks and hardware ... so that we could offer you the best, looking, best quality luggage you’ve over seen , . . a.t. this Jew price! Make up a matched set, . . . buy for grad uation . . . for vacation . . . but don’t miss this chance to have handsome, durable luggage at an amazingly low price! Luggage- - Third Floor • 1 Hudson Belfc vented in numerous sn.tlShce* from buying helter homes be cause of the attitude of lending agencies and real estate people. ment” was reported and veri fied by doctors’ observations. This improvement was main tained in cases where doctors’" observations were continued over a period of months! Among these sufferers were a wide variety of hemorrhoid condi tions, some of 10 to 20 years’ duration. * -• *J The secret, is this newhealing substance (Bio-Dyne*) - dis covery of a world-famous research institution. This sub stance is new obtainable in nini~ w e v t or euppo sitoruferw known p.s Preparation H.* -Ask for Preparation H suppositories, (convenient to carry if away from home) or Preparation H ointment with special applica tor. Absolute satisfaction guar anteed or money refunded. < *R»c. i n. Fat Os. 5

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