tm ZAmw&m WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JUNE ft. 188® 16 Handicapped Woman Finds Faith Helps In Overcoming Obstacles NEW YORK Helen Matthews Hartford. Connecticut, faced the crospect of losing an arm, like looked hopeless. But there was o choice." she tells in the ,Tuly Cadies’ Home Journal. "Too many people needed me." | ACME MALTY CO. 1 Real Estate - Rentek - Surety Bonds Fire and Automobile Insurance | WE BUILD AND REPAIR HOUSES 1 Dial IE 2-0956 I 129 E. Hargett Si Raleigh, N. C. MILEAGE BARGAIN FIRESTONE |S||pM\ Champion j||Pw|M New Treads H L * Hi i \ Applied es Sour'd tire Sadie* ®| : *j|g||l; \ i ]S) or on Your Owe tire* "B a !- Ij)|I - Same Tread WldtW ■ \f Same Treed OeptH Same Tread Design \/ Same Tread Quality ff . ”T A* New Firestone Tires ! ¥©u 0o«rt N «i£»* h €3188“ Veur OW Tim J§| , , Make the ** Tw **** S«wb Peymeet - ALL s . iXgs AVAILABLE Firestone Stores 415 FAYETTEVILLE ST. TE 2-33-74 wKmrnmrnmmmmsmmmmmmMaßmmmMMmK&nnaimmKmmmmsmmßAmwmmmammmtßKWK* —— ■■ mb—« i —~ u” | numyion 0o urban I t£>ch'fn\c\j[ J : L i v|7o *OOO 8 Years Old I Kentucky Straight Bourbon i i tun oi#. Ksiett? ittiiSM isetien. ee mot, scnteut wsmues to, * t. t.j At the time she was bringing up four children and working part times as typist at the Phoenix Mu tual Life l.usuracne Company in Hartford while her husband was on duty with the navy. ,A little more than two years aft er her operation for a rare type of cancer, she cleans, sews, irons and goes out dancing with her husband Arthur Matthews, a Hart ford post office employee The Mat thewses both are former residents of Montgomery. Alabama The children— Frances. 10, Jar quie, fi Juanita, 5. and Tommy, If. fortify her strong and newly train ed right arm, helping out and run ning errands During her ordeal. Hie neighbors m the City of Hart ford interracial project, Dutcn Pomt Colony, where they lived, were kind and helpful Friends and the minister of their M> ropo'ian A. M. F. Zion Church were pillars of strength. He husband tended the house and the children while she wag hospitalized, while working <0 hours a week on his job. But in the hospital despair nearly over whelmed her, until she found that she could teach herself to tie a candy hoy how. Some confidence was restored. But the great f est came when eh« was home once morn trying to resume housekeeping chores. The simplest tasks were baffling. Eggs, partially pee ten potatoes and dishes skidded from her hand to | REPAINT & REDECORATE I I YOUR HOME NOW | No Dow *i Payment 1 36 Months To Pa? I jCAPITAL PAINTj mLPAPER | ||P 700 Glenwooii Avenue Phone TE 3-6351 pj| s—Mg——o.Wlll t ssomßamßue&mßammmgmmmmmmmMmemr A COMPLETE LINE OF LjMtf HAIR PRODUCTION F?ei-sing Oil, Cntlisj and Waving Wav, Lanolin Scalp Zest, Hair Straightner and Dtesser, ***&%®®R Pressing Irons and Curlers, Raleigh Commission. House, Inc. 1.34 E HARGETT ST. TEmple 2-7741 RALEIGH, N. C. *“*““**—— i.. .i rr iri nrri r • ~i nn n i winim ~nmTr ■mu miniisini GUARANTEED USED RECONDITIONED Refrigerators and Ranges CARALEIGH FURNITURE GO, !<MH> S. SAUNDERS ST. TF.mple j | YOUR CREDIT i IS GOOD ! AT QUINN’S U, Yoor lfom. Spring- From Distinctive Furniture B. E. Quinn Furniture Co. *OS E. Mar£ia St Your Capital City TeL TE 2-4471 fee ffc»r, Semiring * pot wag si most impossible, a sharp can open er became a real danger. It took four hours to hang one load of wash since the clothes kept falling in the dirt. It was a visiting nurse who sav ed the day. She asked Mrs. Mat thews if she would like to be a ! guinea pig in a new experiment • conducted by the University of Connecticut. Would she like to help the home economic depart ment to develop special equipment and methods for handicapped housewives The University was entering upon a national program to help the 10.000.000 disabled wo | men in ihe nation With the help of the skilled home economist who was as signed to the Matthews case by thp university, life became brighter. An industrial ran opener of the type used in the Navy was installed. The Home economist showed .Mrs. Mat thews how to put, a wet wash cloth under a mixing bowl to keep it from skidding when she beat the batter, ' The cutting of meat and the peeling of potatoes and squash was solved by putting a nail— for a hook —through a breadboard so it came up iust about an inch A pillless clothesline solved some of the laundry problems—all sug gested. by the University program. The home economics department c! the University of Connecticut recognized the dramatic story in this courageous housewife and mother, how she mastered home making skills once more and over came her handicap This was call ed. to the attention of Ladies’ Home Journal editors RALEIGHITES HONORED Mrs Lucy F. lamrs, area super visor of liome economics for the Eastern District of North Carolina, left, is shown here with Miss Ruth F. Pope. Chapel Hill home eco nomics teacher at Lincoln Wish School, at bon voyage program at X. C. College last week for Mrs. Janies. Special recognition was taken of fact that Miss Pope represented North Carolina at tire .>oth an niversary meeting of the American Home Economics Association in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Mrs. James and Miss Pope are natives of Ra leigh. Mrs. Janies arrived in Frankfurt, Germany last week after a flight across the Atlantic. She, will he gone for six weeks. Yes, We AH Talk By Marcus H. Boulware !>' FOKMAI !ON T ON STUTTERING #f) Significant The™''’-: Therapies of Stuttering: a*'ai!- r*ble from the Expression Con party* Boston, Massachusetts. . 1 m anewinMTO wwwwbwi Repairs to Any TV, Radio Phono, Hi-Fi or Small Appliance. 24-HR. SERVICE?" TAILOR RAOIO & TV SERVICE “Tfta Hcas« Service BuiJf CALL TE 2-3950 224 W. MARTIN ST RALEIGH ajzstmmes^sjsszs&r-aszaasszrrsz* BUILD IMG BLOCKS Solite Soliie - Concrete Cinder Blocks When in need of blocks tcu j building, call us for immediate delivery. CINDER BLOCK COMPANY TE 2 -2168 N McDowell St Raleigh Special Prices Presto Cookers 4 Qt for $10.95 REGULAR 515.95 6 Qt for $14,95 REGULAR SIP 95 Repairs For All Sises Easy Off for Ovens Liquid Aerowax Guaranteed Rat & Mouse Killer S.M. YOUNG Hardware 130 E. MARTIN ST. Dial TEmple 2-7121 \ *2) Cherlbc, Van Kire*’ : r ic -'h j j Cei rection Principles and Methods | Fr entire- Ha 11 Inti, Tn gel wood | | Cliff-?, New Jersey i (3) Johnson and others. Speech » j Handicapped Child; en. Harper j | VES, WE all TALK STK | and Brotheri’ 49 Ea t 33rd Stieet. ! | New York 16, New York See j Chapter V. (4) HJ. Heltrrn. First Aids for | Stutterer", Expression Company, Boy;on, Massachusetts (5) West and Carr. The J'i-hab’.h laticn of Speech, Third Edition, Harper and Brothers, 49 East 33rd ‘ Street. New York 16, New York, i Lgp Chav;.-ter on C py : >mophern i a (6) Bryn gel son, Chapman* and 1 Han sen. K'-n -.ur Youi elf, a work- j book tor those who stutter, pub* j Usher! by Burgess Publishing Com- j pan\ 4.'h South 6th Street, Mifine- | j apohs ?S : Minnesota f7> Wendell Johnson. Stuttering jj Children and Adults thir +v Tears I of resesieh at the TJmve-'Citv c*f i i ot»/a LTnn y e r -it" of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis Minnesota. REAPERS Ifrvr trnv free V oTCphI c * Of* Public ! sreakinr. please send two * tamps •*id e self-addresscrd business en* \-r-lope to Dr Marcus H Boulware. A A T State TTniversi tv Na •' ■''"ille. Tennessee * summer address), 4 Ten Alumnae Os Bennett Will Continue [! GREENSBORO —■ At lea-r 10 j n embers of■; ■ ■ 1953 graduating . rlas* at Bennett College ha - « in- j dsr.xwd : hat fb- w ill be altend- I mg gradual® school* in the fall, || it revealed this week Scheduled to ’ ir r d medical jj I of Philadelphia. Wtlhelmina Bun- jl dy. of John-on City, Term , and ,| Toez Jones of Lenoir. Mis? Jarrse- > Chah',K-'' r - of Po‘.-ettev'j!e vhr? ; r-Sudv at F-’sriise tve it; on Woodrow Wilton Ft Mow'--no and ■ ’■is?? M:— Jane v.'-M-arm -f , ston-Salem, will he - orkmg on s j teachmc .nronJ'o m bio-rhem- ! v at fh° UnivereTy of P?U:>- j burgh j -Vi;. 5 Xa«ry Choi, of X^mit Korea, an I r»gllsh major, will j ht* BHendmc xrhanl a# will vfr- Yoons Tack Park, also of Sieoul. s. home r«-o«oiHtrs taa- I for Rivers Milliter, of | Draper, will be attending the | sc hoe! of nursing at Wayne l- ’ niversity in Delroff Miss Ce* rile Harrison, a. sociology nis ior, of Houston. Texas, began her work on Vk'ednesday in the Smith College tor Social Work at Northampton. Mass. Miss Mary F Km,eh* of Greens* j boro, an English me,or. will also be in graduate school Also attending school, but from j »h- other side of the teacher J I desk, will be (he following mem- j bers of the class who have accept- | ed public -chool em ploy men (; Misses Millie A.dams. home eco- ! normes. of Princeton. W Va. at 1 Elizabethton. Tenn Clara F. Car ifi-. elementary education, of Yad kinvillc; and Anita Puckett, ele- , mentary education, of Roanoke. Va . aj Sandord; Wilhelms Gate- i wood, commercial education, of Gary W Va. at Elizabeth Cif.’--: Rosalind Goodsor. elementary ed ucation, of Clayton at. Smithfield. Misses Ruth Hawkins of Louis- 1 burg, and Joyce Holmes, of Gold?- I boro, both elementary education. I at Kinston; Edna Jackson, biology, of Ridgeway. S. C. at Columbia. S. C; Emma Martin, elementary education, of Mount Olive, at he? home; and. Hazelioe Taylor, ele mentary education, of Charlotte, at her hom. o PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTIBEKSI Hew Yark Hospital Strike Ends As Facilities Accept Ail Items i NEW YORK (ANFi The strike , against seven private, nonprofit j hospitals here ended Monday when j the union and the hospitals ac- j cepted (he terms of an agreement granting recognition to the union and providing wage increases for the strikers. The employer non-medical workers went on strike against six hospitals May 8 and the seventh in April The hospitals affected were Mount Sinai. HetA Israel, Lennox Hill. MADAM PARREL ’ THE LADY YOU HEAR OVER THE RADIO Gif led Palmist and Psychic Medium Tells you any and everything you wish to know without ask ing any questions, gives you names of enemies, and friends. Gives true and never failing advice on all affairs of life. If wor ried, troubled, or in doubt, consult this psychic reader at once. Madam Earrel will help you. on business, love marriage wills deeds, mortgages, last ana stolen articles, and speculations of all kinds. our Lucky I Levs A our Lucky Numbers Don r. be discouraged y others have failed to help you Madam Earrel docs what others claim to do. One visit will convince you this Medium and Divine healer u> superior to any reader you have consulted. Private and Confidential Readings Dally and Sunday for White and Colored. Hours 9:00 A M.—9 00 P.M. You must be satisfied or no charge, Closed all day Wednesday. Madam Farrel k; located one mile North of Goldsboro on the Wilson Highway, just one block from Hobbs Stockyard Golds aoro, N. C. Look for the Brick Home and the Neon Sign with the name “Madam Farrel.” And you can be sure you are at the right place. IK v D 5 VS AND 4 on;. LUCKY NUMBERS Ail Funerals Cost Less —at the— RALEIGH FUNERAL HOME Compare -nUn and he Convinced! mjsgf RALEIGH TE 2-2835 Funeral Home ™ 332 E. CABARRUS ST. _ tuir IB , , n,| T I, riiinaarTT»nxinm —rryvinrur — LOANS Arranged QUICKIY ONE PERSON Tells Another S. W .., “It’s easy. To Get Money From Hood,’’ ■ 4, nborn- call to us arranges vnur w Uvir* in advance then, all you da i®. p in and Dirk up the monev. We'!! gladly --avance you any sum from 566 to $1209 . . . and YOU can repayment t« suit yourself. OP] \ji m&'r f Confidentially .. . | « /llt ■* Ittie T*tfe Bdkm ifesssi rj j \ 'W "‘Xif&i mrsiy bo*.?* I «• »»» uJL, *—>_ ». 2^27 «oao suss 1 ' vs*Tl ITZ? Yk lour loan Is hand- jT». ot IS, (cd by courteous, j™ ~ etperienced and ‘uTT friendly credit men ~4-2^2L-^25 and women who are _2±^_*LsS trained to keep oui betssness . . - YOUR _**_ vs-m BUSINESS! If you -fggitJgj 9 600 *s*e *>.os have proof of stea.- J-525®._*£S. 7K > _»£ 3y employnient. and J~ss2f!®_ __2552. _*2s_ K> '-' a the ability to repay, i mja n» aersa "aaoj that's all we require t »»« «>-« ~aoa nijs j seo«) S7£ti aao | ew.a?j ao wl xgac aw> j j_ The HOOB SYSTEM " IDUSTRIAL BANK 122 S. Salisbury sf. Brooklyn -Sswlsh, Beth Dario. Bronx and Flower and Fifth Avenue. The sinkers sought recognition of the Retail Drug Employe; Union as their bargaining Under the agreement, the wag* increases will mean as much a; $8 to $lO a week for some workers with the arrest of bona fide crim inals, but added: PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS-

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