LduisvUicr, %. • •; ■ ■• ■ v l|g: ‘They Won’t Let Me Talk:” Kasper Racist Tails Reporters His Troubles KNOXVILLE, Tenn. Lanky j racist John Kasper, last > aek j wearing a rumpled, gray suit, tan loafers and handcuffs, stretched his long legs toward Knox County Jail and shouted, no boys, they w or. t let me talk " The New Jersey-born segre gationist will be lodged here, until be Is transferred to a federal penitentiary, prcbah b in Tallahassee. Fla., where he will begin eervlng a six- ; J month sentence for contempt of federal court. His conviction, and another for which he already has served one i year at the Tallahassee prison, stemmed from his ar.fi-integration ! activities during the Clinton School controversy is 1958 Kasper was taken into custody by U. S ' Marshals at the home of j Lee Foster Knoxville contractor j and president of the Tennessee , White Citizens Council Flanked by marshals. Kasper was marched two and one-half j blocks from the federal building to the jail. Officers would not, allow him to stop m.d talk to reporters enrout.e to the jail. Lifting his manacled hands above his head Kasper shout fcoNitNcr.n on pa&b 2) Bond Issue Vote Seen | FerAug.ll ... { A election will come up on August 11 for Raleigh voters The | following issues will be presentea: j (’> A bid of $1 "42.000 for the | i:r.prO''emen! and enlargement of | s he water suomy system n\ A bid of $1,500,000 for con structing or reconstructing the i surface of public streets (ji A bid of $1,357,800 fcr the ■ar'.eri and enlargement of the samitar- sewer system iA) A bid of $750,000 for 4 hf nn c-cvement and enlargement of the j &atjcr i' system of the city <s) A bid of $240,000 for the ft- ; reetion of one or more fire sta tions and the enlargement of one ! or mere of the existing ones ns* A hid of $ K 3,000 for th c ac- | quisition of fire equipment i 1 7 > Shall the city levy a tax of j not less than 3 rents or more than 10 cents on each SIOO of the assest ’ '•aluation of property for recrea tional facilities ’ '5! A bid of 527.n00 for the ex tension of the city fire alarm system | State News I Brisf j CALF SHOT Hf.SE THURSDAY RALEIGH The 4-H and NFA members of Wake and Johnston Counties are putting the last mi nute touch on their dairy animals to be then here Thursdav July 23 f-cm ?cn until 11*30 a m The she - *. l ' v. i)) be b'rld on the sthistle | field of ifsint Augustine's College, according to V C Davenport. County agent This is the seventh annual show sponsored bv the Raleigh ?Isfch2.i!ts Sure an ir.d super vised by the Negro Agricu! tjiM] TR'orkers in Wske it!?! Johnston Counties. The public Is invited FACING "RAPE - CHARGE HALIFAX An 18-year-old ! youth charged with raping an eld- I er!y woman was bound over j Wednesday to Halifax County Su- 1 perior Court fcoNTirvren on pyot 2i Applications | Accepted low | For Project ; The Raleigh Housing Authority announced Tuesday that applica tions for the new Walnut Terrace Housing Development are now be- . mg handled by a tenant selection ! staff under the supervision of Mrs j Ruth A Benton, tenant selection ! supervisor, at the Chavis Heights I Office on East Lenoir Street. Mrs. lacs B. Jones, executive director of the Authority, said that a temporary office had bean opened in she Chavis Heights Management Building *n advance of completion of Walnut Terrace so that families (tOnVSHV Sit ON PAGE 2) 1 TRIES TO CALM CROWD Wel terweight hosing champion "Sugar” Ray Robinson, hatless, in center of crowd, addresses a crowd in front of the 123rd St. Police Station, New York City, last week He tried to calm the crowd that gathered after two policemen were al legedly wounded by 30-year-oid Charles Samuels while they were faking Miss Camels, Cawiglione *o the station house to book her on ? disorderly conduct rap (UPI PHOTO). “Grudge" King Scene Attracts 400 "Nick” Holloway’s Son Is Denied House Admittance j BY CHARLES « JONES C?p Iso in and ses mv daddy I ,' asked Samuel Holloway of a Faleigh detective here Sunday night as he stood at the steps leading to the room where his 44-year-oljd fathri lay slain No!/' replied the detective. Get on off the steps " junious (Nick) Hollowav. 44. of the 200 block of Spence Street, was allegedly killed by Wilbert F.agiand, 30, about 7 p.m , Sunday at 594 E Cabarrus Street. The incident followed an ar gument which grew out of a grudge' of over six months. -• . : t i , - Some 400 curious onlookers filled the street and blocked traffic fcr over an. hour. Sixteen 22-calibre rifle bullets were fired at the victim, six of S them, entering his body The rifle Ur d in the. slaying was atop his i body when it was viewed by this i reporter Ragland was described by an ’ eye-witness at. wild-eyed and foaming at the mouth as he com manded Holloway to die, dm. Threat Os Race Riot Follows Arrest In NY j NEW YORK New York May-1 or Wagner said recently that! I ‘Harlem needs better housing.] | tight--ning up of building condi- j I tlons. more schools, more play- ] [grounds, perhaps a closer rela-! S tionslnp with the department! ■ heads involved.” And he did some-] ! thing about it last week. Norfolk | And Ark, Confer \ NORFOLK Va.—Officiate from two oi the hottest spots in the Souths school integration crisis met here in a conference last week Little Rock school officials stu died and discussed Norfolk's- local assignment plan with Norfolk schoc officials re OMEN (ED ON PAGE 21 WOMAN, 90, CHARGES RAPE Mrs. Mattie Montague, 90-years-old, told Raleigh police Monday that a man entered her residence at 604 S. Person Street, and raped her. Mrs, Montague, who lives alone, said the man, in his early 20’s, knocked her front doer open Sunday around 2:15 a.m., jumped into bed with her and assaulted her. Physicians at St. Agnes Hospital, where she was examined could find no evidence ♦hat she had been raped. A check of the house revealed that for cible entry had not taken place. ; CAROL [ N iAjC~~' ;r:: —; i ADVERTISERS - - .was——- _ BUY FROM THEM _ j ; PAGt, ?, i Hsrtcn s Cash Store Honeycutt’s Super Market American Home Products i PAG!- 3 ; Public Service Co. of N ( 1 N C. Produets i Spcet-v-Was' tar. i Odctn Cul Bate Store. ; Kress Hamlin Drug Company PACIi 5 Hud.i i! -Bei* Company John V,'. winters and Company Oavi*- St. loin Laundromat I Raleigh SavinC A Loan Association j The Capita! Coca-Cola Bottling Co ■ AAGL e ! Kirby Distributing Co. ! Electrical Wholesalers, the | Mechanics <c farmers Bank ! Green Cleaners i Gt-m Watch Shop I Towt it Country Tire Serv! City Finance Company Stephens Appliance PAG? 7 Sanders Motor Company j Wholesale Motors i corner's Bir-B-Qne i "AGF * | 5 M lour. : Hard .’ are I Sta.odasS CiaSsr Block Company ; faylc Radio & TV Service rrarnclgh puraltur* company ! Capita: Paint & Wallpaper Company j ] while bullets were spurting from the fatal weapon. According to Mrs. Senora Wat son, 29. of 312 S. Bloodworth Street, who was a visitor in the house at. the time of the slaying Ragland entered the kitchen where she. was washing dishes. ‘ He pointed the gun at me. but he didn’t say anything,” iCONTINUED ON PAGE 21 1 Mayor Wagner called a meet !mg of community and political ' i leaders and city department heads jat City Hall or. Tuesday, la? I week, to discuss complaints of ra i rial tensions filed by members of . the Harlem community The Mayor’s action followed a charge made hy Roy Wi! kins executive secretary of the NAACP. that “Police in Ne gro communities usually do not have a courteous attitude toward Negroes." Wilkins said, “The Police Department should make a sincere effort to get in touch with community leaders ic Hailem. Bedford - Stuyvesant and other communities to work on the situation.” Mayor Wagner held an hour's j j conference with Police Comr.ris j sioner Stephen P Kennedy on the j ‘ details involved in a Harlem in- i | cident in which two policemen i were wounded after they had ar- j rested a woman when one of their own, weapons was accidentally discharged. The Mayor said he was satisfied with police hand ling of the. incident. In a radio interview. Commis sions Kennedy praised Roy Wil -1 kins and Thurgood Marshall of : I • CONTINUE! CE- E-AGE ?) Modern Finance Coraeuiy St. - Quint Furniture Company 7-L'j. Bottling Company Hur i General Tire Compsny Mr C Kan Llchimaa Colonial gtorei, Inc. PAGF 9 Carolina Fewer * Light Com Johnson-Lambe Company O K. Clothing Company i Famous Bakery Seafood Company ! George A. Iselev Insurance Attn:' I PAGF 11' ! Deluxe Hotel ! Peps* Cola Bottlin* Co. ! Warper Memorials ! Cavouess Insurance Agent" Daan s Lss" Service Ridgi-nay’s Opticians Carolina Builders Corp Watson s Seafood Co. Dillon Motor Finance Co. Fayetteville S , Baptist Ch_. i PAGE 13 I Klmbrell’s. tap. | The Shoe Mart: Thompson-Lyncfc Company | Blond-worth S’. Tourist H ; PAGfe is 1 Talelgn Funeral Home j Flrestt-ns Store-. I Acme Res,'.tv Company | Cost jMditec Credit Corp. ! 3*!e?7h Cosußf«£i»n 'House. Lot. ■ The Hood System Industrial Bank MURDER -TENS PRINCIPALS AND CROWD—A portion of the 4W» persons who converged on the -Oft hloek of"JwCaharrns Stree« >«< Sunday night *o!!«wl«g »he shooting of Junious <N‘cM Holloway, u jhowh above vVihw- i R»rland 39. the alleged killer la sho«m in top eight inset, while Holloway is plc j hired it top left. (STAFF PHOTO BY CHAS R. -JONESk New Orleans; South’s Largest City Must integrate NEW ORLEANS The New i present a “workable school tote- by order of a Federal Judge It is Orleans School Board will have to gration plan” on March 1. 1960. the South's largest city Expect 5,000 At \ Shriners Confab i LOS ANGELES—Heading west ward for the first time in their 66 ; '.ear history, more than 5.000 No : bles. delegates from some 150 tern- I | pies of the Ancient Egyptian Ara bic Order of Nobles of The Mystic J Shrine, are expected in this my' for the 58th annual convention of ] the Imperial Council on August j 16-22 Host and hostess to the visit ing Nobles and their sister or ganization the Daughters Os ♦sis. will be Los Angeles' Egyptian Tempie No, 5 and Egyptian Court No. 5- the former headed by Illustrious Potentate Kenny Washington, Sr., of UCLA football fame, and the Utter bv Illustrious Cemfflsndrf st Imogene F Clay. Though headquartered for busi ; ness sessions at the Embassy Audi ! torium. the visiting Negro Shriners lof Prince Hall affiliation will I make use of virtually ail the. city's ! topmost facilities for balls, ban j quets and displays of nageantry. The organization will score a historic “first," however, on Wed nesday' evening. August 19 At that time it will become the first Negro | group to use the recently dedica ] ted Sports Arena to stage its mam ! moth talem show with a pageant “Catfish” Cole Now Patient At Central Prison Hospital James '•Catfish" Cole, a former leader in the Ku Kiu Kian, now serving a prison term for disturb ing Lumbee. Indians near Maxt.on, is himself disturbed. He is ill. phy | sically, ana has been transferred; to Central Prison Hospital ir. Ra-i ieigh for treatment. Cole Is serving 18-24 months Imprisonment for inciting: »- riot between Klansmen and the Lumbee Indians. He was competed on Janu ary 18, 1358. for his part in the riot. Cole who Ims been at the Hert -orri County Prison Camp near A ; heskie ever since his conviction,! ! is not in & serious condition, ae-j cording to a doctors’ report. i + + + + 4* 4* 4* Catholic Nun Is Terrorized I ~ —~—■ —■——— - ■ — A • ‘ ! VOL. 18. NO 42 I of young ladies representing some 25 temples from all over the U S The show, designed to eliminate j contestants for top prizes of $4,000 m scholarships, will also represent | s unique ''first” in that bathing I suit competition will be be elim ! mated as a point, of judging The j winner will be chosen solely on ] the basis of talent. Presiding ever the colorful, six'-da.v convention will be Im perial Potentate Booker T Alexander, of Detroit, who has wielded the gave! over the 15, OAO-member organization since his election to office in 1955. Under his leadership, the pop ular national group now has over $3,000,000 in assets, more than $250,000 of which has been set arise to be voted up on and distributed as charita ble contributions to m e d i.c a i research. Any doctor, hospital, clinic or school is eligible to receive s grant from this fund provided they can quahfifv by certifying that they are engaged in medical research. Last year, at tbs Chicago Convention, a total of $37,060 was voted out. for distribution among six qualifying hospitals and schools. This year, at the Los Angeles meet, it is ex pected that a similar sum again will be given to medical research. Mental Exam For Attacker In S. C. MANNING. S. C An 18-year old Manning white youth charged with "assault, with intent to rav ish" two Negro women, was in the South Carolina State Hospital at Columbia Friday for a 30-day mental test. Charles Thames was eoai nsftted to the hospital by his father, a. Manning carpenter and two doctors. (CONMN'OKD OH S*A©S SI North Carolina’s Leading Weekly SATURDAY. JULY 25. 1939 U, S District Judge J 5 Kelly Wright told the School Board to have an integration plan 'cover ing the complete desegregation of ♦he public schools in this city” by March 1, 1960 Th 5 School Board is expected to put up » big legal fight between now -md the deadline set by Judgi Wright, “Wr have several legal steps which we plan to take, all of which can be made bv March ! We don't think this is (he. proper time to integrate the schools . ” Lloyd J Bittner, vice president of the school board, said The judge suggested a plan that could be followed by the school; board: the first year of the plan integrate the first grade, the sec ond rear the second grade, and on. following the Nashville, Tenn grade-a-yeur integration plan. The school board attorney said i the March deadline “should give j us plenty of time to prosecute I pending appeals before taking any action or. integration plans ” WORKERS LEAVE STEEL PLANT Workers leave the Homestead Works of Pittsburg’s U S. Steel Coro., early July I.4th as their shift end?,, They carry with them shopping bags holding their work clothes and personal belongings If resumed negotiations between the United Steelworkers Cute® tad steel industry management representatives fail to avert- a nation-wide steel strike threatened 4e taka plane midnight. July 14th. these workers will have left the plant far the last time for sometime to maw. fw ' more shifts ware to work uefore the strike deadline. fUFI TELEPHOTO.) - RALEIGH, N, C. Gun Fails To Fire As Va. Man Attacks Catholic Nun RICHMOND Vs Police m nearby Henrico County in tensified their seatch Monday for a Negro suspect who was be lieved to have terromed » nun in a Catholic nun's home during the weekend Police identified the suspect as Herman Hunter, 32 of Nor folk They described him as "mean and said he probably was armed with "at least three guns"—two of them .38-calibre pohr service revolvers Hunter was picked up by two i patrolmen late .Sunday and ! being taken to headquarters for questioning when he pulled out a rusty revolver and forced the pa- i trolmen to turn over their own weapons. He then fled into the- ! woods. Fifteen policemen and two 5 bloodnounds from the Goochland County Prison Farm joined m the search Monday ‘Final Stage Toughest, Marshall Tells N AACF NEW YORK Thurgood Mar shall. chief counsel of the Nation al Association for the Advance ment of Colored People said Thurs day night that the final stage oi the fight, for equal rights “could ] possibly be the toughest " But he said the Negro will win Marshall continued, “The ether side will hold nothing in reserve,” while speaking at, the Freedom Fund Report Dinner (he Waldorf-Astoria Ho j tel during the 50th Anmver- j sarv Celebration of the NA ACP. “Once they unlimber their big guns and ♦heir in genious plans, they will run out of defenses ” A southern lawyer earlier told he convention here that several out-hern states are using tax .unds m an effort to win over northern public, opinion, or at i ieast to neutralize it Marion A. Wright, rice pres ident of she association's south ern regional council, charged that one phase of the cam pairn was to “flood the North with slirk and glossy liters* tore proclaiming that desegre gation is a Communis* device and that the Supreme Court is. a too! of Moscow " A retired lawyer from LlmoU*' ■’ails, N C Wright emphasized lat he wps speaking only for imst-lf. not for the NAACP ’O.OOi* HEAR AZIKWF AND WILKINS BY J B BARREN ! An audience of some 20,000 lib erally sprinkled with liberal-mind ] ed whites sat through s rain and 1 PRICE 12e IN M. C; ELSEWHERE 15c Pokes said Hunter had been on parole since -June 1 They said h had been convicted on burglar I robbery and assault charges ir Norfolk On Sunday a Negro believe. ; to he Hunter, broke into a base ment bedroom of the nun's hour at. Holy Angel Nursery SchoT (CONTINUED ON PAGE i) - thunder-storm m the Polo Ground, stadium Sunday afternoon air heard Dr Nnamdi Asikiwe Frs mic-r of Eastern Nigeria and Ro Wilkins. NAACF executive seer; 1 tary, issue a loint challenge to. I solidarity w the part of Africai and V’Tiarv dii colored people Altho the audience was shelter ed. most of the program partici (CONTINUED PAGE 1) I ri ZZ“ ! Betts 1 o Prison For Life An all-white jur. deliberated on ' !v 1 and 1-2 hours Thursday before unding a white ex-convict guilty of raping an 11-year-old Negro I girl Ralph Lee setU, 36, of Apex bowed no emotion as the foreman if the iurv read the verdict of i ty and recommended that h? imprisoned for life *Vake County Superior Court fudge Malcolm Paul immedi ately sentenced Bette to life imprisonment He had instruct ed the 12-man jury to return (COWTINTTEO on FAG£ 2)

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