TWt FOURTH GENERATION of the Wilder family pam *WI o4h« relative* swrt (rbifi at thdlr iwnt family reunion. Fourth Generation Os Wilder Family Stages Local Reunion A Sweily reunion bald at the jte&irt* ©ester on Sunday, Aug npfe SO, brought back memories of ♦a, m«,5»3* «f ex-slaves whose off spring® up to the present fourth *®a*rstSoa number more than one hyndred both dead and alive syfc with mars alive than dead. The two surviving daughters of tit* 3 children cf the late Haywood and Harriot' Wilder of the Shot wall community near Knightdale .sßd®ga*« | | I Ueafita^J j imm.Jf Ores® | _ AW ERICAS I Stifct-sb whiskW I | Mt,*** ****-.. I ’ IKetSU NRUUtW CCKHHY m mi erry. |L!*BSB WifW » <*** «»« *l"Hl »«fn| | i LOANS To Employed Men and Women ®Ne co-signers ®No red tape ®No * embarrassment Loans made for any purpose- Back-to-School, Winter Needs, Home Improvements. Vacations, Boats. Motors, Stoves. Refrigerators. Televi- I. sions. all other Appliances and House hold Goods. r mm you skzp, shop with CASH and SAVE j r Financing all Insurance Premiums a specialty We loan money on Insurance policies. You don't have to wait s week for a loan to go through. Phone morning for money same day {* Vbifc or Phone J STATE FINANCE CO, m S. Salisbury St Phone TE 3-3531 Raleigh, N. C. Subitct to out liberal ersdit policy of the family background aad , activities in previous yeaw. Ha ' said that Mr. and Mrs. Hay wood Wilder were members of the Good Hope Baptist Church near Knightdale some fifty years ago. Mr. Wilder was. aa ordained deacon ©f the church and wielded a strong Christian influence in the church a* well as in the comnumity. The Wilders had twelve chil dren. The following indicates how the family tree developed: Mrs. Ida W. Allen, 8 children, 8 j grandchildren, 24 great-grand- j children; Miss Molister Wilder, no children; Miss Annie Wilder, no children; Mayor Wilder, no chil dren; Mrs. Hattie W. Hinton. 5 children, 12 grandchildren, 20 great-grandchildren; Conley Wil <•' no children; Mrs. Adline. Rand, 5 children. 6 grandchildren, 8 great-grandchildren; Mrs. Ella W, Green. 3 children, 1 grand , child; Mrs. Stta W. Baucom, 11 ' children, 19 grandchildren. 11 great-grandchildren; Henry Wil der. 3 children 5 grandchildren, S great-grandchildren; Mrs. MuM lisle W. Head, 2 children. 4 grand-1 1 nufmanm » b.iwranimw Wholesale Bakery | | Special [ 1 Our Delicious ; MUFFIN CUPCAKES j Chocolate, Vanilla, Coconut & Caramel j; i|fje D§iin | Wonderful for School Lunches FAMOUS BAKERY || |@? & WSUftWGTON ST. PHONE TEsaphs 8-8333—5-8334 | EFIRD’S mannfaetnrers cooperative SALE starts Thursday morning 9?30 sharp i America’s top manufacturers have gone all out in cooperating to make this the season’s greatest bargain event... of fering us new, fresh-from-the-mill val ues in fall merchandise that even we thought impossible. These values we pass on to you at very special prices . .. thereby offering you values greater than even the manufacturer thought possible. Come shop from basement to the top floor! See how much ym &aves come! scoop up everything ym need for ! “back •to * school,** **feack4lo par lors have frash sralaasaa euireatiy. —Cincinnati Dispatch in Variety IT DOES Keeping an ear to the ground helps one pick up a lot oi dirt— I Log, 6th MCB, FPO. New York. MISS BROWNING WEDS . .Mv. and Mr*, Walter Brewv ingr, Sr, annunce the marriage ©I their daughter, DeJaanaa Re becca, to Mr. Cornell L Adam*, »f Birmingham, Alabama, Fri day, August 14, at the Caldwell A.M.E. Church, BroEX, N. Y., with the Reverend Carnes Mc- Kinney officiating The bride is -a 1956 graduate of Saint Augus tine’s College, a member of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, and is ja-esentbr employed as secre tary to the principal of the J. W. Ugosa Junior-Senior High School The groom, a Korean War votran, is a senior at Shaw University. He Is also a member of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fratern ity. OBVIOUSLY A EfidsntiEt- says that mankind is of vegetable origin. Obviously Men descend from monkeys, mon keys from trees.—Punch. """Sember"" • For Quickest Service • For Cleanest Wash • For Quickest Drying • For Off Street Parking SPEEDY-WASH 319 N. Tar boro ! (Forstar Site of Hall’s Grill i E| lack To School |gj Special! : *• *»*-» • L , _,, , . ■ , | SERSAnONM PIATfOEM ROCKER OFFER! Tin at I -««1 DOWN VW#M taoMvteto, nL' AIV • snoftt purchase event: I • ®sbt&lsmm6*smlsai cw Sksjsss flaw «w*«s rapajbfly to W te jKff for ®m, Cbase is ec*^ ® # tam €► wi§ tee fps*sßs 3rd Floor Furniture Dept., | North Caroline for 63 Yosts CISgSiM ■Wty.M.'rill.S... v I Only $ l; ow Down CAROLINA MODEL HOMES Are Finished Completely On The Outside But Unfinished On The Inside Except For Floors And Wall Partitioning Studs $99500 up to S2S9Soo You Finish The Inside... Have Fun ... Save Money AND REMEMBER You Can Now Get Sheet Rock CLIP AND MAIL |» era «b e< • «w m»i tm k» «» *w *»** "** ** *** *| l Carolina Model Home Corp. j With A Home Built By Post Office Box li»08 * RALEIGH, N. C. 1 -- - , . ~. _ i™ e 3 - 4389 ■ ! u$ Included In One GENTLEMEN: , * Please Mail Without Obligation Your FREE U> * - - « »i. I LUSTRATKD FOLDER oa Your Low Coos | LtOW I Byiß6nt A* OF ill© Homes, NAMU . «c« Whole Business t ADDRESS Ii COT - STATS.. | fcs =» tot a o =1 in »» •» bbi raw «jp *» »*w«S. mi ir min-' mm :*w«um»saMaßn>«tiMaititoKa«&kMama«Ba9nHamiaaaraanaiiHßHgaHgsMaHgßHM»eiiiiwi>iWfeinßa!