“There May Be A Wedding,” Says Siger Clara Ward Platters Being Tried On Vice Charges In Ohio City Platters Being Tried On Vice Charges In Ohio City Bu* Wedding f May Follow PHILADELPHIA "There may be a wedding when I return from my next trip .abroad.' admitted Clara. Ward, when cornered by re porters In Philadelphia after Dor attiy Kilgallen. the nationally syndicated columnist, hinted that the wealthy bachelor girl may soon make an altar trek with a local barber. Bat ? Jss Ward refused to name the barber, or give the approximate date of the pos sible wedding. However, rum or* are that the barber ha* * shop on Columbia Avenue y In Philadelphia, and that be was constantly in touch with the famous gospel artist when she was in Europe for four months of concerts One of the wealthiest, single women in the nation. Clara Ward reportedly earns around $250,000 annually from gospel concerts, royalties on recordings, eno pub lished sheet music and the sale of gospel song books published by her Ward’s House of Music. The Ward Singers recently re corded an album of 12 spiritual series for Strvc Alien ? r?eu r Han over Records label Errol! Garner In Carnegie Concert HEW YORK ■ ANF ) Enroll Garner ' The Man for whom the piano was invented, ’’ will be pre sented in concert at Carnegie Hall Friday, Oct, 16, the sponsor S Hu rok agency announced The Columbia recording artist, whose hit records have each pass ed the one million mark will be ac companied by bass and percus sion, 27 Student T eaehers At St . Aug. Twenty seniors *t jrt Am gustiae’s College have begun Ca det. Teaching in the various schools of North Carolina, announced F R Robinson, Dean of the college At Hawley High, Creedmoor are Cora Brooks, Business, Henry A Cunningham phv-ical Education; Helen Jordan, Fifth Grade. Mrs Rr-..|, r«fM. Grade Chatle S’vinde! Social Btudif' Franklin Counts Training Briieol »* Louisburg are Ruth Haynes. F-bysica! Education Hazeiin* Jones. Business. Mrs Fstrieia Lscv. Sec end Grade Albeit Stump. Phy vi es' Education. B'Ttv McLean Pu rr, ary Johnston Countv Training School m Smith field are Palricia Davis English; Geraldine Perry. French: Berry O'Kelly Method. Charity Edward Craig. Physical Education <4 Jes;p Massenhurg. Social Studies Cooper High School Clayton ace George Fleming. Business; Harold Bing. Social Studies Ligon High. Fairish are: Jean E Catching*. Business. Lillian Daniels. English; Carolyn Lips comb. Physical Education. Wynona Rhem Music; James Schumpert, Mathematics Washington School, Raleigh. are Vera E Jenkins, Physical Educa tion Lucille Hunter are Loretta John son . Fourth Grade Crosby-Garfield. Nancy Rhire. Fifth Grad*’ Mary E Phillips. Irene F, Wil liams Darden High Wilson. M Gilchrist, Social Studies Bingham. Business f NOW AVAILABLE r HOME PERMANENT .at mue scorn fsawßt* m&urr shop n**C CLARA WARD SINGERS All Work, No Play For Jazz Organist Doggett NEW YORK Vacations don't mean a thing to bandleader Bill Doggett who uist resumed work after s three weeks layoff His fov an extended fishing trip m Maine were tossed out of the w indov- when he spent most of his vacation writing new arrangements for hi? band ALvays one to give the public . . •. . i ' v :; < tgvsgnjjSWfL y■' ' 1, 0? >. ... y'rX' Z* . v*. *W> M., /. .... ..if % GREENSBORO BEM TV—Miss Jacqueline Bril, an honor stu deni and senior at A&l ( ollegr, is “Miss A&T” for the current school year. She will reign over homecoming activities this weekend at AAT College, as thousands of alumni and friends return to the college. The main event \ Ihr homecoming football clash featuring (he Aggies and Maryland Slate College of Princess Anne. Cut lor Kelt using To !*!«*• Iffiiilor, .lian Kills FLORENCE Aia iANPi Police arc holding Beniamin Rou iet on a first degree murder charge pending a 'preliminai > hearing' into the -.laying of a white farmer, John Newton Raulet who i something new in the way of mu sical ideas, jaiz organist Doggett turned out a complete new librar for his men to play. When he resumed ins engage ments at Gleason’s musics) bar in Cleveland. King records released at the same time his latest two-sided single. "Yockv Dock", a tune with Honky Took best that bids fair to become the nation's newest hit showed polic® a cut on one side of his face, said he shot Newton af ter the farmer came to his house, 'kicked me around and ordered me to play a guitar ‘ Newton, who was shol in the chest, was clutch - mt a pocket knife when the police arrived Roulet gave this account of the slaving The farmer came to his house with the guitar, cut him. kicked him around and threatened “to shoot m.v head off if I didn't play She guitar," Roulet said '! told him. Mr. John, you go on home But he reached in his poc ket and cot the knife and then I shot him " Clyde McPhatter Builds NJ Home TEANECK. N J This quiet residential town’s newest, resident is recording artist Clyde 'McPhat ter who just moved into his $45,000 ranch home complete with swim ming pool The MGM record itar donned bluejeans and helped the workmen around his >? room mansion during a brief vacation. Last Christmas he gifted his mother and father with a $25,000 home in Englewood, just a few miles from here. He plans building a complete recording studio in his extra large baseement that will set him back $15,000. Famous Rock ’N’ Roil Team Facing CINCINNATI iANP> -- The Platters. internationally famous rock 'n roll singing group went on trial here last week on charges of aiding and abetting in prosti tution growing out of their arrests in a downtown hotel last Aug. 10. In the raid, four girls three white and one Negro, all of nearby Hamilton. 0.. were seized. They were charged with engaging in Theatricals Ella Fitzgerald Scores Hit On Gary Moore TV Show NEW YORK 'ANF' Singing, several of her top ballads, song stress Ella Fitzgerald scored a big | bit in her headlining appearance j on the Gary Moore show Tuesday j (CBS TV network * Betty Grahle: Wilson Vegas Date NFW YORK DH RoUv * oc-d j movie star Grab!*- refuse to share the stage of a La? Vegas ho- i te! with rock n roll star Jackie I YV i Ison " From 9 inp source in ih* theatrical hooking business M %i as learned Wilson v> bn had been booked ♦<* appea* al ♦be Flamingo bnt ft l In the fah ulons deaeH rfty. vas cam ell rtj ni.it nben Mi**? Grahle balk rd at hi? appearing because M hi? ♦‘ a rrlfi« popularity and dv namir art that garner? tremen dous applause. H was said that she felt that het act wasn't as strong as bis and that she would suffer badly in comparison While this would've been hi? first Las Vegas apnea ranee as a solo Many Protest Padlocking Os The Highlander School MONTEAGI.B. Term TV Southern Christian Leadership Cherence and tb® Alabama Conference and the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights have joined the rising pro- Icst against the padlocking of Highlander Folk School Delegates to the southwide meeting of the Southern Chris tian Leadership Conference in , Columbia, South Carolina, railed upon Tennessee Gov ernor Buford Ellington and n< her state officials ”to take step* to end this obvious per secution of the school and of j Mrs. Sepfitm Clark, its educa tional director.” The Alabama Christian move ment. headed by the Rev. Fred L. Rhuttiesworth. acted at a mass meeting of the organization in Bir mingham It declared: “The arrest of Mrs Septimn Clark of this school is shameful arid deserves condemnation by all lovers of freedom. Having already lost one job and suffered much humiliation because of her cour ageous stand for freedom, she is now being harrassed and intimida ted by those who seek to tie Amer ica's future to the evils of yester day '•As we understand it, High lander is guilty of nothing more than believing fully in integration and providing training workshops and fo rums for persons who arc striving to make democracy tSUUfilllD IV tllui ift Iffilttl [Mg y jSHBBk s T soomo" jMj— msZm m mm SATURDAY prostitution. lewdness and assig- j nation The four girls are Jane Davis. Virginia Lee Tones, Patsy Sue Howard and Helen Harrison, all 19 The Platters are Tony Wil liams, -H, Hollywood, Calif.; Irvin Robi. 26, E! Centro, Calif,; David Lynch, Jr., 30, and Herbert. A. Reed, 31. Jos Angeles. A girl member of the Acclaimed the queen of all pep u)ar jazz singers, Miss Fitzgerald was outstanding on such songs as "Sweet and Lovely and Tender ly ■' She was given -3 rotisifia aoolause artist. Wilson is no an set on the record. TV and theatre nmin A. ~ hot. a? the pro'mbial firecri? ‘ker hf. ; regarded tr*de■ as too box off ire serial and the Vesas cn £a z: nen t wo* i) d h :i ■ c • r -d h* - abil l 1t to drav befoi e sua ‘ c \ so phisticated mte club cro'*d He na 9tned up f n » the pearaiice afte» hi? Nat Fatpapni had reasoned ihai bin eltepf. was no atf a tiger to v#»g --99, having appeared there when he was a fflrffiher f, f the Horn! nit*, quartet. "Jackie." he «aid. "knows hnw to handle all types of audiences '* In show business there are many headlines performers who refitr p to share the marquee with other per formers who are known to be ’ show/ stealers ” rm a 1 sot a)( American* jrr*- ’•prctivr of rare, rreerl or color. "We condemn as unjust, unChm fian those sordid attacks We call upon ail liberty loving people, white and colored io stand to gether, for this is one fight We must pray for thoes whose eyes are dimmed by the dazzling light of freedom; whose understanding is so limited as to understand the word integration, to mean commun ism " Palmer Memorial Into 58th Year SEDALIA—PaImer Memorial In stitute in Seda ha. offically began its 58th year with the traditional Founders Day Convocation in the Wellesley Auditorium Sunday. October 11, at 11:30 A M Dr. Alphonso E!d#r. president of North Carolina College, Durham, was the speaker Miss Wilhelminia M. Crosson. the school's second president, officiated at the exer cises. Attorney C. ft Wharton of Greensboro, president of the board of trustees, gave the charge Music was furnished by the Sedalia Sing ers under the direction of Miss De lores Howard. GOLDEN LEAM Lean liberty is better than fat slavery. " f —John Kay Lean liberty is better than fat slavery. * t —John Kay group was not nvolved in the eases. As the trial opened, the defense attorney hammered awav at the charge/ apainst the Platter? and the girls. He had previously tried unsuccessfully to get the judge to drop the charges. Municipal Judge Gilbert Bet trnan was to rule on the case lat er. by the studio audience and made several trips to the microphone for the national television audience Appearing on the program with tier were the Dukes of Dixieland. - Marian Lome and Durward Kirby ft&T Marching land To Show low Uniforms i G' R t ; .FhTr.B r ’FG- The crack ALT College Marching Band of ion per -err and its -nrtrnge-rt of 10 high -topping majorette' wiM he decked pijt ,rt hi and ap’>‘ uniforms for the j homecoming football gam c to Vie i p!a Vl -d h p l e on October I > Th*-- game will feature the AvT ! ..of.- Aggio; defending con i terenre rhapap'on,-, ifamd Marv land State College of Princes-- An ne and ie to be plrlVpd at 2 HO p m . at Memorial Stadium. Wait /1 F Carlson. I* . dt rector of hands, said the band (in if onus of tnv.i t hhie are eonihinaiSon type fnetuding a | massive breast shield In gold. T'he shield is i\ f>m hy the marching unit, hut when re mnvprl becomes an ideal cos i n »ne for the symphony hand The majorettes costume is also a combination if has both short i shorts and skirts in a color com i bination of light blue and gold Kosp-a I Taylor, assistant d' | rertor of hands -and who super j ruses the intricate marching tin- I neuvers for which the unit is j noted has arranged a special full length production for the halftime show Both lie and Carlson agree that the show is to b« as new and •peppy as the uniforms OLD STAGG M KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON SfAGG GIST, CO., IRANKFOSD, K's • 86 PROOf . Z 9 0*. f 4 i n ' 085 045 4/5 or. - m «KB CASOUmA* WF.ES ENDING- SATORI»AT *SC*?OBES IT ?»*» I. -7 'y. '••.-V V*V-,-“T '■*' ' ■■ Vy> '' V'cj>" -■ iV '. A ITS GO ■ I^l HOLLYWOOD ‘AND - CELE- , BEATING THE FiLMTNO BTAP of Columbia's "All The Ynuiu; Mon." an elaborate rooep*ion for: the groat, international oust wn held on an aftornoon last, week i at ornate Colossal Beverly Hill; ; hotel Headed hy co-stars .Sidney | Poitier and Alan Ladd the ce’e-! bra-ted honoreea included James i Barren. Glen Corbett, Mori, Sahl.l Ingemar Johannson. and Intro-' ducing a beautiful talented ,sur-1 prise feminine star whose name I j am not to reveal until a few days after the actual shooting begins. Johannson. as you may have guessed, is entering his first movie role at' r winning fame in the j prize ring by knocking out the ex - j world’s champion. Floyd Patter• son. His contract was signed some time ago at a fabulous salary, but the studio had to wait until he was available. The same circumstances were j present in the ease of Poitier | SANTO AND JOHNNY, whose recording of ‘ Alecp w?!k ‘ is cs. No ! record of radio and the juke bows of the nation fhte week. u> bring featured in "Rock and Roll Ys V’ at N. C State Fit* October 1A- 17. the rock ’•how stars the F.verly Brothers with five other citif. ing and instrumental rerordiuE groups which have term Hinge o-ftf "Top 40" ratings. Five p usual cor dial lo your vepnih ! we having mot first. In 20 th Century-Pox ? “No Way Out,” in which contrb vesial film he made his debut sev eral y. ■ ago in Hollywood. Wo h-cr?*ne personally acquaint ed wii b all the other stars, and a op. l time whs bar! by all, with pleasant informal conversation and laughter, Prom 5 39 to 7.30, Bill Bardot, Columbia executive, proved an excellcn host and saw to it that, everyone enjoyed theni seJvos Incidentally All the Young Men, ' will he completed in tune to be in the running for an Academy Award next spring 11