14 tftt CMOUNSIUB -WEBS lHWffM* atTUBDAY, QCYOftS* If. 155* Morgan’s Eddie Hart Steps Down As Grid Mentor (Eagles Down Falcons, 28-0; Trojans Whip Shaw, 32-0 |St. Aug, Proves Second bAA Win For NC College [ North Carolina -College scored a *3-0 CIAA victory over St Augus jttne’B College at Chavis Park here Katurday. The Falcons, on the priori end of the series, 0-12 with phs Eegl*j held NCC to two point® Km the first half Fsu! Winslow*. Elizabeth City Iwakur Halfback, scored tus TD's jand KMiied for S 3 yard? in 10 ear jhiee. jWinskiw®'® first TO earn* in a 98 hard sMee over led 1 tackle. Walt ferov/jsmg's conversion try was (wide A bard eharetns NCC for we!! shook up Falcon quarterback Rerh Bui low*, who fumbled, An alert Koesle Barfield. Eagle halfback from Snow Bill, carried to the sis. After a three yard advance by Barfield. Winslowe burst thru th emlddle for hi« serond Tl> The conversion try didn't ma terialize NCC quarterback Regin ald Pryor received a bad snap (from renter w oil* he held for Browning, who didn't get a chance Will Remain As Oireotor Os Athletics EALIMORF Md—The 1959 Mor kan State College Bears don’t ?£ Servie* By Ftp*'*! 8! STOP ?cr?gg§ I mmm | fjSOD! H w.v m g CCVWtICVti Gr»A3.JL* 3 «-»« rjstLts or* .* €? WJ s®. Its W, touts«. i ft® x lm. Ti 2 s t I been > m FOOTBALL JOHNSON C. SMITH UNIVERSITY VS DELAWARE STATE COLLEGE Sanders • McCrorey Stadium. (Campus Stadium) Charlotte. N. C. SATURDAY §§ W OCTOBER R § 2:00 P. M. Admission; Adults $1.50 - Students SI.OO - uni mwmi mm— I ~—«*«niiiniiH —mm mm 'Mi«mwiiim i,imh»iv*wniiii—i KmwrtrMmnzrmimimm . —rmnwarur-MwiiniiimTiii TirMiii mu m n m m ~nwirwr tit-Timur mi Seagrams JSL Crown Staffed I Mr jMSvm £ Crwiw | AMERICAN BLEA!nti> WHISKEY § &*/. 1 e jtasf qt'£saMout!> S ♦4-<** | ** 5 * 9 19Kni* IT if u -*r. ; MAMt*! *** a JSIV-WniliK COHPMJ't. NEW V 0« C iT V. BLERDB WHISKEY 88 PPOOf. 85% 6MIK «97Ml ff»»S Charlie Cox, frosh ex-GI end from Kinston, dashed 30 yards on one of Burrows* pass tries and scored for NCCs third TD. NCCs final tally was engineered by junior quarterback Nathan Cook On a handoff from Cook, fresh halfback Bishop Hams of Fayetteville, faked the Falcons’ defensivbe left side and shot off the Falcons’ right guard on a 7 yard burst, that landed him in the end rone with the TD. NCC completed 4 of 10 passes as compared to the Falcons’ 2 of 4 aerial tries. Two of the Falcons' passes were intercepted. NCC had none lost this way. Surprisingly, the Falcons out distanced the Eagles by kicking 5 for an average of 35 yards in con trast to NCC s 4 boots for 29 yard average, NCC plays Virginia State in Durham on October 17. Kickoff time is 1:30 p. m. at O'Kelly Field I The Eagles' homecoming will be I October 31 with Shaw University. know it yet—but they're making history. They'll He the last Morgan *l*v-en to be piloted by the lit tle "Miracle Man of Coaching.” Edward Paulette lEd diet Hurt. Uncle. Eddie, after & 38-year Morgan career as bead coach of bootball. is stepping down. Morgan President Martin D Jen kins announced last, week "with regret” that this will be the last season in which Hurt will coach football The Morgan president said: "At his request. Edward P Hurl is relinquishing his duties as head roach of football effective with the close of the 1959 season He will continue to sen'? as athletic di rector, professor of physical educa tion and coach of track and field " No successor has been named to folic,Hurt a? bead coach. Presi de!** Jenkins said A TREMENDOUS PERSON President Jenkins coupled his .jnpo!!ucerr,ent with warm rraise for ihe 59-year-old coach. He said ”1 hsv eethe warmest admiration and respect for Coach Hurt. He's a tremendous person who has given brilliant and dedicated service to (he college over the years While w« regret, to iose his services as roach of football, we're happy to conserve him He's done a fine toh." LIGON WINS HOMECOMING TILT James Stewart (21) star right halfback at the J W. Ligon High School, is seen. running for a 35-yard gain for the Little Blues during their homecoming game against Greenville last Friday night here. Roy Lee Crowder <33' is shown blocking for Stewart- This action took place during the 3rd quarter. Lignn won the game by a score of 32-6. Ligon’s Little Blues Win Homecoming Tilt Over Eppes Os Breenville, 32-8 The Little Blues of the I V Ligon High School swamped the Eppes High School football team, I 32-8, here Friday night in then 1959 homecoming encounter Registering in the scoring col- j iimn so rLigon were seven Litll - i Blues as they racked up score, in | every quarter Salting off the slaughter " a Will larn Crockett, who scored min utes after the game began afte 1 scampering 25 yard? for a touch- | down The Bines had marched FI yards for this'touchdown. Near the end of the ifrrmri quarter. James Stewart Him axed a 44-yard march with a j 29-yard dash )« put Lig n n a head a* intermission. A bad pass from Eppes' c*n. In Hie CIAA; Onion’s Williams Leads Pass Receivers; Hawks lops In Team Offense, Defense DURHAM (CIAA NEWS SER VICE ) Virginia Union's Wai-ren W Williams, with five reception l in Union's 20-0 win over Howard last week, moved ahead o i Hr.. nearest competition among the Cl- AAs leading pass receivers Wil liams. a 6-5. 240 poundei from Washington, D C snagged 10 pass t-s for a total of 109 -yards. Ear! Bowers, Morgan State* 310 pound fullback, gained 120 yards against North Carolina College to take over first place in the league’* rushing depart went. Cast week's leaders, Ne! son Guthrie of Winston-Salem. Willie Holland of Hampton and Billy Gray of Maryland State, dropped to fifth, ninth and second in the rushing di vision respectively. Maryland Slate's Hawks piled up 373 yards. 298 rushing, in their 39-0 conquest over Bluefield State io lead the CIAA ir, team total of fense,. Vernon (Skip! McCain's •WT’ I- 1 1 DODGER STR S II.TMW for ifc. 1,... Aim .If. !lo'!-.r. ir, (f.pir Rf ~.0 pegc the Chlettn WMto Soxs during the World Sf v>* are Charlie Neat. left, and Chuck Eawsian. Neal hit 2 home runs, driving 'a four runs, while Essegten blasted one one a* * pinch-hitter in the 7th inning -W Sob.tiuy -hpdres. The Dodgers went on to defeat She White Suss tor the series crown last Thursday. (UP! TELEPHOTO). In n. their OWn file 4?sd hoe pt ended Ligon s* ith *h c if third quarter score. Bobby Gardner, a tackle, pounced ™ the ha!! in th rend zone and scored Tii* Little Blue; wound up their -coring parade in (he fourth period with touchdowns. Billy Mack ian five yard- to rap off a 42-yard touendou n march for the first one This was set up on a pass in terception. The final touchdown a h o follo w ed a pars interception. Jimmy Ho ten mtercentin; on the Eyre- go and going T i their four before he mg flopped William op.-vi■o p.-vi■ w •vent over fir,n-1 there William Monroe added thea extra point, the H~-‘ks p'ied up (hr tots! on 4" i plays The 296 a ■ els garnered on j file £TO!UTfi icas enough to | !e*d the loop s clubs in rushing al I so Defensively Maryland State e!;o ! tope'i the league The Hawk- only i yielded AS varHs for an average of j 119 n per game to hold down sec i ond place Wmston-Salem’s Rarus arc runner-up to the Hawks in total offense and m rushing of Tense. The Hams battered their «av for 799 yards on total of fense for an average of 364.5 yards net tilt. In rushing. Tom Conrad's efnb gained 620 yards on ihe ground for an average of 310 yards per contest. A&T's Aggie:., the defending i cham p s. lead the league in tin ; team, passing offense with 7 of 12 i completions for a 533 percentage and a total of T 25 varrij. .T. C Smith follows with a 9 of 2! com pletion mark for a percentage of only on* of the contest Epres' lone touchdown came in the final quarter and climaxed s f>2-yard march Joe Tyson passed It yards 6 when i roust return to private practice.”