10 WEEK ENDING RATUWMT, OCTGBFS 31. 1959 7 he Raleigh SC EN E GftEENSBOftITE VISITS' CITJ Mrs. Doris Byarm o( Greensboro spent a few days in Raleigh, to laking: the State Board examina 11on for nurses. While here sh» was the guest of Mr. and Mr? f D V’ashingtoa. DR. MRS. FUN MS BRANCH. GUESTS RETURN HOME Dr and Mrs. Dennis Branch and Mr. James D Brabson of New Port. Term, were weekend suests of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Washington DOUBLE BIRTHDAY PARTY PLANNED A double birthday party for Fugrjne Broun and William Scarborough, both members of Mir Sensational Evening Five Quintet, wifi be held Saturday nisbt. according to Ed Wall. Jr. bur'ness manager and 2nd lead of the group. Both Brown and Scarborough were born on Oet 23 of the same year. The party M'ill he held at Browns home in Walnut Terrace. With the Evening Five Broun sings first lead and Scarborough la th«t guitarist. Other members of the group are: Wiliam Biles. Jr., bass, Cecil Harris, baritone and manager; and William Banks. Jr., tenor. PROGRESSIVE 'I7OO’S annual TRIP Tbe members of the Pro -1299 Club, accom panied hy their families, hoarded a chartered bus last weekend for a two-day stay in Washington, D C. This ia an annual trip for the club, ac cording to William Eldridge (Blake) Blalock, seeretarv treasjirer of the elub. While in Dee Cee the member# attended Ihe Capital Classics football g&tfta Ur<s were guest* at m»nv soelk! functions. They made their headquarters at tbe Dun bs* Hotel. Other officers see: j. c. Collins, president; end Births EDITOR'S NOTE. St Agnes Hos pital-has issued a list of the follow ing births from October 18. to 26. A GIRL to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Penny of Auburn. N C.: TWINS, a boy and a girl, to Mr. and Airs. Leroy McKnight of Wen c!*!l. N. C : A BOY to Mr. and Mrs Birdeas Jones of Zebulon, N. C ; A GFRL to Mr. ar.d Mrs Henry Scot) of Raleigh, N. C . A BOY to Mr. and Mrs. Cornel ius Richburg of Raleigh. N. C A BOY to Air. ar.d Mrs. Wtlhe Anderson of Raleigh. N. C: A GIRL, to Air and Mrs. Victor Garner. N. C.; A GIRL to Mr and Airs. Row land Toney of Raleigh. N C.; A GIRL to Air. and Mrs. Bernard Williams of Raleigh N. C.; A GIRL to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Andrew? of Raleigh, N. O.: A GIRL to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Smith of Raleigh, N. C A GIRL to Mr. and Mi s Wadell Watson of Raleigh, N. C.: A BOY to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Gass of Raleigh. N. C : and A BOY to Mr. and Mrs. George Ali.il of Raleigh. N. C. IFI IFXE HOTEL Mewhef of N. H. A. Clean. Comfortable Rooms Miss liucille Griswold. Prop. 22® E. Si. SiaSeiffh Phone TE .?-*§«« SSSUSSSSSESSSSSSSSi ■" SHE ,rr,m ~ Fayetteville Street BAPTIST CBmtCB Or. PayotteriKe tr.<s Htaatar t% X-89M Raleigh. W. C. %-M ‘Sunday Sehod 11:09 Wawfei» — 8:6» PM B. T. 0. 1:86 W«a«aiday 'Te*en*Ftt Mesatins. i;B6 Wisdnaaday Fray« B«wie«. OEPOSg Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. Os RaJhigh a?CS HILLS FJORD STREET. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA TEL. TE 3-1071 •lame* (Jimmie) Taylor, vice president. ANNEAL BAPTIST series PLANNED DR SKOGLUND The Annua! Bapijsl Series at Shaw University will be held on Thursday and Friday, Nov. ft and S, in University Church The Gen eral theme for the occasion is "The Biblical and Theological Basis of Missions." The guest speaker will be Dr. John E. Skoglund. the Cor nelius Woelfkin professor of preaching at Colgate Rochester Divinity School. A native of California, Dr. .Skoglund received the A. R. de gree at the University of Cali fornia and tbe M. A. and B. D. degrees at the Berkeley Bap tist Divinity School. He earned the Th.D. degree at Yale Uni versity. He is a member of sev era! religious organizations on an international level. As an author, he has written "Come and See." "I Believe." ' The Spirit. Tree'' and "The Reach for Life", er.e of the two mission stu dy texts for 1955-56 of the Missio nary Education Movement The worship services will be led by representatives of student orsa mzations as follows: Thursday morning at 11 o'clock, the Divinity Club; Thursday evening at 6:30. the Women's Personnel Council. An informal meeting with majors in religion, and other interested students, will be held Thursday evening at 7:30; and on Friday morning at 10 ©clock the Sunday School Council. Ai! lectures will be held ir. Uni versity Church. The public is cordially invited. CELEBRATE 37T8 WEDDING anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Oia Baugh cele l- ..*e their 37th wedding anniver sary Saturday night ai their love ly home, near Apex The following were among the guests attending: Mrs. May L Broadie. mistress of ceremonies; Air. James O Neal, so loist. who sand 'Bless This House Many friends of the couple were in attendance. They were Mr. and Mrs Clarence Henry, Air. and Mrs. Willie White. Mrs. Addie Harris. Mr*. Margaret J. Green, Mrs. Alice Baugh. Miss Thelma Hunter, Mrs. Willard Hunter, Miss Annie Louise Baugh. Gregory Crowe, Sandra Crowe. Miss Sarah Baugh. Miss Barbara O'Neal. Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Louis Baugh, Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Merritt Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Lackey, Mrs Mary Sawyer, Miss Roberta Green, Mrs Euia Green Mrs Beatrice Winters. Miss Lens Hayes, Mrs. Ruth O'Neal. Mrs Lillian Pennington. Mrs. Pauline Williams. Mrs. Lucille Crowe, Miss Christie Chenatta Baugh, and Raymond Baugh. Jr. queens op hearts club The home of Airs. Merca Yar brough v, a* the scene of the iari meeting of the Queens of Hearts Club. Following the brief business session. Mrs Yarbrough served a delicious dinner. Everyone present enjoyed pro gression* of pinochle. Mrs. Margue rite Lightner received high club prize while Mrs Elizabeth Cofield won the low prize Mrs. Roberta Ligh titer won the gu-?*t prize Members present were Mesdarnw. Edwin ton Ball, (Elisabeth Cofield. Ruth Davenport. At elm* Joyner. Vernelle Lassiter. Marguerite Lightuer. Eleanor Mitchell. Pau line Parker, Ailie Peebles arid Sa rah Speed LIBRARY RECEIVES stm GIFT HERE The Richard B. Harris** Public Library ha* jnst re ceived a grant of $706 from State Aid to Public Libraries for Die purpose es enlarging its collection of hooks «u Af rica. which is fnel sded in its present collection of Books By and About the Negro. This collection is on® of th» sev WHAT'S DOING AROUND TOWN! eral special collections on varying subjects located in North Carolina nublic libraries which is included in the' Interlibiary I,nan Program' sponsored by ihe North Carolina State Library. In view of the presence of Presi dent Sekou Toure to this city and state, the public is invited to use the materials available on Guinea and other parts of Afuca to en hance their knowledge of this continent. ST. AMBROSE’S WOMAN’S DAY The annual Woman’s Day pro gram. under the auspices of the Woman's Auxiliary of St. Ambros- Episcopal Church will be held Sun day morning, Nov. I at 11 a. m. a! the church. The guest, speaker will Mrs. Roy N. Anderson, president of th" North Carolina chapter of United Nations, and long-time religious and civic leader of this city. Mrs Anderson is a graduate of Denison University. Granville O hio. and pursued further study at the University of Madrid. Spain and Teachers College, Columbia University While ir Northern France and Belgium, she was i dentified also with religious work. She remained an active worker in the YWCA and was the initiator of the International Club or (hat organization, and sponsor of 'he movement of sending young people abroad to live with families. Mrs. Anderson is the wife of Dr. Roy N. Anderson, State College Professor. THE VICTORIANS STAGE SESSION The Victorians held their regu lar meeting recently at the home of Mrs. Bertha Terry Pulley on S State Street. The meeting was called to ordei hy the president. Mrs. Phyllis Hay wood. Various committees made their reports: the Welfare. Ways - and Means, and Social. A box of clothing is given quarterly to the Welfare Department to be distrib uted among the less fortunate. Al so. a? a continued project, a bas ket of food will be given to a nee dy family, which is selected by the club, for Thanksgiving. The Vic torians’ annual Christmas party will be held December 11 After the business session, progressive pinochle was pla ed. Prizes were awarded to tbe following: high score winners, Mrs. Mary G. Carter: second high score winner, Mrs. Phyl lis Haywood; low score win ner. Mr*. Sarah Thompson. Airs. Lillie Hodge and Bertha Pulley were showered with beautiful handkerchief*. This is * club custom. The hostess served a most deli cious repast interwoven with the Halloween idea. Mrs. Sarah Thompson will entertain the club at the November meeting. Members present were: Mes dames Mary G Carter. Bessie Blue, Grace Hayes Phyllis Haywood. Lillie Hodge. Dorothy B Housed Sarah Thompson and Bertha Pul ley. MRS LILLIAN WOODFORD VISITS HERE Mrs. Lillian Woodford of Ashe ville. was in Raleigh Thursday and Friday attending the State Nurses Convention. She was the house guest of Mrs. Lilia Myers on Smith Peerson Street. Mrs. Woodford was informally entertained by Mrs. N Evans Lockhart at her lovely home on South Tarboro Street. Interesting games were played and delicious refreshments were served. The hostess presented Mrs Woodford with a beautiful silver bon ben dish as high scorer and guest of honor. Mrs Thelma M ! Keek was awarded the 2nd prize, a lovel pair of nylon stretchable gloves Other guests present were Mrs riames Vi\ ign Brown. Ann Hurdle, Mayme Flagg. Clinton I.igon Nan Watts. Mary Watson. Lula Myers, Susie Toney, and Mr. N. T Mitch ell. EMERGENCY CLUB HOLDS TALKS The Willing Workers Emergency Club of the First Congregational Church will present a musical pro gram featuring Mrs. Ma.vbelle Wortham ss soloist on Sunday, No vember Ist at 6 p. m. The public ie invited. SOUTH PARK CLUB CON CLUDES REGULAR MEET The South Park Community Flo ral Club held its monthly meeting Sunday, Oct. 26. at the Lightoer Funeral Heme with 18 new mem bers. Mr*. Beulah H Powell i* president of the club This club was organized in April of 1089 with five members. Today lb® membership is 100. On the 4th Sun day in Nov the club will sponsor a friendship tea at the Bloodworth Street VMCA. Every one is invited BY MRS. MAY L. BROADIE "Dear Father, we would ite branches of the true vine. May our ! | union with Christ be so strong that i we can easily endure the storm of life without destroying our ability 1o bear fruit, strengthening us in faith and service to the honor and glory of Thy nan e.” FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHRISTIAN Sunday School o pened a1®9:45 with Supt. Sherman Lewis in charge. Morning services \ began at 11 o’clock with the junior j choir in charge of music. The pas- . tor. the Rev. H. Cunningham. ! brought s very inspiring sermon, j directed particularly at the chil- j dren: "God's Temple.” He also de- I livcrod the general sermon from I the Book of Genesis. 32nd ebaptov j 30th verse: "Seeing God Face to I Face." LILY OF THE VALLY BAPTIST j Church School began at 9:45 j with Supt. Mack Arthur in cahrge j Morning worship started at 11 o'- j clock with the senior choir in j charge of music. Aver inspiring sermon was pre sented by the Rev. Walter Sanders WILLIAMS GROVF, BAPTIST— Sunday School started ai 9:46 with Supt. John Wall in charge. Morn ing worship services started at 11 o'clock with the senior choir in charge of music. The junior pastor, the Rev. William Davis. Sr., brought a wonderful sermon. On Sunday evening at 7:30 p m a talent program was held and the youth were in charge It was spon sored by Mrs Ada H Harris. OBERLIN BAPTIST Church School began at 9:45 with Supt Walter Curtis in charge. Morning worship opened at 11 o'clock with from 4 to fi p. m. Mrs. Addie | White and Mrs Ella Jones are in i charge of the program THOMPSON FT A MEETS TUES DAY. NOV. 3RD The PTA of Thompson School will hold its second meeting. Tues day night. Nov .3. in the school au ditorium with President Lawrence Lindsay, presiding. An executive committee meeting j will be held at 7:30 p m. The newly-elected officers of the PTA are Lawrence Lindsay, presi dent: Mrs Beatrice Hamlin, vice president; Mrs. Mae F Rogers, secretary; Mrs Gladys Benjamin, assistant secretary; John Kay. trea surer; George Foxwell, parlia mentarian; Mrs. Amelia Peebles, historian and Rev. J. N Leverette, chaplain. AH parents and friends of Thompson School are invited to at tend this meeting. UNITED FUND’S El. RALEIGH UNIT The East Raleigh Unit, small business division of the Raleigh United Fund is now in the pro cess of completing prospect assign ments in order to reach its goal A E Brown is chairman with E. L Raiford serving as adjutant The next report meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday at 7 p m. at thp Bloodworth Street YMCA Unit campaign worker* in clude Cecil Coble. C. L. And erson. Mrs. Harriett Smith Jones, J. .1 Sansosn, C. C. Smith, Dr. Tff. L. Perry, Att'y F. 3. Carnage. 1), N. Howard. Mis* R L Wallace, D. H Reid. N. T. Mitchell and L. C. Lind say IJGON HIGH'S BOOSTER CLUB MEETS Too Ligon High Sehnfd Booster Club held its regular we-ekjy meeting Thursday night, Oct »#. in the school hand rorrm. Meats* and wavs were discussed to secure majorette uniform*, transportation for the band for out of town affair* and for social activities foe <ih« band members. The meeting was we!) attended by Ch# purest* erf 1 the band membesw. but to roafee this project a success, support f* needed fiom ail former student# of Washington, Ligon Junior and Senior High Schools and from friend* who are interested in mak ing the band an outstanding one All persons interested and who would like to help, contact one of the following: Mr. Henry HsIL president; Mr. Joseph Edward*, treasurer and band director: Mrs. Hilton Riddick, secretary or Mr*. Henry Worth, publicity director Refreshment? were served at the cloftf! of Mv* meeting. MONUMENTS Sines 19®3~~5Sjtfble- G*^n&» “Jit* oomoivntty. (itjp^fl||s s^nt* W A R n¥r MEMORIALS S9l» BUltebora, Jteiei*rh t N. €. terosc B«llro»id—Prect <*f Srtfcthoe) the senior choir in charge of music The pastor, Dr. G D. Davis, de livered a most inspiring sermon FIRST BAPTIST Sunday School opened at 9:30 with Gen eral Supt. W H Taylor. Sr., in charge Morning services started at 1! o'clock with the Moseley Jones and Tots Choirs in charge The pastor, the Rev, C. W. Ward, was installed at this time. Scrip ture was read by the Rev. Mr. Tyler, from »he 9th chapter of St. Matthew. The inspiring sermon was brought by the oastor. YOUNG'S MISSIONARY TEM PLE CME—Church School began at 9:45 with Supt. Della R. Ford in charge Morning worship started at 11 o'clock with the senior choir in charge of music. A very uplift ing sermon was brought hy the pastor, the Rev, James N I ever ette, from the Book of Acts, 10th chapter. UNION BAPTIST Church School opened at 9:45 with Supt B. T. Sanders in charge. Morning services opened at 11 o’clock with the congregation singing. The pas tor, the Rev. Eugene Mason, brought a very good message from the Book of 2nd Kings. 4th chap ter, 24th verse. WILSON TEMPLE METHODIST Sunday School began at 9:46 with the senior choir in charge of music. The pastor, the Rev. Oscar Burwick, brought » warm message from the subject, Samuel. A Great Judge'’ WEEKLY MEDITATION BY COLIN DOUGLAS Stir up the gift of God II Tun Lfi It is possible at any point in your life, if you will accept the chal lenge," to have a perfectly new life. You have not lived too many years to have a new life. You have not made too many mistakes to have » new life. You ar® not bound by too many responsibilities or handicaps to have a new life But you must accept the chal lenge! You must take a stand in your own mind for that new hfe! The moment you accept the chal lenge, you will feel new vigor, new inspiration, and you wili gain s new perspective. You know, the gifts of God are never depleted. They are always with you. at every age. at every point in life —great, boundless, and accessible. You can stir up these gifts of God within and about you at any time you want to, and begin » new life. You have energy you have not yet used Y r ou have mental capaci ties you have not yet used You RUSH MEMORIAL CHURCH BY MRS. ANNIE H. THORPE With the Annual Conference fas' approaching it i* very essential that we further ars invitation to (hose of you w ho haven’t visited us in one of our services and heard our beloved pastor, the Rev. W. D Carson, who continue* to hold us spell bound with his dynamic mes sages each Sunday. Truthfully, we can say that he I* one of Zion’s greatest preachers The service* began pfomptly at 1! a. m. The senior choir was in charge of the music. The proces cionat number wss, ’’Marching to MAKE EXTRA MONEY SELL — The — Carolinian Tomr own state newspaper, wife nmm &i your community while it k still news. ' Liberal Commission Fill out and mail the coupon below at once • Tbft CAROLINIAN • 518 S. Martas St * M. C. J i f Plea** «sa6 detail® how I ess earn tatm/s# asihag , * Ths CAROLINIAN Is tny eeoMssumtsr. I tfatok I «*» aaD 8 « I NAME - - J * 5 • CITY OR TOWN ~ * •w **»» «w «sv w m o» van uo wa «■ am w «f* w ST. PAUL A.ME—Sunday was Homecoming Day and we had an 'interesting program The Choristers led the processional which opened the morning service The opening prayer was by Mr. Moseiy from Shaw University, .Sermon by the pastor, the Rev. L. S. Penn, whose text was taken from Acts 4. ‘’And they took know ledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.” They were speaking of Peter snd John. Subject.; "Keep ing Company with Jesus” He pointed out how we so often strive to be like our associates. How necessary it. is to choose the right kind of associates. Children often reflect the attitude of parent.* and of the larger children It takes courage to be a Christian. Baby Paul Mack Powell, non of Mrs. Margaret Powell, was bap tized after the morning service. Mrs. Crump cf New Jersey, daugh ter of Mrs. Martha Spruill, was the godmother. Dr. arid Mrs. Dennis Branch of Newport. Tenn were visitors in our morning service. Dr. and Mrs Branch are natives of Raleigh and were making their annual Shaw homecoming. The homecoming day closed with St. Joseph's Church pastor choir and members from Durham in charge of the service. The pas tor. the Rev. M C Swar.n, spoke from the subject. "What Will Hap pen to This World As I Know 11 have gifts of understanding and helpfulness you have not yet used. Stir up the gifts of God within you and begin this hour to live deeply and fully! Meet the challenge! Make 'Ais moment a new beginning' Go deep within yourself in prayer. Resi in His arms, and the feeling of. per fect relaxation and confidence that conies from prayer to Him will for tify you with whatever you need t.o me®’, today’s problems. Remem ber always—you are not what you were yesterday You are v/hat you are TODAY. Yesterday's experience* are impor tant only in what you have learn ed from them. Armed with these lessons and with the Power of God, you can face up to whatever con fronts you with the perfect poise of understanding, peace and love, "Then shall thy light rise in darkness, and thine obscurity be as the noonday: ahd Jehovah will guide these continually.” ls® Zion ” After the aingins of the doxoiogy upon entering the choir loft; the pastoral prayer and cho ral response followed The first hymn "God moves in a mysterious Way,” was sung, lined by our pas tor. The responsive reading was for the 44th Sunday, Th« Experience of Redemption.” The Gloria Patn® and Affirmation of Faith followed Scripture lesson wa* then read by our pastor from St. John's gos pel. the Ist chapter, from the 35th through the 51st verses. The sou! stirring prayer was also offered by him Our second hymn, "O Master Let me walk with Thee,” was sun*, My Lady's Doings + >*■ + Li And Oat Os Town CARY-ASBURY »¥ MISS MAE N. HOPSON CARY The regular Sunday services at Mt Zion Baptist Church began at 10 a. m. last Sunday with Sunday School, Deacon Clemmons supt., in charge. The Rev, Isaar Lee. pastor, delivered the sermon at the 11 o'clock service. His text was taken from Ist Samuel 1:739 "Use What You Have" was his topic. as the congregation bowed in deep meditation. The minister then chose his dis course from the same scripture read, St. John 1:37. "And the two disciples heard him speak and they followed Jesus.’ The ministei began by saying that this was the beginning of the Church and fur ther enlarged on the same. And as a result a dynamic thought provoking message was produced We feel justified tn saying that truthfully God dwells with Rev. Carson. May God continue to bless and to strengthen him is our prayer. Our services continue each Sun day evening also, and we invite you to come and sit with us for 1 hour. Our thought for the week: "The Church is His instrument for bringing this life to ali men." f# year Fire ii>stsr»"te adetjsat. ssk yom home? Was it bought t® e&ver your hems ten ?e*r s rt firs years ago whams thr **los was half what it is bow.' The vaSrast of toot house fe worth protecting. Let Cavenes? iauraranoe Agency rt*e res? fall pmteefrfpß oit year Home end furnishing*. BEFORE TO! SUIPTKK. ON NECESSARY FIRE LOSS. CAVENESS Insurance Agency US S. HARRINGTON ST CAL! 3-S»*2 Dial TE 3-3563 SOT CAVENESS. it. ROT CAVENESS. ttr. PRINTING m COMMERCIAL $ SOCIAL Consult Us for R»o*o«ctb!« Eaiimcri** Prompt 4t SerTjca Phone TE 4-5558 ——~IIiE— CAROLINIAN ratusHnfc cOMPMrt SSI E, Martin Street isdeiffe, If. C. )-- ~ »"■» —«u »jMagß.jgiftgj» j ! OCEAN FRESH SEAFOOD I : w A*k For Watson s Fryers 11 ;|! At Your Favorite Stom p i j WATSON’S I Sedhsod & Poultry Comp&ay, ia®. 239 Cat muNm Mr®** Whol«Ml* Dept | Cmmwm Vsliage ftssck Quarr? Raed | a. C. || Finance or Borrow I On Your Car J Through The ' Dillon Motor Finance Co. | % 126 EL Davie Street Phone TZ 3 323! at Mr, Frank Ferrell sponsored ; rally at. 7 p. m. Music was furnish ed by the Matthew Sisters arm others. The proceeds from the pro gram were donated for the bene fit of pulpit furniture. On Oct. 18, services began win the usual Sunday School at 10 a n Mrs. Snowdeen Perry, supt. off riating. The Rev. J. A. Hunter, pa tor. delivered the sermon at tii 11 a m. service. It was his la' message before attending the are uai conference to be held in Du ham. PERSONALS Mrs. Estell Evans returned tine after spending some time in N 1 * York with relatives and friends Mrs. Annie Brown celrbratr her birthday on Saturday evenin'- A surprise birthday party was- cr en at the home of her daugh> r Mrs. Elizabeth Cain, by her eh dren WORDS FOR THE WEEK. •'The Lord is in His holy term-.' let all the earth keep silent her-' Him." —Bib' Milk secretion in a sow's udd is a continuous process. Telephone TE 1-8777 Rutodworth Street TOURIST HOME Clean. Comfortable Rooms Radio *n«l Television *24 S Blood worth St. Raleigh INSURE YOUR HOME AGAINST FIRE Consult • YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS FIRE INSURANCE CO Durham, N C. t&Mßtcrttoraabl* Fredeast Pries* Rld 3 «m«y ©FT«eSANB, 111. *t*****mH> eiAt-- S*i«iafc Everything For . . BUILDING REMODELING REPAIRING • Lomu* • MILL WOH • hfMSTS PAOm • BUILDING MATERIALS • lUSSWUf ffABPWAIS: Dial TE 2-7563 CAROLINA UiLDERS CORF. 217-215 N. Dawson ft RALEIGH. N C

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