Son Shoots Dad Fatally v >V : W|E ■« ■ ' . I - -.^••«?5- t *^ v> • V -H*;'i^ _. .-j^fe^r*^^^-- 1 :. <^pS§£ Jy . t''a!k*uer to | the city and the ”Y”. so agency i «f the United Fond. "The appeal for support for cif I flee must be made along genera! i lines appealing to, ali voters, rathei j than strictly racial lines," slated \ Falkener. Tin the lasi election in which he j won, Falkener received 3.200 vote? in ' predominantly white districts j Mixed Pair Caught;To Court Soon NORFOLK, Vs A 60-rear | old Norfolk white men and hi?. I Negro wife awaited grand Jury »e. ! tion .Saturday on charges of in' i terracial maorraac. The couple. Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Georgs Makres. told a Po lice Court Judge Friday that they wont to New York City a year ago to get married because Virginia law forbids whites and Negroes to marry. Police Raid they arrested fibres and his wife. Armen - tri*. <§. when their neigh imn W pge;y. .*> Liberian Official To City ! and t,Bf)o in predominantly Negro l districts "Thus it was impossible to win by Negro votes alone " tbs .select ion was made possible b,v a roali j lion of liberal forces including la hot. Catholic. Jewish a? well as Negro groups. As a city roijncilnian. Hilt oner has been able !e eiininate several types nf discrimination and suggested that active participation in policies ht IBTAl B TA I ’oisgrr** l ß !{®is,«* A.wisd*"* ill<* I'iil!** ! ASHEVILLE A great advent nre j is ahead for (hr appointed delegates j and reprcsrntHtn r;- in (hr eleven [ districts of the PTA Congress, for i : jsK plane, bus .eirl railroad linos ! ! 'ran to Asheville, North Carolina i for the 32nd annual convention to i j be held at The Livingston Street j | Elementary School. Nov 20-2! Program Highlights Leaders and consultants who can j contribute significantly and with i maximum thinking on the theme Eastern Grid Playoff # i nr BY IttCHWOMI E. STEWART j The championship crown for the ! ! West err Division of (hr Eastern ! AAA conference will hr at stake j when Ligon's Little Blues clash with Durham's Hillside Hornets in the Raleigh's Chavis Park Friday j night. The two teams will be : meeting for the second time this j season. Hillside won the find lilt : in n hard-nosed routes) between i the two bis tines by a score of Tire tsvo teams were furred inlo the play-off hv Hillside's defeat at tbs hands of Wiiliston High of Wil- large nutttbrrc of voters is an effective approach to more jobs, educational opportunities, and other desirable objectives. K 1, Harford, YMCA general see* j retsry diseussed Ihe fa!! and win , ic-r schedule of activities and in ; vitod the members present to en | roll ;n their favorite hobbies. The ; value nf a good public relation? j program, in which a!i would par ! ticipnte, 'vss emphasized of the convention, which is quilt iv't'imeni at (his time. Problem I clinic, informalional (enters, dem onsl rat ions will comprise, (he u-s 1 sii.vns. and perhaps the choicest I fruit will he lhai. which will ! grow troui the Informal coming to ! nether of those who arc deeply in ! (crested in (he s a tern subject -- ! ('fold Welfare—and (lie building of ; a safer, better world for children (rtWWii , »:& ON PAG! ( mington. Ligon beat the same j train. The Hornets and the Little Blues have identical conference records of li victories and one toss The Russell Blount-coached team | of Durham came back strong (his season, after a disappointing one j last year, to once again rank with I the feared teams in the school's i past history They boast of a oow- I erf'll and fast baekfit ki in Mickey Dave. James Hollows;. and Bobby Blue, Charles Stanbsck. (he hi?. CCONTtNIjKn OW PAG*. it PRICE 12b IN N. C: ELSEWfiERE 15c Shot Wrong Man, Gaines Tells Judge John Gaines, ;>7, of South Street, looked into the lure of Superior Court Judge William Y. Rickets Tuesday morning, and found 'him self being sentenced to a total of fi() years at hard labor for shooting a mars, reported to be an invalid. ! and second degree burglary. Gaines claimed the shooting was meant to be one of re venge against Paul (Rabbi) I Bunn. a J said Hr did not mean io injure George Wash ington i.igoin, who was hespit a tired for several week s. Gaines pleaded guilty to as sanlt with a deadly weapon a ith intent to kill. (tIONTINIiKn ON PA(,I •> Decision : Os Court “Unfair” JACKSON Miss Missic.ippi i Gov.-Elect, Ross Barnett has cn ! i iriA'd the U. S Justice Depart i nvnt's decision to re-enter the Mack Charles Parker Lynching The. prari River County Grand Jury at Popla.rvilic, Miss., did not return indict - mrnls against a group of while mm believed to have lynched the 23-,vea.r-o!d Ne gro. The county jury adjourn ed without considering (he ra so. The Justice Department an nounced last May when the FBJ com Dieted its investigation in the case tha* the federal government ha j no jurisdiction in the ease Rin t.hc department announc ed later is would take the case I before a federal grand jury Barnett said “if the federal government has no jurisdiction in i the matter it has no business do ing this. The county grand jury would have final authority." lie irsmj rd. Rained said ihr depart fCONTlNllßO ON rAf.l -> —— CAROLINIAN - : BUV FROM TH ™ o ft Clothing Company t Horton's l ash Store , Hlestful Clifh k Mnir-l , i For : PAGE it,. It k. T(r« Compan:' i Mother A- Daughter Store* > Kress I IHrst-Citizen* Bank A Trust Co Gem k Shop CAGE S fltldHoa Belli Company : N*sh-Steele-Warrcn. in, • Carolina Power A- Light Company I It :leit;h Saving* A- loan A«'n Raleigh Sealooti Company PAGE 6 Merchants Bureau FAmoiJK Bakery Federal Acceptance Corporation Stavto St. Coin Lamt ’ftxtnat djpn's Eswo Servicecrnter i PAGE V i Consoliri'Oeri Crrdlt Corp. ; Coop-rN Bar-B-Cl>e | PAGE S Colonial Store* ; Taylor Wanlt> A TV i eerie* k«« Realty Company 1 mmmm ,rm(ioml !,CI at t.nmlrn t.'nivrrsit.V Law sphpn| in If* 52-53. She is (be firs! and out j l,a d> Counsellor >1 Law lor lb" Supreme I'purl of l.iberi ■>. She was appointed \ssistapt Secretary of Stale of Liberia in March. Ifl.V*. The trsdltional erremurr' u l lomh of Tlenrj Marini Tupp' !h° school', founder, will h- he' at Jo 1 a a.m. A wreath uitl I* lilac d upon the grpvr hy M • Hudson, ("Miss Hhavr lip,per (t ON I INI (I ll ON PII.I 'i State News Brief HORTON TO ' PIT A R HI e" -Pi : - f in ittSKRT NORTON nAI.KKiH «*„.( At. hr© . Episcopal Church choir will pr» ; r>nt Herbert Horton a ha> itOP* of Si Augustine's College, in O/v I'/*l.( ■) *p**dy■ Wash. ter °, i Quinti s Furniture **•*•• StaJHlard < indri Blot U (o«p"i' Modern finance Corp PAGE S Major Finance Company t!t‘ Hunt General Tire r n. Ambassador Theatre Efied's of Raleigh PAGE !« •Stepnens Applianr* feHM* if.' Deluxe Hotel Peps).cola Bottling Company rawness fnsnr«nre A gene* Wtriift Memorials Ridgeway Optician* Carolina Builders Cote Watson s Seafood Company Fayetteville Street Baptist Chu t 'H PAGE 1! Raleigh Paint it. Wailpaper «o. Firestone Stores Branch Ranking A Trust Company Seven-ftp Bottling Co Klmbrell's Furniture Company rtat-igh Fouera) Home M. Vouns S!3rll'‘ara F». PAGE 1 1 Rhodes Furniture fsejn?* (HMiMurte* * r*raser* »aai«