rm GkSiOimm WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. DECEMBER. 5, 185$ 2 Miss Betty Chisiom Weds Junious L. Stewart Here j Miss Bettip J. Chislorrs. daugh ter of Mrs. Rosa Belle Chisiom, i i!2 E. Edenton Street, became the bridge of Junious Lee Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Stewart, i ecently. The ceremony was performed at Ihe home of the Rev W. D. Car son, pastor of the Rush Memorial AME Zion Church here. The bride's veil was should er-length, and she carried a white orchid with purple pe tals atop a white prayer book. Her dress was blue lace over iaffeta. and she wore blue sa tin shoes. Only members of the immediate families were present at the wed ding. Following the nuptials. the bride's mother entertained at a reception at, the Blood worth Street YMCA. which was attended by many of the couple’s friends. — ———l GUARANTEED i Get better effiency from your furnace by using hi-grade ESSO fuel oil. Once you use it you won’t want to change. It’s well worth trying. • Gives Better Heat * Burns More Slowly •Cleaner, Healthier CAPITAL ICE & COAL CO. INCORPORATED 600 WEST HARGETT ST TEmple 2-5589 LIVE 1N... ROCHESTER HEIGHTS 11 ulcigli's Rbsideniiiftl ttot'clopniciitf for THREE-BEDROOM HOUSES —SC.OOO House Furnishing’s Courtesy of G. S. Tucker Furniture Co. Open lftou.se ii i no a/ %Timw:v Drive Out The Old Garner Road With Your Family And See Our Beautifully Furnished Mode! ~. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6th FEATURING City School Bus Service FINANCING | Large Kitchens with Modern Cabinets All City Utilities ( ' astl Required Approx. f r?T Paved Streets Monthly Payment Approx, $ ;>,5.00 Oak Floors CA M EROi\ 8110 W N ( «. Monitors j VA I4ttt wr T« :t-2ftß2 I ! S! * T ™ iITTimiTBWTETlil'nBiWilHi w H 11H 'lull i hum M Mill ii ii «ii i mannmTi —T"" 'i miw 111 r-f-'i irinrilT i • i it "* • Roth natives of Raleigh, the Stewarts will make their hoiyie j in the city. Mrs. Stewart is a product of Washington High School and j Payne's Business College The bridegroom attended public j -ehool hc-re. SCHOOLMARM VICTIM: REEK GUN-WIELDER irONTFNtJEP most PAGE II , » Thanksgiving trip to Wash ing-ton, B. C. It is believed that she did not have time to put her books down, -•efore the fatal shot rang out and he fell mortally wounded. It is believed that the kiiler secreted Timself in the room and when she entered, without any warning, in “aneiend form blasted away The position of the body, when found iave the appearance that she had 'alien asleep in a noo! of blood She is said to have been found by her sister. Mrs. Mildred Batche lor. who lives next door, and a brother. William. The finger of ac j cusation was pointed at Riehard j immediately and the local of ficers began the search. It was dis | covered that he was no longer at j his local haunts and anparently i had departed for parts unknown Thr first due as to his retreat I was the fact that his car was found | near Reynolds, an exclusive sub urb. Sunday afternoon, at 4:45 p.m This, however, did not shed much ii-ht on his whereabouts. Persons close to the two had fur- j (her reason to suspect the husband due to the fact that he is known to have not treated her dearly for sometime. Further information re vealed -that they had agreed to dis -•’ree some months ago and that he bad taken a new place of abode. Sickness brought him down and hr was taken to a local hospital. il was when Mrs. Richardson visited the hospital and saw the j ■•avages of the disease gripping his j body that she derided to take him j hack, accordin'? to reliable sources i Once out of the hospital the alleg | rd wayward husband began swing ing more than golf clubs and her person was ihe target. She is said to have told relatives mi friends that it was more than -he could take and that she took him to court Tt was there that she got retiff and he was ordered by the court io remain absent from 1 the home and not to bother her ir, t any way. She is said to have chang ed the iock on the dooi and by j doing felt assured that he would j | not re-enter her portals w ithout 1 I her knowledge. Friends and reia- j I lives are at a los« to determine bow | the killer entered the house The Carver school teacher was buried from the First Bap tist Church, Saturday at " P-M. with grief stricken relatives and sorrowing friends, hearing j ilie Hcv. Jerry Drake picture how death had robbed the com | mimity of a sweet Hfe, Ralph was not there. Tic was roc. i spicnouslv absent to the Pleas ure of the family and the dis iike of the police. The coomb had bfpn married for a mim her of years and hr had gained a wide reputation as a profev siosiai rolfer at the F.ast Win ston Take Park. Now' that she had paid the su preme price, only Ralph, can tell ; the true story of the life they spent j together. Only the killer car, to’! j how he stole into the house, with i murder in his heart and contempt j on his mind and snuffed out the life of this 36-year-old member M ' a prominent Winston-Salem fam ily Richardson is alien ‘d h> hav, "cme here from Pinehurst WOMAN EX-CON KILLED: JEST OUT OF PRISON <CONTINUED FROM PAGE I) vie led on Involuntary mamlauah-1 ter and sentenced to 18 months i in Slate Women's prison Jan. 14 of this year. Officers said Mrs. Young had been released recently following partial completion of the .iaii term Garner Teacher Is Prey For Finn-Flam mors f CONTINUER FROM PM.I 11 much-dbsired girls it would bt necessary to divest thon-solve- of all -the money they had He f°h that the joy which would come from the contact with Hie ai' 1- | would be of such a nature that th<" ! might lose their heads and the girl I would take their monov. This sounded like a good gestur of protection against some hard hearted girl or girls, whom they had not picked up If was the; that ihe trick was puficri. All real and all imaginary monies wen opposed to have been put in handkerchief and placed near .i tree ft was then that cLe two fast- ■ i made friends took off for the whis ! key afore The vii tint waited, and vvait- V«, aeeWflSfig to lota! officers, a, t>fl when ihe men did not re tursi in what he thought was ! ihe proper time, be became sus picious and it was then that he suddenly awoke and decided j to cheek the handkerchief. And to Isis sad disnr y there was the handkerchief, nut the money had taken flight. Local officers are still looking | for ihe culprits and the victim is i out of his money. There was spec j ulaiion in some- quarters that since | itiey are using women and whiskey or. men of knowledge thrifty wid ows and anxious girls, who would iike to take a husband, could be their next field !t is believed that they will use the rouse of knowing where to find a wealthy man and to show good faith they wii! ask that money be oooled. Beware lovers of wine, wo ' men and song and old maids and ■ young maidens who want to be I married nlease do not get caught i oy flim-fJammers, at least by pool- I uig your money j Slate Brisfs K lIMIM 111 I-KIIM ever II Sherrill P Burton, 'll. of Dur ham. vras fhu d 55!‘ Friday Seventeen-year-old M's- Rn Mia Jackson testified Burton fright ro"<l her by Irving to coax her into his automobile two times around midnight i Tuesday. Stic said he started So get out the second time. ■ Burton pleaded innocent to tb« ■barge and said he was only ask eg directions to South Saunders ■street 'FRIEND" OPENS FIRE RALEIGH Harlis Hinton. 22- vear-old resident of Garner is re covering from wounds he received vhen his “friend" opened fire on ■in-! with a .410 shotgun as he tried to leave a card game while ahead Hin tun said he started to leave the game E rill ay at the house of Sam Holder, when Holdrr got mad. lliuton said Hie nest thing he knew Holder fired his shotgun and hit him in jlir right waist and (he Ins' rr part of Ills stomach. Holder was charged with as-ault ul? a tVarlly weapon. ■i \y INJURIES PI'OVI 1 \l.\t WIMTEVTI LF. A 3-v. re -old bov no had hern turning snmer'-.ulls ■ it.h a group of children, died Wed ■sd.iv of infnejoß iccei'ed when • »->;* Gis honH MR. AW! MRS. S'tiv’AßT ;Sl> STiISV T,.- AGE) Coroner J 8 Long, Jr., said El- i i mer Ganous, the grandson of Au- j j gustus Freeman of Hailsboro, com ; plained of pains in his head and , died enroute to Columbus County ! Hospital. elite, 16. GETS TERM IN DEATH OF HER BABY (CONTINUED FROM PAGE I) The judge said tost he ordered j Die prison term more for the pur- ! pose of seeing that she was undei ■uprevision and honed she might 1 be taught to do something useful. | “ACCIDENT’ LISTED IN FATALITY {CONTINUED FROM PAG! 1) ported. Officers said witnesses re- j ported that Wilkins had threatened ! ' ,0 kil! Johnson twice earlier After j having 3 crow bar and a potato I digger taker' from him, Wilkins 1 left the house and returned with ■ ihe rifle, they said. 1 Johnson posted a SI,OOO bond ! p riding an investigation No char es were filed up to press time. 5 PALMETTO vIDS BURN IV DEATH (i ONTIMUED FROM PM.I D to borrow a pot. The, burning occurred while she was away. Investigating officers said the j liidren had apparently tried to i lielri themselves from the Pro by j crawling beneath a bed. The fath , or, who was at work, came after ; Eddie Clark, a neighbor of the 1 Downs, noticed the flames and gave j the alarm. The children's father rushed iome and attempted to enter the j four-room house, but "'as driven j ■>ack by flames. SEGREGATION tifeVIMED AS STRIKE LOOMS (f'OMIM f n FROM PAG I' II c “hoped that by 1863 all of the ■'•oup could use the white facili ■cs at the airport." According to tentative plans, the ■ iarchers will meet at the Spring rid Baptist Church and then movr o the airport where a resolution will be read ! SE SWELL TO PROTEST AT ! W ASHINGTON (CONTINUED FROM PAG! I> ! Federal Government would with ■ hold aid to ADC Funds Seawell called Mitchell’s nil iny “iB advised and errone ! otis." "It has not been the in tention of this office to take this ruling . . • lying down,” he said. Thines have come to * prett} ias.« when a federal -agent seeks. >roue!i the promulgation of rules i to make invalid a state law de j signed for the protection of public fund? being spent on the needy | children of the state,” the attorney t general said. j Seawell said if his talks and court j action failed, he would seek legis | 'alive relief through North Caro- j i tj.-ia Congressmen to "uphold the lights of ihe several state: to pro- j \ idp means whereby public money i may not he wasted in aid to dt . pendent children eases."’ wiuTreview PARKER LYNCH | CASE IN JAN. (CONTINUED FROM PAGF D •io! confined to Poplarville. The •,arm results to the United States :nd our standing before the world. "We believe ir a government of ;:w. no! of men. But one or two (jiinas like this make it hard for 1 pAplc elsewhere m the world to believe this. i "You hear a lot about states •*jh's. 1 bebeve in states' rights, i . but 1 also believe in state respon- j I, j' D v “it seems clear to me that if j the states are going to dlsre- j -ird respowfhiljfies to the cv t-nt (rs not even caHlng wit nesses, like in the Poplarville rase, then the Federal Govern ment must eorvsider siinethinc Ii was learned that the FBI ’n cstigation coot the taxpayers SBO- . 0 H '“ns described by Rogers as ! ■<nr of the most complete reports he had ever seen. It is said to have '•'nHfied re' ■ n men as killers of j r’arVor. And P3I agents were ready , | betere the grand jury. Since the county grand fury j : timed its back on the case, the ! r 'istiee department will present It I n the federal grand jury which | meets January 4 T >!t PROCTOR |'TO AJYIWV;^ ! NT COUNCILS wriphiy in natorft, yet, prow- I i isfts to be delightful as well | as fruitful. Mi,S'; Ann Tanneyhill, Director of Voci. tonal Services. National ! Urban League, New York, brings I a rich background of experience 1 to the problem clinic on Friday, Miss Tanneyhill is currently di i reeling the “Tomorrow’s Scien tists and Technicians” (TST) I program. This is a nationwide you' h incentives program to search for. discover, and encourage cap- I able and talented youth interested ! in careers ir scientific and tech nical fields. This program broad -1 ms the horizons of Negro youth.. Miss Tanneyhill has written a number of guidance publications, i Among them are "Guiding Negro Youth Toward Jobs" and "From School to Job”. She. herself, was subject of an article in the "How Did She Get There” series of stori es on career women, in the May, 1957 issue of “Charm Magazine”. | Other features of the conven | tion include a social, campaign I sessions, and a. tour. 71 DEBUTANTES VKE BOWS IN CAPITA!, CITY (CONTtNUEP FROM PAG* 1) ‘ Approximately 5,600 specta tors attended the affair ami applauded each presentation as the young couples moved to a standstill ai the appoint- j rd pivot spot. Presented first was last year's ! queen. Miss Caroline Levingston, j who moved to a fringe area bc : yond the space alloted for the ivy | leaf. PRESENTED NEXT was Miss Elaine Delores Johnson, the in town queen. Following next was Miss Paula Jewell, out-of-town queen from Greensboro. Chief marshals with the two queens were •John Dunn, Jr., and Gordon Fred | ! West, respectively. Misses Nancy Joan Iredell of Raleigh and Evelyn Walton j Kennedy of Durham were the maids of honor. Attendants were: Misses Matyre L. Lafta, Ra leigh; Marsha L. Goodwin, 1 Durham; Carole Jean Chavis, ! Method; Leah E. Ramsey, j Pittsboro; Patricia Andrews, j Raleigh; Jean Ledbetter, Dunn; Gloria Debnam. R»- Irigrh: and Debora Saunders of Washington, D. C. Aft'-; being introduced, the j queens and their courts proceded j to tire stage where they viewed i the individual presentations. They ! ' ere stated on the stage banked j with greenery. Each debutante was met at the • foot of the steps 1 leading from the i stage te th< auditorium floor> by j her chief marshal, who escorted j her to her place in the figure. Upon completion of the intro- i ducticns, 71 debutantes formed an , ivy leaf tints climaxing this tra-; | ditional figure. Then Dt W. R. Sira tastier. pres ident of Shaw University, gave the j officta' welcome to the North Car- 1 olina debutantes. J. D. Lewis was the official an nounce) who introduced each oi' '.he 71 girls. Bobby Robinson and liis orchestra provided the back-] •■round music. They also played j or the dance which followed the ! i ceremonies. THE ROUND OF EVENTS held i i for the girls included two dances , at the Berry O'Kelly High School i gymnasium, a breakfast dance at. | : Chavis Heights followed by a lun-: | ch. or. Executive secretary was Mrs.; j Audrey Hunter Logan. Mrs. Anne i Goode Fulford was the honorary j chairman The cover for the printed pro- j gram was designed by Mrs. Fan-i nie V Latham. YWCA ! ACTIVITIES The YWCA Wives Club me; Wednesday. November 18. at the j YWCA In the absence of the j ebstr-m&n, Mrs. Alice Smith. Mrs.! ; Marie Gibb: of Cary, presided. I j Minutes of the previous meeting \ j were read by the secretary, Mrs. j [ i THE CAROLINIAN "Covering the Carolina*'' Published by the Carolina Publishing Company 518 E. Martin St. Raleigh, N. . rEntered as Second Class Matter. Apr'', j I 6 104'). - ' the Post Office :ts Raleijh, ! ! North Carolina, under the Art oi March. IS7H) SUBSCRIPTION RAI S , Six Months ... $- 75 On* Year St,s Payable in Advance. Add re ■ a!’ com munication !"iS make all eh-cks and i inonev orders payable to THE CAF.O 1 UNTAN Inters! -te United Newspapers. Inc 345 Fifth Avenue. New York 17. N. Y National Advertising 'Reps*eseniativ» ; ant; •nem.ber of the Assoeiated Negro oret-s and the United Press Photo j Service F. a. JEKVAY, Publisher Ihe Publisher is not responsible lot Ihe return of unsolicited news, pic tures or advertising copy unless nec essary postage accent ptmlee the cop- Opinions expressed by columnists in , Ihls newspaper do not neoessariit represent the pot lev o fthis paper Ailie Peebles. Pinal plan# ware i mads far the annual Thanksgiv ing banket. Mrs Elsie Pieman and Mr*. Ro- i sa Hinton Worth were appointed | to deliver the basket November 23. j i The group also made plans oft the j Annual Christmas Party which will be held Wednesday, December 16, 1959, at the home of Mrs. Joseph H. Maye, 1700 Poole Road. Names were drawn for the ex changing of gifts. After the busi ness was over the group enjoyed sodas and nad & sewing session. The Y-Teen members and of ficers of the Sojourner Truth Y WCA will be installed on Sunday, December C. 1959 at the First Baptist Church. The Eleventh grade Y-Teens will have complete charge of the service. Mrs. Vir ginia Newell is Adviser for the group; Barbara Shaw, president, and Sadie Griffith, program chairman. English Oramar and French Grammar classes are held each | Just in Time for Christmas | I and Winter Wear! » t v * ' < f BEAUTIFUL $ 1 WINTER COATS ! S ... that the slimmest Budget can as- % -J ford. Choose from the very newest S X stvles and colors! m 1 DRESSES—SUITS —SKIRTS | K Special Stock of Clothes for k j g Little Girls! 5 * l M =MEN’S AND BOY’S= I ht % SUITS - TOPPERS - JACKETS £ PANTS - HATS - SHIRTS « YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD! * “ 2 It’s Easy To Pay The O. K. Way! % 1 o. k. clothThg~co7 \ w* 113 E. MARTIN ST. f ' Fs Appreciate Your Business | CLUB or RIB STEAKS 18. 49c * Pur* Pork Sliced 4ft SausstffF 3 IHs. I 9C Bacon &» VV • Quality Toilet Southern Hio Tissue 4 Rolls fciJt# Coffee lb. ! FRESH DRESSED HENS LB. 29c i Fresh Pork Neck Jj Q Smoked ftft- Hones < lbs «Ww | Sa»ls;t;;e lit. | Good qa* ~ork su ' ak 4Q r Weiners lh. www Chops !h. Fresh Park Spare Ri'is 4 i». 99c Gold Seal ftft 'lershe.v Instant ftA- Flour Irt Ibs.VVtf Cocoa 16 «/.. |tks. Wvll Rice—Regular C* | HQ V Grain 3 lh.s>WW Lard 8-lb. bucket I * Open Friday Night Until 9 P.M. HORTON’S CASH STORE 1415-17 8. SAUNDERS ST. Diai TE 5-3851 RALEIGH. N. t 7/k k | Sf a . the perfect family Christmas Gift! I _ t What more, perfect: gift could there be than music . . that every member of the family could enjoy , . . with the exquisite Acrosonic, today’s finest small ptono. When yours is an Acrosonic family, your children begin a lifetime of crest ive learning and doing ~, v. ith rewardi of enrichment, fuiSiiment, and p, development. OS PIANO 00. ' 430 Fayetteville St. j Thurada? evening front 7 to R j p.m. find 8 to 3 p.m. res-pcctively A typing class will begin in Jar,- J ; uary. Thoec interested, arc urged f% jto register early. The class will 'J j continue until April 3a, 1960. YWCA CALENDAR Wed. Dec. 2—Shirley's School of Dance. Mrs. Shirley Badge'.. Instructor. Tburs., Dec 3—Eleventh Grad* Y-Teer; Club meeting. Mrs Vir ginia Newell, Adviser. Fri„ Dec. *—Youth Recre-Hion. 4 Sat., Dec. s—Alpha Phi Alpha Sweethearts Dance, Mr. Geonn Exum, chairman, Sun.. Dec. 6—lnstallation of Y Teen mem hers, officers. Mon., Dec. ?—Sewing Cir • Personnel Committee Meclin- Mrs. Nora Lockhart, ehalrrrvn' Committee of Management. Mr. Hattie Edmondson, chairman. i Tues,, Dec. 8 -Sewing Class L Wed.. Dec. 9—Shirley's Seim ’ of Dance, Mrs. Shirle.v Badger Instructor. Y-Teen Hobby Shop

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