Omegas’ 48th Grand Conclave: Thurgood Marshall Takes Soils To Task In Address Before Frat k NRW YORK Tburgood Mar ' 'all, Chief Counsel for the NAA CP, took the sooth to task with emphasis on North Carolina, for its seeming complacency in the fight for complete integration as he addressed the 48th Grand Con clave of the Omega Psi Phi Frater nity, Monday morning, at the New Yorker Hotel. i The NAACP lawyer told the del egates that the failure of Negroes to stand up in the struggle was se riously hampering the full pro gram of integration. He chided the people of North Carolina for ac cepting the "Assignment. Program” and bemoaned the fact that if it is permitted to continue that there are children in school now who would never get the benefit of in tegration, He called mwn Negroes to fake gheir cases to the court and not wait upon any body else to take the Initial step. He said that Negro families should ask that their chil dren be transferred to the schools that offer the best facilities for ed rscatien. The waiter «f transferin* one or two children was not Science Shrinks Piles New Way Without Surgery Stops Itch— Relieves Pain How York, H. ¥. (Special) For the first time science has found a new healing substance with the astonishing ability to shrink hemorrhoids, step itch ing, and relieve pain without surgery. In one hemorrhoid case after another,“very striking improve ment” was reported and veri fied by doctors’ observations. Pain was relieved promptly. And, while gently relieving pssn, actual redaction or re fraction (shrinking) took place. And pioet amazing of all Shis improvement was main tained in cases where doctors’ observations were continued es»«r a period of many months 1 Is fact, results were so thor ough that sufferers were able t® make state jwents as’Tiles nave ceased to be IN RALEIGH IT S pHSg^EIEg F4SSI9HS INSURANCE BUILDING JANUARY CLEARANCE Winter Goats Drastically Reduced! Reg. to S4O Reg. to SSO Reg, to SBO #ll Jill Juniors, Misses, Half Sizes One Group WINTER COATS Reg. to S4O ”'*J| | Sizes 6 to 16. ALL REMAINING - FALL & WINTER SUITS Reduced Further Reg, to S3O j(p Reg. to $35 ,^#l Reg. to $45 Reg. to SSO ,‘/0 Reg. to $55 Junior, Misses. Half Sizes ww too slow, ‘’Alt the Negro children in inferior schools should apply sod then the per s««is in charge would find themselves face to face with the issue." said Marshall. He was mindful of the fact that 100 many Negroes were willing to accept make shift programs and failing to say to the proper author ity that separate schools were not only morally wrong, but constitu tionally wrong. He deplored the fact that Negro children were not liss Barbara McCoy Named Ligeti’s “Student Os Wk.” TT-io ninth grade of Llgon High School present' Miss Barbara A, McCcn a? the Trade honor student for the second six weeks of the school term As a 7th and Bth grade tuderd a! Ligon, Barbara was an honor stu dent Shr i» an active member and e problem!” And among I hen* sufferers were a very widp va riety of hemorrhoid conditions, some of 10 to 20years’standing. All this, without the use of narcotics, snesthetirs or astrin ■ gents of any kind. The secret I* a new healing substance (Bio- Dyne*)—the discovery of a world-famous research institu tion. Already, Bio-Dyne is in wide use for healing injured tissue on all parts of the body. This new healing substance is offered in suppository or oint ment, form called Preparation H.* Ask for individually sealed convenient Preparation H sup positories or Preparation H ointment with special appli cator. Preparation H is sold at all drug counters. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. "R»S. U. S. Pal, OR. being educated to meet the needs of an expanding economy, in many olaces. and thereby were going to tmd it to mee* the stand aids of lining when ihey finished 'choot. He svrnpalh'zed, io some extent with people who fell dependent upon the mores of ibeir commun ities for livilihood. but told tne leaders that it was their responsi bility to chart a program thet would aid their unfortunate bro thers. holds maijv offices at, the Fay etleville Street Baptist Church among which are secretary of ihe .5,. t' Board, -fr Choir, ir. Missionary Group and W S l f'irrjf She <* also a senior Scout so the Girl Scouts of A merlea. The N. H A. Club, under the di rection of Mrs, A. Levingston, is one of her favorite school clubs, •nnce her hobbies include sewing and cooking. Her favorite books include my steries. novels and scientific read mg. Although Barbara hay not. yel decided fully on the rarepr she in lends to pursue, her plans include medicine, specializing in the field of surgery. At present, she studies music and likes to sing Negro spirituals and religious songs. j MISS McCOY iillii (©111?! “Don't just $18.95, priced to $13*95 ~ now 9t i.9b now *8.96 Good Styles • Big Buys one group of Whispurrs fG 85 SUEDE FLATS sins Formerly priced to 9S-95 Roscoe-Griffin Shoe Co. 120 Fayetteville St TWO STORES Cameron Village Miss Carol Howard Married To James Hammond In Local Rites On December 20 at Davie Si. Presbyterian Church. Miss Carol Howard became the bride of James Hammond. She is the daughter of the Rev - wend and Mrs. D N. Howard. Sr. of 817 Rosmionl Avenue, Raleigh, and the groom is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Clifton Hammond of An drews, South Carolina. Officiating were the bride's lather and Reverends l J. .Johnson and J T. Powell. Music was pre sented by Mis E. M. M Kelly, or ganist Miss Ann Hunt, soloist, Mr. K D Btanllv. violinist, accompan ied by Mrs. Alice Brantley. Given in marriage by her father, the bride More a gown of white chaniilly lace design ed with edging of pearls at the neckline with ruffles down the back of the foil floor length skirt. She wore a crown of lace trimmed In pear! and car ried » white orchid bible trim mod in lace. Miss Rosetta Howard, sister of the bride, was maid of honor, She wore s oink chiffon dress with quarter length sleeves and stream ers in back. Her small pink veil was trimmed with a chiffon oink how, and she carried white poin settas. Bridesmaids or «• Miss Mattie Hammond, sister of the groom and Miss Vera Williams of Laurinburg. They wore blue green chiffon dresses and veils like the maid of honor, and carried white poinset tas. Miss Belinda Hammond, the grooms sister, was the flower girl. She carried a basket containing a white poinsettia and rose petals which she dropped on the bridal path. ?m esammsm mi '« AHViIHfT ‘2V3HTLWS “O *N *frOS3PWH Pot her daughter** wedding the bride's mother wore a. robinsegg blue velvet sheath and a bat and corsage of pink roses. The groom's mother wore a silk teal blue dress with pink roses William Hammond of Orange burg war, his brother’s best man. Ushers were Ral p b Franklin of Florence, S C., Willie McClelland of Laurinburg, Tra Harrell of Kia ston, and William Danely of Wash* Telephone TErnple 2-5048 Air Conditioned JEROME’S TOURIST HOME 24-HOUR SERVICE «22 JAMAICA DRIVE „ Raleigh. North Carolina F * fE HEJVRY. Eron from DAZZLING! ■ r —■*** . I f§§ '§< Would you trade an hour so» bait aSwffikqpgftßj: t . yLi \ I'ke this professional modelV Bair ..,*’lßß yYy — “/ One hour is adit takes lot sl|i tff Godeftoy’s Larieuse Haitrolot — , >v btmg back youth to gray, dull f ; I (am, wwfzfyi/f ot faded hair! I - ' ~ - j h Mlt c*psul» con everything you need 1* In fhr | .•» | Ssnb »nd llquirt. famous red lx>x. Gel (..letrov’* * applicamlong-lasting Urieuse new.' *. Let develop . > > Uwn sbsmpoft OOPKFROY MHO. CO. • v>lo o|„. r Si » s, i OT .i», Mo. ingfon, B. C. Tfae bride’s parents entertain'd at a reception given at the So journed* Truth YWCA. Mrs Ab e Powell served as hostess. Mrs. Ma m Macon presided over the guest books. Mrs. Essie Hayes, Mrs, Co zy Rsnd and Mrs. Irene Price as sisted with the serving. The bride and groom left afim the ceremony for Miami, Fla where they sailed to Nassau for the Christmas holidays 3