Hiiii il BOW FOR THE QUEEN A native woman executes a Graceful curtsy on meeting Queen Elizabeth (center right) during a garden party at Buckingham Palace, May 9 th. Shortly after this London photo was taken, a downpour caused all the guests to seek shelter in a hurry. (UP! PHOTO). Smear” Attempt Claimedßv Three BY ,T B HARKEN ROCKY MOUNT cry a all agog Monday morning when ci tizens read in a Raleigh dn;!y a 'letter to the editor over the al leged name of "C. Ruth Jones”, ad dress listed as “Weldon”, a state ment to the effect that a series of * “secrect meetings” had been ht id at the iocal Booker Washington high school, where an ''NAACP executive committer allegedly Rev .! H Costen as successor to the late Dr Joseph W P rkrr Jr. as the colored memhei of the local school board i.radm Binlti Meet. Man Plan* ORANGEBURG, S. C Stud' -.1 anti-segregation leaders from alt parts of (he stale wound up a two day conference at. Claflin College Sunday. The Rally, which got underway Saturday with an address by three antl-segregaiion protest leaders, i 'as held on the Ciathn College f Campus The Rev. .T. S. Rail, leader of 3 AME Zion Bishops Are Elected At Conference BUFFALO, N. Y. Three bishops were elected at. the 36t,h session ol the General Conference AME Zion Church, which is meeting here. Saturday, after four ballots were taken. Dr Felix S. Anderson. Dr. William M. Smith, Rev S Dnrme Lartey and Dr W, A. Hilliard. There was nevei any doubt that the four men were the favorites, in a field of more than fcwen® Uve aspirant Dr Smith led the flits ballot and Dr. Anderson was sec ond with Lai toy and Hilliard in the third and fourth positions, re spectively. They picked up quite a num ber oh the 2nd ballot, hut nei ther en« getting the required PROTESTING STUDENT FRISKED A Chattanooga policeman frisks a student outside a Kress store May 12th after 50 Howard High School students were arrestee? for refusing to leave the store premises. The students were arrested under a 1959 anti-loitering ordinance that war. passed to curb juvenile disorder at a local drive-in. ( UPI TELEPHO TO ). ME SURE TO CAST YOUR VOTE IN THE MAY 28TH PRIMARY • The letter charged that in addition to the Rev Mr. Costen and Principal li. !>. Armstrong the principal's brother - l)r \\ liiurber Armstrong - was a party to the alleged "secret meetings” in an attempt to boost Costen lor the School Board post. Ail three men have vigorously denied any emu plicitv in the matter. Amused by the dastardly at tempt to sabotage the position of a Negro on the school board <Dt Parker held it several yeats and f< OKTP t tfl ox PAGF Z> the Jan. 1. protest march on thr Greenville Airport; Herbert Wright, national NAACP Youth Secretary, and Amos Brown ot Morehouse College, in Atlanta. Ga„ spoke to the group Sat The affair concluded with the Slate-Wide Mother of the Year” contest at 3:30 p. m. The contest is ! the major fund-raising drive of the > state NAACP conference. number for a two-third ma jority The third ballot found Anderson ahead with a total of 341, with Smith having 317. The necessary number was 312, The fourth brought the election of Lartey and Hilliard had a margin of one, receiv ing 311, with a necessary 31st Il was expected that the two first, men would be elected, but i would trail Dr. Alfred Dunston. : Jr., of Philadelphia. He was dis qualified by the Board of Bishops, on the eve of the election, due to marital differences which the bis hops ruled made him ineligible for the high office He suffered 'the same fate in 1956. ‘GRADY DAVIS DAY’ SUN. 4 + + 4> 4. 4. -f 4.4 4. 4. Attorney S&mmrmi issues Order: FBI Begins Probe Os Dixie Voting Records Feds Enter State, Begin Investigation i | MCCORMICK, S. C. - The FBI 1 Monday was schedule to begin a probe of McCormick County voting records to determine if Negroes have been discriminated against tr, registration and voting. The investigation was order ed by C. S. Attorney General William P. Rogers under terms of the 1960 civil rights law. McCormick is one of four coun ties in the South under investi gation. Two FBI agents visited the eoun y last Thursday but derided to , wait to officially begin the probe ! since registration books were open ■ last week. | R' lustration rolls closed Friday ; and will not reopen until July, ! some time after the June 14th Dem loci dt ■■.’ Primary. A number of Negroes regist ered last week, raising to 49 the number of qualified Negro vot ers in the county. Two appli cants were turned down due to illiteracy. McCormick County has some 2.- XK) NT glares. ‘Moonshine’ Syndicate Is Cracked ROCK HILL, S. C. —Federal a ■ gents aided' by North and Soul! : Carolina officers, cracked down | hard Friday on what they desertb ’ed as “one of the largest liquor syndicates in the Piedmont Cat o iinas.” The officers arrested three men ; and seized five vehicles and som< 1.972 gallons of moonshine whisky in a raid al nearby Leslie Fout other men had been arrested earn er in North Carolina. Federal agents, operating out of Charlotte, N C„ said, the bulk of the whisky was found at a cattle i sales barn owned by William Ru | fus Moffit. one of the three men I arrested during the- raid. They said (CONTtNI I D OS PAGE Z) White Boy | A caused O f NC Assault I HALIFAX An !8-year-old 1 white yoeuth was charged Friday I with raping an 11-year-old Negro ;irl after she accepted a ride in ' his automobile Sheriff H. A House said 1 ; James Eh in Joyner of Rmg wood was charged with rape and carnal knowledge. Officer* (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) THE COROLINIAN I VOL. 19. NO. 32 Girl. 8. Is Raoed And Killed Churches i {Spotlight Dr. Davis Sunday, May 22 has been pro t claimed "Grady D. Davis Sunday” | in all of Raleigh’s chinches. A specially selected corps of speakers has been named by the Grady I>. Davis Headquart ers to speak during the. 11 a. m Sunday Church services. These speakers will bring (he chmch audiences tip to date con cerning the progress Dr Davis is making in this race for a seat in the North Carolina General As sembly as one of the 3 represents* j fives from Wake County. They will also make an appeal for funds needed for the television, radio and newspaper announce ■ ments scheduled by Dr Davis for * next week. __— Suspicion* Vo. Fire llrporfrd i LIJRAY. Va. -- Police were in- j i vestigating a fire this week which j broke out in a Nt rro church Tours 10 learn if it was connected with an assault on a 12 year-old-whitc boy by a Negro man. A police official said the ftre might have been started on purpose in retaliation for the beating of Randolph Moore, 12, by a man who dragged him from his mother's parked car and pulled him into nearby bushes Sunday. The boy suffered from shock but was not seriously injured j A 6-foot cross was burned at the I site of the attack the following 1 night. Police at the time dismissed ' the cross-burning as the work of pranksters. Police charged Glenwood Fisher. 24. with Felonious assault in the beating Fisher, who was on parole from a robbery conviction at Wash ington, D C, could receive up to 20 years if convicted. r~' 1 ODDS-ENDS ST ROBERT G. SHEPARD "—Ye most be born again.” ABOUT OR. 1. BEVERLY LAKE We feel that too many Neg roe:, are becoming ups* t by t,,e ranting* of gubernatorial candidate, Dr. I Beverly Lake. True, it is always well to watch your enemies but, it must be remembered that should we allow the learned doctor t.o get us on the war path against him. he will have us doing just what he wants us to do, make a martyr of him and thereby greatly increast his vote and financial support Instead of repeating and get ting aii hot over what Dr. Lake is saying about os, we would do well to keep an eye on the per sona Dr. Lake is surrounding himself with, his campaign managers, his staff and his lieutenant on the local level. These are the people we will have to deal with In our daily lives, these are the people who have and undoubtedly will off er tbeassclves for public offi ces. If the people of North Carolina want Dr, Lake for governor, they will elect him. Because of our shameful indifference and our stu pid lack of interest in things politi cal, m do not have the votes to j (CONTfNUFO ON PAGE S> 1 I I Goldsboro Cop Charged In Bautins Os White Airman GOLDSBORO—A Negro city pa trolman, charged with using a nightstick to brat a white airman into unconsciousness, is free under SSOO bond pending a hearing in city court. Court officials said Patrol man J. L. Harris will prob ably be tried Saturday on charges of assault with a dead- I ly weapon for the alleged beat ing of A2C Joel D. Get/., 26. a native of Philadelphia. Police Chief H. A Lane said the airman, stationed at Seymour John son Air Force Base here, was beat en alter running from Harris who attempted to arrest him on public drunkeness charges. Get?, sufferer! a broken nose and bruises and lac erations on the body. Lane said the incident occurred ! after Getz tried to buy a soft drink at a Negro nightspot He said Pa trohnan Woodrow Bell asked Get? to leave thp nightspot to avoid a racial incident. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS _ FROM THEM PAGE 2 Horton’*. Cash Store Bargain area* Basket PAGE 3 Wood'* 5 A 10 Stores O K. Clothing Mur* Hetlig-Levlne Furniture Store PAGE i> Hcrison-Belk Federal Acceptance Corporation Gus Russos Hatters 4 Cleaners Firestone Stores, Inc. Raleigh Savings & Loan Assn The Capitol Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Urn stead's Groc. & Transfer Co. PAGE S Colonial Stores. Site. %. Si. Young Hardware Store Odom cot Rate Clothing Store C. Karl LdcUunan Taylor Radio &. TV Service it E- Quinn Furniture Company Modem Finance Company I* * W. Tire Company PAGE 7 Washington Terrace Apt*. Bankers Fire Insurance Co. d*aeon’s Barber Shop Community Florist Efird's Department Store ReSJis-Lcvine Furniture Store Cowell Coal Company Famous Bakery AA:P Food Stores, ipe. CAGE * SCachsuttca & Carmens tteak RALEIGH, N. C„ SATURDAY, MAY 21. 1960 I STATE » BRIEF | COLEMAN LONE TAR HEEL RECIPIENT WASHINGTON. D. C (May 16)—A Negro county agent was the only Tar Heel to win a USDA Superior Service Award during 1959. Tire agent is Maurice W Coleman of Bertie County. The honor came at the fourteenth annual Honor Awards Ceremony i | here yesterday. Coleman, a graduate of Hampton Institute, has been a. county agent in Bertie since j January of 104!. He was cit ed for “outstanding services to the people of Bertie County in raising the standard of living through higher crop yields, improved livestock program and increased home food pro duction and on serration,' - (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) PAGE S Carolina Power A Light (n The Spot Club Cameron Brown Company fi. S. Tucker 4 Bros. Flrtt Citizens Bank A. Trust Co. Speedy Wash, Inc. PAGE in Blood worth Street. Tourist Home Ridgeway Opticians Carolina Builders, tor. Caveness Insurance Company 7-Up Bottling Company Dillon Motor Finance Company Watson’s Seafood * Poultry Warner Memorials Toe Penst-Coia Bottling Company PAGE 11 Sanders Motor Co,—Used Cars Consolidated Credit Corp PAGE 13 Shaw University PAGE SS Ambassador Theatre PAGE M Standard Centre?,« Products jCo Gem Watch Shop | Raleigh Seafood Company i Acme Realty Company i Raleigh Funeral Home j Dunn’s Esso Servicenter i. Hunt General Tire Company I Shoe Mart j Sown a Country Furniture Co. | Ashby K. Ketinetitw ! t Sram-h Ranking & Trust Company PIl vw. M. W. COLEMAN Ilk* llr-Elorl Bat lie. Mrs. Smith At i'onfab BY .1. R. HARKEN HIGH POINT—The 40th Annua! Convention of the Improved Benev olent Protective Order of Elks of the World (IBPOEW) closed here Wednesday last, qfter four days of fraternal greetings, business and pleasure, with the re-election of the Rev. Kemp Plummer Battle, Rocky Mount, to head the Tar heelta IBPOEW for another two i yearn PRICE 15c Transient Arrested For Death BLAKELY, Ga.—An unemployed New Jersey man confessed to the brutal slaying of an eight-year-old girl near her home Monday. Offi cers said the youngster had been criminally assaulted. Police Chief G. H Owen said Jimmy Fair. 24, of Yvonne. N. J.. admitted killing little F.von Holm es Saturday night with an iron pipe The girl was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bunzie Holmes, both teachers at the Washington High School here. Owen said Fair was picked op about eight miles from where the battered boyd was found. Owen said the Negro struck the girl with an 18-inch long piece of cast iron sewer pipe found •'all spattered with blood.” The parents of the girl became alarmed when their daughter dis appeared from the front lawn of their home where she had been playing Saturday afternoon. A widespread search was launch ed by police and deputies from the Farly County sheriffs office. Cor oner L B Jones said the little girl died about an hour before th« searchers found her body near hei home. YMC A In Drive For Members The Annual YMCA Membership enrollment campaign will be launched Friday, May 20, at 8:0'' p in. at the “Y" with the Kick-ofi address to be delivered by Dr Grady D. Davis, candidate for the House of Representatives it has been announced by Cecil H Flagg and A F. Brown, co-chairmen. A gala event with refreshments hat been planned for about 60 mem bers of the campaign organization who are expected to attend. The campaign group is divid ed into two divisions: the Am eriean and the National. J. N Sorrell and ,? C. Washington serving as managers of the former while VV W. Hurdle and J. M. Holloway will serve as managers of the latter division. E L. Raiford will serve as exec utive secretary for the campaign Team captains for the American division under J N Sorrell and .1 C Washington are Welton Jones, Silas J. Webb, Thomas Chavis, R. R Raiford and J. C Raines. Team captains for the National division under W. W Hurdle and J. M. Hol loway aie Wyatt Cuinbo, Clarence Davidson, Ralph Campbell. Rever end Howard Cunningham, and John Williams. Jr frONTnxl'ED ON PAGE Mrs. Letitia Smith,. Hickory, was also retained as head of the Daugh ter-Elks, auxiliary of the male Elks. The Daughter-Elks (likewise hro j Uiers! were saddened by th« su- I nouncement of the death In Wi?- j inington of & staunch slat® leader, I Mrs. Ternpsie Hattie McLaurin, s | native of Whitakers. K. C. t who was prominently identified with the re ligious, civic and fraternal life of (CONTTNVEn OS VACZ 8)

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