16 THE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH, N. C., SATURDAT, SEPTEMBER 24, 1960 Henry Hank Held To Draw By Unranked Fighter Say Lane Goofed On M. Minoso CHICAGO fANP' Last wir.te: Prank Lanf Cleveland s general manager figured Minnie Minoso bad had it He traded the nuuhng Cuban outfielder to th“ Chicacn White Sox for a couple of nonet i tie* - Bubba Phillips, an m?:r’der. and Johnnv Ramano, a catcher Mmnie had once been Lanes fa vorite ball player When Lane mov - ed from S> Lotus to Cleveland a? C-M Minoso was one of the fi -t players he acquired, part’s because the doughty outfielder was an ex- ; citing performer, one calculated to j draw fans. With less than s month to 20. Mi- | hoso has been a dominant factor in j the White Sox bid to re*ain the American League pennant A1 Lo pez club might not make it. hut feat will be no fault from Orestes Minoso. One of the Sox' Ipadme hit ters most of the season Minoso is driving toward the rrntnrv mark in runs hatted in and is leading the team in total bases. He and At Amith. another out fielder who has made a re markable comeback this season virtually carried Chicago through the first half of the season The other night in Washington. Minnie whacked a truer-v..n ho run in the ninth The hi v k 1 the Pale Hose in the garr«\ wb:.- Chicago won m the 10th v th f run* MINNIE IS TEAM MiN It is such performances a« th that prompted Joe Gr-rlr- L former Cleveland manager, to com ment; Minnie sets the big h: ! for yn comes up with the enter p ,v y ; his spirit is the kind that f; e? 1., • team. "You know something- f ‘He ban people could trade that g; Castro for Minnie all th> . tm hies would be over A lot of the fNew York* Yankees. <OO City Fetes Runner In Olympics CHICAGO (ANP- Chicago staged a giant parade of more than 100 marching units, drums and bu gle corps and decorated float? la-v Saturday, when the neighborhood celebrated Recognition Day Occu- | pying one of the floats was Ernes tine Pollards, who had just return ed from Rome where she was a member of the USA Women's O lympie Track Team. The festivities were sponsored jointly bv the Chicago Housing Au thority and the A- -wated We-' Side Councils, and included a street dance and an swarm re- ■- mony at Brooks Community Cen ter Miss Pollard? grew up a* Ron. er+ Brooks Homes and got ail h> training in athletics at nearby Fos ce Park She is a member of May or Daley's Youth-Foundation, and last summer won two gold meda w’hen she competed m the Pan-A merican Games She :? a senior at Crane High school and has already received many scholarship offers from leading universities through ®sss tb* nation. It Pays To ADVERTISE “football Intersectional Classic A&T AGGSES CXAA CHAMPIONS vs. TENN. STATE A&I UNIVERSITY SATURDAY Sept* 24 8:00 F. M. GREENSBORO MEMORIAL STADIUM Admission $2.50 >- v mmm p ' 1 m . .. i 'V \ « I : % "W m v '*■ • .< (zUw? Xf •V s:?+&*'■< \ '’"k m- '.a. ? /■ » ■ if ... " S’-- .; 8w» v. ' :.;i BRONCO CAPTAIN READY /... U ,w//c\ iQbii f • •.- etteville Prone C nt.-iin. Alfonso More head. \dQ~pound &:»rd is one of the h my rr-'-n in the firo’ico fold iv/10 f’iures f/i-if h: • ho vs are fin;,* £ plane- in the opener e C’i:n-r ( ratlin on O f•. >h<-: 1 The orl\ - t, : i ■ - ' u■■•r man, M rehead is a deadly hint her r end r. adept ;it anahzing the op position's p> .1 s. jfißr -| ■%% W -v: ’, A . I „ .:td 11 trW/ / -JP-m-i'mSit W .'4 :■ * hb: M s | mm®'* *a|a 1 > t ' ■ : ' -1 ... f i . " PRIME EA ( TOE f ■ THE SHAW REARS TEAM- Rut iled Olis Clerk, left. I R Carter should he the prime if rot on the Sh.Hv Rear lr< Cl eh, 2.2 pin vs in the £uard position. He t- n ntnio- Urn K - „, . 202 !h- and is ' • feet tall. Ceifer. pin re /■ 2 2.6 .1 ufismnj 240 Ihs. He hmis iron; New Bern. ShaW 0. Bears Climax 2 Wks. Os Double Sessions The Shu a 1'; ‘-rsi! c t und er Revv COS .’h Roh(‘'! : ■>!',. ch scssions, dm mg which line Jack son ha? Cn' rd -p. * d m eve " pha of T i H i v prohabl v d ?plsv neat !y th« san e basic offense that, was employed la ft year. With ltd returning i< ttrrmrn. the Bears will launch a touch schedule hv encountering strong \ irgiria Union Sept. 23, at Richmond During prepara tory drills all interest has hern PIC HERE IT COMES Jesse Smith (.left) of Chicago, sperm to he saying, “Look where you're goto# Hank," as Henry Hank of peticut blindly throws a light hand toward Jesse during then i cntricd on the Bears' brill ant pass rrcpivrr, end < lion Knight Knight, a senior, is r\- perted (n he, as usual, a potent threat to any defense The line should loci; nearlv the ante as last year win rugged guard Otis Clark and Bis J B. Carter, prime factors. The only missing face from bvi yea; "s spi rited line will he big Primus Sin ane who was lost hv c nduatien. Sloane’s position will more than likely he filled by Harry Korne gay or Herman Hinton. liigiily-Touted Slugger Almost Upset In Bout CHICAGO (ANP —Henry Hank. ; h.e touted Detroit stugeer. was im<y.t upset by a virtually ol> iu.e v. liter here last Wednos- Entenr.g the rir.g a 3 to 1 favor ite. H-nk. the No. 3 ranked mid dle eight contender who ha? been bow le g over middleweight.? and light heavyweights in his quest for a tit - ., it:.itch, get a big surprise frn.n Jesse Smith of Chicago. Showing ih’le respect for Hank? vanned punch, Smith, who 1? a pretty gnoi puncher himself, pin ned Hanks ears bark on several occasions, hurt him in the third and ninth rounds, and almost iced the bout going into the 10th CARELESSNESS COSTLY TO SMITH Rut he got careless in the final round, and that saved Hank from going down to de feat at thr hands of a fighter who "as not expected to be around utter the fourth bell. Counter punching beautifully clipping ico dodging artfully and box ■ g r }■ iv Ibroughost the bou - So hh * ! into the final round no : ■■■: a ? edge after p:l:» g up points in thr ea-’v rounds and then con .eg hack ♦ strong to take . I lampton Pirates Announce Grid Schedule For 1960 H'lMf'ON Va - The i 960 erii ' of too Fighting Pirates gnd ,-r ~fd stands ready tft launcf , 0,0 p -; . to hr- tiicir best she ■ -iv; ir ?i"-era'. sr isons accord ing : h Ren W • e-. I ed by IS returnees including !.') Icitcrmen. nine regulars on defense and 1 ■ pounder s, tm r.'.-v n in the captain's position ••I'iis iam * -told do better thin (lie one whi«-h produced His h- ( i' cord in l a years hv wm n 111 c s'.m of t r n games in 19.18." \\ haley said, p. r i - R.c s'ar'ing .- eneourte d at n’r and ■ ft end wnrre sophomores and fj-g men nu t b< relied upon ex• S iph. -■■ .re Jo o Fa ran . . ■ : r. pound? . Po • o-’.outh. Va a pa r of hra\ i ” frcrtimen ... ■ f • -■ r , : r pe i' in h < \V. ■ ' 1' of I■a . .- i l'e \ C i . c n-.r.t both s.-.pcomores. t'w - .id: g. ra- rs to fill the it P cod ot on off. n?e H an with ' a' - ’no start ing 1 . k / - 'o ■ 11 fird junior Jas y.-’iiog. (; iM.-nsbo; o N C. in tlv .•ni.u'e. b;u i p.v- tion and second i uskegee r aces bmith Gridders In Opener TCSKECFF INSTITUTE, Ala ,\vp. Fa ng the challenge of a : ' ghe. r ,d season, the Goiden i Ttgers of Tusk, gre Ir.-titute open! j the 1960 football season with a | game agrtinrt Johnson C Smith l.’- ii. . it v. a pov. .-r in the Cl AA, at ('nn lolte. Saturday. Sept. 24. The slipped up schedule will lest the tigers (o the fullest, hut Coach Whitney 1. Van f'leve considers it a challenge to meet the stiffer competition. Ihe 1 igers finished the '59 season with a 4 4 1 record. In Coach Van Clove s lineup this season will hr IS letterrnen, includ ing r is. s McGhee fullback, and 1 Wtllje \Villia l 'r. quarterback, both I standouts in Southern Intercoilegi i age Conference play last year j Following the game with John 10 -round middleweight nationally televised fight in Chicago stadium September 14th. The decision was a draw (JJPt TELE PHOTO), i the ninth. He continued the fight ing pattern as the 10th got under way but then got a little cocky and Hank tagged him with a left hook ; that upended him Dazed, Smith was instructed by his corner men to take the full nine count He did. and even stuck out his tongue at Hank to show his disdain However, when he got up, Hank swarmed all over him. trying to score a knockout. He didn t, hut took the 10th by a wide margin, indoubt.ediy because of the knock down. and thus gain a draw with the surprising Smith. Had Smith played it cool and boxed carefully, he would have won the fight. But we won & moral victory nonetheless by the draw derision. Now he is being offered a rematch with Hank again in October Hank, who was shaken hy Smiths surprising showing, said afterwards that he 'was slugging and wasn't at his best It might be, however, that Smith made him look that way. Sporting an impressive record of 33 knockouts in 43 fights. Hank apparently forgot to examine hi? opponent s record, which showed 21 KOs in 29 bouts. string CIAA full back Norman An derson. Hampton. Va returning for ins senior year. Senior Dan Austin. Waycross. Ga . at left halfback and sopho rpore Willie Holland Danville. Va . a switch from freshman fullback, at right halfback comprise the re mainder of ts-p starting armada. Opening the season with a trip to Morgan State College on Sep tember 24. the Bue? will make. on|v three appearances on. horn, ground? this season Front Morgan the? will travel to Delaware State and thru, to the Fishbowl Classic to face Morehouse College of At lanta October 13 marks the first home came of the season when Fay.-tte ville State Teachers College visits the HI campus The Burs w;!i ther. tourney to Virginia Slate and Lin coln University and will faep How led University for Homecoming on November 5 After a visit to Tuskegee Insti lute the Pirates w>l! return home to rinse the season aga-nst Virginia Union on November 19 son C Smith, the Tigers will play eight more games, including a homecoming title with Hampton Institute H, npton is al?o a mem ber of the CIAA. Ihi OULlm^jy “On* thing that k«eps America im the move » tfa« lads iff parking space ’” WILMA AND HER THREE CIOI.D MEDALS ■ If> H -/nw Rudolph, the. Unit fid Sf*'e*\ * double dash champion from Clarksville Term , pmudlv » • hf third £nld medal of the s*tnes ' won w hen she anchored the women s sprint team to a comfortable victory in that event. (UPI RADIOTELEPHOTO). Capital Classics Planned For Nov. 5; Will Salute Students WASHINGTON, n r Th® 19Mi j \ nnual Capital Cla ;r football ! :imo, srhcdulfld for Griffith Sta ■ !ium on Sa f urday tvch* \< !v*r ."rtb, will have i its foatinv 1 b;dft.imp thomf* a : A1 .1 ”11 U. i* adors of th*** "SIT-IN ?t srtt " \n invitation «n* ivrrl in an rsprcially portfolio has hfrn si*nt thrM* fstiidrnts at! nvpr thr 1 niUd states Thp 1960 Capital C!a football game will hav* Winni.-. C--‘ Cash For Gold After Olympics TO’ EDO Ohm 'ANT' \\ eh-"- McClure. Toledo's Ol yrr. pic gold medal winner, wa- pirsentpd a $4- non car last week by grateful citi zens. McClure who was given a hero's welcome v. nen be returned from Rome, won the 156-pound title in the 17th Olympiad He already w a presented a $-'OO chock, a $-00 watch and other gifts, In 1057. the gross national pi o duct of the I’. S was 40 times ir.a» of South Asia. 20 times that of Africa, ten times that of Latin America. Farmers Home Administration made and insured loans totaling $303,672,000 during the fiscal year ended June 30 Tins compared with $361,629,000 during fiscal 19*9. and an average of $332,600,000 dur ing the past five years. Read pesticide labels. One nut of four North Carolina farmers works off th° the farm 100 days or more annually. , Win ifie cards - -- Studio cards are a ' let ’s have i{- look at the news” type of j greeting card. I Ever since their tnoeption i nearly a decade ago, these subtle, pungent and provocative cards have successfully spoofed current events Take thi* election year, for example. A popular studio card is headlined ”A Toast to my Democratic friends ’* Inside is a giant elephant offering a toast and emitting a juicy Bronx cheer. There is an identi cal card for "Republican friends" with a donkey doing the "razzing." Another card from the same publisher, Rust Craft, applies a popular space-age term to a birthday greeting: “Science discovers magic for mula to reduce age! ..... "COUNT DOWN!" i ‘£ f ' of Petersburg. V; '■ uim3 meet- I Johnson C Smith University, j 9 FOOTBALL! / lJ if) A § Opening Game \||f' Si. Augustine’s &S-' Morris Brown COLLEGE Sat. Sept, 24,1960 KICK OFF 8 P. M. CHAVES PARK Adult Adm $1.50 Student Adm 75e nmmm'inmi main ' n miuii r t war.-jra-aw -•>"- nygw»rrsr-xg“sre Seagrams Sc Crown i *a« IM$/ Pint B sisrusM D'smtw copm, m vert cm. BtWMO wmisky. ss moot «m$ MMmEUVtti. mm j of Charlotte. N\ C . starting tt $ ! r> m.

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