wb eaioiiKms? RALREQB.. R C., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, lArfO 6 "v '’ '.X... . |v| "" ' ' '• f£'l» • jjjg ‘h--Y ; v.' ■' ' .-3§|F ’• ' .'SL •;■:■■■«'-J, y-"'' ■ •*■■ .-■'■■■ • • .■ TV ■ ... ■■■'•'■' • ■«,:• ■■"•vfTi f: : -.,. . ' • ‘'* -I BENNETT FACULTY CONFERENCE Panelists u'6o discussed The Core Approach to baaommg' at she Bennett College annual faculty and staff fall conference which opened yesterday. LaH to right: Dr. C. C Armstrong, religion and philosophy , Dr George Breathett, social science , W*** Latimer, freshman English, Dr. Roy Lee, haste science, and Mrs, Louise Streat, moderator. ——— Hf Old IPiir Gold Straight ¥* gSfrmte£*% •BOURBON » 3 r 4/B Zr ft RISKOy wow wmtuNO eoM»*KV " UWS£NO»UK«, tSMTUCinr litiissisiss iVs $ $ im - PHONE «• TODAY " 2 GET CASH £ 2 TOMORROW * « 9 MODERN FINANCE CORP.’S « H Conveniently located Offices Z s&*v m 110 W. Martin St # 330 S. Salisbury St. ** Phone TE 2-5826 Phone TE 2-7547 4A 3 Better Service ... In Raleigh For Over 25 Years BIM "^ w “ ll ' ,l ' ,l * l ' l,lllll, " , “ iMiWW, ® mmu imwwmini■imniiwiM m i mini C®e.h Too Receive Monthly Payment! 103,26 _ 13.00 W 219,22 20.00 «*• m 320.82 ___._ 24 00 415.14 __ , 30.00 m 4BO\l FATMENTS INCLUDES ALL CHARGES m :modern fiiusce cc n pi 4W Supervised By The State Banking Commission. $ $ I ssssssssssssss s * $ % “your CREDIT IS GOOD AT QUINN'S Freshen Up Your Home now with the Best Distinctive Furniture R. E. Quinn Furniture Co. j i&8 E. Marta St Your Capital City Tel TE 2-4471 Orders Cops To Prohibit Sit-Ins In La. NEW ORLEANS ' ANP> The erstwhile libera! mayor of New Or leans DfLessaps Morrison last week declared that he would urge po lice to use their full powers to stop all sit-in demonstrations and a!', picketing attains! slores considered hostile to Negroes In a special message to the su perintendent of police Mayor Mor rison urged immediate sines* of any violating a new law passed hv the state legislature, admitted!', to -top Negro sit-inners Most of these la's s have already been declared uncon stitutional Negroes and whites formed a group last veek to sit in at the Wool worth Tarial Slrept store to demonstrate against their •lim C row practice at lunch counter* Among the students were five from Diliard Xavier and Southern universities and two wh'-s from j all-white Tulane university These | were arrested hut not on complaint | of the store On the following day ! eighteen N--gro students picketed ; the Cana! street store with banners i*. °* " Pilot Life insurance COMPANY Repairs to,Any TV, Radio Phono, Hi-Fi or Small Appliance. 24 HR, SERVICE! TAYLOR RADIO & TV _ SERVICE *The House Service Built" CALL TE 2-3950 224 E. MARTIN ST. RALEIGH i se. Save at fffil First-Citizens! SAFETY First-Citizens provide* maximum safety for ymzr sav ings. Your savings are insured ay The Federal Deposit In surance Corporation and protected by it bank that has over 62 years experience in safeguarding savings. IMMEDIATE AVAILBILITY There are. no waiting periods before you can withdraw sayings. They are available to you, in cash, at any time. 3 d o GUARANTEED INTEREST Ftrst-Citlsen* guarantees tte interest rates. Savings earn »% guaranteed interest—tha highest rat* which any bang is permitted to pay. Enjoy maximum safety and Beposlf duunutce DEAR | SALLY I DEAR SALLY My fiance is sche duled to serve as best man at a ■wedding in the near future. I've invited been invited to the wedding and reception, but am not a mem ber of the wedding party itself. ! Thp maid-of-honnr is an unmarried sister of the bride, and now my fiance has told me that "good taste" decrees that he must art as the es cort of this girl at the reception and that he must, of coursp, take her home after the reception 1 think he's trying to throw a curve hall past me What do vou sav? : DORIS DEAR DORrS: Hit that curve hall right bark at him' Your fiance is engaged to YOt’. not the bride’* sister, and hi* first obligation is to YOU. no mat ter whose wedding it happen* to be ~ DEAR SALLY To he perfectly j blunt. I'm a liar. I told a real cute j | doll of 2d that I was 22 and I'm i ; really 27 1 had an idea that she'd i he more interested in me if 1 were closer to hpr own age. and that she might think 27 was too old. Smre rhen we \ p been getting along fa mously. hut now that I'm beginning to introduce her to some of my friend' former high school and college classmates—she s certain one of these days to find out about ; he five voars I hacked off my age What should 1 do? ANN A NIAS DEAR ANANIAS: Confess I your fib immediately to the girl, and tell her why you did it. Sinre you've been getting along so "famously" with her. as you say, she'll more than likely laugh at you for your foolishness and make vou pro mise "no more fibbing ” DEAR SALLY My 'on is mar me a girl whose name is Holer Van Dyke I'm having some moro gramming done for her on linens, but. dor,' know whether the mono, grams should be V" or D" No body in the department or station ery stores 'eems to know either 1 ; want to be sure to do this in prop er and tasteful fashion Should I ’■rake these monograms V or D' or possibly Van D ' MRS R T DEAR MRS R T : It is usual these days for the bride to use her married initials, instead of her maiden initials, a* in form er time*—unles* she has linen* in a hope chest done long be fore she met her groom. If vnur new daughter-in-law fol low* the modern custom, she would use. in her rate, the "A"’, rather than the "D"—although "Van D" is permissible— and her monogram w ould be 'TTAT" me HVanDT") with the "T" the deriding factor in anv ar rangement of the monogram. DEAR SALLY Mr wife and I are in a real predicament now TTe -loped and w-ere framed secrellv i 'as* .Tune, and no one else know-c i about this Now our parents are ; making plans for a big wedding ; We both love our parent? dearlv and v” know how deenlr hurt the*- would hp if *kev knew we ar» a!- , reads married We would like verv j mnrh *o have a church wedding ml we're wondering if it would he agamst the law for u? to go through it. since we're already had a s«rret c,vii m-image please will you ad vise ■ ' .T P. DEAR .1 R ) could of course, say that since vou both so stoutlv declare your tore for vour parent* and vour unw ill in goes* to hurt them von *hnuM have thought of thi* in the first nlace and hided vour time until thev could he pres ent at vour real marriage—hut thi* is water over the dam. You ran now-, with perfect legalitv, go through the rhurrh cere monv. even though you're al ready married DEAR SALLY I'm a girl of 1* and ha*e a very good girl friend whose allowance is about three timse bigger than mine Bv the end of a week I'm broke, and she al wavs ins"tc rr f—iting m* to a "cvie nr to cokes or hamburgers 1 j feel like a spongei. and am afraid { Ford Foundation-Virgin Islands Fellowship Awardee 1 1 Morgan State College Graduate I if this keeps on it could eventually end our friendship—and since I j like her so much 1 do want to keep j being friends with her. What S should I do? ANGIE. DEAR ANGIE: If I were you, j Td stop the charity program Tell your friend that you ap preciate her generosity, but that you can no longer accept it. There are plenty of interesting thing* you can do and place* you can visit that ars free. Let your friend know that she doesn't have to buy your friendship. Help Your Child p ml ’ .'^ FRiC£« GOOD THRU SATURDAY. SF.PT. 24. QUANTITY' RIGHTS RFSFRVFD. NOVF SOI D TO DEALERS. |COIO N{ A L STO R eT| CHUCK ij3G| i ROAST / © , 37‘ Natur-Tender Quality Lb 39c , rt , P ravnfn * cm-rs srnGCT w. tendm bommn r*» budget v. rums ! AR ham ! Roast. “ 57c . “ 59c Roast. “ 67c . “ 69c 3 w 53.29 Steak . , t! . 83c 85c Stew Beef i*. 59c VA t $lB 9 SWIFT'S RED EVE BRANT) COUNTRY R\th » l «** •* Hams oThalp ... l .\ 69c Sii. Bacon ... t\ 59c ~ J WINNER QUALITY SHRIMP E * j FRANKS 39* 55c | FREEZER FINDS j E".fi pies i S jt f| jjfj J§| Jill Jlgi m APPLE •PE ACH - CHERRY % !f« feJ II ,£5. s*ioo iqjpgi Jf « “ * f McKenzie Vegetables Ctrl f * FIELD PEAS... St 43c Van,ty Fow Toilef ® BLACKEYES... ”«t 43c r flCClfl ¥ fi 9fl f • CROWDERS ... "t 49c I idlltfli s■ % ud u • • POTATOES ..2 it 39c OLD FASHIONED DAISY MILD AMER. (fi&mm* ~ CHEDDAR CHIiSI --.(Sit.. / ' 1 " JEWCI \ f SHORTENING J MARGARINE. .. 2 lb«. 29c II J BUTTER m 79e %- jf m %W* CAROLINA MAID SWEBT or BLTTERMTLK I jdßtr BISCUITS 4 CAK Sse wtth ** ... v v jy** >* •■ ■ 4-v.»„ > y ~~ LARGE LUSCIOUS RED TOKAY ©§B APES ~. f» YOUNG TENDER YELLOW ©CORN 8-39- FANCY YELLOW ©ONIONS..3 - 15- 280$ $L Wilmington St. • Cameron Village • Northsidle Center • Clenwood VxD age i BALTIMORE, Md. Augustin A Doward, 1960 graduate from j Morgan State College has been a j warded a 1960 Ford Foundation : Virgin Islands Fellowship to study public administration at the gradu ate school of American University during 1960-61 The program includes an intern=- ship with the Department of the Interior, under which department the Virgin Islands are administer ; od. A native of the Virgin Is lands, Mr. Doward is the first student of the Institute for Po litical Education to be so hon- ored The institute is under the direction of Dr G. Janies Fleming, The Institute for Political Edu cation at Morgan State was set up under a grant of $103,000 by the Ford Foundation in 1969 for an ex perimental program in citizenship education over a four-year period During the summer months, the political science major and scholar of the Institute worked in the De partment. of Health in his native Islands, which made him eligible for the award His ambition is to make government administration his life work On the Morgan campus, Mr Doward was chairman of the Stu dent Loan Fund, a member of the | Student Senate and president at the Men's Dormitory Council In addition, he was a member ot Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and i the Promethean Kappa Tau Hon or Society, as well as being listed in Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges About 64 per cent, or almost 1 million acres, of North Carolina s agricultural land is in woods, , Vote in the September 30 Nickels for Know-How Referendum.