Lumumba's Slaying Stuns World 300 Visit ‘Chain Gang 9 IIWI Garold [A, n | VOL. 20. NO. 19 Boy, 13, Is Victim: SlraTßullet Kills Bov Bystander I Shot; Man In Custody FOREST CITY James Hsmp bm. 13, of Foreat City died last weekend tn a local hospital after being hit by a stray bullet. Police are holding a South Caro lina youth in connection with the slaying of the youth who was pass ing by a group of persons arguing after a basketball game. Officers said young Hampton •was shot in the head by a stray bullet from inside a dance hall. Alonzo IJttlejohn. 20, of Gaffney, S C.. was charged in connection with the slaying, Deputy Sheriff Mite* Cooper Mid the argument developed at at * dance hail after a high achool basketball game at Spin dale He Quoted witnesses as j saying that a group ganged up on s companion of Littlejohn, who went to his car, got a pis tol and returned to the hall. He then began firing, it »a* reported. His companion was wounded :n , the ehooting. fCONTTNt ■ ’) ON PAGE &. v , I SUSPECT HELD Cinan-l neti Redleg ball plaier, Frankie Robinson, tn shewn here in the Cincinnati, Ohio Jail where he was being held on suspicion He was picked up lest week in a Psamburger stand and when searched, officers found a load ed pistol in his pocket. (UPI TELEPHOTO ). CAROLINIAN —— ——— —- ADVERTISERS BUY FROM THEM _ *>\GE S Horton * ( ash St -re Mother A Daughter Store* PAGE 31 Johnson ljimh» Co. Goodman'* Indies Shop < ommunln Florist Sh' view Drlv»-ln PAGE 5 HiuSson-Betk Co. Carter’s, Inc. Sunshine Bakery La w renre Bros * o S M Younts Co Standard Concrete Product* Co. PAGE 6 Gua Russo* Hatter* ii Cleaner* Correll Coatl Co. Macon’s Barber »,sop " Martin St. laundromat (Jmstead's Gror. *> Transfer Central Drug Store Carolina Power & Light Co. ©ova Music Co. Mechanic* & Farmer* Hank Brook* Appliance Co. PAGE 1 Sander* Motor Co. Sanders Tractor Di.vliion o’NaAi Motors, Inc. Weaver Bros. Rambler PAGE I Colonial atemt * North Carolina's Leading Weekly RALEIGH. N. C.. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1961 f|| , ’W’ f MOBUTU ON THE OFFENSIVE. Major Gen Joseph j Mobutu, shown at a recent press conference in Leopoldville before leading an Army battalion up the Congo River on an expedition against the late ex-premier Patnce Lumumba's supporters tn O nental Province. He emerged as a more conrov eraial figure Mon day when it was announced that Lumumba is dead. Mobutu said that the. Congo Army would go to war to prevent disarming. i Lottery Tern Appealed By Raleigh Resident Edwin McKee Freeman, 819 E. Hargett Street, was sentenced to six months on the roads Friday fol lowing a conviction in City Court on charges of operating a lottery. He gave notice of appeal to Wake ODDS-ENDS B Y ROBE ST G. SHEPARD “What ! ut unto one, I asy unto all: WATCH. ' I DO WE WANT A COUNCIL 1 MEMBER* During the first, week ' in April, a primary to select 14 , j persons as candidates for the May- City Council eieet’on will he held If we follow our usual m*• 1 tom we will select a candi date and. It is likely that be will receive sufficient rote* to f CONTINUED ON PAGE *1 R E. Quinn Furniture Co. Mouern Finance Corp. iay lor Radio A TV' Service < Karl Lirhtman Washington Terrace Apt*, Inc PA«»K s SAP Food Store* Cameron-Brown Co. firestone Store* Taylor Radio A TV Service f irst Citizen* Bank A Trust Co. Turner's Florist ; Acme Realty Co. i PAGE 10 Bioodworth St. Tonrb Home Ridgeway's Opticians Carolina Builder* Corp. Caveness Insurance Agency ; 7-Cp Bottling Co. Dilion Motor Finance Co, Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co of Raleigh Warner Memorials Deluxe Ho'teJ PAGE 12 Thomas Pood Mkt. Capita! Ire & Coal Co Rhodes. Inc Major Finance Co.. Im I PAGE 16 Raleigh Seafood Co. | Dunn s Esso Service Branch ’Banking A Trust t | Hunt General Tire Co. Superior Court His bond was set i at SSOO. Detective Sgt. E. C Duke testified that Freeman was ar rested Dec. 7 and had in his possession papers which indi cated he was a "pickup man” for the numbers racket here. The papers allegedly showed that Freeman had collected $120.11 from four numbers racket pickup sta tions. according to Duke Duke said the stations were list, i ed as 1, 2. 6. and 20. beside each (CONTTNCED ON PAGE 2) i The five day weather fpre- j east for Raleigh, beginning Thursday, February 16. and continuing through Monday, February' 2d, is as follow*: Temperatures will average 8 to 10 degree* above normal. The normal high and low tem j peratares will be 54 and 38 de ! grees. Rainfall will average one-half of an Inch or less. Showers are expected during the weekend. Mild weather is i expected throughout the pe riod. NC Master Barbers T o | Meet Here The Master Barbers Association will hold a one-day convention at ! the Elks Horne here Sunday at 2 ! P m. Main speaker for the event will be J. J. S&nsom, vice-pres ident and manager of the Ra leigh branch. Mechanics apt) Farmers Bank. The two-year-old organization started in Winston-Salem. Its pur- ! (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Uprisings Staged In Many Areas i I EI.ISABEVILLE. Katanga— The j d‘ ath of Patrice Lumumba. 35. ex- ! premier of the Congo, w as announ ced by the Katanga government Monday The government defied the United States or anyone else 1 to do anything about it. President Moise Tshombe’ti office said the deposed Lumum ba's body lie* in an unmarked grave and the village tribes men v» ho slew him arc going to receive sg.ftflO as a reward for capturing a criminal. Tshombe was an arch foe of Lumumba Following the announcement., ri oting broke out in many «re*w. ■ eluding Russia, where African stu dents arc studying. Crowds eon verged on many embassies, tnelud ing those of ti e United States in (< ONTTSt t n ON PAGE Vi Youth Dies After Being Hit By Car i FUQUAY SPRINGS—A teenager 'was fatally injured here Saturday i night when struck oy an automo bile. Charles Judd. 16, of Holly ; Springs. Route 1. was struck by a car as he was ■. -ik on West ; Academy Street about R cm Judd mod about 10.30 p n at Memorial Hospital. Chapel Hill. Police Office) Ha. . Rail of Fu ] quay Springs investigated the acci ; dent. The car was driven by Robeit iG Horton. 35 of this town Ball said that Judd may have I walked into the patn of Horton's ! car Fuqauy Springs Police Chief Chester Holland said a coroner's inquest into the death has been set for Fib 24 Horton is under | (CONTINUED ON PAGE J> DR WEAVER APPROVED - Chairman A. Willis Robertson of the Senate's Banking Committee refused to start hearings on the nomination of Dr. Robert C. Weaver, seated, as Federal Housing Administrator until President John F. Kennedy vouched for Weaver's loyalty. Dr. Weaver is shown here conferring with Sen. Kenneth Keating ( R-N.Y .) while waiting for the hearing to begiq. The Committee later approved Dr. Weaver. ( UPI TELEPHOTO). Sit-Inners Receive SC ] Caravan ROCK HILL, S C—Thirty-day chain gang sentences were accept* ed by eight members of Friendship CORF and CORE field secretary Thomas Gaither recently in prefer ence to paying $lO Olines for sitting >n. They are now on the York ! County Chain Gang. - 300 persons visited the prison Sunday to see the prisoner* and were admitted in groups of 30 by 100 policemen. The nine CORE member* were given the option of the flhatn gang or of the fine by fCOWTINCED OK PAGE »> THOMAS GAITHER Woman Beaten, *Robbed Dl RHAM A widespread search a.-' underway this week for a yo ~ Negro man. who al ; legr-dly c n i;i iited an assault-rob i bery at Ihe Mangum Street Store j here Monday. | Mrs C !>do F Copley S 9 wife of jihe store's owner, sustained a fiac tured jaw and was knocked uncon- I scions by the 'unidentified assail j anl Her condition wa* described as "good" hr official* at Watts (CONTINUED ON PAGE I) Group Ends Boycott Os One Store The joint committee of the Ra leigh Citizens Association and the National Association for the Ad vancement of Colored People, lead ers of a "selective buying" cam paign .n the city by boycotting several chain stores announced Tuesday that it* patronage would be returned to the Piggly Wiggly (CONTtNCEO ON PAGE *> PRICE 15C j ■ .. &* i. S PROTEST JAIL SENTENCE Pickets demonstrate at Me’ ;> > t .;i \'-,w York': 34th Street, to protest the tail sentences recently imposed on nine Negro youth - lor their si tot demonstration in a southern store of the company. The youths were sentenced to jail terms it Rock Hitt, S. C., for refusing to teave a segregated lunch counter. The pickets, from the Con gress of Racial Equality (CORE), wear striped orison costumes and carrv sledge hammers. CO RE said the nine jailed youths were sentenced to labor on a chain gang. (UP! PHOTO). White Ambassadorial Corps Chosen For African Nations WASHINGTON (ANPi lt ap- | peared tht* week that America's top echelon diplomatic representa tion m west Africa will be all whita. Chapel Hill Group Prays At Town Hall 1 CHAPICL HILL Sixty portion* | marched from the First. Baptist i Church here Sunday down Franb jl in Street and converged on th« I Town Hall singing hymns. A brief prayer meeting was held. ! asking for an end to segregation in j the theatres and other public pla leea of (be Chapel Hill srea The march vu undertaken In observance of Brotherhood Sunday and in support of pic keting. conducted during tho past week at two downtown movie house* her*. The group was escorted down (CONTINUED ON PAG® Z> Appointment Os Weaver Confirmed WASHINGTON <ANP» ln what turned out to be the first of President Kennedy's appointments to encounter major Senate opposi tion, Dr Rrebert C Weaver of New York was confirmed last week as federal housing administrator. The Senate was urged on to speedy action by the White House. Senate confirmation climaxed hours of debate in which Weaver, .13. a Harvard graduate, was de scribed by critics as a zealot for integrated housing and by support ers as a dedicated American who will do a fine job. About IS to 20 senators were in chamber and there was no recot* vote. Confirmation was by von* vote A number of scattered "ayes' and "noes" was heard, (CONTINUED ON PAGE f) | It was reported this week that Dr. John H Morrow, the only A merican Negro with ambassadorial | rank in Africa is to be recalled from Guinea end replaced by Wil liam Atwood, foreign editor of Look magazine, CONFIRMS WHITE APPOINTMENTS Simultaneously the Kennedy ad ministration renamed » number of white diplomats already serving in Africa Their appointments were confirmed last week They ara Wendell Black*, anihamador ko the Congo end a to* *n Chad and the Gabon Republic; Joseph Palmer n, ambassador to Nigeria. R Borden Ream*, ambassa dor to the Ivory Coast and also the Republics of Dahomey and Niger; Francis H. Russell, am hasoarior to Ghana; Henrv A. Vlllard. ambassador to Senegal and also to the Islamic Repub lic of Mauritania and Thomas N. C RISHOP CONFERS WITH BAHAMAS GOVFP NOR—Bishop H. B Shaw, Wilmington. N C . who presides over the third Episcopal District. AAIE Zion Church. in< hidmt the Bahamas, shown on the right, recently discussed the work ot the church, national and international affairs with Sir Robert Stapledon, (left), governor of the Bahama Islands. Re v. A. C Rolle is presiding elder of the Nassau District. Both the governot and the bishop were well pleased with th outcome of the meeting Thj« scene took place in the Bahamas j <5.000 Physicians To i Attend 4'onvenfion j NFW YORK. N Y—Plan* for | th* 06*h annual eonvention of th# I National Medical Aaaorsation » «■« announced here last week at a meeting of th* organization's board of trustees The convection, wtieduled to be held here August T through 19 with the Hotel Commodore as headquarters, is expected to be attended by approximately 5.008 physician* and their fam ilies, according to l>r. Murray Davis, High Point. N. C„ chair man of YMA board of trustees. The meeting held Saturday and 1 Sunday at the Hotel Commodore was addressed by the N"MA presi dent. Dr. James T Aldrich of St Louis and president-elect. Dr. Vaughn C Mason. New York Dr. John B Johnson of Washing -1 ton, D C , scientific chairman of the association, announced that a (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2> tandidaie? The name of John W. Winters, local real estate dealer, was ap proved last week by the Raleigh Cltlaens Association as a candi date for the Raleigh City Council, subject to the May elections. It was not known whether Mr. 1 Winters would accept the approv al and announce his candidacy. Several other prominent persons 1 here were considered by the Asso ciation. K Wrlcht. ambassador !o Mali Morrow, who has been in Gun's* * since 1939. was p;of< >:or at Noi'U (f'OVTTM ! D ON PA CL Z) Teachets : f Wake Choose 2 Officers METHOD The v; . «• Co v Teachers Association m-t in si v >• - at tap Berry O'Kelly 1' St-.u ” ; here and named two additional of | fleers. Several hundred teacher; ! were present. Presiding was President F I. Sander*. Sr Flirted vie* presi (CONTtM'r.n ON PAGE »> I number of nationally renowned phvsjcisns ha”# accepted mvita ticns to appear on the program A wide rang* of problem* and meet ! sigificant new advances are to b« discussed including a symposium on canoar Th? scientfie program. Highly rrarded a* * '‘capsule po** graduate course* has become a highlight of the annual conven tion under the chairmanship of Dr. Johnson. Many of the na (CONTINUED ON PAGE J> 1 State News Brief TO DISCUSS “CUBAN PROBLEM* RALEIGH—Dr. Thedra Oliver, professor of physics at Shaw Uni versity, will speak in the West Campus auditorium a1 Shaw Uni versity, February IS. from 0 until 7 pm The title of his address will be: “The Cuban Problem in the United States. 1 ’ The event will be under th? aus i pices of the Beta Rho chapuP* of fCONTINUED ON PAGE **

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