Man Held As Poison ‘Booze’ Seller + + + + + + + + + + + + 4* + District NAACP Pledges “More Dynamic Action” HUSTLED OUT U. N. security guards aided by United Press International stall photo grapher Joel Landau (second from left ) escort a Negro demonstrator from the Security Council chamber Feb. 15f/i. Landau suffered a severe forehead gash during the wild melee in which Negro demonstrators from the gallery interrupted the Security Council's Congo debate. The demonstra tors were protesting the slaying of former Congo Premier Lumumba ( UPI PHOTO). Winston-Salem Resident To Face Judge In Whiskey Case WINSTON-SALEM —Milton Da vis, Jr„ of Winston-Salem, believ ed to be the seller of the white whiskey drunk the day before by * prisoner that died on his way to a Central Prison unit has been picked up. according to the Prisons Department. A gallon of white whiskey was found in Davis' residence and tests are now being con- Chairmen OfUICF Drive Named NEW YORK—B ice Barton has accepted the national chairmanship of the United Negro College Fund's 1961 appeal, John D. Rockefeller 3rd, chairman. UNCF National Council, has announced. Mr, Barton, chairman of the hoard, Batten. Barton. Durstine & Osborn advertising agency, heads the UNC’F campaign for the third successive year. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Begins Term Edw in McKee Freeman of Sl9 E, Hargett Street withdrew his appeal of a City Court con viction of operating a lottery and began serving a six-month prison sentence, The judgment was amended by Judge Pretlow Winborne to provide that Free man serve his time at the VTake County Home, reportedly be cause of hi* advanced age. Freeman is said to be near 70 years-old. - CAROLINIAN —————— — ADVERTISERS g —— BUY FROM THEM PAGE, 3 Horton t t'»*h Si,re Thomas Food Mkt. ,!oe Murnick Promotion PAGE 3 Walker Martin, Inc. Turner's Florist Hove Music Co. Lawrence Bros. Co. CAGE * Electrical Wholesaler*, Inc. Raleigh Loan Office Hudson-Belk Co. Sunshine Bakery Mechanic* & Farmers Bank PAGE 6 Cameron-Brown Co. Carolina Power & Light Co. Public Service Co. Firestone stores Modern Finance t'orp, ft. S. Quinn Furniture Co. & M. Young Hard wait Co PAGE 7 Weaver Bros., Rambler Kir Walter Chevrolet Co. PAGE % Colonial Store* ®r»oks Appliance Co, PAGE » AttP Foot! Store* Correll Coal Co. First Cttlaen* Bank &- Trust Co The Capitol Coca-Cola Bottling Co. PAG® to •leodwortb St JMuri< Some The Standard Printing CD* 220-i’se 3, First St* lou.i sjlll 6 1 Ky, comp ducted io determine if it is poi sonous, the department added. A hearing is scheduled for Feb ruary 2S, John Perkins, 4s. of Winston-Sa lem, died on his way to prison Monday He had been sentenced to 30 days on a vagrancy charge in a local court. Perkins was being transferred, along with another in mate. Alonzo Lawling, from For syth County Jail to Stokes County prison unit. ODDS-ENDS BY ROBERT G. SHEPARD “By their fruits ye shall know them." FRAUD AT CITY HAUL: If a recent news item in one of this city's dailies is true, one of the cheapest frauds ever conceived is being carried out at the new city hall Some time ago the Raleigh Citizens Association made in quiries at City Hall regarding segregated rest rooms. The Ne gro delegation was assured that proper step# would be taken to eliminate this illegal practice. The delegation was assured that no discriminatory markings would he used in the designation of rest room fa cilities. According to the news item al readv referred to, the promise to avoid any racial designations on the doors of the rest -rooms at city hall has been kept. The doors of the public rest rooms are simply marked M arid W and a room num ber. The employes on the second floor where the public rest rooms are all located hare allegedly been in structed to refer all Negroes to a certain numbered rest room and (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Ridgeway's Opticians Carolina Builders t orp i ( aveness Insurance Agency 7-Up Bottling ( o Dillon Motor Finance Co. i‘i pal—Cola Bottling Co. of Ralelvh Warner Memorials Deluxe Hotel r.AGE a •loe Mitrnlrk Promotion PAGE 13 Shoe Mart Hooker's Cleaner* Major Finance Co. Hofmann Furniture Cn Seven-Up Bottling Co. Charles Dept. Store j Nelson's. Inc. » •toy's American Grill ; Capitol Bargain Store G. S. Tucker Bros.. Inc. I Browning Barber Shop American Credit Co. ! PAGE ]« Taylor Radio A TV Service ! Raleigh Seafood Co. Acme Realty Co, Dunn's Esso Service i Branch Banking Ac Trust f , Hunt General Tire Co. I Washington Terrace Apt*., Inc. i Ambassador Theatre Standard Concrete Products Co. i Karl Llchtman 1 Major Finance Co., Inc. He complained of being sick 1 and said he had been drinking liquor prior to his conviction. He was treated by a doctor, who ordered Perkins to a pris on hospital. He died just before reaching the prison. Davis was identified b\ Law ling | as the seller of the whiskey Per* j kins drank, according to the Pris* | ons Department, 9 Charged In Walk-in At Greenville BY J. B. HARKEN GREENVILLE S C.—The 9th An nual Southeast NAACP Regional Conference closed here Sunday on a high note of optimism following the arrest here Saturday of nine youths who were attending the NAACP youth meeting as they ''trespassed' on a public park. The alleged "'trespassing' - occur red during a driving rain when the youths sought to use the Cleveland Park, which Police Captain L D Cothrane told the w nter was a public facility. Six officers were (CONTINt Ml ON V\t V PILE suit ALAI:, >T P R ESI D EN 7 KENNEDY A group of Virginians filed suit in V. S District Court last week asking for a fiat ban on Federal aid to segregated schools. The suit nam ed as defendants : President John F Kennedy Treasury Secretary Dillon and others in the Fed | era! government. It asked the court to issue injunctions to stop distribution of funds to schools which i have not integrated. Two of the plaintiff'-, Leonard W. Holt, Jr., left and John A. Goldett, Jr,, both Jo/ Norfolk , Va. me shown after tiling the suit (UPI TELEPHOTO). .'.A,;.;,. 1 .".'.'AAAAA'J.'A A,^.,. : .... i.. VOL. 20. NO. 20 Sit-In Convicts Begin Work Oa. Attorney Challenges Delegates BY J. B. HARREN GREENVILLE. S. C— In his ad dress to the Awards Night Ban rjnet of the Pv. Annua! Southeast Regional ’ \ACP Conference held in the Ghana Motel Dining Room, attorney Donnell L Hollowel! of Atlanta, Ga . chief counsel in gain ing the admission of Hamilton Holmes ;)po Charlane Hunter into the University of Georgia, railed upon colored people for “More Dy namic Action" in stepping up the pace of working for complete first class citizenship for all Americans irrespective of race or creed. After a brief recap of the events (now well-known to the world) leading up to the triumphal entry and reentry of the students as the first of color to grace the campus (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) '** Old North State Medics Plan Meet GREENSBORO—The Old North State Medical Society will hold its 74th annual convention at A&T College on June 13-15, returning i here for the third straight, year, j Details for the upcoming conven- 1 tion were worked out at a meeting of the Executive Committee con- j ducted here at the local El Rncco Club last Sunday afternoon, Peb- j ruary 12 Dr. C. D. Watts, Durham sur- j (CONTINUED ON PAGE Z) Ambassador WASHINGTON, D. C. Clif- ; ion R. Wharton, 61, now minis ter to Romania, was named Monday by Ihresident John F. Kennedy to be ambassador to Norway. As ambassador. Whar- i ion will hold the highest rank i a Negro has held as a career ! diplomat in the United State*. i RUSSIA URGES RECOGNITION OF GIZENGA RE GIME—In a forma! statement, the Soviet Union called last week, for recognition of the government of Antoine Gizenga, shown a above. as the “legitimate government of the Congo." Gizenga was Vice Premier i nthe original government of the late Patrice Lum * umba. At the same time, Russia said it would no longer recognize Dag Hammarskiold as Secretary- General of the United Nations and demanded his removal. ( UP! PHOTO). Alleged Slayer Os Teacher Released On $25,000 Bond KINSTON Winston Phillips, a Durham resident charged wit the murder of a Kinston school teach er, was released from jail Friday under a bond of $25,090. Phillip* was charged with the murder of Mrs. Ruth Graham Tillery, former teacher at the Adkin High School. He had RALEIGH, N. C„ SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 55, 1961 been held in jaH since Decem ber 27. 196(1 At a hearing last week in Golds boro, Judge Rudolph Mint* of Goldsboro found insufficient evi dence to hold Phillips without priv ilege of bof.d. The bond was posted by four men: James Gray of Wilming ton, $12,500; Dr. P. 11. W’iliiam sori of Gastonia. $3,090; M. A. Gates of Durham, $9,990; and {CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) ilr.W caver 3lmci Inio Apartment WASHINGTON —Housing Administi'ator Robert C. Weaver, a strong advocate of slum clearance programs, said last week he had moved into an urban renewal a partment house because Tm put ting my money where my mouth is." Weaver is living in an apartment in the heart of the capital's South west renewal project. (CONTINUED ON PAGE Vl Cab Driver Hobbed Here Calvin Murray of 2739 Laden Street hcie and driver for the Yel low Cab Company, told police last weekend: ‘The man pointed at me what looked like a 45 caliber au tomatic, and told me to hand over my money." This is the manner in which Mur ray described to officers how an armed passenger took S4O and his billfold when he asked the man for the cab fare. {CONTINUED ON PAGE » Taken Out Os Solitary Confinement ROCK HILL. SC Eight sit in demonstrators, released from solitary confinement late Monday, returned to their work details Tuesday at the York County Pris on Camp. York Count; supervisor, .1. Ed Allen, reported that the eight railed for him and Pris on Superintendent Charles C. Maloney late Monday and said thew were ready to return to work. He said all eight were then released from solitary confinement and were hark at assigned jobs. They were among 13 demon strators who chose to go to jail rather than past bail following conviction in anti-segregations The prisoners refused to work reportedly and were placed in sol itary confinement last Friday. They received their first full meal Monday after two days of bread and water. The disciplinary action was the second taken against the sit-inners, said Maloney. The eight jail“d include field secretary Thomas Gaither of the Congress on R a c i a 1 Equality (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Person Is '‘County Os- The Year” GREENSBORO —Person County ha* been named winner of the 1960 North Carolina "County of the Year" award for rural progress. The sward is given annually in the county in which the Negro pop ulation has in the past year con tributed the most impressive gams to the overall development of the county. With the honor goes the William Poe Memorial Cup, named in honor of the late editor of the Progressive Farmer, the Raleigh publication. The announcement was made late Saturday by Dr. William E. Reed, chairman of the Rural Progress Committee and dean of the School of Agriculture at A&T College. A&T College sponsor* the project. Person County won out in elim inations over three other North Carolina counties which placed in the following order. Orange, Dun lin and Bertie. A total of 71 coun ties participated in the campaign. The decision was reached follow m » tabulation of ballots cast by members of the Committee who visited each of the finalist counties for examination of statistical re port® and on-the-spot observations. Th» winning county, in the unan imous opinion of the judges ' had demonstrated the most impressive iTOimNUF.It ON PAGE *> SCCollege Picketed By 19 Students WHITE S. C. COLLEGE ROCK HILL, S. C.—Coeds from Friendship Junior College here sought admission to Winthrop Col lege Friday, were refused, and then picketed ihe South Carolina state supported college for white wom en. Nineteen Negro women pic ’ keted in from of the school with signs proclaiming their right to enroll at the coliege. A car. containing several coeds who said they had intended to en roll at Winthrop, had been turned away earlier by campus police. Some twelve students, at the i same time, also from Friendship, i staged anti-segregation demonstra- j lions at lunch counters in two I downtown drug stores, 1 W ' JlNr yP ffr f f V & y< - V - i MISS BARBU! \ ADAMS Ligoii Pupil First In Typing Tzzl Mi-s Barbara Adau - • ,* ! Ihe J. W Ligon High Si ■ |ed first hi acmv (of . • . > f hundred, twenty-five yui-v: i l all over th.» eastern <• •. . i f North Carolit'a to win !'■ . t typing contest for the ..... .... I group. The contest involving ap proximately 160 students and twelve schools y