THE CABOLIKIAN RALEIGH, N. C„ SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1881 Fayetteville Radio Listings WFNC Monday - Friday 5:30 —Brothei Strickland show 7 03—The TM Show 7:3O—N C. News 7:3s—World News. 7:4o—Around the Markethouse i Local News) 7.4s—The TM Show 9:o3—Chris Mack Show 11:03—Brother Strickland 12:30—Around the Markethouse (Local News) 12:35—N. C. News 12:40—World News 12:45—Music I:oo—The Rockin’ Rudy Show 3:oo—The Chris Mack Show 6:oo—World News 6:os—Sportsnews g: 15—Around the Markethouse (Local News) 6:3o—The Lloyd Foster Show 8 08—Tower in the Sky (To 12 Midnight) SATURDAY A. M, &iso—-Brother Strickland Show 7:oß—The TM Show 7:3o—World News f C. New* I:4o —Around the Markethouse (Local News) ?:4i— I The TM Show 8 •ss__ Weekend H:oß—Brother Strickland SATURDAY P M. 14 30—Weekend 13:30—Around the Markethouse (Local News) 13.8ft—County Agent 12:46—Weekend B:oo—Tower In The Sky NOTE:—Eves? Hour on the Hour. Weather Every Hour on the HaW-Hour News WFNC Cape Fe»r Broadcasting Company HMM) William Clark Road Fayetteville, North Carolina HUdson 4-4181 Sunday 7; qo—Weekend 7:9o—Stare For Defense Fayetteville’s Birectory Os Churches BvaoF Metropolis®© IMor. 2. w. Witst'A Parior N. ®ool Spring* Street Beaver Greek S. S. Msyna®, Pastor Bfesfe Jack RcL Mo©d<* Temple Rev, V. X. Wasi*®, Pastor RaAeagSh Rd. Look’* Creek Bwr. &. L. Brovm, Pastor Near Winder Memorial Rev. A. H. Storr*. Pastor St Nie®r Bethel Rev. L. H. kin*, Pastor Reeterd Rd, New Mt. Zion Rev. L. T. Taylor, Pastor Saetover Sakst John Rev. P. W. Sykes. Pastor Bmgg Blvd, W©s.l#y Chapel Rev. (Miss) E. V. Mclver, Pastor IT. S. 801 at Wade BAPTISTS Falling Run Church Cwedar Creek Rd. Rev. O L. Bennett, Pastor First Baptist Rev. C. R. Edwards, Pastor Fwmklin Street Second Baptist Rev. Cas. E. Perry, Pastor Friendship Rev. J. W. Simpson, Pastor Campbell Ave. Mount Sinai Rev. M. R. Silver, Pastor 1217 Murchison Rd Park'Bs Chapel Rev. E. A. .Jackson, Pastor Slocomh Rd. Smith’s Chapel Rev. J. C. Smith, Pastor Durham St. Pmey Grove Rev G. L Elliott, Pastor Anthony Ave. CATHOLIC Saint Ann s Church N. Cool Springs St' DISCIPLE Pleasant Grove Rev, F J Matthews Pastor North Racepath Street EPISCOPAL Kami Joseph's Ramsey St METHODIST John Wesley liiS Cumberland Street Rev R B McCrae, Pastor Saint. Luke A M E Cashwell St. Rev W T. Holland, Pastor ~ HOLINESS New ( oven.(fit United Church if God, Giil St., Elder O C Grove. Pastor; Eldei Prince Pm cell, AmL The Bible Way Pentecostal Bishop O. L, Conyers, Pastor 405 Vanstory St PUS SB YTERIAN Haymont Rev. C. H Thomas, Minister Sea brook Rd Coliege Heights Rev. R. A, Massey, Minister Bay St ■ 7:45—0ral Robert* 8:00—Bi other Strickland B:4s—Golden Tones 9:oo—Bonnie Doone Church Ot Christ 9:ls—Golden Trumpeteers 9:30 L. L. Gospel Singers 9:4s—Weekend 11:00—Local Church Services 12:00—Weekend 3:oo—Tower In The Sky NOTE:—Every Hour on the Hour Weather Every Hour on the Half-Hou. News RADIO SCHEDULE FOR WIDU 5 AM. to 7 P.M. MUSIC (■'Tempo 1 ' News Every Hour WFAI Monday - Friday A. M. Schedule 12:05—Remote from Lafayette Bowling Lanes o;30—Bill Bowser Show fa-00—World News 6:05—Bill Bowser Show 7:ls—Morning News 17 .20—State & Local News 7:25 —Jim Kelso Show 7 55—Weather Summary 1:00—CBS Nrvs Roundup—Jim Kelso Show S:OO—CBS News s:lo—Arthur Godfrey Time : 0-00— CBS News 10:10—Hou.«. Party (CBS' 10:30—Garry Moore 'CBS' .o.4o—Crosby u. Clooney (CBS' 11:00—CBS News 11:10—Walter Moring Show I :30—Man m Pans (CBS' i<:3s—Walter Moring Show it 55—Remote from Lafayette Bowling Lanes L : 00—Noon News P. M. Schedule .2 05—State Sc Local News 12:10—Weather 12-15—Eye-Lights (ladies prog.) 12:30—Man & Wife 'CBS' s 00— CBS News (10 mm > ' :30—Woman'.-, Washington 2:OO—CBS News I s:3o—Personal Story | 3:00 —CBS News | 3 30—Information Central 3:35—8i1l Bowser Show i 00— CBS News 4 10—Bill Bowser Show 4 30—Sidelights (CBS' 4-35—8i1l Bowser Show 5 00— CBS News 5 TO—Bill Bowser Show 5 30 Remote from Fox Drive- In Theatre s 00—News 5 05—State A: local News 6 TO—Time Out for Sport# b: 15—Remote from Fox Drive- In Theatre B:4s—Lowell Thomas 'CBS) s 55—Sports Time (CBS’ ‘. 00— CBS News 7-10—In Person «CBS* 7:3o—News Analysts (CBS' 7 35—Double Your Pleasure 7'3s—Curt Nunnery Show ' Mon. - Thurs.) 7.4o—Curt Nunnery Show 'Fri.i 8:00—Bill Bowser Show B:oo—Curt Nunnery Show (Tues. & Thurs.) if);OO—CBS News 1C -10—Curt Nunnery Show (Mon., Tues.. Wed.. Thurs.) ;nTO—Biil Bowser Show (Fri.) 11:00—News II 05 —Remote from Lafayette Bowling Lanes 12 00—News & Weather Saturday A. M. Schedule 05—Remote com Lafayette Bowling Lanes 5:30—Bill Bowser Show 6.oo—World News 6.05—8i1l Bowser Show 7-25—News :3s—Teen Time 100— CBS News I.os—Coleman On Snort* 1 TO—Double Your Pleasure—Teen Time I:3o—Let's T-tvel :35—Teen Time 2 00— CBS News 2 05 —Teen Time 3.oo—Paul Ham Show 4 30—Calling America 4 35—Paul Haas Show s:3o—Sound Story o:3s—Marine Band 6 00— CBS News fi-10—Double Your Pleasure 6:ls—Remote fiom Fox Drive- In Theatre i .55—Sports Time 700— CBS News 7:05 —Remote from Fox Drive- In Theatre 8 00—News Analysts (CBS) B.os—Coleman On Sports B.lo—-Paul Haas g 30—N. Y. Philharmonic 1.0-30 Paul Haa* II 00—News 11 05—Paul Hans 12 00—Ne ws & Weather 12 05—Sign Off Sunday A. M. Schedule 6:29—Sign On 6.30—8i1l Bowser Show 8:00—Gospel Tabernacle f 30—Gospel Sells 8 00—Shut In Program 9 30—Science Beat (CBS) 8 35—Path Hass 3o 00—-CBS News 110.03 —Sunday School Lecaon 10 30—Report From Moscow 10:35—Paul Haa* Show ! -1:00—Second Bapt. Church 12:00—CBS News P. M. Schedule 12 05—Coleman On Sport® 12:10—Double Your Pleasure i?:ls—Salt Lake Tabernacle 12:40—Follow Up 12:45—Church In The Wildwood x.OO—Country Church I:IS—CBS News 3:2o—Coleman On Sport* 1-25 U. S. Air Force Show . .30—Report From London . :35—Paul Haas Show 2:OO—CBS News 2:os—Paul Haas Show 4 30—Headliner The row between the Teamsters union and the AFL-CIO flared anew' here B:oo—Music For Young At Heart B:3o—News Headlines & Weath’r B:32—Music For Young Al Heart B:ss—News ABC B:oo—Music For Young At. Heart 9:3o—News Headlines ■ Weath’r I:32—Sunday Music I:ss—Weekend News 2:oo—Employment Security Commission 2:os—Sunday Music 2:2s—Weekend News ABC 2:3o—Sunday Music 2:ss—Weekend News ABC 3:oo—Speaking of Sports—AßC 3:oß—Sunday Music 3:2B—News Headlines & WeathY 3:3o—Hour of Decision 4:00—Old Fashion Revival Hr. 4:3o—News Headlines * Weath’r 4:32—Sunday Music s:2B—News Headlines * Weath'r s:3o—The Big Bands 6:oo—Sunday Music 6:25—A Look at the Weather 6:3o—Sunday Music 7:oo—Speaking of Sports- ABC 7:oß—Sunday Music 7:3o—Weekend News—AßC 7:3s—Sunday Music 7:sß—Weekend News ABC B:oo—Music For Young At Heart B:3o—News Headlines & Weath'r B:32—Music For Young At Heart B:ss—News ABC 9:oo—Music For Young At Heart 9:3o—News Headlines & Weath’r 9:32—Music Fof Young At Heart »: 55—News ABC 10:00—Music Fof Young At Heart 10:30—News Headlines * Weath’r 10:32—Music For Young At Heart 10:55—News _ ABC 11:80—Sports Final 11:05—WFLB Show Time—MYH 11:30—Neya Headline. & Weath'r 11:32—Sign Off last week to almost wreck a "get acquainted' meeting railed bv Rep. Adam Clayton Powell, chairman of the Powerful House committee on Labor and Education. Some AFL-CIO officials boy cotted the meeting because a Teamsters Union official was pre sent Lobbyists for individual AFL CIO unions attended. AFL-CIO President George NFa ny ordered legislative representa tives of the parent labor organiza tion to stay away from the session after Powell invited Sidney Zagri. Beaver Creek News BY MRS MARY T ROBINSON ft MS HIGGINS STREET PHONE HU 4-0347 FAYETTEVILLE The regular Sunday service at Beaver Creek AME Zion Church besfhri Sunday with the Sunday School at 9:30 with the superintendent Mrs. E. S Simmons, in charge. Following the Sunday School, the pastor. Rev. E. H. -Beebe, brought the morning message, using for lus text, the llth verse of the !19th Psalm. Subject: The best thing in the best place for the best purpose.’’ The music was furnished by the youth and junior choir, under the direction of Mrs F. S Simmons, with Mrs. Simmons at the piano At 3 pm Rev Beebe, accompan ied by the Female Gospel Singers of Reaver Creek, rendered m tvk - at Swan Creek Baptist Church The Rev Blue is the pastor. The night service at Braver Creek was sponsored by the Stew ardess Board No 4 Mrs Alice L McPherson is the president Re v George Williams and the gospel chorus of Thaddeus Chapel render ed the service. The King’s Daughters Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Monroe on the Yadkin Rd Sun day, Feb 19. Mrs Roma Mcgor gan is the president. The Usher Board of Beaver Creek Church met Thursday night at the home of Sgt. and Mrs Burkes, on Broadsel! Drive in Fayetteville Born to Sgt and Mrs. George Carter, a daughter, Joanie La Jean, at Womack Hospital. Fort Bragg Mrs Carter is the former Miss Loin-ice Williams, daughter of Mr and Mrs Adam Williams of the Beaver Creek Area. Sgt Curtis is stationed ai Fort Bragg We are happy to welcome into our church and community Sgt. and Mrs Robert Phillips. Sgt Phil lips is stationed at Port Bragg They are making their home with Mrs. E. S. Simmons, 3494 Mernell Road. Please continue to pray for our shut-in, who are as follows: Mrs. Lemas McLaughlin. Rev. Sister Ju lia McKoy, Mr. Arthur Monroe, Mrs Lizzie Burges and our pastor's wife. Mrs. Beebe. FAYETTEVILLE II rSIN E§ $ DIR E€Tli II Y THE CAROLINIAN FAYETTEVILLE OFFICE 125V2 Hillsboro St. Bill Bowser’s Office:-—HE 2-2569 “These Business People Are Sponsors Os The Carolinian In Fayetteville, Please Buy From 'Them, ” DRUG STORES SERVICE DRUG STORE, 113 Gil lespie, ME 3-2652 WILLIAM'S DRUG STORE, 502 Hillsboro, HE 2-3757 FUNERALDIRECTOHS COMMUNITY FUNERAL HOME, 515 Cashwell St. HE 2-5898. GROCERS MOWS”GROCERY, 322 Wil mington Rd., HE 2-2863 IS YOUR BUSINESS LISTED IN THE! FAYETTEVILLE DIRECTORY IF NOT CALL OUR. REPRESENTATIVE AT HE 2-2569 Today INSURANCE WINSTON MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO., 141 H Person. HE 3-2735 RADIO-TV REPAIR LIVINGSTON RADIO S fTs - VICE, 424 Washington Dr„ HE 2-6774 KAUfysiOK - " " BELVA’B BEAUTY BOX. Mtirehi son Rd„ HE 2-9475, CRISsFe’S BEAUTY PARLOR 806 Bullock St., HE 2-7490. **"' "" '" ' ' You are summoned at one o'clock in the morning to the home of the wealthy old bachelor. Rufus Kendall. His nephew, Ted Morgan admits you at the front door, “I thought I heard Uncle Rufus call to me, but wher I arrived at his room, the door was locked. I knocked and hammered on the door, and called to him, but there was no answer. I tried to force the door open . , . but that was no good, I think maybe if we were to use a ladder on the outside ...” You and young Ted Morgan hurry around the house with the ladder, and you are the first to ascend it and clamber into the dark room. You grope over to the door, find the light switch, snap it on, and immediately you see Kendall slumped head-down ewer his des',.. You smell traces of the poison still remaining in the glA&wti the desk near an outstretched hand, and you note from the temperature of the body that, he has not been dead very long. You also note that he had evidently been in the process of writing a letter-—or a farewell note of some kind—on a sheet of ruled notebook paper. ‘‘Look here, at what Uncle Rufus was writing,” exclaims Ted, and you and he bend over the paper under the dead man's right hand. “Very typical of Uncle Rufus,'’ mutters Ted. “Technical up to the end. effect on him. You can see how hts words stayed right on the ruled lines on the paper at the beginning of the message, and how they trailed off towards the finish . . . hut even then, the words are ail dearly defined . . . and his pen is still on the last word.” "Can you suggests any reason why your unde should have taken Ms life?” you &ek. “No," Ted heastates, “O? oourse, a* you know, he does have the reputation of being eccentric. But he seemed in very good spirits when I saw him last," “When was that?” “At about nine o'clock, when he bid me goodnight.” “Well,” you state, “this doesn't look to me like suicide. I'm afraid you re In for a little more questioning' SOLUTION Most of Kendall's “final message” stayed on the lines of the paper, and his pen still rested on the last word But you don't see how a man could have done this in a dark room. ? THAT ’ STR ASOT SMELLf AS C«X rt —— ts am/* RT 12554 Hillsboro, He 2-2590 THE CAROLINIAN, Fa?, office Bill Bowser’* Office 12554 Hillsboro, He 2-2569 - accouktants H. R. PATTERSON, Public Ac eountant, 12554 Hillsboro, HE 2-3730. barbeh”shops MACK’S BARBER SHOP, 334 Gillespie, HE 3-9460. WINSLOW BARBER SHOP, M 8 Winslow Street. McLEOD’S BARBER SHOP. 228 Franklin Street, HE 3-9308 US BARBER SHOP, 125 Hillsboro Street BESTAURANTS J'S GRILL, 125 Hillsboro, HE 2- 9716 j LOU’S HILLTOP GRILL, 1017' Weis* Are., HE 2-9515. j SANITARY CAFE, 201 Hillsboro, HE 2-9407 PARKER SNACK BAR, 1401. Mur chison Rd. SUPERIOR CAFE, 510 Davie, HE 2-8450 PHILLIP’S SANDWICH SHOP 2400 Murchison Rd. . TYSON’S GRILL, 728 Murchison Road. MABEL’S RESTAURANT, 213 Hillsboro St., HE 2-7978 SAM’S CLOTHING STORE SHOP SAM’S AND SAVE! 23.8 Person Street CLEANERS CARROLL’S TAILOR SHOP, 117 Person, HE 2-9882 COLLEGE CLEANERS. 831 Mur chison, HE 3-9471 MELVIN’S CLEANERS, 1827 Mur chison, HE 3-1340 SERVICE STATIONS MeMILLAN’S SINCLAIR, 613 Ramsey, HE 3-4482 i ’’"taxicabs” HILLSBORO TAXI. 203 Hillsbo -1 rn, HE 3-1605 I Q. A. HI T,SON HUDSON Typewriter Co. 901 Bragg Blvd Distributor of Products by It II ¥ A L World’s Largest Manufacturer " of Typewriters PATRONIZE i OUR FAYETTEVILLE ADVERTISERS