ymmm*. 4 &**p»pat, mat m. nm 16 SL Augustine's College Lists Plans For Commencement Here Or. Faroes A. Bo#**®, ptre«c»en* of ?t. A«sawHne*B OoHege baa an nounced ttiM She Koryw-abl* O Mersnen WilMarr*, iormer Govewnor of Michigan, will cteMver the Com mencement Aftrtcew §nd receive an honorary degree at St. Augustine's College, on May 28. Mr. WilWeros m now an Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs in die Kennedy DEAR SALLS& My huabatxFs mother k coming to vSeit w for a weekend, and we have oni& one bedroom, a living room, and kat c-hec. lie seys we should use die sole-bad in the living room and let her have our bedroom. I don’t thin* so. After ail, our things are aM to the bedroom, and it. would be terribly inconvenient going in and out constantly. Why shouldn't the sleep in the living room? Will yens please et-rtle this argument? MARJORIE. DEAR MARJORIR: Let’s con sider Rite sensibly, and with good taMf ten mind. Yonr moth w-iji nw will he your guest; ehe te an older woman: and mtrely you’ll want her to he most comfortable. H the more comfortable sj>ot te your bed room, you could then bow gracefully bo her wishes. But be considerate and suggest the bedroom first, yoe’t you? DfiAR SALLY: I'm completely, despesskely. head-over-heels in love wytsh a girl who refuses to encour age me m aev way, but simply ig nores me purposely just to make me mtsernkle. I know this for a feet, because she told 3 friend of mine that die was really in love with me, but bked to see me squirm. I don't know what to do— give her up or hold on a little long er to the hope that she will relent, and give me wnv sign that she thinks well of me. She's a lovely airl with the most beautiful brown eyes vou've ever seen. Will you In-Service Institute Provided By Science Grant At Saint Augustine’s Dr James A. Boye®, pmsdend of ?■ Augusttne'-e College has an nounced that the National Science Foundation has provided the Col lege a grant to support an In-Serv ice Institute in Math emetics for Elementerjr Sclicol Teachers and Supervisory Personnel, under the direction of Dir. Prezell R Rohin fon. academic dean The Institute is to begin September 28, 1961, and terminates May IX, 1962. This program w ill enable the college to provide tuition free grants, plus travel and a SI0.0!) hook allowance for thirty qual ified elementary teachers and supervisors. The program will ©COFFEE |(Se Prices Effective gjffL |jl Jr Thru Sat:, May 13 WWWWWWWMB mwn—"WWWHIH isimw—snwwiw—i» CHOICE T BONE OR PILLSBUEY STEAKS BISCUITS Pound 4 Can* lß7‘laT*l ocean mean hunts tomato FISH JUICE Pound Quart Can 10- 25' ■amunw —r i— intmdrnfinrm* Tinriinniwi-imr»rwNii«'.i'»»MiiiMte«»Wi'Mwiisww«in]»inT»mtnwininrwTiiA>i ■warn JSWRL LAND- O-LAKES POT PIES BUTTER 4 For Pound 179-169' Admfotatrfrteon. So an earlier eeteese. fc was an •newioed that f%ie Rt. Rev. Daniel Coer man o< the Home Department of the Protostent Episcopal Church would be the speaker, but due to other commitments, he will be un able to attend. On Sunday, May IN, The Rev Wiiliwm Van Croft, Associate Rec HEAR SALLY piaase help nut* SAM D7AS SAM: Those fr*s*feNtj! brown eyes cam cry, too. K yon want to find o»t foe yourself just how she thinks of vow, try playing up to some of the other girls. Maybe, ts you stop squirming'’ so much over her. rtie’N appreciate you more And H* your attention* to the other girls have no effect on her. then at least you'll know where you stand. DEAR SALLY: We havs a rather serious problem with a very dear friend of mine. She hires our 14- vear-old daughter almost every Saturday or Sunday to baby-sit with her 3-year~old son. and some of these chores last as lone as fiva hours—ne'er less than two hours. My friend has never asked my daughter what she charges, but simply gives her SO cents, and a couple of times gave her just a quarter. We know that most of the other girls in our neighborhood who baby-sit. get 50 cents an hour, and some of the older women get more than this. My girl and I both fpel she should be better compensated for this very responsible chore, hut how can we handle it with my friend? MOM. DEAR MOM: As you say, ba bysitting tea very important job and the compensation for it should be at the current pates on a businesslike basis, even between friends. One sugges tion te that your daughter print up a few husinew cards, stating be Held op She cot!cue campus each Saturday from HhOft am, to 18-30 pm. The objectives of this program are: (<l> To impro'e the subject matter competence of the partici pating elementary school teachers and supervisory personnel f2' To provide members of the Trrtitute an opportunity to study the subject-matter of Arithmetic, apart from the teaching of Arith metic. so that they may better un derstand the underlined mathemat ical attitudes of Arithmetic. i9> To familiarize the teachers with the subject-matter content of the more modern programs in lor of St. Luke's Episcopal Church, will deliver the baccalaureate ser mon in the college chapel at 5:00 pm. Mr. Williams will speak at 10:30 e m. on the college quadrangle This :s tile first time in the history of the college that honorary degrees are given. Other prominent citizens will al so receive honorary degrees. her fee*, her time* of vraMabil toy, phone number, and ether pertinent information then hand one of these to your friend. DEAR SALLY: My wrto te for ever getting into a neighborhood fuss. We have two children, aces 10 and 8, and our neighborhood is loaded with kids. Whenever one of our kid* has a run-in with a play mate. my good woman has to stick her nose into it She has gone to the parents of several of the young sters "to straighten out matters," and then she gets involved in a battle of her own with the parents. The kids, of course, make up real quick, but my wife is on bad terms with three-fourths of the neighbor hood Advice? PK DEAR P. K.: Any parent who repeatedly gets involved in the petty squabbles of her children is more childish than the kids. Parents should step In only un der unusual circumstances. If I were you. I’d ask your wife to please wait untii you get home before "anything is done" —and then, more often than not, the kids will usually have already dons all the settling necessary, TO JILL: This fellow sounds like bad news to me. Any man who would break off with a girl "for no good ’•eason at all." and shy away from any later telephone dis cussions regarding it. has proved himself of little or no principle Arithmetic tn the elementary schools, and to enhance their abil ity to understand these programs <4> To afford opportunity for the teachers to acquaint, themselves with the use of a wider variety of source materials for motivating el cmentary pupils in the study of Arithmetic in the elementary school <s> To discuss, under expert guidance, current problems and trends in the elementary school Arithmetic curriculum. During the first semester a course metic". will be offered, along with a Seminar, entitled, "The Psychol ogy of Teaching Arithmetic in the Elementary School." Beginning the second semester, the course. ‘“New Horisons in Arithmetic", along with a Seminar, entitled, "Recent Trends in the Elementary School Curricu lum". will be offered Teachers who are interested in thte program should write to Dr Prezell R Robinson, dean, Saint Augustine's College, Raleigh. N C , for an application and further in formation. VCLC Calls Off Sit-ins For May 17 PETERSBURG. Vs Th* Vir ginia Christian Leadership Confer ence, an affiliate of The Southern Christian Leadership Conference of Atlanta. Georgia, in a special meet mg, called off plans for Congress ional Sit-ins of Prince Edward County School Students in behalf of Free Public School Education Having been made aware of the action of the United States Govern ment toward the deprivation of schools in Prince Edward County. Dr. Milton A Reid announced that our purpose in going to Washing ton, D. C. has been served. The Virginia Christian Leader ship Conference sparked nation wide attention on the latented plight, of closed schools in Prince Edward County on January 2, 1961, with a pilgrimage for free public school education. It was at the first meeting of the Virginia Christian Leadership Conference that the group voted, unanimously to take the problem of Prince Edward County to the Federal Government for action. Plans for the Congress ional Sit-ins were endorsed by sev eral national organizations includ ing CIO-AFL, and The American Friends Service Committee. It was being sponsored by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference of Atlanta, The Congress of Racial Equality of New York and The National Beauticians Association with headquarters In Washington, D. C, The project was being co ordinated by the Virginia Christian Leadership Confer ence, The Virginia Leadership Conference had beep in com munication with the Govern ment Officials since early De cember 1860 in regards to Prince Edward County. The artificial insemination pro gram now embraces nearly a third (about seven million) of the cows in tiie U. S. RECEPTION FOR SIERRA LEONEON A group of the Raleigh Deltas assembled at the home of Mrs. Alice Solomon in honor of Mrs. Alice Fitzjohn, a diplomat from Sierra Leone. Africa. Some of the persons present were, seated, left to right: Mesdames Rosalie Williams, Elnora Kee. Jimmie Bugg Middleton . a founder of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Mrs. Muriel Alice Fitz iohn, honored guest; Mrs Gila Harris, chapter president, Mesdames Marguerite Exam. Vivian Sansom, and Alberta Levingston■ Standing, Dr. Wilmoth Carter. Mesdames Harve!e;gh White, Elizabeth Coefteld, Margaret Purvis. Gladys White, Misses Carrie Harrison. Vivian Davis Almena Nunn, Mesdames Daisy Nelson. Alice Solomon Miss Margaret Bugg. Mrs Etta Toole, Miss Glo ria Lester. Mesdames Thelma T. Dalev, May Weeks, chairman, and Mary Cullers. (1»&L To Si ress Farm Promotion Carolina Power A Company an nounced recently an itensified ag ricultural development activity aimed at, increasing farm income in th» two Carolinas. To direct the work. CP&L has obtained the full-time services of W. .J. Ridout, Jr . publisher of Elec tricity on the Farm magazine and former extension specialist in the Carolinas The project succeeds the fmer-farms phase of CPAL pro gram for "helping to build a Ptner Carolina." Fldout will assume the posi tion of agricultural develop ment. He also will coordinate CP&l.’s present agricultural de velopment work carried out bv agents Robert Thompson at Wilmington, Burwrti Smith at Asheville and G. H. Stewart at Florence. S. C. Stewart said "The many-prong ed program will have two ultimate objectives. One will be to stimulate increased farm income in the two states, and the other will be to e.n enurage greater use of electricity on the farm " : Advised of the plan N C Gov. Terry Sanford commented: "I wish t congratulate Carolina Power A Light Company upon its foresight [GCOROS i MEPCeDCS JOAW Hswey HMUi McCMIOGE-BiONDOi* MS H.W’ BQfMDi 1 SALCMc"! Art ALLiES* ffIMM Lssj 222 NOW SHOWING BELLOWS CLUB m BOURBON H Kentucky Straight Bourbon *945 ( im Mu < 4 n ** « (wmbonH i V 4/S IIMIT /\ 'J SSLUiWS 4 (MfUft. IfiUiWmi, *1 • SlKii64iT SOUfMOft WhiSKtt' * #8 P#oof • SXSTfctgIJTED SY NATIONAL DJSTIIiiSS TOOUCTS OL edness in conceiving and getting underway an activity of this char acter While North Carolina tradi tionally has been an agricultural state, it is obvious that our farm operations require constant scru tiny and modernization if they are to keep pace with our totai econ omy. Save at First-Citizens! SAFETY First-Citizens provides maximum safety for your sav ings. 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DIAL TE 2-774* ■ imtruwiiiiiiiimu i i him ni-«wnwi i m n■mi mu ni» ■wnimn 11 inn rnmnir-niTimiwi mu Turn— -t i i FII II II E X I Apartments and 4 and 5 Room Houses ALL WITH HOT AND COLD W ATER AND BATHS Live Ub either a first-class apartment, or house. We can of fer you at reasonable rental either 3 or 4 room apartments or t and 5 room houses. All these dwellings are located in nice neighborhoods and in first-class repair. See Us Todav For Better Living! ACME REALTY CO. 129 E. HARGETT ST. DIAL TE 2 0958 Get Ready The Hot Weather Is Ahead! Change Oil Complete Lubrication Flush Cooling System Check Battery DUNN’S ESSO SERVICE 502 S. BLOODWORTH ST. PHONE: TE 2-949 S Perfect Funeral Service ji $7 Each of our services is as perfect as fly. long experience and careful attention can J Y/f make it—and at no extra cost F A I Our many years of training and de ny I velopment have taught us to know the \fj u k est quality, rendered the best care and N/ jm service, buy the most economical way (in JH large quantities), and in so doing no t,VJ- mi other establishment can surpass our serv tees, prices and understanding. fll RALEIGH FUNERAL HOME Day & Nioht Ambulance Serv.ce • 32S E. CABARRUS ST. DIAL TE 3-38 M TOP QUALITY KRAFT RECAPPING ®SAVE 50% On New Tire Cost ® Modern Tread Design ® Same Quality Rubber as Used in New Tires /ItfnarwS llKWMliej CMtiAt mt SHVICf J Terms To Suit You! U and IS INCH TIRES RE-CAPPED mm GENERAL TIRE CO. 428 s. McDowell st. phone tpv os?i It Pays To ADVERTISE Repairs to Any TV, Radio Phono, Hi-Fi or Small Appliance. SERVICE! TAYLOR RADIO & TV SERVICE “The House Service Buiif' CALL TE. 2-3950 224 E MARTIN ST. 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