Has Served As Prexy 15 Years: NC Elks Re-Gleet Battle f + + + + +4*4* + Family Os 4 Dies At Same Time THE COROLINIAN VOL. 20. NO. 32 FMi Enter* ituming Case: Bus Incident Stuns Nation 41 st Annual Convention Underway At Rocky Mt. ROCKY MOUNT— Delegates to the 41st session of the North Caro lina State Association, Improved, Benevolent. Piotective Order of Elks of the World re-elected the Rev, K P Battle, for the fifteenth time, to head the organization here Tuesday. The election had been the •übieet of murh discussion for some weeks and there were many who said that an election would not be held. This was due to the fact that for a num- Jail “New Frontier” For CORE NEW ORLEANS—Jerome Smith, project chairman of New Orleans CORE, called jail the New F.on t er of the Freedom Struggle" as he completed serving 26 days in New Orleans Parish Prison last week Smith was arrested on April 17 and charged with “obstructing traf fic" while participating m a CORE picket line of McCrory and Wool worth stores in downtown New Or leans. No date has been set for Smith's trial. Bond has been set at SSOO but Smith refuses the offer of bond from CORE. The text of his statement fol lows: “For me the dawn of a new day Is unfolding, f am proud to be making this small contribu {CONTINUED ON FACE 2) The rtxe-day -weather forecast for Raleigh, beginning Thursday, May 18, and continuing through Monday. May 22. is as follows: Temperatures will average a few degrees above average. The wea ther will he moderate Thursday and Friday and warmer during the weekend. Normal high and low temperatures will be 81 and 58 de grees. Rainfall is expected In the amount ol one-half inch and should occur as scattered showers late Thursday and Friday, with a possibility of more rain on Sunday. U. N. AND CONGOLESE AGREEMENT IN SlGHT—Congole se Central Government For eign Minister Justin Bomboko (left) holds glass of beverage as he talks to reporters, while Army Commander Genera! Joseph Mobutu listens. Dissident Katangese President Joseph Kasavubu has agreed to a reorganization of the Congolese Army in cooperation with the United Nations, accord ing to Bomboko. Agreement may mean U. N. help for the Congolese Central Government in sub duing the Congo's dissident Stanleyville and Katanga Governments. (UPI PHOTO). her of years only a routine pleetinn was held every other year and in view of the fact that Rev. Battle was elected last sear. There were many dele gates who felt that the organ ization needed new blood and as a result .lark Faison, Sea board businessman, entered the race against Rev. Battle, but when the votes were counted, Rev. Battle was declared the w inner. The five-day meet began Sunday and will end Thursday. All sessions were held at St. James Baptist Church A memorial service was conducted by Rev. Otis E Dunn at 11:00 am. The welcome servic s were held at 3 pm. with Mayor Allan Mims representing the city. L E Austin. Durham publisher, keynoted the Civil Liberties pro gram at 4 p.m. and called upon the Elks to close ranks and fight with all that is within them to erase the secordlclass citizenship status that the Negro has suffered in the state too long John Edwards, who is president of the Durham Crusad ris. a youth group that has broken many Dairies in that city, told the fCONTINUED ON PAGE 2J Physician Criticized By Group Dr C. VV. Williams has been cen sured by the Charlotte Medical So ciety for accepting a scientific membership in the North Carolina Medical Society In a letter to the physician Thursday, which was approved Thursday by the Charlotte so ciety, composed of Negro doc tors, his action was called “An affront to Negro doctors and citizens in their struggle for full recognition as American citizens." The State Medical Society does not admit Negro physicians to full membership, but has permitted them to join as limited, scientific members. Many Negro doctors have reject ed the scientific membership anu continued to press for full mem bership in the state group. SUPPORT TIME LIBRARY ROAR ISSUE. IT’S SEEDED RALEIGH, N. C. SATURDAY, MAY 20. IQ6I mr' k .jh mm gfHr ' V I * ; .. DRAGGED BEHIND CAR Nine-year-old Mi .vs Gloria LaVerne Floyd shows the bandaged gash on her shoulder, one of the multiple injuries she received when she h as lassoed and drag ged behind a car while returning home from church last week. ; Police have, arrested a white deaf mute, Horace Perry, IS. snd charged him with assault in connection with the Jackson, Miss, incident. (VPI TELEPHOTO). \ Roy Wilkins Disagrees i With Kennedy's Plans NEW YORK <ANP>—Roy Wilk | ins. executive secretary of the NA i AGP challenged President Kenne- I dys belief that it was not neces- I sary at this time to enact civil rights laws. He said this view ignored the fact that “accomplishment of statutory compliance with the school deseregation ruling by IDS 3, as pledged in the Demo cratic platform, is impossible unless tegisiaiion to that effect is approved and moves forward without delay in the present session." Wilkins charged that the legisla t.on branch had sabotaged the Su preme Court ruling of 1D,14 and had lagged far behind on civil rights on the executive level through the Justice Department, through ap (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3) Local Scouts Set Tour Os Canada Soon Some 300 Boy Scouts and Explor ers in the Occoneechee Council. Boy Scouts of America will go on a "Goodwill Tour" of Canada in August. The Scouts will travel by chartered bus, covering more than 2,500 miles in the United States and Canada. They will see our Nation's Capitol, Niag ara Falls, West Point, New York City, the beautiful coun tryside in Canada, including many of its larger cities, sad live in a provincial park. According to Rev. D. N. How s CONTINUED ON" PAGE S> Federal Agencies Take Over BY ALEXANDER BARNES WASHINGTON The office of Attorney-General Robert F Ken nedy fa id here Wednesday that a full investigation mto the burning of a bus and the intimidation of its passengers by a group of white per sons, near Anniston, Ala., Sunday, was underway. It was also reveal ed that should it be found that a federal law had been violated that the perpetrators of the crime would be sought and if arrested would be tried. The information tended to show that the top prosecutor had reason to believe that a federal law had been violated, due to the fact that the passen gers boarded the bus in Atlanta, Ga. A telephone conversation with the regional office of the FBI. in Birmingham. Ala., confirmed the (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Dr. Morrow Is Named To The UNESCO WASHINGTON fANP)—Dr John Howard Morrow, who was appoint ed hy President Eisenhower as the first U. S. Ambassador to Guinea and later by President Kennedy as delegate to the United Nations, was recently named United States Per manent representative to the Unit ed Nations Educational Science and Cultural Organization. He was a professor at North Carolina College, Durham, at the time of his first appoint ment, Dr. Morrow', a native of New Jersey, is the brother of E. Frederic Morrow, formerly aide to President Eisenhower. John Morrow spent many years In (he field of education prior to entering the diplomatic corps. Dr. Mays to Ethiopia Dr Benjamin Mays, president of Morehouse College in Atlanta has also been chosen a delegate to the UNESCO conference meeting in Addis Ababa. Ethiopia, beginning (CONTINUED ON PAGE Si State News —Of— Brief KILLED AFTER LEAVING BUS RAEFORD—KeIIy Devane Ed wards, 13. of Stonewall Township in Hoke County, was fatally injur ed last Wednesday afternoon when he was struck by a car as he was leaving a school bus and attempt ing to cross the road to his home. M. D Kelly, 26. an airman at Pope Air Force Base, was arrested by Highway Patrolman E. G. Inman and charged with manslaughter, reckless driving and passing a stop ped school bus. He was held in Hoke County Jail with bond ten tatively set at $1,500. WELDON COED TO REIGN AS "MISS NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE’* DURHAM Pretty end petite Miss Betty Barnes of Weldor* was elected “Miss North Carolina Col lege of 1961-62“ in a campus-wide election held here recently. (CONTINUED - ON PAGE 2> PIC HOST TO CONVENTION The Executive Board and Planning Committee of the City Federation of Shelby, are mak ing plans for the 1%1 Convention. Seated leit to right. Mrs Fran cis Smith, chairman of the Social committee; Miss Louise Hotd treasurer and chairman of the finance committee; Mrs M. H London, presdent of the Shelbv Woman's Club and in charge of information; Mrs Daeira Roberts, President of the Shelby City Federation; Mrs. Louise McKinney, President of the Terpsicho roan Club and assistant secretary of the City Federation; Mrs lean Scales, chairman of the Decoration committee Standing, felt to right, are; Mrs. Patricia Palmer, chanmkn of cr urtesy; Mrs Margaret Cabiness, in charge oi the cafeteria. Mrs. M. K. Pass, chairman ci focal program committee ; Mrs. A IV Ford, chair man of badges, etc.; Mrs, Ledessa Brooks, corresponding secre tary; Miss Mildred Thompson, President of the Sih et Leaf Club ■ Mrs. M B. Cleaves, president of the Bridgettes club; Mrs. Pau line Clark, chaplain of City Federation, and Mrs. L ! Gibson, chairman of the executive board. PRICE 15c Federation Os Women's Clubs Plan Convention SHELBY—The 52nd Annua] Con vention of the N. C. Federation of Negro Women's Clubs will be held here June 1-3 Cleveland Training School will be the scene of the sessions. Theme of the meeting will he: ‘Community Improvement Spread Abroad Through Fed erated Club Women “ Featured S’risoner Assaul is Sec’y Mrs Alma Moore, a 30-year-old white General Assembly secretary was attacked here Monday, report edly by a nude Negro man who .lumped into her car on Edenton Street near Capitol Square The incident took place short ly after a prisoner. Frank smith of Greensboro, was miss- All Occupants Killed As Car Plunges Into River ODDS-ENDS BY ROBERT G. SHEPARD "I will lift up my eves unto the hills from whence someth my help.” SAFETY AND SECURITY Senator John Jordan of Wake County has introduced a bill in the North Carolina General Assem bly to prohibit the use of unguard ed, male prisoners in all state buildings where women are em ployed. Son. Jordan has labeled his bill a safety measure In it he calls at tention to acts of violence recently committed by male prisoners upon women working in state buildings. We share the senator's ap prehension for the safttv of the women working In the various state buildings. We believe that a male prisoner who has been, became of his imprisonment, cut off from contact with the opposite sex; will, when his work assignment cause* him to come In dose proximity with women, poses a threat to the safety of the women he might come in contact with. We there fore, agree with Sen. Jordan that this threat should be re (CONTINUED ON PAGE ») 200 Attend Rally For Libraries At least 200 persons, including the mayors and other citizens from all municipalities in Wake County, attended, a library rally held Mon day night, May 15, in Raleigh. Call ed b.y a Raleigh-Wske Citizens Committee for Library Improve ment, the meeting was conducted by chairman R. Mayne Albright of Raleigh, assisted by Mrs. Robert A. Cotten of .Fuquay Spring, vice chairman, Also present were Raleigh coun ejimen-elect, Travis Tomlinson and (CONTINUED ON PAGE S') , speaker will be Mrs Rom L Gragg, of Detroit, Mich , presi dent of the National Association of Colored Women's Clubs. Inc who will be heard at 7:30 pm. on Friday, June 2. Mrs. E. M. Spellman of Elizabeth City is state president There are 110 Federated clubs in (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) @d from a work detail in the State Revenue. Building Mrs Moore, secretary to Rep Wayland Sermons of Beaufort County, told police officers that the man who assaulted he. came out of an alley behind the Fust Bap (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2> STATESVILLE— Four occupants of a car which plunged off of a rural highway into the Yadkin Riv er Sunday night were killed. All were members of the same family. The tragedy was discovered two hours later by a passing motorist, who noticed skid marks on the road and saw the taillights of the near by submerged car blinking in the darkness. The motorist. R V. Haupe, notified officers and the States ville Rescue Squad rushed to the scene. The bodies of the four victims, three adults and one child, were recovered from inside the four-door 1950 sedan early Monday. They were identified as David (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2> CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS BUY FROM THEM - PAGE 8 Horton's Cash Stora PAGE 3 Larrs's Cut-Rate Grocery Jt Mist. PAGE S Hudson-Belk Co. Thompson-Lynrh Co Raleigh Savings A Loan Association John W. Winters Co. Dove Music Co. PAGE 6 Vatolins Power A Light Co. Cameron-Brown Co. Diamond Wash ( entral Drug More S. M. Voung Hardware Sunshine Bakery Johnson-Lambe to. Community Florist Mason's Barber Shop Correll Coal Co. PAGE 7 banders Motor Co. Used Cars PAGE 8 Washington Terrace Apts, Colonial Stores. Inc. R E. Quinn Furniture Co, Modern Finance Corp. C. Karl Ltehtman Lawrence Bros PAGE S ASP Food Stores The Picadilly Bankers Ftre Ins. Branch Banking A Trust Co. (,' A- M Promotion Firestone Stores Umxtead’s Grocery A Transfer Lawrence Bros. PAGE 10 Ridgeway’s Opticians, Inc. 7-Up Bottling Co. DliHon Motor Finance Co. Watson Seafood & Poultry Bloodworth Bt, Tourist Deluxe Hotel Warner Memorials Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. of Raleigh MRS. ROSA GRAGG . . . main speaker Miss Carnage: Raleighito Honored At Howard U. At ASH INGTON —Ho*\ ard Univer ril>» officials this week announced the election of 13 students to Phi Beta Kappa, national scholastic honor fraternity Included amors the inductees are two junior class members and one recent graduate who was elected to membership af ter the Sp. mg 1960 induction. Mis’ Elizabeth Carnage of Raleigh, is one. of the hono'ces They wore inducted Wrdne<- dsy evening (May 7) at an in itiation ceremony on the 1 ni verity campus. The induction "ill be followed bv a dinner at w hirh Or G. James Fleming, professor of political science at Morgan State Cntlese. Balti more, will 'peik Dr Fleming was initiated bv Phi Beta Kap pa at the University of VViscon- . sin Miss Carnage, whose major l. mathematics is ?0 years otd She is the daughter of Attorney and Afrs Fred J Carnage of 1117 F Martin SI, Raleigh. A graduaie of the J W Ligon Jr Sr High School of that city, she was an honor student. At Howard Miss Carnage had participated in the following organ izations: President. United C i inn Fel lowship; treasurer Delta Sign a (coNTiM ;:r> on page •:» MISS CARNAGE , . . honored t Howard PAGE li Vmertcan Hems Products National Art interiors £Jj rum Lumber t o carpet Center, Inc Raleigh Furniture Co O W. Dodd Sheet Metal Works Raleigh Paint & Wallpaper Co. Handy Man Hardware Co. Major Finance Co Buffalos & Co.. Builders PAGE H Duke Ellin s ton Concert Committee Ihomas Food Market Elizabeth M. Nutting Electrical Wholesalers. Inr PAGE it, Rhodes Inc. PAGE 18 Mechanics A Fanners Bank Pcpsi-Coia Bottling < o PAGE 11 Arnold lambs’ Vogue Iver-Ta.'lor Co. PAGE SO Si Augustine’* College < on. loan’s Dress Shop Boss? Jewelers PAGE SI jean's of Raleigh Dander Bread fipttv Gas PAGE 22 Dunslon s Tevaco Service C P ella Beauty College PAGE 24 Hunt's General Tire Co. Raleigh Funeral Home Dunn's Esso Service Acme Realty Co. Raleigh Seafood Co. Lawrence Bros. Taylors Radio & TV Servfr.B Lincoln Theatre Gns Russo Hatters <Sfc Cleaner* First Citizens Bank &■ Trust Co. Standard Concrete Products Co, Ambassador Theatre. PtgKly-Wigglv

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