Wake Counitf Tragedy: Men Claims Wife Offered To Cay For Death Ride iv A \(l’ K.-gins VC. At tack MOURNS FIRE VICTIMS M: • £ .5 Lnpi-rza (right > *« comforted last weed, after learning that two ft end \li* *• Syl via Adorno, 13. and Mehgra Jirninez, I". ;< cue killed ■■ ’■'■n a three a-arm f>re raced through a heej* * tn 7 « Mt •’ r- e •■••• r 0/ r/i Bronx The f -e which *?*> ’ed on the ■ v d * 0/ 'A* th **• •fore hording complete, gutted the ;r~ de of to* --true turn (UP. PHOTO) Jim Crow Colleges ‘SurdeoJ Ribicoff WASHINGTON, 0 C—A -■ *«r ''e r f i/yAho f prf'jrStO.' : ■.i '' ". ;4!i M 4•'-V '/, 4 f { • 'r f * r's <• f r.t # * ■ -.«• •>! ' *-a ?r ;r, C.*il to ' rr'.vf :v ,on i* 4’- that cost arrf s •• dup-.c*?iCr« r.h e,..Turiattd. The >p«3k<-r <• , £■•■ ai v ot v,'. r- A v p..-, -f "The level of erf "a'ion of white Morlrntti has been lon ernd and the level of hUji a *ilow« Temperatures wilt remain hr 100 normal t »»rmri; loud ! <•< - petted Frit!*-, unit arain on Mon d*'-. V' -mu! »M*b end low I ■ rr: * P'tif’s «»■ ■■:"■■.!4 hr k> HI e*. t ref j !U infill «-Jtt , eravr *b»te normal. Abn-.t one *», eaprrfrd Rituj’dav snrf h nn Washington for Florida! /erne week for a 3-ctey city school asifhoritfcs H. p. Grffin sup rrinfendent, said the latest ap plication was made on behalf i of O' urge William Ray, *.f>n of j Mr. and .Mrs. Jesse Ray for re a -ugnmsnl from I.ivmgston 'street Elementary S'-hoof to the | New tin Elementary School. Young Ra% is a second-grader. : The board will con*tder the so pn-- • ■ on. at its nest meeting on j July >5 THE COROLINIAN VOL. 20 NO 3-7 In Finger-Maiming Incident: Medic's Term Upheld Tribunal Buies Cn Or. Bass week r 1 *. : a physic, an f '.o collect insurance money by re ? i fop- f‘nrr - Tic rase involved f*r. Irvin K, v >•« received a v• • month sir-pended «M‘fnrf on charge* of h'insn an arc* '-in (>t» f 0 *■*> (>» fart of fe!n»r •ou s maiming. ' Th- high court -■ w -on. ** nf-n - A f'-v h** 0 * 1 -.nt m'o a inrz e ' * ■ of cn.Ti men !a'» re i-tm* to wr,'c.: f"‘ d'r.-'e shoved ♦-a d—’* ’-ad ar>(.: *d a ion % l *n * 'if.;* hard of \Valt«r Pcj-rr. Bcv 1 * rr'in ns* -r 'hor* cr “■ p*r •*#d a n to r .? a" fr sis ht* ftrig'rs with an eiectr.t r-o- r The '•upreme Court reCit*'! tfONTtM'EO ON PAGfc 2) Man Dies Seeking A Fish Pole COLUMBIA S C— A 43- ra id const rurt.on work'; attempt ing to retrieve a fishing pe w-rent-bed from hr- hands h; a 'c i> an drowned Tuesday ir, Lake Mn: ay, roar White Rock. S C ,(nhn K Ashford of t olum bia, working on a iakesid* cot tage for the Coleman Construr •ion Company, borrowed the fi*hing pots from a neighbor ing houv and put it into the lake. (COV'fTVITD ON PAG* ft Resident Is Burned In Bed Fire Warren label;. 47. of 1210 P*r.- as-r ff er.i suffered ourrt* or. r. a: >m neck and thigh* Thursda-- when h.- bed Wight ?;r» abrw’ 5 a m that, morning according to po ! :r* report-. The victim. repo--ted a* b» jinp in 'dun 1 condition at Wake Memorial Hospital heir Officer John Baker Sr «bn investigated th# fir*. *atd the bed apparently caught fire tram a c garelt# The blaze was disco -ored by Ar -11 bur King of the same address ] V ho put it out. ODDS-ENDS BY KOBfdTG «SHKPARD The first shall be uM and tb* last first FOLLOWING THROUGH A f**'% z ?f rz: n# - : r Ra'mgh launched an all-nut of. . fort to more employment for i the group in the chain grocery i store* nr r rh< fde.i. <3 very ore) •< a-- 1 that Mncc f.-,sy .CA« a .a r f ‘ ; percentage of their estl'inga in the j chain grocery stores, these stores ! should be more liberal tn their e»n- I ployment practices toward Ne ■ grot.s When negnUstfens with iht tc*mxßiimroi« PA&e z> North Carolina’s Leading Weekly RALEIGH. N C SATURDAY, JUNE U 1961 COLOR BAR A Caucasian woman huniedly hare the way a< Ne&roei were about to enter the hjnch counter of thi- downtown department store ;n Memphis to protest the segregation policy of the establishment. Some 100 demon*trators v aided through the streets entering a number of 'ore- in a pea-, eful demonstration last we*U (U’ l TELEPHOTO). Former Charlotte Cleric To Be Extradited From N. Y. I'is udidaie NEW YORK fA.N'P) Mis-, Angie E Brooks, Ltberia* J - ye.ar-old assisiani secretary of state L* a candidate for eba r man of the rented Nations General Assembly's 99-nation Trusteeship Commtliee at the s“ssi»!4worth «t. Toarisi Rldgrwa.f* Ofikiui. Utr '•tip Bottling Co ALBANY N Y. New York« Governo; Neistin RockofeUer re fussed Saturday to intervene in the extradition of the Rev Walter M Cavers, 51, a South Carolina minist er. who is being sought to serve s tail term of 18 months for a traffic death in th* Pa met to State, The governo: said, however. he ad tried to get South Carolina Gov Ernest t Boiling* to allow * in {iew York St*‘e for Rev | Cavers, hut the governor refused. 1 Rev Cv *r« 8 rolhsson 1 tnihou Motor Flnanc* Co V- axon seafood A. Poultn Destut* Write I Warner Memorial* Pep*)-Cola Bottling Co of Raleigh page n Capital l<» ii. Ceil Co. Gilbert Paint Headquarter* sroerinn Credti t.o Gut* Rui ,o* Hatter* 4. Cleaners Harris Wholesale American Home Product* Capital Bargain Store l am * Cut Rate V Neal Motors, Inc. •Sky View Drlve-ln ft K Tucker Bros , Dir. -toy's American firstJ '-even-tip Bottling ( o. Sherwtn-William* Paint* In Inn Finance C-> HelHl-levta* furniture Co Raleigh Furniture to l rxfcurih P!»*e .r 0 • ap.’tai ?<-* I n ’nr. t harle* Department store Central Drag Store li !r Waitet Chevrolet Co t «taet Center ( ntlege Grocery Jitlwrii tv ft 'Appliance* PAGE 13 j *o» Murnldr Promotion i PAGE 1* Rhodes Furniture Co. ‘ ft tint's Gene tar Tire Co, ; Lincoln Theatre RnleSsft Funeral Home Down Etui Service tfitir Realty i" "Calvish Seafood f o ; Taylor* Radio & TV' Service, i Plggiy-Wieriy :*a’h of Will jam S Dickson an 83- ■'.ar-old York. S C white man. At th# lime, the Rev (avert was allegedly trying out an au tomobile belonging to a Rock Hill, S. C , auto dealer. H*rvpv Maner#. who ported *s,(Win bond for the miniiter. After exhausting all court ap Rev, Cavers war ordered to (t oy, try;run ns cxc.r yj UNIONS CALL S7 RIKE ~~ members of htutorial Maritime Union picket Grace two* termi nal early June 16 th alter five maritime unior is ; gnored an appeal from President Kennedy and 1 called a three-coast strike against shipowners. {UP! PHOTO). NATIONAL MEET ORATOR— Or William R Strainer, presi dent of Shaw University, nil! peak at the National Sundae Nyßorti and RTt Congress in Saint Lonis, Afi*#otiri on Friday June 73. Fresidcni Sira«*ner ha# f Bra.- 'i- NAACP The < fcarlotte Branch Labor Committee appeared before the Charlotte City Council re cently. and made a pica for Negroes to he emp!o\cd in all governmental agencies of the city on an equal h.tsi* with other citizen* The NAACP asked the city rouni iimen to issue a policy statpient making It *fear that th* employment policy- of the ci*v of fbarlnti# is nwn-discrfrainafnry and that every individual ;s er*H|#d to employment on the basis of his qualification* The NAACP charged ‘hat at f h* (CONTWVED ON P \C,t 2) “Jubilee Day Is Observed ,i (j Kabala Temple, No i7" Ac.cu j Egyptian Arabic Order. Monies Os ; The Mystic Shrine, ob.se.- vt-n i Jubilee Day Service at Oh* ; ! Baptist Church, with Dr, Grady D : Davjg pastor of ‘he- church and ; dean of the School of PGigion a» Shaw University, delivering the message, recently. This service i* held yearly in order for Shriner* to rommem orate and celebrate the dav The Supreme Court of the r nited State* rendered its de rleion. thus giving them i« Shriner#, the right to continue their existence, and to perform .their sacred ancient custom*, tradition# and functions un molested. The Daughter * Os T- ■ -a- ;<:! :v to the Shrine joined the.. brotHri' for The exercise i , At the last meeting of The Tern fCGNTWCBO ON PKC.f 2> PRICE 15c Find Body Floating In Stream W FNDELL A Wsfe;* County i husband claims i~ 5 >» ;f» nffer ‘■='3 to p?v him to take her to a rive- bridge so she could commit ■r■ c -t 1* -r - - the Wake i ~ j -*> ■. < -* R<. >- n ■ it:"out s bond Deputy Nyh.«riff r r Oosti said he bolding Robert Ad am* - - year-e*U| roan stj; pi. cion ny murder after bis \s ;fe, 1 Mrs Lae Ell# Adrmr. vtys found drowned Sunday morning in I (file River. The body «,-g? dire r =red hr f;?h fV? rv,pp .■ .'-c* •*; - Ti 3 * r- A 3 ;-y •; f ’ '"’c- of i- s H r'.', gv bd rr • - rg c f ■ c r: B ; 'r. d -near (CONTTNX'ED ON PAGE 2) 135 Students Ask Transfer At Durham DURHAM s' :c:Tnfcr--i =r- Lw j Banner, of Durham's City School Bogcri ha? rrmv'ed rhr receipt r{ sppi .cations fro. 135 Dca.■ r. stu ! dcnTs rC'CjtJf '- *: o r p-gpefeve tn white schools Hannon said that he will consider the apph.- a«:or.'. 1 which were made last week The nipt yaid that the appltca 11on5. wo- •1 d hr■ rev \ o■». ed s’ gr ! ly meolins of the school beard, al j though no date has been | Asking to be admitted t , eight I all-white schools where #54 of tb*- j applicants. i Other apheations u ;--md ?;« for tro.vnst i n o\ r\r,s z> Stale News Brief MILDER NEW < VROLIMAN AG EM SMITHFJELD P. O Wilde: | operato-- of a nigh? c ,b tn hmi’h- I field. 1? now the nrcitlation a,Jen' i for The CAROLINIAN nr< pimr-r ! County area Mr Wilds r, who will handle local news and phot..graphs I for me paper, solicits paven ! ace RALEIGH WOMAN INrd U VI SRS \\ H H ( Po f. R \LEIGH Mrs Charles I, Hatcher of Raleigh will re lire August i after completing ff OSTtNt E O ON PAGE ’> Elections To Be Discussed Here Saturday Conducting union election* r compliance with provisions of thf Labor-Management Reporting an' Disclosure Act of 1959 is one of the important subjects to be cov 'ird at the labor school here Sat urday morning. Lem R, Bridge;,, area direct** (I ONTWtiED ON PAGE 2)