Baby Drowns In Pai THE COROLINIAN «■•/. * *-> .. —' • North Carolina’s Leading Weekly VOL. 20, NO. 38 City’s School Board Admits 2nd Student To Murphey By Robert Williams, Others: Ml' P«»I Picketed 9 Persons Surround Facility MONHOE Th° citv-o- A -ned “white" swimming poo- • «. a? pic keted by nine Negroes Sunday. A crowd of 250-300 whiT-r were > ro tators. City police, sheriffs off e'- er- and highway patrolmen were also present. There were tie threats r>r tielcnre. according in union County Sheriff D Nh°lly Grif fin. Snip? shouts of ’‘Car.irn’* and similar remarks were « , re r t«d toward Robert F Wil liams. leader of the picket- Williams is an official of 'n« local NAACP and a national figure in the. "Pair Play for Cuba" move ment (CONTINUED OS PAGE 2) Charlotte Pupil Case Dismissed CHARLOTTE Judge Wilson Warlick has signed s decree .n U S District. Court dismissing the integration case in which eight Ne gro children attempted to obtain admission to Derita school in rural Mecklenburg. The action was brought a fainst the old Mecklenburg Countv school board in 1959. (The board has since merged with the city board). Judge (CONTINUED 0V PAGE 2) 2 Governors Are Greeted By Signs SAN FRANCISCO—Twenty-eight governors flew to Honolulu Satur day for a conference in Hawaii and two—John Patterson of Alabama and Ron Barnett of Mississippi were picketed in connection with the jailing of “Freedom Riders" in their states. Among the placards in the quiet (CONTINUED ON PAGE t\ CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS rr ,„„ RUV FROM THEM PAGE 2 Duals’* Esso Service Hortons Cash store PAGE 3 Winn-Dixie Stores Um*te*d Transfer & Grocery Wholesale Electric Suppi.i inc. Martin Mill work Co PAGE 5 Hudson-Belk Co The Capital Coca-Cola Bottling Co. fUleigh Savings A Loan Association Gem Watch Co, 5 M. Young Hardware Auto Discount Co. Central Drug Co. PAGE S Southern Bell Gus Russos Hatters & Cleaners tightaei- Funeral Homs Washington Terrace Apts. Inc, Mechanics & Farmers Bank Electrical Wholesalers, Inc. PAGE 7 Weaver Bros. PAGE S Colonial Stores, toe. It t. Punstfcur* Co, first CltLcni, Rank St Trust. Co. 6 (and art! Concrete Products Co. C. Sari tJcfctmafl Lawrence Bros. PAGE A&5? Food Store* Came’-on-Stnvwn Co. Stjrestt/i** Store* RALEIGH N C. SATURDAY JULY 1. 1961 t' RLE DOM /.;.. .J..S it. ; URN —A groop of freedom Fid c. <■ tell reporters of thro c•. oeriencea at a pres-- conference in New York. Left to right. Dr. Daniel Stern, Great Neck, medical intern*- at Bellevue Hospital Mr- Laura Randall. Columbia graduate student; Rev. Leslie Smith. Albany. Minister of AME Zion Chan el. Mrs. Dupree White. South Ozone Park. N. Y ; Francis Ran dall. assistant histors prose- or at Colombia; and Ralph Diam ond. vice president of VAW Lora! 239 and group leader of the Freedom Riders. The group, w ho arrived by plane from Florida, said that they were generally sue* essful." (UP! PHOTO). Four Youths Indicted On Rape Charges Here Four Raleich youths >.'»re indict ed on charges of committing the capital crime of rape in two sep arate hills returned by the Wake County Grand Jury Monday Leon Jones, 19. of 102 S. Fisher St. David Lee Foster, lfi. of 307 N. Carver St., and Isaac Lee Tr of B-5 Washington Te -ace. were charged with raping Mammie Mc- Neil of 816 S Bounds;-' St., last May 27 Two of the youths Jones and Lee. stated that the;. Mere unable to pay for an atto'.nev to represen ( them in court. Judge William Y Bickett appointed Attorney R I McMillan to represent them Mc- Millan already had been retained to represent Foster. Branch Banking A Trust Cc Hurricane Fence Co. 1-AGt 10 tl.oouwoith cl lcurlsl Ridgeways Opthians Inc. 7-Up Bottling Co. DUJion Motor Finance t. o. Watson seafood & Poultry Deluxe Hotel Warner Memorials Pepsi-Cnia Bottling Co ot Raleigh PAGE 11 American Credit Co Seven-Up Bottling Co. Joy's \"ic:lran r.'rt" Bufialoc a Company. Builders O. W. Dodd Raleigh Furniture Co. G. S. Tucker Bros Inc. Browning’s Rather Shop Sherman's Gull Service FACE 14 Thomas i id Market F.»sse Jewelers Tire Distributors PAGE Id Hunt’s General Tire Co. Lincoln Theatre Raleigh Funeral Home Dunn's Esso Service Arms Realty Co. Raleigh Seifcod ( u Tsvlor* r'ad'io A TV Service riggiy-wiirglv Sevthern Furniture Wholesale Co. Ambassador Theatre The other indictment charges Le roy Gordon, 38. of 509 Rosengardon St., with raping Betty Mae Deßose of 6(111 W Lenoir St. May 7. Gordon was arraigned for trial (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) j iio-1 To tia^e sa£e Holldav Don’t try to cover too many mi' Q y Be prepared for heavy holi day traffic. jet an early start and paus for rest occasionally, Hold back your sped, j Don’t drink before driving. J Be courteous on the road. , Summed up. "Drive to arrive j alive." TRAMPLE VICTIM Miss Ethel Waits, 18, of Manhattan, is carried off police launch hy firemen and police after she was trampled by cc ,Ls waiting to get aboard the Wilson Linen excur s/on beat ‘Hudson Belle ' docked at the \s4th Street West Side Pier. Officials of the La Dome Club, who chartered the boat, discovered that some of the tickets being presented were forged, A near riot ensued and police and firemen were palled scene in New York. (UPI PHOTO): 3rd Grader Accepted At SchoDl Gere The second Negro student war accepted 1 01 admittance to a formerly all-white school Tuesday d>o ing a regular meeting of the Rale ' h School Board. Miss < ro!.- n Yvonne Wash ington. S-ycar-old daoghtoi nf Mr. and Mrs. J. (; Washing ton. 7(i5 L Eden ton btreH. was a :rn-d In M'Whb' • ~->i v h" will b- in (hp ihird grade in September- Ac' on " si, deferred fc>, *h r board on the application of anoth er student.. Miff Pose Marie Ellis also daughter of Mr and Mrs. J. C Washington, who seeks to en ter Needham Broughton High School. She is presently attending •J W. Limn Jr.-Sr Hitrh School (I OMIN! F;n ON PAGE >) Child Is Victim Cf Drowning Fayetteville”— Sandra o inm Mclntyre, a six-month-old sdrl. was found drowned Monday m a bucket beside a bed. accord ins to Cumberland Counsy offi cers. She was one of four children left in the care of her 10-year-old sister. The habit was given artificial respiration by officials, but wa dead on arrival at a nearby hos pital. Police said the oldest sister, Sophia Mclntyre, told them her parents had left her in charge of the four younger children. She said she had gone to a nearby home to borrow a wash tub and left the baby on the bed. She related that when she re (CONTNN'UED ON PAGE 2> .1 ’ . ... . ' PRICE 15c RECEIVE' AWARDS AT PUBLISHERS' CONVENTION —This picture shows the principals at the National Newspaper Publishers Convention The awards were made, at the recent an nual meetin/2 held at Cleveland , Oh’o. Shown left to right Wi’* ham O Walker. President NNPA ; Mis* Althea Gibson, champ- Miss « \rhington , , . srrpp(pf| at Murphrr Man Given 7-10 Yean in Stabbing FAYETTEVILLE Villi*? Elli- T s plumb*-: - of Fayetfe Vie. .-ho shot a special o ~ruu v *.* ith a ® u ■ «v.®n the c suegedi' 1 came to repossess a television set Monda - was sentenced to 7- Ift years in prison when he pleaded guilty to assault with s deaiy wea pon with intent to kill Deputy Harvey ( .Her. ,Tr «as her r*i< - i/tc' - nine da* > from effects of the 12-gauge -hntpun Ma-t v bjrh struck him in the upner right shoulder anrl chest. Despite his wound, farter fir ed h>- pit ol at Elliott four times as the plumber sped *- may in his automobile, Judge Hamilton Hobgood gave the sentence following the plea. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) GODSENDS BT ROBERT G. SHEPARD Bring ye all the riches unto the stnrF house and prove me now herewith, saiih the Lord of hosts." TRACTORS FOR FREEDOM" Now that the much-publicized Tractors for Freedom" deal with Cuba's strong man, Fidel Castro is apparently off. we would like to suggest In President. Kennedy that instead of allowing the U. S. Com mittee thai was handling this mat ter to disband, he put it to work here in the U. S. A. Hundreds of persons were jailed in Castro's Cuba In an a (CONTINUED ON PAGE 31 Publishers Report Successful Meeting CLEVELAND. Ohio The Na • tionai Newspaper Publishers As sociation closed the most success ful convention that has been held since the organization was organ ised. here Saturday, with the Cleveland Call A - Post as host The three-dav meet discuss ed every phase of the news paper. with an ere singled in closer look at the local rein ward a better product and munity. It was the conecn sns of opinion that each pap er owed its respective locale a definite sen ire and that the ioh should he done for c’rrv segment of the com i t 1 CHARGES BIAS Former head of the Now Rochelle branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored Tropic Reverend H Dewitt Bul lock Is shown during a press conferenep at the NAACP office in New York June 22nd. At the conference the clergyman, call ed for an investigation of alleg ed bias in two milk companies He also suggested a boycott of the firms which he said do not hire Negro truck drivers. (UPI PHOTOi Prosecution Refused In Shepard Case PHILADELPHIA <ANF> For the second time within two rears Samuel Shepard last, week walked out of court a fr c * man after b* 5 - in? accused of rape when a 25 year old professional dancer who said he attacked and raped her In an automobile refused to testify. Shepard. 34-year-old mar ried son of Rev. Marshall Shepard. nationally known minister and member of the, cif.v council, escaped proscru tion on a similar charge in July 1959. Shapely Vicki Diaz, whose real name is Victoria Gadson. said she didn't want to testify against the truck driver because she wanted to put an end to the matter and because, she felt the Shepard had learned a lesson. SAID HE'S “VERY SORRY" “I believe he will think twice (CONTINUED ON PAGE ?) Man Held On Burglary Rap A 27-year-old man. Fenway Car michael, waived preliminary hear ing in Raleigh City Court Friday or\ a charge of first degree burg lary—a capital offense He ws« bound over for serial in Superior Court. Carmichael, houseboy for N C. State College basketball coaen Everett Case, was accus ed of entering a white woman’s apartment early Friday. (CONTINUED ON PART » ion tennis s tar now considering a golfing career lohn S.tng stacks publisher Chtcagn Defender * r ; * = n~r>e.- N ' ?- hnt. Howard University president, arc Lester B Granger, Urban League, head. News gathering cue to the fact, that the whole papet is built ir, and around its readers, was the matn topic. It was generally a crecd that too many news stones are being trussed about the rank and file It was also agreed that the greatest opportunity to serve the community as a puhhc ser vice agency w - as in the fact the: the newspaper should and mu.-. ZC Closes Parks; No “Mixing” COLUMBIA S f < if.-f _ There s a possibility that South Carolina v,]’ run Out of parks be fore Nf- crops >-in tee right to en joy them Le t -week the -te'r rj r ’'.rb dr • Rectui Park temporal’; *o itr be ng entered b- * *g.— cr - -i 'ho claim they ha-- - * a right to enjo-- it as tax na-ing citizens But there is a posribiiit' that the nark mav be shut down permanent 1V Eediston Beach State TV- k on the coast ie now - closed and ;HL a' - the legislature voter] m te'6 *o rlo-- it in the face of a legal -uv ■ bv Negroes in federal court in Charleston. (CONTINUED ON PAOI 21 S State News i Brief L ! ROI N'D OV ER IN WIFE'S HEATH SMITHFIELD Robert. Adam, 36-year-old Negro of Wendell. Pn 1. is being held in the Johnsfot C untv jail here without bond on suspicion of killing his wife At a Friday morning hearing in Smithfield before Justice of Ibr Peace E. C. Jones, a prob able cause" of murder was (CONTINUED ON PAIrF 2) NOTABLES CONFER —Miss Sumitra Gandhi, granddaugh | ter of the late Mohandas K. Gandhi, one-time leader of India's \ millions, talks with Dr. Ralph J. Bunche, United Nations under | sarcetary and 1950 Nobel Prize winner, at Clark University's 71#f j commencement last week. Miss Gandhi was awarded a master ol i arfs degree in international relations. Dr Bunche gave the com- J mencement address and received an honorary doctor ol laws de grm have the pulse h*at of the com munity There was a tendency to tone down crime, and to build con structive stones on the accom plishments of the people of ths community The publisher? brought out the fact that advertising was predi cated upon the impact that th; new,; paper?, had upon the coni mun \i y ?, nr] th it ro u Id on 1 v bf t* - fleeted in th< - circulation figure* It. was also noted t-hsi the product must, be made attract me so a? to draw the attention of the rraom end to make an impression on the poten 1 :?! reader The fart 'hat 'be ! >vl 3 -i fail A post produced an go. p 3 te r» p.* nrv :• f h-> j•.r- r. ihe rn «?*{. 1 i a' ;v pr;; r ' »jr r i r: n •J s rr»*rnfiv installed O-f --sf-i R«tan' r : Thr pu’ 'i V f»rs a ;:;?*?cfi th :* l s v?' s i'v ova** f ?ri in n~- • *'<■•r f? 1? (' fi ■: :•« •’ T> f] fr 11 { u 1 ' j t 1 ' 7 S thf answer to a be*i-rr pro rhjri CA P ’ T,IN’I * F•• ' r :h N ICON'TI> -VET* O’- PA" t ,m 14 | !j gg fe >i ■-£ _ I t ¥ I f Rb « » *ki ■&*, fel !e..L - T 5. - 15« e tLV ? g*£ L i -k te It., YMC A A\ i it bemg oh •: i Hus ■ -=k :n an ef fort to the ~ 'eo'.h'r:hip enrollment fiuo-.a of I Vino , h-r? been reached with more good re uorts expected this week it. was uated Campaign Icadrw -nr) their incomplete rrport* a of 21 were as follow-? Dr. T H. Harri-. SiTnc. J I Ra.'orci, 5137.75 Joseph Demfsey, >122- iroMiM i. > on !>AOt n The flvp-da\ weather foreran for Ftaleigh. becoming Thursday, nine and continuing through Mnn« day. .Julv a, is a*- followst Temperatures will average ncal normal or somewhat below norma!. \ slow warming trend is expected. Normal high and low temperature* wTI be 8h and *>') degree* Rainfall is expected if' r< *eh three-quarters of an in’ h and w ill occur a 8 show ers or thunderstorms.

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