THE CASOLQfIAX RALEIGH, N. C , SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER t. %m 18 112,000 Tar Heel Workers To Benefit From lew Federal Minimum Wage Law At least 162,000 Tar Heel worker? , will receive cay increeases as a 1 result of new Federal minimum j wage legislation which becomes ef fective cm September 3. 1931. On that date, the present $L9@ an hour minimum for j FIIIt R E IV T IMS Cross St, S Reams & Bath #iP 9 156 1 Cross St. $ 50 j % Rooms & Bath *P § LAWRE.M'E BROS. inr»irin"’^«“‘^ Celebrating Our 47th Year 'Through the past 47 years A we have had the privilege of sharing the responsibility of the saddened hours experienced ::r have prepared ourselves at the Raleigh Funeral Home in the r.JpS rellpSp knowledge and through many " rears of experience to aid you in meeting the practical details of a common-sense burial for any one—no matter what station or position in life he or she may have held, Our first and most cherished desire is to serve. We can best do this throw 1 our well-trained personnel, an up-to-date mortuary, modem rolling stock and quality merchandise, at the best possible price. Because of quantity-buying our prices cannot be better for the quality received. Metal Casket Funeral Less Than SSOO Raleigh Funeral Home Day and Ni&hf Ambulance Service 322 E. CABARRUS ST, DIAL TE 2-2835 i boost the earnings of as esti mated 147.06 ft employees, Crane stated AFFECTED GROUPS Large groups of employees will be affected in the apparel, food, lumber, tobacco and textile indus tries. and lesser numbers in sever al other industry groups, the Labor Department estimates show. Approximately 26,000 employees will receive pay increases in ap parel manufacturing, where the earnings of 34,40(1 worker' current ly employed average $1.22. DRIVE SAFELY At A And T: W' fTIWT ‘ Orientation Os Freshmen Is Planned GREENSBORO - New fresh man students, entering A&T Col lege this fall, will particiapte in orientation procedures set to be gin early Monday morning, Sept ember 11. The date marks the beginning of both the 70th aeadmic year for the college and the observance of the Land Grant College Centen nial A busy, week-long program has be n arranged to aid the newcom ers in adjusting to their new sur rounding? and to clear necessary details leading to final registration Jimmie I Barber, dean of and chairman of the Freshman Orientation Committee, said this week that the program rails for a genera! assembly of al! freshmen and transfer stu dents to be held in Harrison Auditorium «rt Monday. Sep tember li, beginning at 8:66 o'clock. I Erskine i I (Qod't LfitteA" '' I Caldwell^ 1 most I misbehavin' I 1 female,,, ft DwMl fimSsh STARTS SUNDAY PIPS am & wmmmtm. st. t% s-imc Do's And Penis It's Just As Easy To Throw It In TheTrssh Basket DEAR SALLY BY SALLY SHAW DEAR SALLY: Whoever said that offices were "happy hunting grounds" for females on the look out for males’ I'm 29, considered attractive, a good dresser, and a good conversationalist —but this is mv eighth year in this office, and my score is zero! There are plenty of men around, but they re now either too young or already mar ried. and the married gals in the office wouldn't even dream of i introducing us single ones to any eligible men. It's gotten to a point | where I don't even bother too much i about dressing attractively for work anymore .. I have an ad ! vanned ease of "what's the use. The pa-v in this office is good, but I'm bored stiff with the work, and : the people So what can I do. VERA. DEAF VERA Anyone who is bowl with her work as you seem te he can’t be doing a very food .job, and is prob ably wasting: her time and short-changing her employer. You probably need a fresh start in a fresh .inb. And inci dentally, it's not smart to re lax in the matter of dressing attractively . . . because .just as soon a* on do, "Mr, Right” is going te happen along, and mu'll far I mighty uncomfort able about your appearance! DEAR SALLY: There's a fellow in our crowd that, swore off smok ing a month or so ago. But what he really seems to have done so far is swear off BUYING his own j cigarettes. He has become the; champion cigarette moocher in; town and a comparison of notes among the rest of us fellows has i turned up an estimate of at least 25 cigarettes bummed from vari- j ous ones of us during the past two days. I gently hinted to this fel low- the last time he mooched a cigarette from me and he told me that if he doesn't carry a pack with him it will help him to cure the habit What do you think a bout this? SAM DEAR SAM Why don’t yon fallows get together and re solve to adopt a real helpful interest in Mr. Moocher’s res olution? Whenemr he asks one of you for a cigarette, say. ‘"No sir I'm going to co-operate 3nd help rop to slop the hab it”’ DEAR SALLY: We have two j children who are very well behav- j ed as a. result, of firm handling i My husband in particular does not j believe in tolerating any impu- : dence or nonsense in kids Last j night we were visiting in the home j of his brother and his wife and j their six-year-old son was giving my husband fit.?. He kept batting my husband op the head with a roll of newspaper Neither my bro ther-in-law nor his wife tried to correct th e boy, but. I could see that, my husband was trying his best to control himself. Then sud den!;'. the kid let loose and gave mv husband a terrible kick in the ; ankle Mv husband quickly turn- j *d the boy around gave him a very hard swat on the seat of his ; pants. The hoy yelled and ran to his mother, my husband was se- ; verely reprimanded by both par- ; ents. and we left very soon after. ! Eve heard and read that nobody j has the right, to administer pbysi- ’ cal punishment on someone ease's kids' Have you anything to say shout, this? MBS T DEAR MRS. T,: Yes IDO have i something In say-—GOOD for your husband! DEAR BALLY: During the early part of this summer I dated the most wonderful boy He gave ev- ! erv indication that, he was as much : attracted to me as I was to him | Then he left on a prolonged vaca- I Mon with his folks and I haven’t | received one little note from him j —and after all those sweet things; he whispered into my ear. One of j his boy friends now tolls me that h»> will he home next week How i should I act, when I run into him? Should I at* for an explanation or Why did he forget me? Haven’t I a right to know this? MAE. DEAR MAE: Be pleasant and friendly, but refrain from any | third degrees. |p fact, why should you let him know that you felt “forgotten”? If there’s some logical explanation for his failure to write, he’ll vol unteer the information If he wants to—-and if he doesn't want to, your questions will only embarrass both of you and get you nothing. TO DORIS: Any man that, would ; monopolize four years of a girl’s> time and then break off on the I plea that he Isn’t good enough for j her is probably right. You simply | must do your best to forget him. j and you would do well to follow' his I advice and find another man "who j is more deserving of you" Iht Old I