HU CAROUNUU* RALEIGH, N. C.. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 8. 1962 8 NOTE ON CULTURE—Students at A&T College last w eek were treated to a lecture demon Mixtion on modem end bullet dancing by Mr-. Dorothy Berea Silver, left center, former member ol the famed Martha Graham Dancers and instructor m dancing at the University of North C atohna She chats with Sh tley Ra k•. Wilson; Lloyd Snath. Florence. S. C . and Con-tella Davis Burling- Repairs to Any TV, Radio Phono, Hi-Fi or Small Appliance. SMnTsERVICEr TAYLOR RADIO & TV SERVICE ‘•The House Service Built" CALL TE. 2-3950 224 E. MARTIN ST. RALEIGH il®||L Saw at j |IH First-Citizens! 'Y*' SAFETY Snce Co.?oSn amt protect*) by . tank that hay over 62 years experience to safeguarding savings. IMMEDIATE AVAILBILITY There are no waiting periods before vou can withdraw savings. They are available to you. m cash, at any turn 3Sb GUARANTEED INTEREST First-Citizens guarantees its interest rates. Savings earn 3% guaranteed interest—the highest rate which any ban! Member Federal Deposit Insurant:* Corporation " fOUR CREDIT IS GOOD AT QUINN’S Freshen Up Your Home now with the Best Distinctive Furniture R. E. Quinn Furniture Co . 108 E. Martin St, Your Capital City Td. TE 2-4-47] '■tefe'-* 4. : ';jo ; . ■:! I j LAST MINUTE PLANS—Show n above are Mrs. Thelma Daley. Mrs. Elnora x Kee. Mrs. Hortense Fleming, and Mrs. Gila Hams. This is the Steering Committee for the 1962 Jabberwock which will be -taged rn Raleigh Memorial Auditorium February 10fh at 8 p. m. These four Deltas are talking over last minute de tails for the scholarship benefit e\trf}\aganra which is one of the annual protects of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. : DEAR SALLY RV SAI Ll’ SFUW DEAR SALLY im an English j girl. married to an American, and i now I'm wondering just what is j wrong with my husband. For a i number of months now he s gotten ! into the habit of not talking to me j for a few days at. a time. I don’t : know w’ny. Whenever Ivr asked I what is wiong. he replies. "If you j haven't got enough brains to figure it out. 1 can t help you " These si - j lent moods arc making me very | nervous, and 1 need advice badly. ; Is this just a .typical American kind ! of behavior, or what? MTNDY. DEAR MINDY: This no! ty pically American you just happen to have a rhildishly | immature husband, and you'll find his kind in every country. I doubt lhat his spells of si lence h.ue anything to do with you, and you're just playing I into his hands whenever von try to noddle or wheedle him | out of them There are.certain people vv ho, when things go wrong elsew here, often take it out on those about them I sus gest th it when your husband goes inio another one of his sulking spells, you just let him *u!k MOM DEAR SALLY- In these days of j scientific achievement why hasn't j someone come up with an inven tion to heal and mend a broken heart'’ Or a pill that will make you ; forget a .shattered romance’ 1 met i this wonderful sir! last summer, i and last, week she told me we were 1 finished just like that' I reali-’e j this is nothing new. but just what | ooes » guy have to do to keep a ! girl” l treated her like a queen, j bought hey nice gifts, took her to | interesting places, and T even con , tided to her my innermost thoughts ! and dreams. On ton of all this, I I'm considered very good-looking. But still and all. she dropped me like a hot potato I guess I just don’t understand women, but I do know T'm not going to give anoth er girl an opportunity to do what this one has done to me. There must be lots of other guys who feel t ! he -ame way, aren't there i TERRY. DEAR TERRY: All guys and gals have their romantic ups and downs. Seriously, von didn't have a chance of going through life w itbont at least one little hit of a broken heart - no more chance than you have of not failing in love again, you may be kidding yourself | that this one girt h"s complete iy changed your attitude to ward women, hut you’re not kidding anyone else and I predict a happy romance for you within another year DEAR SALLY: What can T do a bout a certain well-meaning neigh bor who's constantly in my hair. She visits me every morning at a bout 9 a. m. She has no children, gets tip at the crack of dawn, does all her housework, and by 9 o'- clock she's ready to go calling. By i this time I have only succeeded in i getting my husband and children off to work and school, and would R. F. Wat. Tells How He Escaped To Castro’s Cuba WINSTON-SALEM Rober, F. I Williams, former NAACP Chapter j presided at Monroe who 'led to ! Cuba after lie was indicted for I kidnapping a white couple lasi Au j gust, escaped to Cuba "via the un j derground railroad" he said in a j telephone interview over Radio [Station WTOB here Wednesday. He said he escaped a raid of law enforcement officers with the ! assistance of friends and headed (north to Canada and attempted to I reach Chiba from the Canadian east coast. The decoys reported to him that the airfields were covered, so he traveled west to Vancouver. Brit ish Columbia and then head'd South through Seattle and Los An- I cries to Mexico from which he j went to Cuba where he asked for ; political asylum. ' The lifetime quota of water usage .for the average person in the U.S. i is 3..100.000 gallons “Tire paradox is that the better the, fanner get.-, the less he gets (paid the hourly earning of ill | farmer today is 83 cents, and we I have a $1 50-an-hour minimum I w age law on the books.” Secretary 'of Agriculture Orville Freeman . lik® to be enjoying rr.v newspaper lover a second cup of coffee But I leant, do this with her sitting in the j kitchen And when I start on my j round of chores, she follows me | about- the shouse saving, “Don’t let me bother you. Just go ahead a' if 1 weren't here" You know this is impossible. T his business is fast getting me down. 1 like the wo man and don't wan! 1o hurt her feelings, but there's just too much togetherness. So, have you any suggestions on how to handle this? TIZZY DEAR TIZZY: Your problem does rail for special handling. Ibis is an insensitive woman v» ho has poor judgment besides, and I think nothing short of an out-and-out blase will ppnetrate her hide. Try this: "I love you and I love your company, hut I just CAN'T do my housework properly w hile you're visiting, Won't you please phone first before you visit me again?" DF.AR SALLY: I met this hoy last week and I iike him very much Before he left me. he took my phone number and .said he'd call me, but he hasn't vet. T'm in vited to a hie party next week and ho is invited, too 1 w ant. to go with him There's another hnv t I liw-rj to go i-ith hut since we broke | up, he now ignores me Should t try to make up with him so f ran go to the paid' with him or should I go stag” What do do? DEB nr \R DKR: There ARE more than ino boss tn the world If the other girls Inviting hoys, choose one t© Invite who does more than ignore yon Give him your attention, and have lots of fun. The new boy may envy him. A&T Receives NSF Grant GREENSBORO ~ A&T College has been awarded a grant of $58,- 700 by the National Science Foun dation for the operation of a Sum mer Institute for High School Sci ence Teachers. Receipt of the grant has been made by T,. C Dowdy, acting pre sident of t'he college He announc ed that Dr Gerald A. Edwards, chairman of the Department of Chemistry and author .f the pro posal, will head the Institute The Institute will be conducted for a period of six-weeks begin ning on June 11 and concluding on Ju'y 20. Six tv anpiieants will he selected | and will be awarded stipends of $75.00 per week during the period of study, plus $15.00 per week, per dependent and allowances for tra vel to and from home. Tuition and course fee will be waived Dr. Edwards said that applica tions will be accepted until Feb. 15. The average factory worker j | drew his biggest weekly pay check I 'in history in December: 85.82. I “Raise Hell For Rights”, Says Gloster B. Current At Meet CHARLOTTE Some 135 NAA CP adult and youth council and college chapter members spent a day in planning action in the area of fair employment practices for colored citizens during the largest attended Mid-Winter Conference of NAACP Tarheelia. The sessions were held at the Aklexander Hotel with state NAA CP president Kelly M. Alexander and Charles A. Mclean, field sec retary for Tarheelia, highly pleas ed with the large attendance, which Iney said was beyond their fondest hope. National office NAACP person nel participating included Gloster B Current, director of branches: Jack Greenburg. chief legal coun sel; and Herbert Hill, labor secre tary. all of New York. Also M'ss Julie Wright, southeast regional youth secretary. Atlanta, Ga. The division of the delegates showed 75 IT'S COLONIAL'S mm ifn mm » I Brand Names BONANZA! El FRESH TENDER GOV'T INSPECTED 16 lbs AND UP ~ 9 c S 3 TURKEYS. .. , 8-16 lbs.. " lb. 33c SPICES GOOD THRU FEB 3. I%^ OUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED. naturtend?* full cut round fresh, lean ground STEAK ... ib. 79c CHUCK 59c ] frosty morn sliced \ . IB ACsOSMI U.S. NO. 1 ALL PURPOSE WHITE FULL PECK g , POTATOES 15 39 ;==; JUICY, TANGY FLORIDA mHlllinlUnfc GRAPEFRUIT 5 S*29< L 2, ‘: 49 ' '' <. r iw> OLD FASHIONED WINESAP CRISP TENDFR PASCAL * APPLES 2 • 25c CILERY 2 STALKS LUCK'S SAVE 26c ON PURE SHORTENING 8Y... BEANS 1 M P'MOS, Novy sJewelJ 49 c RIG RUT! OUR PRIDE THRIFTY one with SSOO order *1 # m AO DIN NE R ROILS 10c * ™ I ' \ • r L ... r .a. * BONANZA BONUS' SAVE ON REGULAR SIZE 2 with SSOO order : c n , rA Coke— lo^ |ft SAVE 10c ON THIS BONANZA BUY... GILL'S HOTEL |f! RFG ' 0R DRip HHi p e Coffee ™59 c j HOT CUP COFFEE 7T 39< ONE POUND OF YOUR CHOICE WITH $5 00 ORDER OR MORE. I V {fill! SAVE 35c ON KOTEX SANITARY... REG, SUPER, SLENDERLINE i, “ Hopkins 3tS|Q2 McKenzie Frozen Peos e * FEO7fN U|lUAltl : BUCKEYK ” Orange Juice CROWDER 24-01 49 c «-OZ- QQ CREAM PEAS 24-ot 49c FIELD b SNAPS 24-ox 49 c CAN 39^ j BONANZA BUY! DELICIOUS LIBBY'S TOMATO GQH) JUICE IO 1 MMH : Tins . mwmw T iaw Aiti^ : e*J¥j toifos ! • /crx«jiiaaiafeiriiiiiai?isiagi(Lr~N DISCOUNT COUPON 5 Get finer gift, .. . 8 © £ . ... .1 M I f/~\ etwee of ony one«,(the Mowing produer hgC TOStCf With The worlds® YOU nrr '--I T2S«.ow*M»e«*» »«*.rtet.6oMli».i lew h« * w,/ wc S-t liie.ui . ie«e«fs Feck Coffee • . . . • .tjw 1 jflA ryrpi GiantSTt«S-b Jctn. ftp!. MuTmt £5 largest international miiuu mim lij.s7.csfre.-tiorMt.juio. rmec,ttc.,„ tr .i i« cm* STAMPS eZOoi rtf imiiiMe-m O Stamp plan! Volumes 2t025 (•"‘•■•tVIILUME NO« & & S* ‘AWI UNIVERSAL STANDARD ENCYC .OPEDIA/'^ s^ ■si jJSMjCM. {2 0 Oittt h^ood’oNiYWHiinooKri /il«i f ~ V V /Mj A»f ON SAIF IN STORE fe>L\ _ J 2808 S, Wilmington St « Cameron Village • Northside Center Glenwood Village ( adults and 65 college and youth i council members present. It was ; noted that the youths worked long ! into the evening in formulating j their plans for their 1963 attack up- j on segregation in all its forms. Mr. Current, himself a graduate j of the youth division of NAACP j from Detroit, declared. “We, in the NAACP. .have decided that vve are going 1o fight everything that is discriminatory". Current urged that NAACP branches “get. the I facts, plan t:hc attack and go into j action" in an all-out effort io get I more school integration in Ta’rhee lia where only ll of the 175 school districts now have even a token j of integration. “The Negro in America has been : silent too long, where his rights are concerned", Current said, add- j mg: "You must get out and raise hell everyday in an effort to get j your rights " “We want Negroes ' (Working everywhere we are sp*nd img our money". Current said, as he warned that one of the best ! ways to achieve that goal is 1 through selective buying tech- ! ; niques, Mr. Hill prod eel the delegates to ; return to their respective commit- | nities and courageously challenge . city, county and state employment i agencies to stop the long-existing j discriminatory hiring practices by j I flooding the offices with qualified i I applicants - even to the point of j : legal action. In this area, some de- ! legates reported progress. Edward Oplon, Jr., president, | North Carolina NAACP Youths, as- : fisted Miss Wright and Floyd B ! McKissick, Durham attorney, with the youth program. McKissick also 1 works closely with C. O. Pearson, | state legal chairman, who ho:,ted I a score or more lawyers in a speei- ; 1 a! session. Theme of the conference wac "The Task of NAACP in North Ca rolina". couple with the registra tion challenge. "If Your Name is Not in the Book, or You Don't Vote on Election Day, You’re a Man Without a Country.” The National Safety Council says “Be sure your wiper blades are in good condition. and have arm pres sure of one ounce p« mrh of blade length to sweep snow and sleet off instead of sliding over it.” Dead blades may make dead drivers. Check defroster too. You must see a hazard to avoid it.