18 THE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH, N. C., SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1965 BEHIND THE HEADLINES BY CHATWOOD HALL FOR NEGRO PRESS INTERNATIONAL KHRUSHCHEV VOTED: At a bout the time Alabama storm troopers were roughing up Negro vote in Alabama. Russia's deposed former fuehrer. Nikita Khrush chev, went, peacefully and unhind ered to a polling station and cast Congratulations 18th Johnston County Ham & Egg Show Martin-Mitcheil, Ltd. “it Means More From Martin-Mitcheil, Ltd.” Market Plaza Phone 934-2347 Smithfield, N. C. OPEN UNTIL 9:00 P.M. MONDAY & FRIDAY NIGHTS Congratulations TO THE HAM & EGG GROWERS OF JOHNSTON COUNTY Good Eating Begins With Good Bread MADE RITE BATTER WHIP SUNBEAM IS GOOD BREAD! Congra tu #« timn & Johnston County Main 4% Egg Growers DISTRIBUTED IN JOHNSTON COUNTY BT Jeffreys & Son® « 615 S. John St. Goldsboro, X. C. BUIE MOTORS, INC. (Mercury) Comet Smithfield Automobile WILSON CHEVROLET, INC. (Chevrolet) Covair PIPPm LITTLESPONTIAC, INC. (Pontiac) Studebaker HI i#l A fit ft WILLIAMS MOTOR, INC (Buick) UO Q |Q| f§ fl| § 11® GARDNER MOTORS, INC. (Plymouth) Valiant * * * Salutes The Johnston County Farmers * * * his vote in an election in Moscow Although he has been toppled from dictatorial power, citizen Khrushchev retained the constitu tional right to vote. Os course, there is only one poli tical party in Russia, and citizen | Khrushchev could vote only for | candidates approved by the rul ing Communist party. But citizen Khrushchev, and all other Soviet citizens, did vote un der a totalitarian dictatorship. THE ELITE: In the wake of the bloody and disgraceful events in Selma and Montgomery, Dr. Mar tin Luther King’s Southern Chris tain Leadership Conference