Tlfe CAROLINIAN R ILEIGH, x. C., SATURDAY, APRIL 10. I°C3 26 |PP§S||SHS 4<. wMs •'• V' THE BTONEY FORK % \l LEY BOYS, a quarter of Bluegrass (hillbilly) singers and musicians, who are all attending N. C. State, are pictured outside the Sidetrack Restaurant and Coffee House here. The young men performed at the Sidtrack last wekend, They are, standing, left to right: Victor i/owery, 20, a junior at State, whose major is metallurgical engineering, of Marshall: and Dale X. Lee, 20, also a junior engineer major, of Lawndale. Sitting, left to right, are: Burwood Edwards, sophomore political science major, of Greensboro; and Rodney Hutchens, junior pre-vetemary medicine major, of High Point. John Peden is operator of the Sidetrack, located on S, West Street, at Hargett, and is open to the public. (PHOTO BY ART ROG ERS). PATRON!ZE OUR ADVERTISERS They Appreciate \ our Business , ——, i i i i^ _ 1 - . r c-V i Combine your bills into one . , . Reduce your monthly poyrr.ents os much as 75% or more! sssfs <899 *• *IO,OOO FIVE YEARS TO REPAY 14 jr rr, ° r! 3 o '3* home owtrs, j .. w« 833-8639 m. j iiAiiiolnc.’ Room 249 505 Oberlin Rd. Raleigh Phone 833-8639 Welcome Teachers I FREE PERMANENT BEAUTIFUL "ORCHIDS" ’W ITH EACH $1.50 DRY CLEANING ORDER OAIGLINA CLEANERS *'Dependable s ? Branch Offices: COR. HAKGLTT & WILMINGTON & 112 W. MORGAN ! Plant: 122 HARRISON AVE. City-Wide Delivery Dial TE 2-8871 ■FAN’S AND RFGISTRARS’ HON’ORFFS lnt.malfonaf Busin,,, Machine, CorporaUon. Ne.v York., and The Coca-Cola Company, Atlanta, Ga„ were the recipients of 1965 “Plaques of Recognition ’ given for outstanding contributions to education by the National Association of College Deans and Reg istrars during its 39th annual convention held at Atlanta University in Atlanta. Ga. In top photo, J. Wil liam Pruett, right, public relations manager. The Coca-Cola Company, receives* plaque from Dr. Edwin M. Thorpe, left. NACDR, president-elect and director of admissions, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, while left and right, center, Paul E. X. Brown The Coca-Cola Bottling Company, and Moss H. Kendrix, Coca-Cola PR-representative, Washington, D. C. and Atlanta, Ga., witness. In bottom photo, Dr. Thorpe right, makes presentation to Dr. George Petrie. IBM, New York, while standing in. from left, are Wallace H. Stewart, IBM, Atlanta, and T. G, Faster, IBM, New York. Awards were made at IBM-sponsored lunch eon at Atlanta University for which Dr. Petrie was speaker. Encircled are Dr. Paul Clifford, right, AU reg 's‘ral; ar!f - Charles H. Boone, The Coca-C'c' Company. Center panel shows, from left, Mr. Kendrix, Gor don Bynum, Coca-Cola personnel departmer; Dr. Albert N. Whiting, NACDR retiring president, Morgan • tate College, Baltimore, Md,. Dr. Ralph C. M. Flvnt, associate commissioner for Educational Research and Development U. X. Office of Education, Washington, D. C„ Dr. Thorpe and William Bass, Coca-Cola pub lic relations department. The Coca-Cola representatives were host for reception for the Deans and Reg istrars held at the Americana Hotel, which with Atlanta University was headquarters for the convention. Raleigh’s Tree Society Saves 3 Oaks From Doom As a result of a petition, dated December 17, 1964, and signed by sixty-two civic minded, tree-lov ing citizens of Raleigh, two oak trees have been saved at the corn er of Hillsboro Street and Cox Ave. John R. Swain revised his plans for the new Voyager Motor Inn at considerable expense in order to preserve these trees which have for two-hundred and fifty years given beauty to Raleigh, On March 25. 1965, the Tree So ciety of Raleigh was chartered to assist, in an organized manner, the WANTED Boys To Sell Til CAROLINIAN In The Fayetteville Area If You Are Interested In Making Money On The Weekends ~, STOP IN AND INQUIRE! The Neighborhood Store 1405 Murchison Rd. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. ★ ★★★★★★★ Contact Any of the Following, Boys for YOUR CAROLINIAN in Fayetteville each week! QUINCY HOCKLEY JOHNNIE HOLMES 86? Ellis Street Pierce Street —•- s ALFRED EVANS, JL Seabrook Bead LONNIE HOLMES » Pierce Street RODERIC HODGES * .... Orange Street Circle _# BILLY MOORE WALTER HAIRE Elliott Street Pennsylvania A verms & CHARLIE MoCBIMMON EMMANUEL STRATTLEat Washington Drive Fteher Street preservation, beautification and improvement of lands in and a round the City of Raleigh. The Tree Society wishes to express appreciation to Willie York for saving two large oak trees on the property located next to the Velvet Cloak Motor Hotel, on which an addition to the motel is to be built, IBM’s new building in the 700 block of Hillsboro Street was planned so as to save the trees on the Hillsboro Street side as well as on St. Mary’s and West Morgan ,> 4 V-.L 1 i| ll ,4« wseior-amei, tmptytsg, pabttc ssi% omptef Streets. Branch Bank and Trust Com pany, located at Oberlin Road and Hillsboro Street, gave con sideration to the trees on their property, and as a consequence, the trees have been saved. On Highway 1, North, the West inghouse Meter Division enhanced their property by saving a pine woods and by planting magnolia trees and grass, thereby giving one section of beauty to the Beltline. Dr. Thomas F, Cannon, new ly-elected president of the Tree Society, said. -‘Membership is open to citizens interested in trees and the natural beauty of Raleigh. The Society plans to actually plant trees for the fu- OVER 1,000 TROPHIES IN STOCK now At JOHNSON-LAMBE CO. Best Selection of Trophies and Plaques in North Carchna TROPHIES - CHARMS - CUPS - PLAQUES - RIBBONS Special Prices For Schools - Recreation Departments • Bowling League* * Clubs * Churches and Organizations 'gb>Z+‘\ ft” Engraving; Drive Fast VJWW Service if Fh«» te *-BM* Parking —■■■■■■■■'. '■ ■■ Goods mS, Salisbury Si, Raleigh, H. a mammmmmma JS, ! ture. It hopes to build public t opinion among adults and school children toward the ap preciation of our city’s natural beauty and its properly planned development. The need for planning, planting and preserv ing our tree# is essential.” Membership Chairman. Mrs. A |F. Henderson, has expressed the hope that ail Raleigh citizens ap- ! predating the beauty of trees will | join this effort t.o plant, save and I inspire trees. She stated, ‘ Three ; thousand is a conservative estimate I for membership this year!” ALL THINGS considered, the wonder to most, of us is how we ever survived what we have been j i through. I Giving thanks always fur all things.—(Eph. 5:20) The giving of thanks is so rewarding that we ail want to take an active part in thanks giving if we have an experi ence that makes up happy, let us tell God that we are thank fui ATTEND THE CHURf R W YOUR CHOICE *U\'IS AY To a ffttfe g?r! like Mary a few pennies may seem to be a kit of money. In her world a penny will buy things sNi wants. Things such as a piece d candy or gum or a bailoon. Mary is penny-conscious. Even so, she may not realize that a penny spent for electricity now will buy more than half again as much electric service as a penny did 25 years ago when her Mom was a little girl. Or that in Caro lina she gets more electricity for a penny than most people who live other places in the United States. The average price which CP&L customers pay for elec tricity they use in their homes is about 22 percent below the na tional average. How has CP&L been able to keep the price of electricity com ing down while most other things have been going up? By install ing larger, more efficient gen erating plants; by adopting im proved methods of transmitting and distributing electricity; and by working hard to introduce every reasonable economy, so that your penny will buy more.